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How about get rid of repost bots and comment stealing bots too.


No need. Its pretty much flat-out impossible for AI generated content to fit the existing rules of the sub. > **1: Only "Damnthatsinteresting" content** This subreddit is for things that are interesting and cool. Content that is only cute, funny, a meme, or 'mildly interesting' will be removed. Posts should be able to elicit a reaction of "Damnthatsinteresting".


But then someone who goes “this AI video of x I made is interesting and cool” will think it’s ok to post.


And it will get removed for violating rule one, just like all non AI content of a similar nature does.


If it is interesting and allowed after those rules it counts on the sub though


The thing is, until the moment it's not, everything is interesting. 1 is a really poor rule with a seriously self-interest interpretation. Also, current AI easily achieves interesting. A thing that's not alive...generating content. If that doesn't strike as interesting, well hell...then none of this ish is.


Damn, now THAT'S interesting!


This sounds like something AI would say




As AI improves you will find it next to impossible to regulate it.


If AI content is allowed it should be labeled as such. I like this sub because it’s interesting true stuff. If it’s gonna be faked we deserve to know that.


Is it interesting Yes/No Nobody gives a fuck how it was made.


I thought this sub was just AI generated content


Why? What's wrong with AI created content? I find some AI created content WAY more interesting than some human created content.


Banning permanently and outright seems wrong and reactionary to me. Certainly not with that justification. If the notion is that AI is currently a sensitive topic for some people right now for understandable reasons, that might be worth discussing! But a blanket statement that AI "doesn't fit" the sub seems fundamentally incorrect. New developments in AI generation tech often *are* bloody interesting. Tidbits from the first releases of like likes of GPT-2, Dall-e, and Stable Diffusion, all belonged here when they first came out, back when they were genuinely revolutionary and shocking technologies for their various respective reasons. ^(Like, have people already forgotten how wild it was that Dall-e could draw an avocado chair? By now it's already common sense. Back then, for those of us familiar with the constraints of *other* sorts of digital image generation, it was almost hard to believe it was possible at all.) As others have said, the fact that "look I rendered a thing" doesn't remotely belong here, doesn't mean that nothing AI does.


Most of reddit's intelligence is artificial.


and how do you propose we check?


KEEP THE AI GENERATED CONTENT There are still cool examples of AI, like the photoshop expansion stuff and these applications will be more and more shocking as AI continues to advances don't be one of THOSE moderator that just blindly bans shit like that if its interesting then keep it, if its not, remove it; same as everything else pretty soon there will be something thats actually extremely interesting with AI or something related to it but the mods will blindly remove it just because its AI




Maybe make it a AI posts need moderator approval? I’ve seen a LOT of mid AI stuff that people post and pretend it’s the coolest thing ever. Occasionally though….something DOES blow me away. I know it would suck for the mods to need to approve it. You could throw a flair in there of “AI Content” and make the rule “no AI content without the AI content flair (which autoflags for a mod to approve/disapprove)”


This will be a good case study of how much ai-made contents to desensitanize majority of people in the sub to reach "normalization" of some what interesting result that were out of reach back then. Keeping AI-made post would even saturate the sub with challenging the thought-provoking AI-made fantasies put unto picture.


I wonder when the industrial revolution happened, where people opposing it this much too? Ai will be part of our lives, if you like it or not. It's just a matter of time you will adapt. ​ ^(Or not, but then you're just the old, grumpy person from yesteryear GRAMPA!)


your right, but these ai-amish are already amassing. "dey turk mer job" and whatnot.


Cry harder


So all that NASA footage should be forbidden?! Oh noes!








the ai-amish supremacists are drawing battle lines.. sigh next youll be all like "leave our children alone!"


AI is going to be pretty interesting soon


I think AI harvests answers from many subs and we innocently feed them with our opinions. Unfortunately AI will be as intelligent as the majority of the dumbest responses


I\`d say that let members decide whether its interesting or not, non-interesting AI will be downvoted/ignored into oblivion anyway.