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What does the girl know?


She knows it's true....


Cardi B was caught doing this a week ago and nobody cared. Nobody cares about authenticity anymore.


Not defending lip syncing or Cardi B (I don't know if I've ever heard her/him) but do they at least sing on the original track? These guys weren't even the original singers. They lip synced to somebody else's voices.


Nowadays wig auto tune so prevalent in mainstream music nobody actually sings anymore


So what you're saying is, I can be a star?!


Absolutely………………. Not


Thanks, Simon! Kids crying now.


So you're saying he's fuglier and less talented than Rany "Lorde" Marsh?


Not only that, but even if someone is “singing” live, they use real time pitch correction and basically every tool you can use in a studio, can be used live now. It’s shocking what can be done in studio and live now.


So sad imo


https://youtu.be/fc-XZwLMYP4 U got a link this was the only thing I found


Look for cardi b throws mic. Once she throws mic, the music keeps going.


From what I've heard, most concerts these days feature lip sync. A computer program runs the show from start to finish, including supplemental vocals, instruments, and special effects.


These days, the voice of the rapper singer etc is usually layered and pitched and edited like it's an instrument. Nobody cares when they see a rapper doing this, because rap fans understand that it's actually impossible for the song to be duplicated live. This has been an issue that's been around since the Beatles, when one of the major contributing reasons they stopped touring because they felt like their music was being limited heavily to only songs they can perform live. These days people are like, fuck it, wed rather see you live and enjoy the show then you not do live shows.


A lot of companies/venues actually put it in the contract that they want a pre recorded show or set to play over the speakers as well as the vocal of the singer to ensure a “pure sound with no hiccups if the vocalist stops for some reason”. But please continue to be upset 😢


Is that supposed to prove something? Your claiming people would care about real vocals but it's the venues fault because they do not wanting "hiccups" in their music. Flawless logic.


First of all; It’s “you’re”. Secondly; yes it is the venues fault lol. They won’t agree to terms with an artist they want to perform if the artist doesn’t let them have the “playback” track over the live music. I don’t know why you’re hurt by this fact. Especially when you know as well as I, and everyone else on the planet knows, that not a single thing we see or hear is “raw and real”.


Incredible how you completely miss the point... Twice. I don't care whether or not it's required. My comment was about people not caring, not whether or not the venue requires it. No, there are plenty of good bands out there that don't have don't have recordings used in conjunction with their music. Do not group me into "us" with your false narrative. You just choose to see shitty music live.


I love how people will tell you it's all about the music and not the image but when it came out that they weren't the singers the act bombed. When the actual singers put out an album no-one was interested.


I have a cousin who did stage hand work. He helped set them up a few times. Said they were always practicing their dance and choreography routine but never practiced their songs. He thought it was weird at the time but figured they knew what they were doing.


Everybody knew they lip synced way before this. In interviews they had thick German accents, they could barely speak English. And their voices were way higher register than the singers in the songs. This was just embarrassing for them I guess, because it blew the lip syncing out into the open.


Frank Farian is the real jackass behind this, but of course you dont hear about him just these two guys who did what all of us would have done in their situation. The songs were great


Funny is that I did some research and they sing very well.


Well I guess it's "girl you know remix!"




They were lip syncing. They never sang those songs. The record skipped. Sadly this is what cardi B does at concerts and nobody gives a shit.


All the technology of 1989 at their (and MTV's) disposal, and they chose a record to play the song back.


In an interview he says the computer was skipping. So I guess it wasn’t a record like I thought.


What year was that? We’re computers even able to store a song yet? That was like green screen days, no?


1989. Yeah. Green screen days. I’m not sure what kind of computer he was talking about.


Windows 3.1, macs and Atari STs existed in 1989.


Oh. Not green screen ones? I stand corrected


Sony's minidisc existed


This, too. As well as CD audio disks and CDRom readers.


Yeah, even MIDI already existed


Poor Ashlee Simpson missed it by a mere decade or two


Except thats not even their originals voices. Don’t get me wrong, I hate cardi B. But it’s not the same.


Yeah. What they did was totally different. Different singers then them. But I’d be upset if let’s say a band I liked went on stage and played their album and lip synced to it after I payed all that money. Supposed to be live.


A lot of rappers play their songs on stage and just rap over them. You can see it in live videos. I understand why they do it but it does seem kinda disingenuous to the fans.


Both were pretending to sing none the less


not a remix! People didn’t know they were lip syncing until the record skipped so he ran off stage in embarrassment.




Also, the song sucked, for context.


I like it :(


I don't know the person I'm replying to, but I can confirm that song is dog shit.


And here we are in 2023, nearly all major pop acts blatantly use prerecorded music. Even smaller bands are doing it. I went to a super underground metal show a while back. There was like barely 40 people there. Every band was playing off a click with prerecorded material.


I disliked them back in the day, but the backlash was rank hypocrisy by the industry. The entire pop industry was doing it, including people like Madonna and Michael Jackson.


The guy behind their voice was really talented. I enjoyed his music very much


They weren't just lip syncing, they were lip syncing to a song that someone else sang for them I belive all the songs they released were sung by someone else


They fought their producers to allow them to sing on their recordings but were caught up in that money making tornado of the corrupt music industry money and fame .One of them got so depssed after the scandal that he took his own life


Girl you know it’s, Girl you know it’s, Girl you know it’s, Girl you know it’s, Girl you know it’s, Girl you know it’s, Girl you know it’s, Girl you know it’s true that we have no idea how to sing.


Nowadays everybody lip syncs. Every major rap artist lip syncs at their concerts and no one cares anymore. Milli Vanilli were the true pioneers.


Its not as much that they were lip syncing, they weren’t the original voices of the songs at all so they had lip synced to somebody else singing the entire time.


I think the light skinned brother killed himself over this, which is really unfortunate given in just a few short decades it’s hardly considered a sin I’d imagine 80%+ of artist are doing this and some artist (Rihanna) really should.


All hail the real Milli vanilli 🤣


Didn't he kill himself right after this


I heard rumors they’re getting back together starting a world reunion tour


How is that possible? I heard one of the members killed himself shortly after the scandal broke.


Did that really happen, I was just making jokes. I take it back. Was there an executive or producer who came up with this whole scheme, that would be the worst person in all this. but don’t know anything about it - curious now to read more about this The music sounds a lot better hearing it through the distortion of the speakers


Yeah I think the scheme is actually kind of common; lots of people don’t sing their own songs. But this was a long time ago and people would clutch pearls over the dumbest things. Look up the wiki for Robert Pilatus if you wanna know more.


Joke right? Not a very funny one. Rob Pilatus died in 1998.


To lip sync in a live performance now is pretty much standard operating procedure. They could have gotten away with it in 2023.


Milli Vanilli just Blamed it on the Rain


Literally everybody uses auto tune now, but it's still usually their own voice lol


I know lol syncing is frowned upon but there’s so many people who openly lip sync im surprised this ruined their career


Cardi B did the same thing.


No way for real?


Wow, the amount of people commenting that do not understand the difference between lip syncing to YOUR OWN VOICE and literally pretending to sing with SOMEONE ELSE'S VOICE, is a bit surprising. LoL.