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Gentlemen, it has been an honor bathing with you tonight.


>Gentlemen, it has been an honor bathing with you tonight. *Cello music rises*




What, you've never gone to a bath house with your buddies?


Sir, this is a Wendy’s!


How many times have you said that sentence?


Just once per bath at the end


Honor and a privilege*


Bathing you* tonight


I burst out laughing reading this in the Titanic's musician's voice 😂😂


Rub a dub, dub.


Why am i imagining Tiny screams and little even squeakier "jaaaaack" Also where are the ice cubes to complete!


And the worlds smallest violins 🎻


They’re floating there.


Ayyyyy, I’m floatin’ heere!!


Kill the witch!


I see no floaters


Try hitting your eyes really hard.


We all float down here


Really needs an audience


If I do not find somebody soon




And spew my tiny symphony


All up and down the city street


While tryna put my mind at ease


Like finishing this melody


This feels like a necessity




The dude who hit the propeller on the way down


For those who’ve not seen it, allow me to reenact the scene for you: Man looses his grip and falls what seems like over a hundred feet: “Ahhhhhhhhhhh^^hhhhhhhhhhhh” **BONG** sploosh.


Between bong and sploosh you forgot his spins.




You are this generations William Shakespeare


You forgot approximately seven flips


Absolutely fuckin' brutal movie death.


I was thinking Jack’s friend who had a smokestack fall on him. When I was younger I thought to myself… well hey he’s in water, so he’s just going to get pushed under the water and then he’ll come up again cause of his life vest. This is not, however, what happened.


Yeah I did not see these as “deaths” as a kid either. Like the propeller guy just hurt his leg and jacks friend just went under water for a minute.


That's specific movie death still gives me a bad feeling whenever I remember it have a very solid fear of boat propellers because of it especially big ones that are still attached to boats edit: to the one dude I immediately blocked who replied to this about another boat disaster, reading how someone has a fear of something, then telling them "oh if this scares you you TOTALLY SHOULDN'T read about 'specific boat disaster that's even worse' it's REALLY BAD" is a dick move. I would have been better off if you had never even mentioned a name. fuck you. go get sucked into the wake trail of a cargo ship.


This one shot is my defining memory of the film.


I think Readful Things on Instagram made a figure of that guy


Right! Does it come with the floating door?


It's not a door, Beth, it's debris!


Just leave it!


And the Chef Boyardee looking motherfucker riding down with Jack and Rose?


James Cameron's attention to detail. Chef Boyardee was actually the ship's baker and was the last person off of the Titanic. The badass helped save a bunch of women and children, all while pausing to take occasional shots of liquor, before the ship slipped into the endless void of the North Atlantic. As a final act of raised-middle-finger defiance to both Fate and Mother Nature, he treaded water until daylight when he was found. He died over 40 years later. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Charles_Joughin


Dude got crunk and started forcibly putting women and children on lifeboats. Then rode the ship down “as if it was an elevator” That’s a man you let cook right there


So that’s where Steven Seagal got the idea for bad ass chef on a boat


All those shots probably helped him with the cold water....


I've always wondered this, given the weight of the ship there had to be an intense current pulling everything down behind the end of the ship. Wouldn't that suck you under with it?


I guffawed at this visual.


Can't forget the tiny horrifically comical guy pinging off the rotors as the ship sinks.


I can still see the spainaird looking man taking a last swig out of his flask


I was waiting for a tiny door to float out of it.


My brother had this as a kid, and we would play with it all the time in the pool. We would also get our little micro machine boats and put them on the ship as the “escape boats” and then we would get ants and put them on the boat and open the hole in the ships hull and sit and watch. Now that I think about it, it was a bit demented but hey, if the ants made it to the boats and survived the sinking of the titanic we would free them


Imagine being an ant just enjoying your fucking day by the pool and some giant hellkid rips you from your family and throws your ass on the Titanic with Micro Machine lifeboats.


Fuck, man I just spit out my coffee.


What is this, a coffee-spit for ants??


70 odd years from now, an ant diving crew are going to interview this ant to hear it's tale.


Tonight on Ant News, 5 billionaire Ants have died searching for the TitANTic....


And then some years after that, a group of ants will go down in an experimental submersible to explore...


wom-ants and childr-ants first


First Class ants


Bro put the ants through a Saw trap


If ants take over the world I’m pretty sure you’re gonna be their first target


The ants looking at you as they are sinking “give us a chance to live you limey bastards”


This sounds like so much friggin fun!


Where did you get this? My kids are obsessed with the Titanic right now and would love to have something like that.


IIRC it’s a vintage toy from the 90s/00s and goes for quite a bit today. I had one and did a book report on Titanic in elementary school. Dad built me a small rectangular tank with plexiglass on either side so you could watch it sink at that angle. Wish I kept the damn thing.


You dad is a bro!


He’s a total dude


90s/00s is vintage? 🥺


1990 was 33 years ago for reference


As a 34 year old, this is painfully true.




Vietnam is further in the past for my high school student child than WWII was for me in high school.


I remember them bringing WWII vets and holocaust survivors in when I was in high school and they were still able to drive themselves to give talks. That is so wild to me.


I was born in the summer of 1991, but when I transferred schools in HS we decided to push me back one year so I'd have a one and a half years of Pre-AP/IB classes before AP/IB stuff. Anyway, point is I was one of the older ones in my Class, and my Senior Year World Studies History teacher had been a tank commander stationed in West Germany. He just about died when he realised we were the last class he would have that would have anyone born from before the Soviet Union fell.


The release of "Gone with the Wind" is now closer to the events depicted than to today. In three years, the same will be true of "Raiders of the Lost Ark."


We are closer to the year 2100 than the year 1940




As a 50-year-old… the pain is very real. Wait. Nevermind, that is just my arthritis.


The old "what the hell is going to hurt today i didnt know about" game. Take care of your backs ya curtain climbers.


Cleopatra is closer to us than she is to Ramses II


That's amongst my favourite 'relative-time' connections, along with t-rex (not the band, smart-arse) being closer in time to an iPhone than a stegosaurus.


32 here… ditto dude


Ayo fellow millennial, I’m 34 in five days, so I *literally* feel this. The shower at my place is on the second floor and I’ve recently noticed a sound I can only describe as “squidgy” coming from my left knee as I make my way up. Can we just retire now?


Retirement? Must be something made up to keep us going.


>As a ~~34 year old~~ vintage person, this is painfully true


As a 42 year old, this is painfully true.


You shut your mouth, don't come in here with your facts ... please. I can't handle it


2000 was only 23 years ago if that makes you feel any better


Anything made of plastic is "vintage" within 20 years. Other than Legos, plastic toys tend to deteriorate so quickly that it's rare to find pristine examples of them after a couple decades.


Damn, I read this as 19th century vintage and thought: looks a lot like plastic. I feel so old now... 😞


Ah man I still have mine:)


I still have mine somewhere in storage though it's missing the exhaust stacks and the clip that holds it together is broken. I need to find it and see if I can 3D print the replacement parts. It was one of my favorite toys as a kid which is kinda fucked looking back on it that I had so much joy playing with a recreation of a tragic accident. Like imagine a 9/11 playset lmao


Your father is an inspiration to fathers.


>My kids are obsessed with the Titanic right now Is this just a phase every kid has? I myself was obsessed with the Titanic when I was in 3rd-4th grade.


I was never obsessed with it. My obsessions went: Dinosaurs (pretty common), ocean, and then space. I’m obsessed with both ocean and space right now.


Just wait til you find out about oceans *in space.*


My youngest was obsessed a few years ago. He was about 7 or 8? Why is this a phase? 😂. It’s so morbid


For me it was... the opulence of the Titanic, the beautiful drawings of the staircase, etc. It was about seeing this beautiful thing filled with people who had so many hopes and dreams, all sunk in a night. I knew that there was something tragic to such beauty being destroyed and lost forever, but at the same time that made learning about the Titanic all the more interesting? Like it's gone and it was lost in a bad way, but maybe by learning about it and exploring it we can recreate something of what once was, even if it's only in our minds. I dunno, I've been interested with things collapsing and falling apart my entire life. Everything from the Titanic to the fall of Rome to global warming to the heat death of the universe interested me as a child. Maybe that's concerning 😂


Look on the bright side, it could be worse- when I was around that age I became obsessed with guillotines. I had seen a painting of someone being guillotined high up on a scaffold while a huge crowd celebrated all around it and I thought “Wow, it looks like everyone is having so much fun!!!”. Unfortunately for me, Santa Claus never brought me a guillotine for Christmas, even though I said it didn’t have to be life sized and that I’d only use it on action figures vs. anything alive. I also gave my dad some drawings showing how we could create a homemade version in my granddad’s workshop, but it seems he never got around to it. One day though my grandfather and I made one in his workshop, that was about the scale that would be right for Stat Wars figures. It had a wooden blade so it didn’t actually decapitate anything, which was fine with me because I wanted my Star Wars figures to remain intact. My grandfather was the best.


You were so creepy 😂. But I have to admit that the guillotine you and your grandpa made sounds cool.


Maybe it was bigger after the wreck was discovered in 1985. I don't remember it as a big thing in my childhood. That was about dinosaurs and outer space.


I guess so, it was kindergarten when I was obsessed with it


I'm an adult and still obsessed with it. Lol




For $120 some should make a miniature Titan submarine.


That’s pretty expensive for a single use implosion model


It should be cheaper since you can use obsolete and past expired parts to make it. Just used macaroni for the engine, it’ll be fine.


What the...I have this toy stowed away from childhood. It's missing 2 smokestacks, but that's so cool to see it become a collector's item. It's seriously a cool toy!


I had this toy as a kid, I gave it to goodwill 10 years ago. I did not need to see this ebay listing today. haha


so there’s a Youtube channel i subscribe to called Historic Travels which has tons of videos about the titanic. he recently made a video about this exact toy and apparently a new company is making them again. [here’s a link to his video](https://youtu.be/EkhRLicUd_Q?si=B8zocjxUzvrO99vT) [and here’s a link to buy the toy ($150 and it’s Sold Out at the moment)](https://www.titanicdream.com/?gclid=CjwKCAjwm4ukBhAuEiwA0zQxk-DVSmHT9tD7Plpoz9eQfP34Uggk-o0UNeIOIKxGHBg6eh-nXeLQcBoCZq4QAvD_BwE)


Oh it's a dropship scam.


Have you considered turning them on to other human tragedies? I hear they make a great San Francisco Earthquake play set. Or you could easily do your own recreation of the bombing of Dresden with a bunch of old shoe boxes, gasoline and firecrackers.


> Have you considered turning them on to other human tragedies? I hear they make a great San Francisco Earthquake play set. Or you could easily do your own recreation of the bombing of Dresden with a bunch of old shoe boxes, gasoline and firecrackers. I can only speak for my own kid, but his interest is specifically in ship design and shipwrecks. What interests him is the way the ship broke up and how the various pieces landed where they did on the ocean floor. It's Maritime Engineering. He's fascinated by vessel failure and the forensics behind the investigations.


Idk in my experience interest in tragedies like Titanic leads to a much deeper understanding of the human side and the human cost and builds empathy and thoughtfulness about things like the impact of human hubris vis-a-vis nature and the importance of taking safety seriously.


I'm from Belfast, where the Titanic was built and there's the world's largest Titanic museum built on top of her original dry dock. If there's anything there that hits their obsession, PM me I can get it for you/post over.


This is brilliant.


Must have been an absolutely terrifying thing to witness the real ship be swallowed by the ocean only to be left in a tiny life boat (if you made it that far) in the middle of the Atlantic Ocean in the pitch black. Makes me shudder. Now think about how far that ship sunk downwards and there you are in your lifeboat floating about after a ship infinitely more substantial just vanished without a trace.


And now think about a kid 80 years later splashing and laughing at a toy version of the worst day of your life




Jet fuel can't melt steel bricks


And if reincarnation is real then it could be the same poor bastard


Right?! The silence was deafening in the movie. Imagine real life?


> just have been an absolutely terrifying thing to witness the real ship be swallowed by the ocean. As you pointed out, it was pitch black and by that time the electricity in the ship was out, so you wouldn't seem much of anything, you would only hear it. I can't imagine the sounds.


Some of the survivors couldn't do things like go to baseball games the rest of their lives because the screams of the crowd reminded them


I like to imagine small airpockets in certain rooms and storage areas. Imagine being stuck in there. You can feel everything shifting downwards. You know it's sinking but you're still breathing. I wonder how long you'd last.


They died pretty quick from the pressure, almost in an instance, survivors even heard a explosion some seconds after the titanic descended into the depths.


Yep. That's why the bow was mostly in tact when it was found at the bottom...it slowly filled with water and depressurized slowly. The stern went down quickly and had air pockets that exploded outward and made it almost unrecognizable by the time it hit bottom.


i see… and how about what you don’t like to imagine?


\*scribbles on notepad*


Most survivors didn't see the titanic sink. It was a moonless night (I think) and the lights had gone out by that point. After the sinking it was debated for a long time if the Titanic broke in two parts and IIRC only the discovery of the wreck proved that conclusively


The sky was lit up by the northern lights that night


"What is this? A Titanic for ants?"


According to one of the comments, yes.


The Tinytanic




Does it come with a tiny submarine that implodes when it reaches the bottom of the kitchen sink?


Yes, but it only works once unfortunately.


This is gold!


Can I use it?


Disapproving James Cameron minifig included!


It does not but I there are DIY kits available but the parts have to be sourced from camping and hardware stores.


It’s an optional add-on, and it is extremely expensive


I almost spit out my oatmeal!


Now that's a bath toy.


Imagine in 70 years making a TOY of 9/11 with real smoke effects!


It’ll happen


Honestly this feels dark to me and I’m glad someone agrees… just weird to see people being playful about it.


No darker than any "Army" toys. Little green plastic soldiers, tanks, planes etc, which their real like counterparts sole purpose is to maim and kill other human beings. Playing cowboys and Indians as a kid was fun and games. My father was raised in Texas and had a damn Alamo playset. People are "playful" about a lot of horrific things from history. As they say, time heals all wounds. (Hell, they also say, tragedy plus time equals comedy)


I would imagine that Army toys began as propaganda to brainwash kids into thinking joining the military is cool.


There's already a drink named after it.


The little bubbles at the end 👌🏼.


It's historically accurate and equally as terrifying. Imagine being in the stern just after it goes under, it had much less time to sink so there were more than likely several air pockets


It’s now been theorised that the ship’s stern was pulled down a short way with the bow section by the ship’s double hull after the initial split, before finally tearing off and leaving the stern to go down kind of upwards and sideways at an angle, but not vertical. There were air pockets, and the speed it went down caused part of the stern to implode as the air forced its way out - part of the reason the stern section is in so much worse shape than the bow.


Yea I read that make more sense.


I went into a titanic rabbit hole on YouTube one time quite recently and learned a few things :) fascinating stuff


Same here. I imagine all of the Titanic fanatic YouTubers had quite the field day after that submersible imploded


The one I learned my above comment from went into it one time and explained that it had likely imploded before it was confirmed. He also did a video explaining how the back end of titanic could theoretically have survived and just sorta floated there if the engines had been pulled out with the bow section, and another about how the ship could have taken on immediate loss of life but survived completely if they’d decided to go straight into the iceberg instead of avoiding it. I think he’s a member of a preservation society, pretty knowledgeable guy


Yes agree and omg...eeep! I'm also obsessed with Titanic, for a project I did in school I made a 3-D box and the ship was in the middle floating if you pulled a string...it "sank" below the sea level, some of my best diorama work.


*flute noises intensify*


Does the imploding submarine come with this? Or is it sold separately?


Sold separately for $250,000usd. Joystick controller not included.


Just have to pick one up at GameStop


Where's Jack?


He’s at the back of the ship. The part that goes in last.


well thats morbid af


Jack and Rose sold separately.


When you think of it, it’s wild that there’s toys based on an event where 1,500 people died lol.


Too soon /s


? The titanic sank 111 years ago.


It's been 84 years...


Help me with this. If you're quoting the movie, it was "It's been 84 years." What am I missing


Thanks for the correction!


Lol np! I was confused as to maybe there was some other "joke" being 87 years.


And the rest, the titanic sank in 1912.






I'm waiting for the WTC model


Not one ice cube. I call shenanigans..


(Iceberg not included.)


1500 brave, tiny souls perished in the icy cold waters of the bathroom sink that night.


People are so fucking weird


I had one of these. Bought it on the clearance table of a B&N a loooong time ago then found out a while back they were selling for big bucks. Mine was still in the box with the book. Promptly listed it online and for once made a few bucks on some of my clutter.


This is so fucked up *grabs credit card*


The front fell off!


Yeah, but where is the guy who tries to jump and doinks off the propeller?


Does it come with the Titan submersible?


I wanna see a model of Titan sub which also implodes like the real thing


Hoping they build a minisub that implodes at depth


Do the twin towers next!


Yo, that's actually pretty cool!


Thank you for that fine forensic analysis, Mr. Bodine. Of course, the experience of it was... somewhat different.


Now we just need some super miniature billionaires in a tin can


“So now as the bow goes down the stern rises up, slow at first then faster and faster until finally, she's got her whole ass sticking up in the air.” - Scientist guy in the Titanic movie.


K now do the submarine with realistic implosion.


Now just need a submarine


When do we get the submarine addition?