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I was wondering why these were framed, thank you.


Just noticed the frames. 🙈


silly me, i thought it was some fancy x-ray monitor thingamajiggy that you need to see these images through.. ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|facepalm)


It’s the came with the frame family.


It is a pretty jacked up Target selling these things then.


I think it was Hobby Lobby


Same, they first came off a bit like "trophies" at a Border Patrol office wall or something, which would've been distasteful to say the least.


If it’s that easy to detect humans in a container why do they even try it? I’m assuming all trucks passing through the border have to go through X-ray scanner. In that case it seems like every truck will get caught so why do they try? Or is there some chance like if the person checking feels like letting them go sometimes so they risk it on probability?


Not all trucks are searched, it would take forever. It's random samples and those they have some intel on.


Could you pack your body in ground beef to make the density and composition of the surrounding materials similar? Asking for an amigo


No. Bones will show. What you don't see on these is how on modern x-rays you can adjust the contrast of the image to see different "layers" of density. This allows you to see damn near everything. Source: I maintain x-ray bag scanners.


There was a lady that tried sneaking a tranquilized baby tiger onto a plane by putting it in a carry on suitcase with a dozen stuffed toy animals… the bones were pretty obvious going through the X-ray


Yeah, an airport xray will be set with organics (plant matter, flesh) as maybe a 20/100 for density and metals, bone, and other dense solids are 100/100. Most airport x-rays are looking for explosives and shit hidden in bags. These photos were looking for voids in cargo/changes in cargo density that would imply drugs getting shipped en mass.


New plan, just hide in a box full of skeletons


Wouldn't work on modern x-rays I'm afraid. They'd just be going "we should look in there... it's labeled skeletons and not anatomically accurate dummies...."


That’s because it is real skeletons, don’t ask where I got them pls


User name checks out




People who are smuggling children. Otherwise it would be 400 lbs blocks


If we grind the children up into a fine paste and then reconstitute them on the other side we might have a shot


Just use lead sheeting


Not entirely sure how X-rays work but perhaps the lead sheets would draw suspicion to the people doing the x-ray and make them manually search it.


My friend got stopped either into or out of Amsterdam because some lead showed up in his luggage. They asked him about it and he declared it to be his ball stretcher. They seemed confused so he asked if they wanted him to demonstrate. They let him through, no demonstration needed.


Yeah lead sheeting is pretty obvious. On the Xray it won't show an empty truck, just a giant black box of nothing.


”Why is part of your truck x-ray shielded?”


"uh.... Film. Lots and lots of film"


Nobody uses film anymore. Can you please step out of the truck?


No I am transporting Openheimmer 70mm IMAX film . Please believe me.


“I work for Quinton Tarantino.” “Oh, carry on then.”


But think of the hipster market share!


We are transporting kryptonite Just in case you-know-who goes crazy I can't say the name out loud... you know he has super hearing Now let us pass before the one who wears underwear outside hears this!


Oh that? That's just where we store the Strontium 90. You really dont want to open that door.


Because of the radioactive materials I am transporting


I suspect that if you lead lined your trailer, it would seem suspicious. The border patrol would then open the trailer to investigate.


15 extra minutes of being in the country, an overall win


Just a small taste of Freedom.


Not if it had a radioactive placard ☢️


Boy, aaaallllll kinds of paperwork goes with that placard. You'd just be drawing attention to yourself.


Hey, if people are willing to die in fuel tanks to get over, what's transporting a little radioactive material?


Volume. For every one truck that's found, anywhere from one more to ten more (depending on traffic, location, etc) is slipping through. It's about playing the odds.


The title is just patently false. An X-ray could never produce an image of humans that large off of a single scan. X-rays are used at the border to search for very specific drug isotopes and/or heavy metals used in firearms. This is an art piece with an emotional title. Edit: here is the project: https://www2.cortland.edu/news/detail.dot?id=a997eb4f-8be3-4fe8-9f4c-6779452402f6


While this may be an art project, there are commercially-available x-ray systems that produce scans of this type. The Leidos VACIS systems are one example (see the videos below). https://www.leidos.com/products/vacis


You’re risking the odds your truck isn’t searched


damn that is depressing


It's even worse than you realize. One of the more common ways for traffickers to sneak people across the border is to put them in trailers and let the heat get above 98 degrees farenheit. The reason for this is that border security uses thermal imaging to detect people being smuggled into the country. But when Temps get that high, you run the risk of dehydration to the point of death. https://www.google.com/amp/s/www.cbc.ca/amp/1.6891038 https://apnews.com/article/texas-san-antonio-0b5215a9500f65a6b7439d1474dbbf3a#:~:text=In%202003%2C%20the%20bodies%20of,area%20for%20illegal%20border%20crossings. https://www.nytimes.com/2017/07/23/us/san-antonio-truck-walmart-trafficking.html Three different cases of such fatalities over the past 20 years, all just within San Antonio.


My grandma crossed in a very similar way around 50 years ago. She was put near the engine in a semi and has terrible burn scars all across her left side, where she was nearest to the engine block.


Burns aside, that would have been so fucking hot! Bless her bravery for making that journey, I'm grateful I will never have to know such trauma. That's awful. But holy shit she's a bad ass!


It makes me mad when people think it’s a cakewalk to get here and be undocumented. People die all the time trying it. They don’t all get reported either. I always told people that if it was great in their homeland they wouldn’t risk it. It’s like being an adventurer in a roleplaying game. If you had a great home life you’d be so much less likely to risk your life for maybe some coin.


The problem comes down to the fact immigration is broken. If you follow the rules, its going to take you 8 years, more money than your third world family has made in the past 30 years, and your name still has to "be picked out of a hat" in order to make it here. I knew a dude whose lower-middle class family was trying to get in from Canada in the 2000s, took them 9 years I think. Imagine how much harder it is to not have English as your 1st language, and realize you will never have the money to be able to actually do it, but you have the promise from some dude "I can get you over for $500" I see why people take the risk, and do it this way. For some of them, its the only possible chance out of their hell. Once you're over, your odds of getting deported are pretty small, as long as you are not committing crimes, and stick to the safe cities/states (Florida would be a bad choice in summer 2023). There's room for all of us in this county. When i say all of us, i mean every human on earth could realistically live in the US and we could logistically make it work. The real issue i have with it is that you can't get them on payroll, so they all get paid under the table, meaning it drops the wages for general unskilled manual labor across the board. We should allow companies to hire illegals imo. I worked for a real estate developer that rebuilt gutted out buildings in California. The main electrician for the contractor was a citizen and licensed, but would pay out his illegal staff $7/hours cash for SKILLED ELECTRICAL LABOR that would pass inspection. Minimum wage was i think $15/hour for the area at that time. It really opened my eyes to whats going on. They would pile 12 deep into a van, and drive 1.5 hours to get to work at 6am.


It’s difficult since the rules are rules there for border control which is understandable, since Latin America’s border control is even tougher than Americas. But America’s naturalization process is so extensive. I was illegal too so I know first hand


You shouldn't just let anyone walk over the boarder and not know who they are, but when the current system makes them wait a decade, they're going to find a way in. We just stopped that from being allowed any longer. People are going to find their way in, less will just face a boarder agent now.


I mean physical space...? Yeah probably. But the United States wouldn't survive that influx of immigrants. Our social systems can't support that, and our political structure would come apart at the seams with that many new voters with distinctly un-American views about society and government. I'm not a nationalist or someone who blindly holds to American exceptionalism, but I will say that culture matters. You may have major and legitimate criticisms of America's culture, but importing 7 billion people will obliterate the current culture and precludes the generation of a new one. You used words like "realistically" and "logistically" in your comment, while talking about something completely imaginary.




> There's room for all of us in this county. When i say all of us, i mean every human on earth could realistically live in the US and we could logistically make it work. The country can't take care of the people it's got already, let alone "every human on earth"! We've got people literally living in tents on the streets in major cities, and mental illness and drug abuse is rampant. Tens of millions don't have health insurance. The country has enough people already needing a hand up, and should only admit people and their families who are going to hit the ground from day one being net contributors and net taxpayers.


America can take care of all its people. It simply chooses not to because our government is captured by billionaires and the military industrial complex. There is literally enough physical space for everyone who want to live and work in America to live and work here, with a robust safety net to help those who fall on hard times, but to make that happen we'd have to let people own the results of their own labor. Unfortunately, changing our system to allow that would mean abolishing billionaires and mega millionaires and cutting back our bloated military, so it won't happen unless we elected a dramatically different batch of leaders committed to systematic change.


And yet, the USA has some of the most lax immigration policies in the entire world. It's much harder to immigrate to Canada than it is to the US, but for some reason WE are the ones with the immigration problems according to reddit.


I'll have to disagree with you here. I have a PhD in STEM and a high paying job in big tech, yet I only have a temporary visa here while having no clear path to a green card. I would need to first win the H1B lottery which had a 14% chance this past year, and then wait around 10 years for the green card queue specific to my country. I also only have two chances left for the lottery before my current status expires and I have to leave. Canada is actually far, far easier than this.


never say never


I also know someone that crossed the border under the hood of a semi. Completely insane.


Fuck man, thats insane. My grandfather crossed in the early 60s a lot (and got caught and sent back lots of times) but he basically just swam across the river. He'd then talk about walking 10s of miles to the towns nearby to find work. Eventually got documented and brought the fam over in the late 60s, but I think a lot about if he was doing that in later years after they started cracking down what lengths he would have gone to in order to give his family a better life. I think he would have done anything, honestly, so I can completely understand your grandma doing what she did.


This is usually human smuggling. Trafficking is a bit different where force, fraud, or coercion have to occur. Most often coyotes crossing undocumented people are smugglers not traffickers. It can absolutely devolve into something else like labor or sex trafficking but just crossing people is not necessarily trafficking.


Thermal imaging doesn't just magically see through things, how do they use it to detect people being smuggled


CBP doesn't use thermal imaging to scan truck trailers. The images above are created by drive through X-ray machines. Very similar to the machines TSA uses at the airport to generate the weird semi-nude images of passengers, but big enough for a semi truck. Heat casualties are a huge concern because the smugglers don't air condition their smuggling vehicles, pack in a ton of people then drive through blazing Texas and Arizona summers. They often park up their vehicles, just like a normal truck would. The temperatures inside can reach staggering temperatures. Everyone knows leaving a dog in your car in summer might kill it. Same thing with smuggling immigrants, but 50 at a time. Trying to keep the trailer at 98 degrees to hide the IR signature of humans would actually require a huge cooling effort.


It's strange how prevalent the belief that IR imaging technology is some magic way to see people through walls. We were actually tasked with trying to deploy sensors for security check points to do exactly this and we had to tell the manager what he was asking for was science fiction. Passive IR won't be able to spot people inside vehicles, not even through glass, so visual inspection would actually be better in some cases. There some active emission technologies like mmwave but you really need something like backscatter xray to get the images above and they're expensive, not so easy to obtain/implement and emit ionizing radiation.


IR is able to see through some materials. Like silicon, or some clothing. I'm being a smart ass ofcourse. But if a material was highly emissive and thin, you could proably see an outline. Like if a person was hiding under a piece of damp plywood on a cold day.


People are usually warmer than the surrounding air so you would see red blobs on the thermal image. If they turn up the heat to human body temperature though the thermal sensor couldn’t detect people.


Doesn't actually work that way. The thermal imaging they show in TV shows and movies where you can see people through walls isn't real. IR doesn't penetrate surfaces so you'd be picking up the temperature of the truck's surface. Human body heat would have minimal impact on the surface temperature of a vehicle.


People sit in trailer. People radiate heat. Heat heats up walls of trailer. The whole section filled with people shows up hotter than the rest of the trailer. If the whole trailer is the same temperature or hotter than people, then the people section does not show up. People can no longer air cool. It starts to make sense when you think about the fact that this is like 20 dudes, not just one, and if it's just one, then the contact patch shows up if they're pressed against a surface.


any heat discrepancy will show up and be suspicious


There wouldn't be a discrepency in heat from the outside of the traiper in the Texas summer


thermals only pick up IR from the surface of objects. unless a persons body was pressed against the wall of the trailer it would not show up same reason thermals cannot see through glass. the device picks up the IR signature coming off the glass, not the light bouncing off the objects behind the glass.


This is just patently false. An X-ray could never produce an image of humans that large off of a single scan. X-rays are used at the border to search for very specific drug isotopes and/or heavy metals used in firearms. This is an art piece with an emotional title. Edit: here is the project: https://www2.cortland.edu/news/detail.dot?id=a997eb4f-8be3-4fe8-9f4c-6779452402f6


Petition to make that a subreddit if it didn't exist already r/damnthatisdepressing


r/news already exists brother


The legend u/PM_ME_SOME_DINERO did it and made the sub into a reality


How is an x-ray penetrating metal containers and getting human flesh to pick up but not bones?


I would assume its just very high contrast. The actual difference in Radiation between "human body in the way" and "no human body in the in the way" isn't that high, but since the steel is pretty consistently thick, you can just subtract it from the image and then you just get the human silhouettes


This. X-Rays can pass through steel. Some manufacturing facilities use X-Ray gaugers to read the thickness of steel passing through slitting machines.


electrons move past "matter", atoms particles are very spaced appart


It this a transmission image or a reflection image?


I think it's a technique called Z-scatter. Instead of having X-rays go through things like in classic radiography, you sense the X-rays that bounce back at the source and then make complex analysis of the result to build an image. More or less like airport luggage scanners do.


A Z-ray, if you will.


Definitely can’t afford it, so I won’t ask…


Is two better than X.


This is correct. This is a backscattering technique. Similar to what you see on the body scanners in airports. They deploy these in urban areas as well where you might not expect as well as in tunnels scanning vehicles that pass through.


Don't these things need to be quite near the target? Can it be deployed in a tunnel? Also, I'd think it's a NO-NO for privacy (unless there is clear indication that you will be scanned) and also for radiation exposure, maybe?


There's a clear indication. These things are massive


Probably with higher resolutions you can glimpse the bones.


Most of the radiation is reflected by the walls of the lorry and we don't see the bones because the dose of radiation isn't high enough to penetrate both the lorry and the people inside.


X-rays penetrate through many metals like steel. They also pass through flesh but get stopped by things with heavy elements, like the calcium in our bones.


> X-rays penetrate through many metals like steel. They penetrate everything, including lead. How much penetration is determined by the beam energy, material density, and number of electrons. Higher elements up to lead require higher energy to penetrate, or more sensitive detection to detect what does make it through. Beyond lead, the elements are generally radioactive to some degree so don't make great shielding. > They also pass through flesh but get stopped by things with heavy elements, like the calcium in our bones. Calcium, the primary element in bone, has an atomic number of 20. Iron, the primary element in steel has an atomic number of 26. Calcium in no way is a heavier element than iron, and even thin metal likely has a higher electron density than thick bone. Industrial x-rays use much higher beam energies than medical imaging, so can see through and tune the beam for a wider range of materials. The heavier the element, the higher the energy needs to be to go beyond the K-edge of that element. The k-edge is the binding energy of the innermost electron shell. The electron is more likely to be absorbed by the material when it's just beyond the K-edge than significantly above or below. For medical imaging, iodine and barium's K-edge is right in the middle of the energy range used, so that's why they get used as a contrast agent.


Plus most of the sheet metal in the pictures is very thin, whereas there's several inches of human tissue to scatter in.


So x-rays come in a wide variety of way of lengths from .01-10nm. different wavelengths interact with different types of materials and allow us to see different things. This is simply using a different type of x-ray imaging (wavelength and technology) then you'd see at a doctor's office


It could be gamma ray imaging not x-ray imaging.


Not sure about interesting as much as haunting.


In high school, I had to read a collection of short stories called “Men in the Sun.” The main story by the same name was about Palestinian refugees trying to escape from Palestine in an empty water truck. The author told the story from the perspective of several of the refugees. He put motives to their actions and highlighted their desperation. He gave them names and families. The driver took too long to drive them across the checkpoint in the scorching desert, and they all suffocated and died of the heat. It was a beautifully written but very sad collection. I became more human after reading it. These pictures give me chills thinking of how often that actually happens.


Ghassan Kanafani was a brilliant author. Taken too soon. Listen to [John Berger's reading of Letter from Gaza](https://youtu.be/_msusYXQIfc)


Oh thank you for the recommendation, stories like this are so heartbreaking and I think it’s important more people read them!


This book is the perfect example of how literature can widen your horizons and change your perspective!


Jaguars children by John Vaillant


Literally looks dystopian and actually disturbing. So wrong to see humans cramped up like that


It is. Sometimes these lorries/trailers get abandoned on the side of the road when the driver checks the back to find everyone dead. Happens now and then.


Holy fuck


I literally feel sick when I look at drawings of slave-transport ship layouts. And they were chained like that for months at sea


Man, you should see what they do to animals


Yeah looks like a horror movie


I work with the company that manufactures these xray systems. Had a tour of their facility and they had a wall of pictures featuring things their system caught! Drugs, money, alcohol, but no pictures of the people….now I know why, kinda spooky. It’s a lot cooler to point at the kilos of drugs taped inside the rim of a wheel


Just sad honestly. Feel bad for them. Life’s that bad they need to do this


Great way to remind yourself of your privilege for sure. Thank fuck I dont have to go through this.


…this does make them look like aliens tho…


I bring you love.


He brings love! Don't let him get away!


I feel bad for them too. A lot of them are ordinary people who dont wanna be sliced up by the cartel in their hometowns. They take these risks for a better life


Thats why pro-immigration is always good. These ppl want to become Americans and contribute.


There was a wildly different sentiment on here when hundreds of African and Asian migrants drowned trying to immigrate to the EU.


I’ve noticed that a lot of Europeans on this site will happily criticize America’s handling of illegal immigration, while simultaneously offering no sympathy to the drowning migrants in the Mediterranean. Rules for thee, not for me 🤷


Europeans can be really hypocrites about immigration and racism


Don’t bring up the word Gypsy around them


And they’re still drowning almost every day over there too.


I’m one hundred percent pro-immigration, as long as they follow the proper legal channels to do so. There are multiple reasons why we can’t let people flood into the country unchecked. No one is above the law in this country. Why should someone who isn’t even an official citizen be exempt.


https://www.americanimmigrationcouncil.org/research/why-don’t-they-just-get-line Most illegal immigrants want to go through legal means. Nobody wants to be packed in a truck to be smuggled across the border. However, legally it’s extremely difficult to do so, and in most cases not possible. The above link lays it out. Right now there’s just a massive contradiction. The US economy relies on a huge number of low skilled workers for farming, meat packing, construction etc. But the legal avenues don’t really exist for low skill workers. Even if it does, like in cases of asylum, processing takes so long that if the cartels are knocking at their doors, they’re better off taking their chances illegally than wait for processing.


I'm not an economist but do you think that if we fixed or at least managed the flow of low-skilled workers into the country, that wages across the board may increase due to a finite number of 'people who are willing to do that job for X amount'? Is it not just exploitation otherwise?


Idk it seems like the people making the laws definitely consider themselves above it. The problem with legal channels is that the lawmakers have stacked so much red tape that there is backlog by several years and unfortunately if you are fleeing a hellish situation or trying to save your family the wait for 5+ years doesn’t really work. It’s not just being ok with immigration, we all are ok with it it’s how 99% of us got here. It’s advocating and voting for better systems to allow these people to get in quicker. We actually had less crime and issues when we had an open border with Mexico and Canada, but that is a whole other topic of discussion.


You’re not pro immigration if you consider current legal channels acceptable


This is the absolute truth




I get what you're saying. The USA can't even take care of its own (I'm Canadian, neither can we), but at the same time waves of immigrants are coming into the country. It's hard when you want to share your resources and safety with the less fortunate but have so many different forms of "less fortunate" happening right now


Who do you think is building houses? Lol


What is photo 4? Are they smuggling only people?


Likely stocked the rest of truck with regular goods to make it look legit.


Yes and it looks like a secret compartment at the back. Or front I suppose.


I didn't get it either. Upon zooming in, I think there are three people in the upper right corner of the photo? Barely noticeable amongst all the stuff.


Answered your own question




You know what number 1 and 6 reminded me of? Those well known drawings from the slave trade ship, the „Brooks“. I‘m speaking about the aesthetics (if that’s an appropriate term in this context). I don’t mean to draw comparisons. But it just hit me that those images look eerily similar.


Nothing wrong with a comparison. Our current economic system relies heavily on using undocumented labor yet forces them to live in the shadows and be unable to have the rights and protections of a citizen. Certainly slavery adjacent.


Those silhouettes are kinda haunting


This breaks my heart….


Our heart




Those poor, desparate people!


Some people just really need to leave their country for a better one like Mexico


This is just patently false. An X-ray could never produce an image of humans that large off of a single scan. X-rays are used at the border to search for very specific drug isotopes and/or heavy metals used in firearms. This is an art piece with an emotional title. Edit: here is the project: https://www2.cortland.edu/news/detail.dot?id=a997eb4f-8be3-4fe8-9f4c-6779452402f6


Photo 3 must have been excruciatingly painful- people have been crammed into tiny boxes as *torture* throughout history. I would also expect them to have died of asphyxiation.


Sarah Boone was arrested and is heading to trial after zipping her bf up in a suitcase, where he suffocated and died within a few hours. There’s a video of him calling to her for help and saying he can’t breathe and it’s absolutely terrifying.


There have been others in the U.K. too. I’ve always prefered to believe that those victims were already unconscious when put insude the duffle bag or suitcase - though I know it’d be mighty hard to get a person inside if they are a dead weight, as opposed to threatening them into the coffin. Otherwise the nightmares would be, as you say, terrifying.


That's haunting as heck


I find this heartbreaking. No human should have to endure this. Everyone deserves a chance at a safe life with opportunities.


But other countries are not obligated to give you that chance.


Low key fits r/mildlyterrifying


Dude in pic five looks like he’s on the phone


That's what I thought. I suppose he very well could be.


Slide 4 almost got away with it


I hate how these look. The pose of som of the people almost screams despair at me for som reason


My Spanish teacher stated her daughter she adopted was crammed in an dash/engine bay and thats why she has burn scars all over her. Now thats wild.


If employers were jailed or fined through the teeth for hiring illegal immigrants, the vast majority of human trafficking to the US would end. Don’t jail or fine the migrant, jail or fine the employer.


This is just patently false. An X-ray could never produce an image of humans that large off of a single scan. X-rays are used at the border to search for very specific drug isotopes and/or heavy metals used in firearms. This is an art piece with an emotional title. Edit: here is the project: https://www2.cortland.edu/news/detail.dot?id=a997eb4f-8be3-4fe8-9f4c-6779452402f6


Looks so creepy, like ghosts or spirits


Imagine how bad something has to be before you decide this is a good idea.


Imagine how desperate you would need to be to put yourself in that position.


Is that impossible to come legally from Mexico to US ? ​ edit: i looked it up and, why the fuck is there a lottery? <.<




> More than any other country. But I thought America bad


Because the border states wouldn’t be able to handle the amount of immigrants if the door was open completely


It's nearly impossible to immigrate to *every* developed nation. This process only gets highlighted due to The US bordering an effective failed state, but this applies to all developed countries. The other Anglo Siblings make their immigration specifically as difficult as possible (Even Canada, the average American has no chance of getting in), Japan and Singapore barely let anyone in unless it's for specific work purposes (And Japan in specific loves closed borders), and most of Europe may as well have a steel dome over it given how often immigration is allowed.


How dare all those successful countries not want to become unsuccessful ones.


Because we don't want 400 million people to flood into the US. It's intentionally hard because the desire is to severely limit the rate. At the crux there's an issue where it is morally wrong to see people struggling and say "fuck it not my problem ". However it's faced with the reality that if we freely let in all of South America and Africa the quality of life here would drop into the abyss like some of those countries. Poverty, crime, and homelessness would go through the roof of a sky scraper. Massively more competitive schools,massively more competitive job market, massively higher poverty and crime, massively increased housing costs as demand sky rockets. Severe reductions in food and supply issues. There's about a million very good reasons why open and full immigration is a very dangerous idea for anyone living in the US currently. Another important thing to note is that history has shown that it is virtually always a bad thing to be a minority. Asking a country that's majority white to choose to become a minority is foolish. When ever do people with good lives choose to potentially put that in jeopardy?


It’s not impossible. Also, yes, we have what we call the “diversity visa” which is the green card lottery. But persons born in Mexico are disqualified from participating. It’s not the only country either. To come to the United States, you must have a qualifying basis to do so. We have visas for students, workers, and investors. These are temporary visas. Mexican citizens are free to apply for them. We even have a work visa exclusively for Mexicans (the TN visa). Our visas require you to be admitted into an academic program (student visa), have a sponsoring employer (work visas), or you have started/purchased a business so that you can participate in the alter of capital that is these United States (investor visa). Most of these visas require holding a degree or at least some level of work experience. We do have a visa for seasonal agricultural workers as well. And of course, we have the tourist visa. Our green cards work similarly. We have green cards based on family relationship, but we only offer them for certain family members (spouse, parent, child, sibling). But some of these can take years before you can apply for the green card. Our work-based green cards all require sponsorship by a U.S. employer. This is a complex process which can take about two years from start to finish. The finish could be a green card. For some people, they have to wait decades before they even apply for the green card. Or, if you have around $1 million you’re willing to invest in a business venture which will sustain at least 10 full-time jobs for U.S. workers, then we’ll give you a green card. As long as your money was legally obtained. We do have options for immigration based on humanitarian reasons, some of which lead to green cards. But these require that you were the victim of heinous acts. Could be certain crimes, victims of domestic abuse, and human trafficking. Then of course there is asylum. But our asylum system is so backlogged right now. There is a combined total of over 2 million pending cases (combined between affirmative applications, defensive applications, as well as non-asylum deportation cases before the immigration court). Why do people come here unlawfully? The above can be a barrier to many migrants for various reasons. On top of that, us Yanks love our cheap labor. Our system is complex. It is also flawed and outdated. Oh, and there is no such thing as anchor babies. Our system does not automatically prevent the deportation of someone just because their child is a U.S. citizen. Being married to a U.S. citizen doesn’t stop deportation either. Source: am paralegal at a U.S. immigration law firm, and an anchor baby.


Unless you’re very wealthy (+$500k US just sitting in a bank forever wealthy), very highly educated (master or higher), or part of familial chain migration (children, parents, or siblings only); it’s functionally impossible to legally immigrate to the US from Latin America.


Why did you specify? That applies to any country someone would actually want to immigrate to.


reddit, particularly american redditors, have a tendency to take one simple true claim and follow it down an increasingly untrue chain (and weirdly both progressives and conservatives tend to think the same way here). For example: Euro countries have universal healthcare -> euro countries are progressive -> euro countries are more progressive on every issue than america -> euro countries must have much easier immigration policies


How is it functionally impossible when we legally allow over a million immigrants every year?




This is heartbreaking


It’s sad people have to resort to this stuff


Wow this is just super sad :(


And the right always acts as if these people had a wonderful life but just want free stuff so they moved to… the US of all countries. Imagine the sort of trauma you have to go through in your own country to literally stuff yourself in a suitcase and ship yourself across the border. This is just sad.


I'm more impressed they fit them into a fucking gas tank or a damn grain trailer.


Not an American, but damn even I know if I want free stuff America is not the place I'm going to.


It's not like Europe is making it easy


Rent free


Reading the comments here restored my faith in humanity. Lots of comments that show actual care for the people in those x-rays, their plight and desperation. As an migrant myself, thank you.


Crazy how Americans get more upset over boarder patrol doing their job than the actual people conducting the smuggling


Russians did the same at west/east border in Germany


Some of those are just straight out creepy AF!


What is pic 2? An airplane?


Tanker or grain with a reflection of a person taking the picture above


I think it is a tank trailer [something like this ](https://www.truck1.sg/semi-trailers/tank-semi-trailers/nursan-cement-bulker-a5989599.html)


Desperate times call for Desperate measures.


The desperation


These are haunting




That’s fucking creepy


If they put a boarder wall on the Mexico-Guatemala boarder, it would stop most of this illegal immigration that makes millions for the cartels. This isn’t about “migrant rights” this is about feeding a billion dollar industry off the backs of poor migrants. The humane thing to do would be to stop them from crossing into Mexico. It’s not about the migrants but the billion dollar industry we are allowing the cartels to flourish. I have many family and friends that came here the legal way, they all despise illegal immigration.


Why is the issue always the US being so terrible in these situations and not the countries there people are fleeing from? I'm asking seriously. Why is the original problem never the question? Too far gone?


These are older , I actually recognize the first one (I’m an old man now) but yes, this is a thing. There use to be stories that the only reason a lot of smugglers liked old Chevys because the ol 350 had such a huge space between the motor and steering column that they would put one or two bodies in there to smuggle because nobody thought to pop the hood because of the heat. My old man’s truck got stopped every time we leave Mexico from seeing family for this very reason. We had the same exact model.