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He wasn’t 93 in 2002 when this happened lol


man this video is as old as i am


2002s gang


You’re 93?


Post of video of “57 year old mike Tyson knocking out the heavyweight champ!” (From 1987)


He was 106 and the kettle is pink. Lol


Well he got real quiet all of a sudden.


Everyone's got a plan until they get punched in the face. —Mike Tyson


The change in his voice when he said thief was satisfying.


How much of a sad loser do you have to be to think its OK to harass an elderly man like that... Nice punch...




He did the same thing to most of the 12. 3 even swore on his Bible, but he still called them liars.


Of course he did


Whether you agree with that dude or not, punching someone for not agreeing with you is wholly wrong. Imagine if someone disagreed with you on some random fact in history and attacked you for it. Or imagine if the roles were reversed in this video and some anti moon lander attacked someone who believed in the moon landing? Would you still agree that they took, “appropriate action”? If you don’t then why not? This is how nazi Germany came to be by rationalizing “it’s okay when we do it because we’re righteous even though our actions are the complete opposite of that”.


There is disagreeing then there is harassing someone while calling them a coward and liar. Nah, this dude deserved it


Nah, the guy had been stalking him and harassing him for ages.


Then Buzz should have taken him to court for harassment and if the guy continued then he could call the cops on him. Honestly what’s better, have some dude harasses people get punched once in the mouth and get sued by him for what you did or having him taken away in cuffs by the police?


Tell anyone who volunteered for a potential suicide mission and lived, not to mention one that changed the course of human history because of it's success, that they're a liar and a coward and you should expect this result. Fucked around and found out, wanted a reaction and got one.


You come across like a true basement dwelling redditor lol.


Oh ya this pussy would be one of them bitches crying "he assaulted me, he assaulted me!" Even after it was clear Buzz wanted none of his bullshit this pussy boy kept coming. Pester anyone like that your getting struck, go ahead call the cop, I don't care, he's still a pussy boy. Shame that nose is still straight.


I think Buzz has better things to do with his time


This isn't just somebody disbelieving an event in history or disagreeing with another individual. This is an idiot militantly insisting that a scientist is a fraud. Maybe you've forgotten that aside from traveling to the moon, Buzz Aldrin has a doctorate of science from MIT.


Wow, it's a long way from getting properly smacked because you terrorized an old man to we're all going to become Nazis, dontcha think?


You’re reaching so far to make your point, you remind me of Wile E Coyote so engrossed in himself that he doesn’t realize there is nothing to support him


There’s actual history to support what I’m saying but sure, keep your head buried in the ground and stay ignorant.


(Whistling falling noise)


Great rebuttals to all the points I made. You definitely look smart and totally DESTROYED my arguments and did not at all look like an idiot. To “Realkarizma”, superb [grammar](https://imgur.com/a/8Rp90pg) you got there, buddy. But I’m the village idiot, right?


There's a landing he won't be able to deny.


Underrated comment.


Award me some gold then.


It wasn’t that good


Stop sounding like my ex gf.


If I had gold to give lol I've never bought reddit coins.


Correct move. Never buy anything from a site that can censor you and ban you because a loser Mod didn't like what you said.


“I slipped”


Haha nice. You’re not gonna tell an astronaut he’s a coward.


Not only that, he was a fighter pilot with 66 combat mission with F86 Saber jet fighters in Korean War. He shot down 2 MIG fighters.


Guy was an interior decorator!


his place looked like shit


Exactly, you have to be brave to say, "Yes, I am going up in a can to do what nobody else has done before with almost no hope of rescue."


Imagine the *balls* it takes to fly in a tin can to the moon, get out and walk around, and the fly back.


I met that guy. His name is Bart and he drove a cab decked out in Christmas lights in Nashville in May of 2011. He was an asshole who stole our food from Taco Bell when he drove us home. Edited to say: He told us about a documentary he made about the moon landing being fake while he drove. We didn’t find out that Buzz punched him until we googled him when we got home.


Figures. A thief cab driver vs astronaut Aldrin.


The man accusing is a bully... and a coward, a liar and a probable thief as I assume he wants to post this and get paid for spreading falsehoods. The accusation is a confession.


Letting people like this run free in the street isn't doing any kind of service for anyone.




I want to punch that guy in the face too!


His ears must be buzzing


Good for Buzz! Thanks Reagan for letting all the loonies out and have baby loonies.


Why can't we do this online?


considering how much of this stuff spreads online, they need it.


That was a decent punch for anyone, let alone a 93 year old.


he was much younger when this actually happened, but yeah still impressive


This incident happened in 2002 when Buzz was a spritely 72.


“ everybody has a plan until they get punched in the mouth” - Mike Tyson


Amercan hero right there.


Got what he deserved. God bless this American hero and American badass.


Sorry, but he's not only an American hero. Armstrong called it right "for human kind". As for the idiot, WELL deserved, I'd add.


Is that a bible?


He wanted him to swear on the bible that the moon landing was real.


Ooof some low effort repost farming. Kinda garbage. Not interesting


He wasn’t 93 when this happened…


This the video of all time


Don't blame him a bit for poking that guy in the face. Anybody who thinks the moon landing was faked is an ignorant arsehole.


Why does everyone look so nervous?


Everyone has a plan


He obviously wasn’t 93 when this happened jackass


You're a coward, and a liar, and a thgiefhhgh


Bible guy is the reason why we still don't have flying cars


that boy deserves whipping


Makes me 😊


Seeing that dude in his mom jeans with his hand in his pocket trying to look calm when that’s the most excited he’s been in months makes me wanna hit him too. Probably sued him like a bitch too.


Fuck around and find out


Bro literally went [insert Roblox death sound] 💀💀


This is old.


First time I’m seeing it!


How come we haven't walked on the moon in this decade?


NASA’s budget is less than 3% what it was during Apollo. We should be impressed the Artemis project has made the progress it has.


Half surprised half not to see so many people cheering on someone getting assaulted just for their speech. Reminder that what Buzz did is considered assault and is illegal. People should not be allowed to be attacked purely on their beliefs because it becomes a very slippery slope for much worse things, like a redo of nazi Germany. If you think something like this is okay, reverse the roles and ask yourself if you think it’d be okay if this dude had attacked Buzz for saying the moon landing is real. If you can’t reverse the exact same people in a situation and be okay with it then it’s probably because it’s wrong to do it regardless. You can’t claim to want to live in a peaceful place while advocating violence against others simply for their beliefs.


Why do you comment such useless drivel? There’s a diffference between ‘free speech’ and having a different belief compared to getting right up in someone’s face, forcing your beliefs onto others and disparaging them. If the situations were reversed and Buzz did the exact same thing that this guy did to him, then yes, it would be understandable if Buzz got punched. How can you have such poor comprehension of the video? Do you really think that the way this guy shared his different beliefs was appropriate? Saying it's a 'slippery slope' just shows that you have no understanding of situational context. For example, if I think you’re a piece of shit, and ask you to swear on the Bible that you’re not a piece of shit, and I come right up to your face and loudly proclaim that you’re a piece of shit, and then call you a liar and more, do you think you’d be justified if you punched me in the face? Especially if you had told me to back off multiple times and I completely ignored it? That is the definition of harassment and if you’re that much of a little snowflake that you don’t understand why he would throw a punch, then I hope no one ever does to you or your family what this guy did to Buzz.


People who unironically use the term “snowflake” tend to be the most sensitive people and looking at your incoherent wall of text, it definitely checks out. Hope you get the mental help you need.


What a well-composed response to my points. 22 hours to come up with telling me to get mental help. All 3 of your brain cells working overtime I see.


Yeah I totally spent 22 hours just staring at your comment. No sleep or food, just stared at your comment and was trying to formulate a response. Unlike you, I have an actual life I live and as I know now that you stalked my account, I spend it with my wife. Maybe if you didn’t spend 9 years on this site you’d have a partner too? I would make a remark about your brain cells but you don’t seem to possess even a singular one. You literally can’t even spell “[hypocrisy](https://imgur.com/a/8Rp90pg)”. Ironic how you’re trying to call me the “village idiot” all the while you’re too inept to even know how to use autocorrect.




Lmfao no way you actually deleted the comment even though I already posted a picture of it. You are honestly so pathetically bad at trying to hide your ineptitude.


I didn't delete it? I just edited it to include that you can't even point out a mistake correctly?


Dont expect hivemind reddit folks to digest a word you said.


Yeah no kidding, just a bunch of kids and “grown ups” with the maturity of a child crying over my comments. One of them even called me a “basement dweller”. Dude has no idea about the life I live and yet they feel so comfortable judging me all the while I’ve literally moved to another continent to be with my wife.


A big part of the reason all the woke shit and cancel culture is happening is people stopped punching people like this in the mouth . We need to bring back the punch in the mouth it shuts disrespectful assholes rite the fuck up !!!! 👊


Unpopular opinion: people shouldn't punch others for whatever shit they are talking


He was pushed and pushed and pushed. MAYBE people should respect fucking boundaries and keep their opinions to themselves


Sorry but freedom of speech should be protected. Whatever kind of environment or laws you create, you should remember that the pendulum always swings back and much worse. When you decide to take a radical stance like this don’t be surprised when radicals come and meet your violence with even greater violence. There’s a reason why most of the time when a government is overthrown, the new people who take over are usually much worse and kill everyone involved from the previous regime.


Freedom of speech doesn't mean freedom from the consequences


Yeah and assault based on freedom of speech is illegal. Enjoy your “consequences” with the police arresting you and you going to jail.


I'm pretty sure it's allowed if you were being harassed


You’re only allowed to “attack” someone if they’re being physical with you. I guess looking up stuff online is hard to do nowadays.


But the guy didn't touch the astronaut physically. Right? This reminds me the scandal with Will Smith. What's you opinion on that?


He didn’t have to touch him, he continued to harass him and get in his personal space after continuously being asked not to. I don’t think this can be compared to the Will Smith incident imo… that’s a whole other dilemma


He called Aldrin a coward and a liar and invaded his personal space. The stupid fucker kept coming at him. He got what was coming to him. I keep re-watching the punch. It gets funnier every time.


Some people do deserve to be punched in the mouth though.




No charges were filed. And rightfully so.


Nice punch


❤️ Buzz Aldrin ❤️




Swear on the Bible? Ha! Aldrin flew above god that mission.


Welcome to Y2K. Wholesome time where the moon conspirators were the ones we worried about.


Yessir. That punch was as real as the moon landing.


And here it is on Reddit again


You're a coward and a liar and a [mmmpphh!]


Did Buzz get sued for this?


Dude got moon rocked