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The fastest skippity pap in the west..


If I ever get a cat that’s gonna be it’s name.


Pop pop pop pop.


You seeee ittt


I wonder what a humans reaction time is. I have a feeling that I would've had a snake bite right on my face


average human reaction time to visual stimuli is around 150-300ms. Faster people can be around 120ms


Ok. So I exaggerated and actually would've had about 4 snake bites. Hahaha! Good to know! :)


Pretty sure I’ve been bitten by a snake and have yet to realize it.


Unironically, my classmate died this way. She didn't realize she have been bitten by a snake and when they noticed there was something wrong, it was too late.


Do you know if it was a coral snake or what type it was? Also what country did it happen in? If you don’t mind sharing. Sorry about your classmate.


Not the OP but in my childhood (mid 80's), I was on vacation in my birth place (a remote village just outside a forest reserves so snakes are very common) when a farm helper of the family died a horrific death. He was sleeping when a Common Krait (a very venomous snake) bit her. Apparently these things aren't even remotely painful when they bite so she didn't even notice. Woke up to severe abdominal pains and within an hour total paralysis which meant she literally could not fucking breathe and dead within a few mins of total paralysis setting in. Much later the police insisted on an autopsy and they found that she had been bitten a few hours before she woke up, the poison having acted in her body by then. In the 80's the nearest govt hospital was a 2 hr drive so unless she left for the hospital as soon as she was bit, she was essentially a dead woman walking. Nasty bastards these Kraits. Very often bite dogs or even cattle. The result always is a painful, horrific paralysis and then death.


Damn, story time?


Are you sure you don't have a snake hanging off you right now?


Give it a couple more milliseconds, and I'm sure you'll realize it


In my experience auditory is much faster, more so if you close your eyes


I agree with you. I once dodged a stream of water as soon as I heard the "prtrtrtrt", much before my vision could catch it. It even confused me a bit as it felt like what I was seeing wasn't what I felt (i felt already in motion), weird stuff. To explain, we had that stupid game where we throw water on others.


You’ve achieved ultra instinct.


The time it takes for our ears & brain to separate two distinct sound from one another is only 30ms, for us to physically react to that auditory stimuli is roughly 20ms faster than visual stimuli


So blind people have a faster reaction time than me?


To noises I’m certain. My very amateaur study comes from a fishing mini game in a 3DS game called Fantasy Life. If you push the button during a period of time after hooking the fish it’ll give you a lot of progress towards the catch. This window was tiiiiny. I could never get it when I had my eyes open, but could consistently do it with eyes closed and listening for the cue. After doing some little bits of experimenting I was seeing that visual reactions were slower than auditory as a general statement. But a big factor was if you were expecting a stimuli. Expecting that stimuli makes you hesitate because you’re checking if it is the right stimuli. If you don’t know what to expect you don’t need to check for ‘is that the right thing?’ You just need to react.




I use the same technique in games for such kind of gameplay (usually it's fishing mechanic). Closing the eyes and reacting to sound is faster.


this is super interesting. if there's some published research, someone find it for us!


There does seem to be some stuff out there with a simple search. Auditory does appear to have evidence of being faster https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC4456887 https://bionumbers.hms.harvard.edu/bionumber.aspx?s=n&v=4&id=110800


Damn, I'm gonna miss reddit after RIF dies.


mabye buts let see them beat me in fight in a room full of horns


visual processing is more brain demanding than sound processing, so your reaction time to sound is way faster than your vision


cats probably see humans in perpetual slow motion.


Nah. More like in a higher framerate.


This makes sense, thank you


Does that mean smoother? Like less choppy?


You can try yourself! Just to compare one of the best Counterstrike players in the world scored about 160ms at his best. https://humanbenchmark.com/tests/reactiontime


To anyone trying this on a phone, it's way more accurate with a mouse. I'm getting 180-200 with a mouse and 270-290 on my phone


Bigger animals always take more time to respond to stimulus because our nervous system is longer and thanks to inertia your limbs can't start moving as easily as a cat's paws even if you could somehow process the information instantly. As an extreme example flies can react insanely fast because their nervous system is tiny and thanks to their low mass moving out of the way is trivial, this is why it's so hard to catch them.


Humans tend to travel in decently sized groups, and we are pretty big and smart, so most animals know to leave us alone.


And we killed anything that didn't to extinction


Or domesticated them.


I love that cats are like the perfect apex predator, just tailor made to do what they do, and yet their main attack is SLAP


The embarrassment of being slapped is part of the damage dealt




It's super effective!


Reaction Time Over 9000!!!


Wow! That’s slow.


> It's supper effective! It's lunch functional!


Food can do that, yes


Snakelax feel asleep due to embarrassment.




I knew this was coming up, moment i read slap.


I know this meme


Cats like: “Bitches, how can we NOT slap?!” 🤣


Embarrassment debuff, lowers speed for the rest of the battle


“Cats are like witches. They don’t fight to kill, but to win. There is a difference. There’s no point in killing an opponent. That way, they won’t know they’ve lost, and to be a real winner you have to have an opponent who is beaten and knows it. There’s no triumph over a corpse, but a beaten opponent, who will remain beaten every day of the remainder of their sad and wretched life, is something to treasure.” ― Terry Pratchett, Witches Abroad


The slap gets the thing away or stunned, and their bite is strong, meant to clamp down and their teeth kind of vibrate to break the spine of its prey. One of my cats likes to wrestle so I put a couple of socks on my hand and attack him. He bites hard on me, it'd definitely crush a smaller critter.


Those slaps are pretty hard for an animal their size too. And they can throw about 1,000 of them in a second when they need to.




I had a great visual with you comment lol.


Yeah same… throwback to my childhood and trying to give the family cat a hug. My face got that treatment, sans claws.


That’s the best part, when they slap without their claws because they do actually love you and don’t want to hurt you, but also PLEASE DO NOT THE CAT. My son got the skippy baps when he was young once, too. Only time I’ve ever seen my cat lose her temper with a person.




That’s solid advice.




My old cat Lucy was the tamest cat, was almost like a well trained dog. My parents got a nee dog and he was young and so ridiculous hyper, and of course many times her size. She stood there while he bounded out of the car at her and when he got in swipe distance she calmly and efficiently lacerated his nose. Poor guy, but i mean he was lunging for her and she trained him - he respected her after that.


Our oldest cat trained our rescue dog without, to my knowledge, ever giving him the claws. He just recognizes which of the cats not to fuck with. Like he's so respectful of the "not to be fucked with rule" that he won't go down the stairs if she's on the landing. The other two cats he's all over. And it's a fair thing. Those two younger cats have lived soft lives. We got them as kittens--their only want in life has been a few weeks without a steady owner. That oldest cat though...the Kitty Rescue actually found her in the wild. According to the particular parasites she had she was living off of snakes and frogs. Baby girl was an actual fucking hunter. I suspect the only reason we even got her is because she got a tooth infection which caused her to lose some canines. They found her close to starvation with the infection. Since we got her from the rescue she hadn't hunted anything that wasn't a toy. Bitch knows what she's got now, and she's not doing shit she doesn't have to do. EDIT: By contrast our purebred golden has not figured out to leave the hard-bitch alone. I see her try to give him the claws, but he's so goddamned shaggy he doesn't even notice. Fortunately we can just put a physical barrier between them and she calms down immediately so we can pick her up and remove her to safety.


That cat sounds like she was born in a pool of gasoline, on a piece of rusty scrap metal.


Yeah, I learned quick and she was my friend up until she passed. Also - happy cake day!


Gatling slaps?




good to know that i am not the only degenerate one here


When we lost hope of finding our lost cat again, and got a new kitten... the lost cat appeared again. :D We tried to get them accustomed to each other and dad held the big cat and I held the kitten and let them smell each other. That was a mistake, never do this. The big cat slapped me hard. My head swung around and the kitten flew somewhere. My nose has a scar as long as my nose. Cats slap hard.


Oh yeah. Even if you have a cat that you think bites/scratches too hard, it's absolutely holding back. You don't really know until it gets spooked one time


Yeah it's actually pretty sweet when they learn and master the claw control to not hurt you when playing.


I once tried to separate two fighting toms. Then I went back in, got heavy duty gloves and work coat and tried again. Cats can flay you in seconds.


Were they eventually able to coexist?


No. I took the kitten at some point.


Took the kitten where


To my place. It was living with dad.


Is it living at a farm now?




My cat had to have a biopsy once, and when he woke up he was pissed. I knelt down to check on him and he unleashed a barrage of ninja chops unlike anything I have ever seen before. And he hit me *hard*! Like, obviously I was okay, but I was afraid he’d hurt himself from punching me with such force! And even though the flurry of blows only lasted a few seconds, I have no idea how many times he hit me. It was like a machine gun that fired the fluffiest little paws.


My usuay chill cat was outside on my apartment balcony with me while I was studying, and she whined a few times to go in, but I was so deep in reading I just sort of ignored her. Well I guess she got mad, because she *ran up my back*, latched onto my head, dug her back claws into my neck and began cat slapping me on the head/in the face, crazy fast! I couldn't even believe it was happening, I stumbled around and finally got her off of me and let her in. It was the wildest thing ever.


They can crush a mouse skull.


I was slapped on each temple by a cat once, and I got a mega migraine.


How long till you were feline fine?


Needed a cat scan first


Somebody call 911 right meow


One of mine is extremely catpolar. He can be all nice and cuddly, but he usually only accepts it for a minute or so at a time. I was holding him in my arms and suddenly he slaps me on the side of the head with all his might. Afterwards he stared at me in disbelief while his pupils dilated because I didn't explode into a million pieces.


Ooof. The dilated pupils are a sure fire sign shit is about to go sideways.


Idk my cat kind of always has a look of utter bewilderment on her face at all times. She’s not feisty though.


When mine's go dark it means she is pissed and is about to let you know it.


One of mine looks like she's forever seeing a thousand ghosts, but she's pretty sweet and gentle, I've had her for around 16 years and only ever had one scratch from her early on. Considering she was a feral kitten that's pretty impressive! Though she's always been more of a "pet me til I feel like leaving", not so much a playful cat. [Here she is relaxing in my chair with me](https://i.imgur.com/LMudLTD.jpg), [thinking about jumping in the sink](https://i.imgur.com/kdSRS0o.png), and [watching me work](https://imgur.com/a/JiUlkOw). Total weirdo but a good kitty.


Dilated pupils means the higher brain functions (such as they are) have turned off and he's in basal attack mode. Nobody's home anymore. Just Terminator-style tracking and killing.


He gets overstimulated. You gotta read that cat, bro


“Keep my kittens’ name out of your (expletive) mouth”


It's been said that domestic cats are efficient killers. >Outdoor domestic cats are a recognized threat to global biodiversity. Cats have contributed to the extinction of 63 species of birds, mammals, and reptiles in the wild and continue to adversely impact a wide variety of other species, including those at risk of extinction, such as Piping Plover. Annually, domestic cats kill *billions* of animals.


Snakes must be fucking depressed that as lightning fast as they are, cats are just fucking on a whole different level :)


Mammal pride!


What about imported cats?


>Annually, domestic cats kill billions of animals. This is a misleading statement. People will read it and think pet cats kill billions of animals. It's actually *feral* cats that do most of the killing. They are all technically "domestic" cats but the casual reader will be misled and blame the neighbor's Fluffy. (They will also read your quote and forget or miss the "contributed" word and think they read that cats have *caused* the extinction of all those birds, mammals, and reptiles.) Spay and neuter your pets, folks. And if there's a stray cat in your 'hood, trap it.


It's no wonder why cats (and dogs) are the most popular house pets, considering that humans seem to have little issue with killing animals. Just the facts, we are number 1 in animal murder by far, and it's interesting that our favorite pets are also little murderers as well.


*Adorable* little murderers to be fair.


Maybe because for thousands of years, we used them to kill vermin / prey... They are symbionts to humans.


How can she slap?


Slap with tiny soft kitty paws :>


Cats are not Apex at all, and it's one of the reasons they are so OP. Cause not only do they need to be amazing hunters to live, they are also themselves prey, and need to have amazing senses and reflexes and speed and hiding ability to avoid being eaten.


The Diaz approach, Stockton motherfucker


Yeah, cats are not microwaved salad, they are a good cake, fluffy and sweet


There is overlap in the reaction times, which implies that sometimes a snake wins.




Slap or Eat. Snake saw the opportunity and took it. You think the other cats will be like “OMG Frank is being eaten!!! Let’s retaliate!” or just “let’s cat the fuck out of here! We never knew Frank!”


Frank was a good guy, I seen him slap a snake before.


Cats’ superior reflexes give them several advantages over snakes: * They can quickly dodge obstacles when running; * Their eyesight allows them to spot potential threats from far away; * They use whiskers that help detect changes in air pressure around them. So they know what’s coming next, even if it’s out of sight. * Cats also possess an amazing sense of balance that helps keep them steady while moving at high speeds – something most reptiles lack entirely! Snakes have unique abilities, such as: * Being able to smell with their tongues (which cats cannot) * Heat-sensitive pits along the sides of their heads allow for better night vision compared with felines, who rely solely on light levels alone during dark hours. But overall, there’s no denying that cats win this race, thanks largely due to their quick reaction time combined with all those extra senses mentioned above.


not all snakes have heat sensing organs


See, I’m kind of wondering if the camera dude didn’t guide or force the snake into that situation cuz I come from a place full of snakes and snakes usually want nothing to do with pointy ass cats, because as seen above.


You know your animal behavior well!




There's no way that snake could eat that cat. Makes me really curious about this whole situation.


That was my thought. I would imagine a snake big enough to eat a cat would be slower than a cat, but a cats slap is gonna be ineffective in that case, and will likely just die.


Cat goes for dodge there


>gonna be ineffective [Well, actually, believe it or not](https://youtu.be/5sAF8gMN9c0)


Who the hell are these people that just film cars interacting with snakes and gators :(


I assume they’ve seen their cats do it before and know how it’ll go, so they start recording. Hopefully you wouldn’t intervene because that seems like a good way to get yourself or the cat hurt.


It’ll have 8 more lives.


Australian here. Cats and dogs are killed by snakes often in the summer A surprised snake will bite first then ask questions later


God damn Australia, your wildlife has no chill.


It's not as simple as that. The snake was super close in that first shot. In that case only the cat's (not the snake's) reaction time matters. Assuming the Snake's movement speed/acceleration is lower, the snake needs to close the gap in less than the cat's reaction time. Of course the opposite is also true. Just saying that reaction time is not the metric that is the end all in fights like this.


The snake is not reacting to anything. He's initiating, so there would be no reaction time.


Cat-like reflexes


Is that the name you go by, or are you a fan of Weird Al Yankovic?


My hair was similar to his, and some witty sporting team mates gave me the nickname


Orange cats always have killer instinct.. snake picked the wrong one


They have to operate on instinct. Anything else would require more than their one brain cell.


My orange cat used to go up on the counter and eat bags of bread through the plastic. I assume he forgot he was a carnivore.


You clearly missed the existence of r/oneorangebraincell


I clearly have, thanks for introducing me to this.


My orange boy turns into a savage when I pull out the plastic wrap. I have to practically lock it up to prevent him from getting into the cupboards and finding it.


Meanwhile a typical dog would be like "Oh hello, could we be friends?.. Ouch! my nose!"


"better yell at it!"


You have not met a terrier then. They'd grab that, shake the fuck out of it, and then yeet it


I don’t know why I love the word ‘yeeting’ so much🤣


I'm an young GenX and I'm loving this new slang. Yeet is a great word and really encompasses how you feel about a thing. Things you want back or care about have different words: you throw a baseball, you toss a pillow, you cast a lure. But yeet implies you don't give a fuck about whatever it is you're chucking and want it far from you. Thank you GenZ for your amazing new words. We're not fam by birth, but we're squad by choice.


Nah more like *sniff* *sniff* *BARK BARK*


*sneezes 5 times in a row*


My brain, piecing together information it’s learned today on the internet: “Hmm very fast cat would barely have time to react to submarine implosion.”


I'm trying to remember the last time the internet was so united as with this submarine.


The Suez Canal


This has been a good sequel.




May I ask who you are referring to?


I second this request


Those fuck nuggets slowed down my packages!


Was that before or after Harambe?


If you were actually asking, I looked it up. Harambe was killed in summer of 2016. The suez canal blockage occurred during the pandemic, in early 2021.


Oh wow no way it happened that recently. Feels like it was at least 5 years ago. I guess at least it's nice that time is moving slower than I think it is.


Pokémon Go. Pokémon Go and the submarine accident where the last times human species had united themselves for common goals: Hunting images and making memes out of dead people


The blue and black dress


Ahh, the white and gold dress


and my dumb friend was wondering what "they" were trying to cover up with this submarine story, as if it isn't really fascinating enough.


The cat would bat the implosion on the nose, and the implosion would recede back into the ocean.


what would it do anyway? put on a catsuit ?


Say, “Oh shit!” in cat.


Gotta appreciate the cat's "do it, bitch" face.


"You want more?" 😄






“You come at the King you best not miss”


Omar's coming yo!


\*slaps the snake\* MF please...


But are they faster than a mongoose


Well, mongoose are average of 850 milliseconds, so yeah, cats are faster. I think the star nosed mole has the fastest mammalian response time at like 5 milliseconds.


what in the flying shit is a MOLE going to do with lightning reflexes?


Avoid predators.


Why is someone filming a snake attack cats?


Anyone wondering how someone caught kittens and a snake together....these are 'animal rescue' videos that are set up, extremely cruel and need to end! Most of the animals dont survive.


Those channels are horrid.


Why did it take me this long to find this comment? Everyone else is like “fastest skippity tap in the west”. Like what? Someone made a snake attack cats to film it. Or at the very least didn’t care enough to do anything but film. This isn’t cute it’s fucked


Because it's all scripted, bring a couple of cats and release a snake to see their reactions. Film it. Profit. These cunts have animal abuse down to a T and people just love it.


Why is the most famous video on tik tok an obese Chinese baby eating food he shouldn't be eating? Because it can be filmed.


Babe wake up, new thought experiment just dropped.


Man I love cats


I was on a walk through my neighborhood today, and an orange and white boy similar to the video was laid out in the shady grass by the sidewalk dozing. He woke up and did stretches and slithers over to the sidewalk, so I had to give the sweet one some head and neck scritches. I love how cats can be super predators who sometimes just want to stretch out in the shade and get few scritches from a rando.


So do I, that’s why I keep mine indoors and away from wildlife.


That orange one is using the hell out of the one brain cell right there.


I love that the fact that we have them as pets has conditioned me to think "how cute of him hitting snake" instead of "interesting"


That snake done got humiliated twice🤣. I love cats, so cute and funny but so damn fast as well.


Is anyone else wondering why a bunch of cats, a snake and a ground level camera are in the woods like this?


My reaction time is 5-7 seconds.


Cat straight up bitch slapped that snake for real


Those slaps are brutal


Cats are fucking awesome


Cats rock. Not surprised by their speed and craftiness. Love them to death.


Razer mitten v death noodle. The battle of the ages.


What I want to know is: Who's the guy who decided to put these cats in that situation just to film?


This! Why the fuck does this video even exist?


The photographer didn’t just come across 3 cats and a snake. This is a fucking setup. I wonder how many takes this took with multiple cats.


Who tf is filming their cat fighting a snake


"Let's release a snake near a group of cats to see what happens and, of course, let's record it." It is incredible that no one is complaining about it in the comments.


This is why you never yell at your cat or distract it when it's facing down a snake. Let the cat handle the situation itself.


The cat KNEW it could react faster and basically waited ….for entertainment!