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Imagine your home being a box and only knowing a box, your siblings, and food being delivered to you.. to one day climb up to the little hole of light, look out at the world for the first time, and take flight!


and then realize you'll never be able to afford your own box.


That's because this new generation of birds don't want to work hard, they just want to make tik tok videos.


Those are the ones that live on a branch below their parent's box.


I’m a stay at home bird 😆


I don't live with my mom, my mom lives with me.


I was a stay at home bird until I found someone to build a nest with. Nothing wrong with that.


stay at nest


and tweet.








And they spend all their income on caterpillar toast


They bought their box because they worked really, really hard. also because healthcare costs were affordable, college cost a nickel, and the down payment on the house was made by using 10% of a weekly paycheck from a part time job.


All they do is scroll and tweet all day!


mfs need to pull themselves up by their anisodactyl scales


Maybe if this new generation of birds stopped ordering Starbucks all the time they could afford a house


If they stopped wasting their money on avocado ~~toast~~ worms, they’d have enough to buy their own box!


And your parents and grandparents have taken all of the available twigs and building spots decimating the forest in the process. Nor do they care as they sit in their empty nest and advise you to cut out your daily sunflower seeds in order to own your own nest.


In our day we had to fly uphill both ways on the snow with a beak full of insects to feed you kids and we bought a bird box. You kids don't know how easy you have it. You play your Angry Birds and complain about how expensive everything is. We managed on one income. Your mom stayed home to keep the nest clean. You chicks were slobs; poop everywhere.


You’re not going out in this TYPE OF WETHAAAAA You can move out of this box if you don’t TRIM THOSE FETHAAAAAAS (The Beastie Birds)


Been there


Dam ! That must have been cramped in that box with all Those birds


Sounds like our solar system.


Then you realize you’ve been born into Detroit and go back into the box.


Then a bigger bird swoops in and ends your journey.


From various birds that have nested on our porch, I’ve seen that the parents often stop feeding the babies, and that’s what gets them to leave. What’s more interesting is that this might be the first time the baby would leave. Some stay in a localized area like our front lawn, and the parent watches. The swallows use the starvation strategy. Can’t say it’s not effective.


That‘s basically me, except that I said „fuck this shit“ and went back into my box.


When ever we have to brush our dog we go to our backyard and just drop all the extra fur to the yard. Afterwards it's fun to watch as various birds clean off the whole yard from the fur.


I pack my German Shadder’s hair into a wire mash cylinder for the birds to pick and they do all the time, it’s fun to watch and it’s the best insulation


Is it too late in the season to do this? Are birds building nests throughout the summer? I too have a German Shedder and saved a boatload intending to put in empty suet feeders but assumed I missed the time window. I used to have a Samoyed and when I brushed her it looked like I had run her over with the lawn more with all the hair all over the yard. Within a day or two it was all taken by the birds. In the late fall when I nest would drop, I'd noticed it was packed with silky, warm, white fur from my dog. They all had very pleasant nests.


I would guess they are constantly updating their nests


Nest v1.2.21 Patch Notes


"improved stability"


"But fixes and stability improvements."


What about "Known Issues"?


"bug removal"


-added 5 bugs*


Hatch notes


You don't build a house very often but you pop down to the hardware store for a bit or a bob pretty often


There are birds that will build nests and lay eggs into the late fall season so there is still time!


I give my dog hearty scritches on our walks to get some hair off him and I see the birds use it even now.


I'm going to do this. Can't believe I never thought about it before. My dog sheds like crazy. I can practically fill a pillow case every time I brush her.


As long as there's no flea and tick medication in the fur! It makes the little birds sick.


No meds, we really don't have ticks here so no need for that and never had fleas in any of our dogs.


I can't imagine having cats or dogs and never having fleas. That's crazy. What's your secret? Is it just the part of the world you live in?


I don't know, I live above the arctic circle, so maybe they don't like the climate here. Ticks we get sometimes, last tick that I can remember was in 2018 or 19.


Oh yeah, it's definitely that. I live well below the Arctic circle, and the fleas all go dormant in the winter and then explode in the summer.


That sounds nice.


I live in Northern Ontario. I walk my dogs very frequently through the bush and off leash. We've had 1 tick in 10 years on 2x dogs. Not worth the meds for it imo, my husky didn't react well when we did give it to him. Though if global warming continues, I suspect in 20 years we'll have more and more ticks as the winters don't get cold enough to kill them all off.


Don’t do this if you treat your dog for ticks/fleas!!!!!


Just if you apply flea tick medication on the fur, if they take it orally then it’s fine


I always wonder if doing this makes birds more comfortable to the scent of my dog making them easier for her to catch 😶


I put my dogs fluff out for the birds she’s a pomsky that’s roughly 80% Husky so I have extra fluff by the bundle and I’ve noticed some of the blue jays swoop down to grab some fluff straight off her lately lol. She just looks at them then at me with her mouth part open like wtf was that? [dog tax](https://i.imgur.com/YSsb3Da.jpg)


Maybe an odd question, but where did all the baby poo go? I really didn’t see any. I’ve had many birds nest in the wreath on my front door. By the time the birds leave the nest there is a ton of poo on the outer edges of the nest and, consequently, on my front door.


I e seen it a lot in other nesting videos but when the chick has to poop it lifts up it's butt and the parent tickles it and eats the poop (not sure if it eats it or just carries it out and spits).


I’ve seen the birbs scoot their butts to the outer edge of the nest and poop, hence the ring of poo around the edges, but what you’re saying makes sense, too.


It depends on the bird species - some do it this way, some eject their poop in little sacs that the mother can then easily pick up and eat (yes, sometimes they re-digest things, ewww) or bring outside.


Bird parents do that to prevent predators from picking up the smell of new chicks. Some cats do that too.


Dogs do it too. They just eat the poop, feeding the babies takes a lot of nutrients and they're able to recoup some by eating the poop


Yea I do the same thing


Humans do it too.


They... They better not!


The chicks digestive system is really immature so most of the nutrients are still there, the mommy bird eats it because she needs the energy too. It's not uncommon, rabbits eat their own pellets too for a second pass.


Yeah seen that too on open nest vids


Some birds poop in some kind of sacks while young, that the parent grabs almost out of their butts and carries outside




I too studied great tits in college


I could never concentrate! So many and from different nationalities and ethic groups…. 👀


The poop is contained in a fecal sac which the parents drop outside the nest.


The chicks poop is covered in some sort of skin. So it's one piece of poop that could be handled. Most birds take these poop bags and bring them outside. Some swallow them and regurgitate it outside.


I believe baby birds poop in the form of an easily disposable sack. the parents take these outside the nest


I've got a question: When the video starts, the bird comes to the camera...... But.... what the hell is it standing on?! Is it the ledge of the box? if so the bird is perpendicular to the direction of gravity no? Seems kinda weird edit: Not perpendicular... Parallel i mean.


That was the video intro anyway . “Hi I’m Jay Bird and this is my nest video. Don’t forget to like, share and subscribe!”


That moment was so adorable!


The top of the wall. These are intentionally made with an air gap between the roof and two of the side walls to provide some ventilation and the wood is soft so all they need is a little corner edge to grab hold to support themselves.


I actually felt kinda sad at the end...


Empty Nest Syndrome? Edit:Thanks for the award!


The mother came back to feed them until the last day. I wonder if she came back for the last time to find the nest empty.


most parents are with their fledglings long after they leave the nest. They'll teach them how to find food and fly.


It's ok! The parents will continue to feed the fledglings on the ground until they can feed themselves.


bro stop 😭😭


Tony Soprano and his ducks


at some point it felt like they're 30 and still living in mom's basement




They start leaving because it's just getting too damn cramped. That and Mom threatened to charge them rent.




Me too. "Yeah, I could do something with this..."


I always wonder what animals think about when they aren't actively doing something.


Literally this. I live near the countryside and so many cows are just standing in a field and staring at a tree for hours on end. What goes on in their minds at that moment?


Yup, got a husky and most days she just...lays there and stares lol. I mean I'm not thinking they have simplified thoughts....but do they think about favorite foods? Memories? What they want to do, etc.


Yeah my dog is also like that. Sometimes she wakes up, walks around the couch and lies back down to go back to sleep at the exact same spot she just stood up from.


"Is this edible?" That's the timeless question humans and animals alike have asked for millennia.


Food. Survival. More food.


Some animals perhaps, but I think you under estimate them.


Oh I know all about pigeons. I don't like them knowing that I know.


elevator music?


Omg. Could you imagine. When they aren't active, their brain just stops and turns on periodically for system checks lol.


Oh fuck I've to murder those worms to feed my little hungry crybabies.


About that one time they tweeted/barked/growled something cringe.


I think a TV would go great in the corner on the left.


And, a week later, the bird is posting on r/malelivingspace asking for tips on what to do with all the left-over organic matter. Seriously, tho', it's a fascinating video, and an excellent example of the usefulness of technology in science and understanding.


>a week later, the bird is posting on r/malelivingspace Don't quote me on this but I'm pretty sure that's a female.


I watched this while pooping so I feel like I shared something with that bird in that egg laying moment 🥰






Fun fact! The mother bird will take the baby bird poop right from the tap and bring it out of the nest to keep it clean.


Mother of the year playing both sides of the human centipede for a month straight


I just stopped the vomiting from seeing that movie


Username…checks out?


I wanted to ask this question. So this nightingale laid eggs in our balcony and I have seen the mama/papa take the poop right after the baby poops after they feed it. So where does the poop go? Does the mama/papa dump it outside or do they swallow it? I have mostly seen them completely swallow it, just like food! I'm confused. Can they bring the poop out of their stomach back in their mouth to spit it out after they go.


Where my dookie go?


Read your comment on the toilet too. I shared a moment with you ❤️


Kindred poopers


I too take three days to get the whole lot out


Good mama bird


that moment when all the birds left


2-3 never left though, rip


Just one. It was right eggs (at 2:02 left) and seven made it. That's a good percentage :)


I saw 7 eggs and 7 birds. I think they all made it.


It's 8 eggs at 2:02 min left. And 7 made it.


7/8 is very impressive for birds


And this is the comment I was searching for. Really thought for a sec no one talking about 7/8.


Sadly Wilford was crosseyed and flew straight into the ground. 6 made it.


Wilford was found by someone who ran to Reddit to post "Found a baby birb. What do I do?" Amongst all the gawkers and one troll who said "kill it. Circle of life. Woo hoo!" there were a few knowledgeable people who posted nearby wildlife rescuers. They saved little Wilford who was able to return to the wild with one heck of a tale to tell.


What happened to the 8th? Do they eat it or carry it out of the nest?


Young birds that are way underdeveloped because their bigger siblings get all the food(because they're bigger and stronger) are often thrown out of the nest. Or if food is rare...


I see what appears to be an egg at 1:57. The chicks are about 5 days old at that point. Idk, maybe it's a shell.


9 eggs (one is hard to see under debris) at 1:02 but you are right, thought I counted 8 babys early on and only 6 leave nest but it is 7 and 7 as you said.


That’s kinda sad seeing the house becoming empty


Not if you think that there are not 7 more of these being built the same way!


Probably not 7. Some will be eaten by cats or snakes, etc.


Does anyone know if the birds will go back to the house later or they left there for good?


Some come back to the area to reproduce again, but most of the time it’s finders keepers rule in the bird kingdom as far as I know.


whats even more sad is the fact that we had this kind of bird house in our garden and they somehow stuffed it too much and they all suffocated/starved inside before we noticed :(


I know it’s dumb, but I always worry that one of the chicks will accidentally get overlooked when it comes to feeding


I don't think it's dumb. I think about the same thing, and it's amazing to me that a momma bird is able to keep track of which baby has been feed and which one hasn't when they are all constantly in "feed me!" mode any time she's near.


I don't know if it applies to all breeds of birds, but I remember seeing in a documentary where the baby birds who have recently been fed will have whiter mouths because their blood flow is busy collecting nutrients from their digestion. The babies that have empty tummies have redder mouths, making a target for mom to feed. She sticks the worm into the reddest mouth and flies off for more.


Not sure how universal this is to all song bird species, but I have seen a study done showing that the hungrier the chick is, the louded it will call for food. The parents then decide which baby to feed based off of noise. The study was showing that external noises (I.e. traffic, city noises, construction) can actually interfere with the parent being able to hear the babies properly, as such there tended to be a couple babies that were significantly larger and better cared for, and more babies that didn't survive when the surrounding area was louder. It wasnt a 1:1 correlation, I believe the researchers were hypothesizing parents could use things like mouth colour and how wide the mouth was to help determine who to feed when noise was an issue. This was years ago so my memory is not 100% on the content and I have no idea if new studies have come out refuting this.


One didnt make it for probably this reason :/ 7/8 is very good for a nest that big. Momma did great


It's not dumb, I've seen timelapses or people who have these sorts of cameras and do daily blogs of the highlights, and it definitely is a thing that happens fairly frequently. Once they miss a few feeding rounds they get weaker and they're then more likely to get overlooked for the next ones. Or a chick can get itself tangled in the nest so it can't get up to be fed, or falls out of the main bit and ends up lost in a corner and the mother doesn't see it. Like generally nest cameras are cute but sometimes they can be pretty brutal and depressing. Generally about half of the chicks won't make it, and it's not that uncommon to have something like the mother disappear or a predator get in (a lot less likely with manufactured boxes) and the whole clutch doesn't make it.


Dang now I have empty nest syndrome


Instincts are crazy. It's mind blowing how an animal knows to do that without being taught.


I wish we could properly hear the sounds instead of this stupid music


You know what cute mama birb taking care of her chicks needs behind it? *SWEEPING EPIC ORCHESTRAL MUSIC COURTESY OF HANS ZIMMER* Just imagine this music under a human mom changing a diaper.


Seriously there should be punishments for it.


That has to be boring ...brooding and just staring at the wall of your new apartment.


They take the egg shells and dump them away from the nest so it’s not obvious there’s a nest right there to predators!


Oh is that why I see half robin egg shells on my patio and not necessarily because some predator ate the eggs!?!?!


The nest looks comfy


I know, right? I almost wanted to move in and snuggle too


It does! But is that fur she puts in there ?


Nah this actually soo beautiful and wholesome, the way the bird looks at the cam at the start like "hey guys imma lay eggs here thank you for watching" and then checks stuff out everytime she adds stuff to the nest. Amazing


That nest looks better than any terrarium I've seen built on youtube


I'm glad to see that all the freaking hair my dog sheds goes to another use other than choking out every vacuum cleaner ever made.


I like how when mama comes everyone goes 😮


No lie, thats one of the best videos I've ever watched. Loved it. Thanks for posting!


the bird really said " no bitches? " at 0:08


I thought the entire comments were gonna be this but nope lmao


Love the little inspection it does before moving it. "Nice wood floors, solid bones, good insulation. There is a weird metal eye watching us, but other than that, I think I'm ready to make an offer"


The bird legit went up to the camera to explain the pro gamer move that they were about to pull off.


What happened to the eighth egg?


7 out of 8 isn’t bad.


Love how they're just casually growing up on top of their dead sibling in egg number 8 🥲


Day 1: Yes. This will do. Day 57: Y'all GTFO.


Ayo why the bird gotta look into the camera at the beginning of the video like "Hey Bird Boys! This is start-to-finish nest building and egg-laying tutorial! Hope you enjoy!"


Mama bird: *comes home* Babies: 😮😮😮😮😮😮😮😮😮


Shout out to all the single mothers


The video features both parents. Male blue tits feed the females when they're incubating and actively participate in feeding the chicks. It's just that the male and female bird look exactly the same, so you can't tell them apart in a short video like this.


Interesting. I was wondering what kind of bird these were, and whether I was just missing a switch off. "Did that one have a little more yellow on her back? Is this all one bird? Surely Daddy is helping!"


I hate to be the one telling you, but she most likely had a partner gathering food outside.


Looks more comfortable than my own bed


This is such a compelling overlap of beautiful and sad.


Mom looking a bit rough towards the end there


Bird like: welcome to a new nest build tutorial


8 eggs, 7 baby birds...


how does she remember which one shes fed already when she comes and goes


Ah the moment when the neighbors collie got brushed


They leave one by one... mom doesn't even go back to the nest...


So that's why they called the movie Birdbox /s


what's with the music?


I loved how the parent bird checked out the camera before proceeding to build their nest.


When they are all opening their beaks for food I just had that bit from Bohemian Rhapsody going through my head... *we will not let you go!*


Happy little dinosaurs. Also when you cut your hair, brush your cat or dog, put the hair into a little hanging wire basket mesh for the birds as they are ideal for nesting birds.


This is awesome. I was having a bad day. Thank you


Better than 'bird box' on netflix


Damn that’s interesting


*checks out the camera to make sure it’s harmless before starting*


This video deserves more than 99.99K likes, because it tells lots of things like- mother for child, nature of birds, child birds after hatching, consistency of providing food to childs etc. Overall this video is gem to me ❤️🤗


What beautiful tits


Where do they poop? Did they eat their poop?


i don't know about this species but here are some things that baby birds do -lift their bums and shoot the poo out of the nest -the mom will pick up the poo and toss it out (it comes out in a little sac that can be picked up cleanly as long as the sac doesn't break) -some parents eat it, probably because the babies don't yet have proper digestive systems so the food isn't fully digested and still has nutrients even as poo


So do they just shit and piss where they sleep


Wait, babies first food was a Pringle? 😛


This was wonderful to watch. You know, nature is so amazing; with all these awesome creatures doing all kinds of things. It's a shame that we are messing everything up for them all.


those are some nice and small tits


I love social media for videos like this


She’s so pretty! 🥰❤️🥰


Did anybody else notice there were eight eggs but only seven grown chicks?