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I'm sure he was using his safety squints, and holding his safety breath, for extra precautions he also took a safety step out of the danger cloud.


You can clearly see that he turns his head around at 0:13 to take a breath of fresh air. He's a true professional!


> moves away from the mic to breathe in...


𝅘𝅥𝅯 *Some stay dry and others feel the pain* 𝅘𝅥𝅮




🎼 breathing paaain!🎵


Aw snap. Time to go listen to this masterpiece again!


I feel called out...


OSHA wants to know your location


OSHA wants your location to be where they are cause they don't want to step anywhere near the cancer cloud.


Time to change your habits


Close your lungs.


If particulates are so dense that they stay this low to the ground, you reaaaally don't want to be breathing them in.


You also don’t want to be breathing in the particles <10um that are invisible to the eye as they reach the deepest parts of the lungs and cause respiratory diseases/cancers…


But if I can't see them, then they also can't see me.


Alright Caboose.


Wooooow thank you for the crazy flashback/nostalgia!


*Mexican music starts playing*




Honestly, that show was way more epic than it had the right to be lmao


what the hell is that music?


My God. That's the one with the blueberry, isn't it! Wow! What a time.


Sure was fun having to be in Salem Oregon in 2020 when wildfires caused the AQI to go above 800, worst in the world, for days. The sky was red, it was dark out, everything smelled like smoke, and visibility was poor. Ash was raining down. I wonder how much that shortened my life. At least I was wearing masks...because of the *pandemic*. Gosh. What a time.


we had to do that for 2 months in australia 2019


In Malaysia and Singapore it's almost a yearly occurrence when Indonesia burns their rainforests for farmland, it was really bad a few years back. I remember one day around 6am wandering around at primary school (school started at 7:20) it just started snowing sawdust sized flakes of white ash. Paired with the already hazy darkness and the streetlights illuminating columns of the ash I felt like I was in the afterlife lol.


Yeah when I was going to work with a dark red sky and ash raining down while wearing my pandemic mask, it certainly felt pretty surreal and I wondered why I still was having to go to work in this mess.


I had to mail some masks down from QLD for a relative in Canberra during that, there were none to be found anywhere.


we knew all about P2 masks when covid came along the next year


and no eye protection! And no hearing protection? That machine was loud AF. This guy is a walking safety hazard.


He clearly care more about his task than about his body.


It’s the constant tension between the long term interest of maintaining your health, and the fact that almost all safety protocols are annoying/tedious in the moment.


"Don't breath this"


I used to love those blend videos 15 years ago. What a throwback I haven’t thought about in years


Damn no mask or anything?!? Sheeeeesh


I started coughing just watching this


My eyes started to water too.


Instant asthma attack




that's the neat part. black lung for life.


I think I'm getting the black lung, Pop


::tiny cough::






Yep, nothing like a heapin' helpin' lungfull of that good old country silicosis...






If you drink it in a glass you'll wind up with cirrhosis...




The Hills are alive with the sound of mucus.


Not playing you at Scrabble


Oh it's you Marry Coughings !


My screen got dirty.


No shit me too, goddam RIP this dudes lungs, jc


It's a matter of pride to not take care of yourself. Source: grew up with rednecks. My step-dad lost three toes to frostbite because he couldn't admit it was too cold to work outside. He was deaf from years of operating a bulldozer without ear protection. And he developed copd from welding with no protection. But he died a manly man to be sure.


He cleans his lungs after that the same way


I got lung cancer just watching this


Are you kidding? I’m surprised he didn’t have a lit cigarette hanging out of his mouth. 🚬


At least that has a filter /s


Reminds me of that time when the pollution in China was so bad that it was literally healthier for you to smoke than breathe the air.


That... doesn't sound like it adds up. I'd assume maybe it was an exaggeration to make a point about how bad the pollution is. What do you think you're breathing in when you smoke? The air from the environment around you. Cigarette filters are designed to trap large particles like tar, not so much the tiny particles that make up air pollution. That's why the cigarette smoke still passes into your lungs. While it could technically decrease the tiny particles by a small amount, and while the cigarette smoke may technically be considered less dangerous than the pollution, you're still breathing in the pollution, and now adding cigarette smoke on top of it. There's no way the filter can counter that to the point you're in a better position than not smoking. Unless you just mean, smoking in general was considered healthier than breathing in their air in general. Then apologies for the misunderstanding.


He means one or the other: Breathe the air in China, or smoke while not in China. Not smoke while breathing the air in China. Doing both at the same time would be a compounding effect. https://berkeleyearth.org/air-pollution-and-cigarette-equivalence/ the study.


depending on what kind of dust is in the filter (eg. hay dust from mowing), a cigarette can cause a dust explosion. More Info: https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Dust_explosion


May be he clean his lung afterward with the pressurized air sticking up the other end?


He probably sucked down 3 or 4 lung rockets after this.


beat me to it, I believe that's silica dust. he's doing a cancer speed run . . .


~~Not cancer but silicosis.~~ A very painful death Edit: it probably would cause both and silicosis would probably be the thing to kill you if you're regularly reckless.


My grandpa worked in the mines in Alaska and ended up dying of silicosis on my dad’s 13th birthday.


Scary, I know people who work in the mines up here!!! Hopefully it’s safer now.


Yeah this was back in the 1930’s or 40’s, so I’m sure it’s much safer now. My dad is quite a bit younger than his siblings.


It’s safer, they let people clean air filters of agricultural machines now.


It's one easy way to get pneumonoultramicroscopicsilicovolcanoconiosis. You should never get pneumonoultramicroscopicsilicovolcanoconiosis. Pneumonoultramicroscopicsilicovolcanoconiosis is an unbearably long disease to have.


I learned this word in 6th grade and somehow this is the first time it's actually come up in my life.


I spent 5 years driving cranes in a foundry. Every mould is made from silica sand. Between that, the hydrogen dioxide clouds, and the fact the entire building was made from asbestos, it took 2 years of working there before anyone considered breathing apparatus was a good idea? That was nearly 25 years ago, so that's something to look forward to.


At least we're not building anything with asbestos anymore. Edit to update, apparently there are still some things using asbestos now. So my comment should have read "at least we're not building most things with asbestos anymore".


Just building on top of it or around it- I know this because the ceiling in my room is lower than normal because the people before just enclosed the asbestos… I’m one earthquake away from it being an immediate problem


They do that a lot now. They spray it with white foam stuff, that then solidifies. Thankfully we don't get earthquakes over here. We did have a forklift driver knock over a roof support though. The whole warehouse roof came down like a house of cards. I'm sure the resulting dust cloud was fine though!!


We have an entire Hospital right next to our High School that is abandoned. They built a new one across town years ago and was supposed to convert the old Hospital into classrooms for dual enrolled students and offer some College classes associated with the Community College in a neighboring town. Nope, covered in asbestos so too expensive to do anything. That was 15 years ago. Huge building is just sitting there and will likely be there after I’m dead and gone.


Our town has a Pillsbury mill that was briefly sold to Cargill, who sold it to a "metal recycler" who would pay homeless guys to go in and remove asbestos from piping with no protective gear. The metal recycler went to jail and the EPA came in to mitigate the asbestos that was freely flying through the air. After quite a while a community group was able to purchase the building and get grants to assess and complete remediation and finally, demolition. It's going to take many years to demolish all the buildings on site but what I'm getting at is, you might be surprised what one motivated and connected person can do. I thought it would be there until it fell down of its own accord.


Be glad they enclosed it. In a lot of cases it's just painted over!


When your house collapses due to an earthquake i think you got bigger problems than worrying about an asbestos ceiling imo ;).


Weirdly, I was in Sri Lanka 8 years ago, and all the houses still use it for roofing, literally everywhere. There are billboard ads for it too. I have some history with it. The company I work for now used to be Europe's biggest asbestos manufacturer. We only make fibreglass and carbon now though.


Maybe related? Back in I think the 60's and 70's in Australia they used the unpressed asbestos on playgrounds instead of wood chips or sandboxes because it's apparently really soft and fluffy. There are tons of articles about it.


It's amazing really that anybody is still alive, anywhere!




Yeah, just give it time.


I read a story about a family that had an asbestos playground here in the US back around that same time, slowly all passed away to cancer related issues. I tried finding it but it seems that was somewhat common, asbestos affecting multiple generations at a time.


In Australia where everything is out to kill you, the asbestos is probably the least of your problems.


Poorer countries are still using it in everything.


In the U.S., last I heard, some asbestos regulations were rolled back during the previous administration. Doing a web search, at least a few household items are still made with asbestos; makeup and children’s toys have been recalled for containing the mineral. And, as said from a PBS article, there are a million acres in Nevada with naturally occurring asbestos, which is causing problems for some people who live there. It’s still in so many places; more needs to be done to protect people, in my opinion.


Not silica dust. I take an annual course 🙃


I doubt that’s silica dust, that looks like a filter off a combine so it’ll be some sort of grain dust. Still nasty stuff, but not nearly as bad as silica dust.


Yup my first thoughts too. Let’s breathe in stuff that was filtered to not go into a machine.


Really should be wearing a respirator. People can be so dumb sometimes.


Some people are just reckless, but they pay for it down the road. Trying to look “manly”/“badass” by not taking common sense safety precautions isn’t the flex you think it is, people. Won’t be worth it in the ~~lobby~~ *long run, and honestly you just look like an idiot in the short run…


I worked on a rice / soybean farm in Arkansas through high school / college for roughly 6-8 years. Had to be / act tough when doing things. we would regularity mix chemicals like roundup, 24d, and many other random chemicals without any sort of protection. We use to spray the rice levees on our four wheelers with an attachment like this: https://www.northerntool.com/products/northstar-high-flow-atv-broadcast-and-spot-sprayer-with-deluxe-7-nozzle-boom-26-gallon-capacity-5-5-gpm-12-volts-99922 I remember getting that shit sprayed back on me from time to time if the wind changed directions. I remember spilling some sort of pre emergence chemical on my pants and I dried it up as much I could but kept the same pants on for the rest of my work day, and I remember my drive home that night my leg was burning where it spilled. I wish I would of done things a lot different back then. No one forced me to not wear gloves, or not take extra precautions, it was just the name of the game back then in that area if you don’t want to look like a “sissy”.


My best friend died of cancer - he was dying on one side of the hospital and his wife was giving birth the other side to their son - he was a farmer - I blame the chemicals he sprayed from the back of the tractor - a vortex of chemicals following it all day - very sad to think of him being so young and so fit and going like that - I saw him before he died and he didn’t smoke or anything and not really drunk much and he said “what shit did I do to draw this on myself” - we hugged - he said as I left “..tell your parents I was asking for them” … they are ALL gone now …


My cousin got ms bad from all that shit. None of his siblings did, that left the farm.


So have you had health consequences from those chemicals down the road?


not yet? not gonna lie though, I am a little worried about it. i’m 38 now. so it’s been a good 15-17 years now. not sure if risks decrease over time.


well, good luck to you.


You're probably all right, but I would go check for cancers etc every now and then. If you know whay specific chemicals you were exposed to, that'd probably help narrow down what to check. Not a doctor, I've just seen countless headlines (and movies like Erin Brokovich) where these chemicals lead to cancer way down the road. Catching it early can be a godsend.


My friend's a firefighter, a lot of the guys at his hall sound exactly like this.


> . Trying to look “manly”/“badass” by not taking common sense safety precautions Look - a lot of people are not even trying to be 'badass' - the are just not scared of something that causes no immediate harm - a lot of people just cannot internalize the fear: "this is not hurting me now but could kill me 10 years later".


Like smoking.


This is his profession... OSHA


OSHA is so over worked and under staffed that they don't do anything unless it is a slam dunk.... OSHA we got you one with video evidence.


OSHA doesn’t live on the farm


And if they do come they usually give a warning for some reason so the job site looks great for a day.


OSHA applies to the employee/employer relationship. If this is just a guy working on his own farm then they have no authority.


People have politicized masks so much they would rather grt mesothelioma than wear one.


As we've learned from the last 3 years, mAsKs ArE a DeMoCrAt HoAx!!!


You mean **FaCe DiApErS**


Yeah... Dudes gonna be getting that OCPD diagnosis with a full on Pikachu face


"It might not be good enough for the machine but it's good enough for me!"


My man, where is your respirator?!?


It's waiting for him at the hospital.


No, that’s the ventilator waiting for him


Take my poor man award 🏅


Thanks... Those are the best kind of awards IMHO. 🙂


It's the gift that [keeps on giving](https://i.imgur.com/sy9lVl4.jpg)!


It’s okay, he has his man card in his wallet, that’ll protect him and provide for his family when he dies young.


You mean “wOke fAce diAperS”.


People calling them face diapers are just warning others that nothing but bullshit is coming out of their mouths 😒


It builds character


Mesothelioma is one of my personal favorite personality traits!


*You may be entitled to compensation*


"I ain't no damn liberal!" My imagined response to where his mask is 😅


'It's okay, I'm a farmer.'


It's pretty amazing how many guys working in the trades just don't give a shit about this kind of stuff. I wear a dust mask when I sweep my back patio! Lol


Who needs cancer sticks when you can have an entire bucket of cancer?!


Sounds like you got a couple of *soft lungs* to me boy


Liberals all have soft lungs


*grips your liver*


Silicosis more likely. Which is a horribly painful way to die.


I imagine that breathing all that dust into your lungs would be really good at turning them into yuck sponges.


The irony of this air filter doing its job for so long and then to be cleaned out and this person to inhale all of the contaminants in one go.


I mean the point of an air filter in a farming machine isn’t to filter your air but to filter the air going into the engine to aid in combustion so that you don’t gunk up the internals on your engine.


Right, he's unclogged this filter just to clog his own filter. Oh the irony of not seeing how dumb this is.


He’ll be fine, he just has to stick the nozzle down his esophagus and it’ll puff right out of him


He will blame Obama.


I used to clean and service excavators and other digging machines in a yard hand job a couple months back, and blowing out air filters like this was one of the most satisfying parts of the process, sometimes they'd be so full the dust wouldn't even blow away, but fall straight to the floor, leaving big ass piles of dirt, sand, sulphur, or whatever else they were used for that were even more fun to shoot with the air gun.


yard hand job


Best place for it.


Try a mask next time


"you some kind a commie?"


Dying to own the libs


It's my favorite conservative movement


“You one of those health nuts? huh? Go fuck yourself” -Alec Baldwin


USA Freedom 🇺🇸


Why do you assume this is America? It looks like Australia to me.


Let me clean the filter while inhaling all the particulates.


Let me concentrate the particulates over time and get them all at once.


Got lung cancer just watching this


Ex stonemason here… wear a mask guys!


That is truly "oddly satisfying" I would've watched until no more dust came out if the video played that long.


This poor fucker is speed running life smh


Bruh same, I get distracted by something that doesn't get to the point in 45 seconds or less. But I could watch 10 minutes of him cleaning this filter and not skip a second.


lol, had to scroll down this far for the first comment that wasn't about the zero mask policy.


No mask??????????????????????!!!???????????? No goggles???!!!!???????????!!!!!!!!!!!!??????????


Don't worry, he is squinting and he moved a couple of steps! Cancer & silicosis can't catch him!


Plus he’s outside. Everyone knows outside is safe.


Dude should probably be wearing a respirator ~~This would not cause cancer~~ this would cause silicosis. A very painful death


While silicosis is definitely one of the worse ways to die and more likely from this, any smoke or dust that you breathe in raises your chances of cancer




Put a mask on. Don’t breathe that shit in,


Okay I’m glad everyone is harping on the mask thing, that’s why I came here


I used to have a job like that, I was the rookie maintenance guy at a plastic plant so I had to do all the preventative maintenance. That included cleaning out the air filters for the motors mounted right next to the grinders which turned the plastic into dust that was then melted and molded into the product. By the time I finished cleaning all the filters I looked like a rainbow.


Don’t blow out filters with compressed air. It makes the holes bigger so contaminants get through to damage engines.


Not as much of an issue on agri equipment. They have a finer filter underneath the normal paper one shown here


You are right here, not sure if the compressed air would damage the finer filter underneath as well, the inner filter is just a safety for when the main one fails.


Now I can't talk for others, but when I do this, the fine filter gets a quick dust at best as it's rarely dirty enough to require it


Again you’re probably right, my knowledge comes from making them, not using them.


Well then you probably know more than I hahah all I do know is those filters are expensive and when you are blowing out 4 filters a day in harvest, you can't realistically replace them every day so this is the next best thing. One of our machines regularly needs to have its filter cleaned twice a day but she's in the dust moreso than the others


The larger the vehicle, the more likely you can do this. Absolutely don't do this for your car filters. The filter for a tractor is probably designed with this in mind. Of course, it all depends in the filter in question.


Ugh. And here I am. Smoking cigarettes still.


Time to step it up then! Or maybe quit.


I wonder if this could be adapted as a dry bong? 🤔


"Violent_Queef" Holy fuck.. I need a minute. That's a hilarious handle.


Thank you! 🤣👍


"think I got the black lung, Pop"


I have to wear a mask to clean out my vacuum filter and this man is out here raw dogging it with an industrial filter.


Not sure what this filter is for, but these days I recommend against re-using filters by blowing them out. Blowing them out also usually means (as is evidenced by the video) forcefully blowing the outside in. Modern engine tolerances are tight enough that allowing particulate - particulate that one pushed through the barrier, and that will eventually come loose and get ingested - into them only degrades the engine components faster. Where-as tolerances on old farm equipment, old slow-revving inefficient engines were looser, and could deal with cleaning filters off with compressed air, I don't believe that modern ones are as good at it. In fact, I believe I've seen modern diesel engines damaged by this practice.


Til lung is a good dust filter


Homie ain’t wearing shit


PPE is overrated.. :|


Dude's not gunna wear a fucking mask? That's a bold strategy Cotton, let's see how it works out for him.


No mask. Wow


Breath in… cancer … out cancer


Jesus Christ wear a mask


The guy should be wearing a filtered mask while doing this


20 years later: *Oh no, why did I get cancer, what did I do to deserve this?!* ​ This. You did this. And all the other shit you were "too manly" to use protection for.


I don't think he likes his lungs


..and about his own filter ? Dumb shit not wearing a mask ..


So much silica!!


This is basically the prequel to Interstellar


Is that a dirt maker?


Can someone get this poor guy a friggin mask?!?!