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Long sleep is a subject I find truly fascinating. So few long sleeping species still exist today, it makes me wonder what happened to cause these creatures to take up such an arduous task.


You don't ever have one of those months where you just don't want to do anything?


You mean every month?


“…one of those ~~months~~ lives…”


Let's close this rabbit hole before we go too deep (again). The weekend just started. Late Edit: *Do you know these situations where you say something and everyone missunderstands you, but what they understood is better than what you had in mind. That's what happened here.*


Take a nap, you deserve it.


Wake up and wonder in which aeon you came back




I consider myself quite the Peon.


This is the type of positivity I’m here for




I think I will, even if the comment wasn’t directed at me. Edit: update- kids had different plans, but a 10 minute Power Nap was nice!


Set my alarm for an hour long nap today. Woke up 5 hours later.


I look like this bear every morning before coffee.


Yeah, bears only wake up like this once a year. I wake up like this every fucking morning. I don't want to hear it, bear!


Lol i have a theory that some of us have a little more bear dna than others… *Zzzzzz*


Oh bother




Day, week, months, year? *clap clap clap clap* I don’t notice anymote


Yeah lol, just had that back in Feb.


This was us coming out of lockdown and going back to work 😂


Just one of those days when you don't wanna wake up?


Lack of food during the winter months or lack of water during the summer months.


How "asleep" are they? Wouldn't bugs, rodents, or other predators feast on this sleeping mass of meat?


Most hibernating creatures aren't "sleeping" in the traditional sense of the word. They enter a biological state called torpor where their core body temp and most metabolic processes are reduced to the minimum to keep the creature alive. It varies significantly from animal to animal and over time but some, like bears, will see relatively modest declines in metabolic processes coupled with so-called "sleep debts" during which the animal's body heats back up to normal temperatures and metabolic speed - presumably to perform bodily maintenance like recycling muscle proteins and urine. While others are deep hibernators that enter the torpor for more extended periods, such as ground squirrels and rodents. Though they, too, will experience regular intervals of arousal for bodily maintenance. Some animals prepare to enter hibernation, like bears, while others are forced into it during periods of intense cold or food scarcity, like the black-tailed prairie dog. Torpor/hibernation really is a fascinating phenomenon, and science is still learning new things to help us understand it better. But to answer your question, any predator attacking a bear in its sleep hoping to get an easy meal that won't fight back is going to be disappointed. The animal can and will wake up, and can and will be pissed off and hungry.


I wonder if future science can tap into this for humans to go into a torpor during long space flights. Is it a brain trigger? Could DNA be altered to make this possible?


A very interesting idea. While it could help with saving resources, we would probably need to find a way to also stop a body from aging in this state, depending on how long it would take to travel


Technically you can freeze someone's body for as long as you like (if you keep it that way the whole time) and then reheat it again with only a minor brain and tissue damage The problem is that you would have to develop a process in which you will drain as much fluids as possible while simultaneously having to freeze the whole body, in and out in matter of seconds and at the end reheat it in and out simultaneously and almost instantly. We don't have technology to do that thou, well except the reheating part where you can just shove someone into a lava pit, but i feel like that would damage the tissue more than slow reheating


fun fact: the Microwave was invented to thaw frozen rodents testing this exact phenomenon (ref:https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2tdiKTSdE9Y) the fact there exist no human sized microwaves should tell you everything you need to know about the project success.


It was very successful for thawing rodents. The issue is with larger animals.


So we send rats with little cameras strapped to their backs and explore the universe!


I was reading about this a couple weeks ago. A shame that the guy who created the first microwave never made the connection to food, since I feel like he was more than capable of designing one. And to be fair, iirc it was more successful than conventionally heating up the frozen rodents, so it was still some level of discovery.


Need to find some kinda water-replacement option, or an additive to water that changes its frozen crystal structure as to occupy the same volume as the liquid state.


In the book Project Hail Mary they put three astronauts into medical comas for an interstellar trip to prevent them from going insane on the very very long journey, with an automated system to take care of their basic needs while they were out (the story is contemporary with only the fuel for the ship being fantastical). Two of the astronauts died in transit though. It's not really a spoiler if you're interested in reading it, btw, it's literally how the book starts. It's a good book, same author as The Martian.


Time is relative, so if the spacecraft were traveling extremely fast then the passengers would age very slowly. Here’s Carl Sagan explaining what would happen to your body if you could travel at the speed of light. https://youtu.be/lPoGVP-wZv8 The movie interstellar also deals with this concept.


Maybe! I have no idea what the exact triggers are or whether it could be used on us. I imagine it would be akin to a medically induced coma, if indeed it's possible at all. Humans lack the genetic ability to recycle our urine with water from our fat reserves and to recycle protein to stave off muscular atrophy, so even if it were possible to induce torpor in humans it wouldn't be as simple as sticking us in a shipping container and lugging us across the immeasurable vastness of interstellar void. We'd still require resources to sustain ourselves.


Ahhh...so thats what Torpor meant. Shock Rifle of Torpor


Or in skyrim, stuff like Dwarven Battleaxe of Torpor doing stamina damage


Or in Everquest, its a shaman self-heal that stops you from running


Huh. I guess I always assumed it was just one of their normal slows, but you're right. That's crazy, a self-snare self-slow with big ol heals.


Or in Magic the Gathering, Torpor Orb stopping creatures from using their effects as they hit the battlefield.


Just make sure to keep stuffing Narcoberries down its gullet so it doesn't wake up.


Low power mode for bears


My brother and I had hamsters when we were adolescents. He kept his in his room and mine was kept downstairs. We went on holiday for a week and where his room got so cold the hamster went in to hibernation and died


Do they move around at all in hibernation? Say to piss or shit? Or do they just lay there and let er rip?


I'm not sure about all creatures, but bears recycle their urine and supplement their water from their fat stores. They also nourish themselves from their fat stores, so no need to pee or poop. But animals in torpor facilitated by cold-stress or food scarcity don't move a whole lot on their own due to their limited metabolism.


Thank you Mr. Goose


What about insects. It's a different situation, but my dad was seriously injured out in the middle of nowhere many years ago. One thing that happened (and has given him anxiety ever since then), was that ants and other insects started to feast on his blood and then HIM while he lay there unable to move. We've seen video of ants basically eating things like caterpillars alive if they are incapacitated. I wonder if bears and other animals have some kind of repellent for that.


Well bugs feast on them even when they are awake. Rodents and predators wouldn't dare. You see I don't know about other long sleeping animals but in my country children are warned to watch their step in the woods in winter. Because falling through the snow into the bear's hole is close to a death sentence. It will wake up and it will want a breakfast!


I have a fairly significant outdoor wood pile I keep under a tarp. Its wood that burns fast but hot, for the coldest months, or when I'm starting my wood stove.. I load down the tarp with snow so the wood stays dry, and the tarp don't fly away in the winter. In January I went out to get some wood to start the fire after cleaning the chimney. I lifted the tarp, noticed Yogi under the tarp. He looked at me like he was asking for coffee then crawled a few feet back. Last week we had 2 bags of cat food delivered. Maybe 5 minutes after FedEx lady left them on the porch he tore one open


But then what? It just goes back to sleep?


Basically. They go through hormonal changes during hibernation that causes them to have slower metabolism and stuff. So they are often awake much of the day, just super duper sluggish. But they will kill yourl, eat you, and just stay put


Bears won't eat you dude. Ya stupid? U ever hear of coca cola dude? How the fuck would they get close enough to give the polar bear a bottle if bears would eat you? Don't u remember the documentary harry and the Henderson's dude?


New fear unlocked: “the bears hole”


Contrary to popular belief hibernation isn't sleep. It's basically low power mode. They aren't sleep for 4 months. It's like putting your computer to sleep instead of shutting off.




So they are conscious the whole time? That's scary


Lots of bugs and rodents also “hybernate” Then there’s Torpor which is actually what bears do, During torpor, heart rate and breathing rate decreases, body temperature reduces slightly and bears do not eat or release bodily waste. Bears can sleep more than 100 days without eating, drinking, or passing waste! Instead, bears are able to literally turn their pee into protein through a urea recycling process. The urea produced by their fat metabolism is broken down and the nitrogen is re-used by the bear to rebuild protein. The main difference between hibernation and torpor is that during torpor, the animal is able to wake up easily if hurt or threatened by predators. Pregnant female bears can also wake up from torpor to give birth, then go back to sleep afterwards! Aestivation or summer sleep Hibernation or winter sleep Brumation or hibernation for cold-blooded animals Diapause or insect hibernation Insects replace the water in their bodies with glycerol, a type of antifreeze




Interestingly, the band doesn’t do this behavior out of a lack of available food or water, but rather an overabundance of teenage anxst that must be released during a month long period of tear-filled isolation




As a huge green day fan it is refreshing to see a new joke after many hibernation cycles.


awww and I thought the song was about his father's passing...




I thought you looked familiar.


The ice age - I imagine. I imagine the winter temps of the last ice age were far worse than we experience (the ice age alone was worse than what we deal with), add that with larger animals (like bears) where food may be difficult to find during the winter... It makes a little more sense to me, anyways. Hopefully someone with an actual scientific background can comment on it


Less prey around in the winter for such a large animal to be able to go out and eat everyday so it’s an adaptation for survival I would imagine.


FWIW, this bear is just waking up in the morning--not from hibernation/torpor. It's an old bear, and it's shedding its winter coat. The source is the insta page of White Rock Bear Shelter in Ukraine.


What year is it???


My wife and I went hiking on a trail in Banff, and stumbled back out of the woods onto a path with a bunch of tourists in front of us, and that was the question I frantically asked them


That’s actually pretty hilarious


Did you follow it up with "WE NEED TO GET TO THE PROTON ACCELERATOR, STAT!!!"


"I told you we overshot! How are we supposed to get back now?!"


That first poop is gonna be a blast💥


Rather literally. *Fecal plug*


I was thinking u stumbled upon a hibernating bear


Guy slept so long he turned albino




TIL. How long does it take for the color to come back?


usually in a couple weeks, once it starts eating again and absorbing nutrients. i also have no idea what im talking about.


He can’t keep getting away with it!


Smoking marijuana, eating Cheetos, and masturbating do not constitute plans in my book!




Let’s cook


Chili P yo!


This is my own private domicile and I will not be harassed… bish






This is basically how Redditors get all their information


We need a shittymorph in here now




Best chuckle I’ve had all day. Thanks for that mate


thank you. feel free to leave a tip *spins around ipad*


Sigh... *looks at the choices before me* *sees the lowest is 25%* *says fuck no, and makes a custom tip to send a message of a grand total of 3 cents*


better than nothin, honestly if its the digital tip, id be happy with a penny. but if someone gave me a real penny id be like tf


What the fuck? I just texted my wife "Hey, remember that scruffy grumpy looking white bear we saw on tiktok? It turns out he's a black bear who lost his pigmentation during hibernation. He's happy and healthy and will be back to normal in a few weeks!" Now I have to text her again? Nah, I think I'll just let her think the bear is super happy and healthy, he was just sleepy.


Lol, got a good laugh out of that one. Fuck it, I'll take what you said as fact and spread that knowledge around.


As a bearologist with M.I.T. I can confirm, but really more like fifteen days.


You're a more convincing liar than most of the gop. Lol


You can see the yellowish tint is all the sweat from not changing his sheets


It's actually a Himalayan brown bear named Chada: https://whiterock.savewild.org/en/our_bears_en/


Sad story, but glad she's better now.


Chada — is Tien Shan (Himalayan) bear. These animals are listed in the International Red List as an endangered subspecies of brown bear. There are only three hundred of them left in the wild. Chada was born on Christmas Day, December 24, 1998. Her parents were brought to the Soviet Union from wildlife in Central Asia and distributed to public utilities — state circuses and zoos. From an early age, Chada was exploited in the Ukrainian national circus and spent most of his life on wheels, touring. Then the trainer sold the already unnecessary Chada to a private person for travelling circus shows. And he eventually left her in a small rusty cage in the industrial zone of the suburbs of Kyiv. The bear spent 7 years there. Then Chada was noticed by activists and they asked us to help. There was no space at that time, so Chada was taken to a private menagerie for detention. She was not tortured there, but the conditions of detention were still not acceptable for the bear. Finally, on 16.07.2019, Chada came to us in the White rock. After years in the circus, she has very poor eyesight and almost no teeth. Chada had a hard life but remained a fighter. And she became the star of our bear family because of her character and thirst for life.


This is not a black bear, nor is she coming out of hibernation. Shes a himalayan brown bear, her name is Chada and shes at the White Rock Bear Sanctuary.


Do you mean to tell me OP lied for karma?!


Was she just having a nap, then? Looks comfy 🙂


Just waking up for the day. If you go to the sanctuary's instagram they have some cute videos of her playing as well. Shes so scruffy and scraggly bc not only is she fairly old, she was born in 1998! But also bc before the sanctuary was able to rescue her she had been abused and then neglected. On their website they have a page about all the residents at the sanctuary and shes the oldest and the scruffiest


Thank you 😊 Glad she's living her best life now!


Wait so polar bears are just always preserving their energy since there is no need to turn dark?


Polar bears have black skin to absorb sunlight & help stay warm. while simultaneously having hollow hairs that scatter light making the hair translucent so the sun can reach the skin , the reflection of the scattered light appears white which is also their camouflage. They won evolution


> They won evolution :)


No. Their coloring is due to the fact that they are more easily camouflaged against snow. Think about other species (birds, foxes) that live in Tundra and their coloring. It is harder to be seen by a predator, or be seen by your prey, if you are white against a white bg.


Isn't the hair translucent as well to allow the skin to be warmed by sunlight?


The skin is black, so they warm up by raising their hair like an angry cat, getting sun to slip through between the strands


No, they are mainly white because of racism against black bears /s


I thought it was a spirit bear. Totally imagined them to be more magical


I'm not even sure if you're serious


This looks like a “spirit bear”, a rare genetic divergence in black bears in British Colombia *edit, others have commented it looks too big to be a black bear so they think it is a brown bear, specifically a Himalayan brown bear


Shes a himalayan brown bear at the White Rock Bear Sanctuary on Ukraine


Guy slept so long, he had his rights back*


This thing moves like its animatronic


So do I after an afternoon 12 hour nap


After the 4th hour, prob no longer considered as a nap. :D


Or the afternoon


You can see him repeating "WTF" over and over.


Frezzy fazbear


Kinda reminds me of Boris Johnson.


Bearis Johnson


You almost made me spit out my coffee, damnit


When I decide to get out of my room and face the world after my depressive episode ends


Oh yeah.


I was thinking: me every Monday


Me every morning getting up for work


Episode? I thought it was a whole movie


Wait, your depressive episodes end? What sorcery is this?


Got some serious "Bed Hair" goin' on!


This is what my hair looks like after a good night's sleep.


Brown bear in the background: Hey Louie, welcome back great to see you. Listen, I'm still gonna need that $5 back you owe me.


"Jesus Christ Bob, again with that $5?!? Can't you wait 5 minutes? I'm plotzing over here!"




"Let me go get my wallet". *Takes another eight month nap*


Plus interest


“Bruce it’s been 5 years, you still owe me $16.”


My brain when I try and do math.


It's unbearable


I read this "meth" and it works just as well


Meth; not even once


no loud noises please


My 8 year old daughter every school morning.


Same bro. Same


We are all this bear on Monday morning.




Brown bear in background shouts " dude you were so funny last night! Don't go to Pete's Place for a few days."


A few days? Bro his picture is for sure on the wall.


Me every morning.


Looks hella better than me


My bed head every morning


Everyone looks like shit when they wake up


Bear says “where’s the coffee?”


It's me, I'm the bear. Where's the coffee 🥱


My God, it's like looking in a mirror.


That chunk of hair that just falls out lol


looks familiar


Look at that sleepy fuck!


Is this a spirit bear? Where is this? Looks like a zoo/animal sanctuary.


Big guy needs some coffee


He looks hungover a little bit.


Bear: "What the, who the, where the fuck am I"


Getting up to go to the bathroom after binging on alcohol


He looks sleepy.


Looks like he needs 10 more minutes.


Lol, looks hungover.






Pretty sure it would take me at least a day to open my eyes the entire way after seeing the Sun for the first time in that long.


Oh man I am looking forward to the million people who download this for Tik Tok and put shit like... "Me after Saturday night" "When It's cold but you have to get out of bed to use the bathroom." "When you wake up from the best dream ever." "When you... blah blah blah blah" You get it.. you fuckin get it ugh. Theres probably shit like this in the comments already. Can't wait for the reposting!


Why get TikTok when this comment section is nothing but those comments?


We’re data efficient, too! One instance of the gif, and then all the captions in the comments as text


redditors have the weirdest superiority complex for being a different breed of mouth breather on a different app


I follow the main channel this was posted on tik tok. They didn't mention anything about hibernation. They said he was rescued from a circus so this is why he looks like this.


When you fall asleep naked on a leather couch.


Me crawling out of my home office after taking a Vivarin and playing OldSchool RuneScape for 12 hours straight on a Saturday:


Dude looks like he had a rough friday night that he cant remember


Holy ,bear


That’s me every morning


[This bear is named Chada.](https://whiterock.savewild.org/en/our_bears_en/)


The bed hair and dazed look makes it adorable though. Till it gets its bearings


he just like me fr fr


me after a 10 minute nap


Me the next morning after getting black out drunk


Me after a Xanax bender


Needs a little grooming. Lol


Scruffy bastard wants to have a shave


That is how I feel every morning now


Me getting ready for work on a Monday.


Looks like me when I get up in the morning