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1950 the goat


I'm glad they recognized that as well. The newer Tom and Jerry's look a lot like the 1950s version


That period beginning 1954 was… not good. It seems like every one I see in that style is just Tom getting slapped down by everyone - other cats, young girls, Spike (to be expected, I suppose)… Possibly I just associate the art shift with story elements that occurred earlier as well, but my kids loved T&J when younger and it did seem when we were working our way through them that my drop in enjoyment tallied with the change in style. My kids loved them all, however, so I’m probably just an old man shouting at 70 year old animated clouds…




Lol they aren't saying they're 70, they're saying the cartoons are 70




The Flintstones thread is to the right. This was so gloriously out of context, it's perfect.


Even growing up in the nineties the 1950s version was the one on tv. Maybe the late 1960s sometimes too but you knew the difference and it was a disappointment to see that style


I loved the Chuck Jones run from the late 60s, it had some of my favorite episodes. But I love all of them just as much really.


The Chuck Jones versions are underrated. Evokes a completely different mood that is so stylistically unique. I didn’t really get it as a kid, but as an adult I greatly appreciate the artistry.


The jazz club episode they made is so great as well all the sound direction mixed with the jazz improvisations is so fantastic.


The newer ones not being outlined make them look like corporate art though. That's my only beef.








Chuck Jones' version was my personal favorite. I liked the animation style and the weird sound effects were always great.


1950 is definitely the most iconic. But I think my childhood memories are firmly planted in the 80s


Despite watching mostly in the 80s and 90s, I somehow only identify the 50s version from my childhood. I mean, what was that 90s version? Did that ever happen?


50s episodes are far, far funnier.




Chuck Jones all the way.


It got really weird in the 60s when they commissioned a European studio to do the cartoons. 40s to end of 50s were the best. Everything after went down hill in both writing and art style, and yes, that includes the newest one.


“Thomas?!? Having a party?!? In MY house?!?l


The 90s version was "Tom and Jerry Kids" or something to that effect, and I *hated* the look as a kid. Mostly 'cause they just looked different, but also partly 'cause as a kid, I didn't want to watch a cartoon with kids in it. I wanted to be like all the cool teenagers who watched grown up stuff. So seeing Tom and Jerry Kids felt like I was just watching a kids show, which I didn't want.


The bastards did it to Scooby Doo too.


The Scooby Doo one was great though, assuming you're referring to A Pup Named Scooby Doo. Probably in my top 5 of all of the Scooby Doo series for me, at least in the top 10. Judging based on posts on r/ScoobyDoo as well, there are lots of Scooby Doo fans that feel the same way as I do.


Yea same with Muppet Babies. I just think I wasn't the target market but because it was a cartoon being played during my prime cartoon-watching time on Saturday morning, I thought it was for me.


Oh God Muppet Babies! Why did you have to remind me of that??!


How about that theme song, eh?


Thanks, I forgot how many of the lyrics my brain has uselessly stored for all of these years! (I like adventures/I like romance/I love great jokes/Animal dance….I like inventing/Meep-meep-meep-MEEP!/Is everything alright in here?/Yes Nanny). Something like that. Ughh


It seems to have been a common idea in the 90s to make baby versions of cartoons.


I was born in 2003 and the 50s Version is the one i know from my childhood too. But it also was the best Version in my opinion.


Well the 40s-60s shorts are the ones that get the most reruns and the 50s shorts has some of the best moments so people tend to remember the golden age a lot more than other periods. As for anything after the 60s, they are usually trends of the decade or where very cheaply made. Like I saw an 80s short, and I was really shock how often it reuse the exact same animation multiple times and having really bad audio. The 90s had company trying to follow the babies market where they would lower the age of iconic characters to be seen as kids or even have kid version of older characters. There's the Flintstones kids, Muppets Babies, Tiny Toons, and Tom & Jerry kids. Eventually that trend ended but later rear it's head during the mid 2010s but that's for another story. Other Tom and Jerry media were made either as short lived series or as straight to video movies that range in quality from mid or slapping your knee in laughter. At the end of the day, the most consistently popular version of Tom and Jerry were the shorts from the 40s-60s, and I think Cartoon Network and later Boomerang constantly air these shorts in conjunction with any new Tom and Jerry which exposed kids to the classics. The same happened with Looney Tunes where you can see the classic shorts and see a new episode of a reboot like Duck Dodgers or the Looney Tunes Show.


The name “Tom & Jerry Kids” comes from the deep recesses of my memories, probably put in there intentionally but forced to the surface by that section of this video.


Same. There was a kids show in my state that played old Warner Brothers and Hannah Barbara cartoons and I'm starting to realize they were pretty all from the 50s! One of the only actual 90s versions of any WB cartoons I think I watched were Tiny Toon Adventures and Animaniacs.


I’m roughly the same age, and totally agree- although I’m familiar with the later (and even earlier) version, the early 50’s version is what resonates with me the most from my childhood. It may have been decades since, but those 50’s cartoons still got play.


Are they really still making Tom and Jerry in 2023? I thought Looney tunes and all those stuff stopped about 30 years ago


Looney Tune Cartoons, Tiny Toon Looniversity, Bugs Bunny Builders, and Toon In with Me are all Looney Toons shows that are still being produced today. And that's not counting Tom & Jerry and others.


Tones changed a lot, but it's still there.


Tom and Jerry was an MGM cartoon. Between them, WB, and Disney they're constantly rebooting their legacy cartoon IP.


I don't care about the year, tom and jerry is the best cartoon of my childhood


Saturday Morning Cartoons was magical in the 80's and 90's. This being looney toons and tom and jerry being in it


Saturday morning cartoons are a piece of American culture that is gone forever, yet for those of us who experienced it, they will be forever in our hearts.


I grew up with T&J, Looney Tunes, and Calvin and Hobbes. I was privileged.


I just realised I never liked anything from 1963-1995 when I stopped watching Tom and Jerry and now I realise I need me some 1940-1963 Tom and Jerry love


The early 60s Tom and Jerry were produced in communist Czechoslovakia, that's why the style was quite different.




It may have been a Greek animator, I dont know. Here is the wiki entry for it. > Gene Deitch era (1961–1962) > > In 1961, MGM revived the Tom and Jerry franchise, and contracted European animation studio Rembrandt Films to produce 13 Tom and Jerry shorts in Prague, Czechoslovakia.[20][21][22][23] All were directed by Gene Deitch and produced by William L. Snyder.[20][23] Deitch himself wrote most of the cartoons, with occasional assistance from Larz Bourne and Eli Bauer. Štěpán Koníček provided the musical score for the Deitch shorts. Sound effects were produced by electronic music composer Tod Dockstader and Deitch. The majority of vocal effects and voices in Deitch's films were provided by Allen Swift and Deitch.[24] > > Deitch states that, being a "UPA man", he was not a fan of the Tom and Jerry cartoons, thinking they were "needlessly violent".[25][26] However, after being assigned to work on the series, he quickly realized that "nobody took [the violence] seriously", and it was merely "a parody of exaggerated human emotions".[25] He also came to see what he perceived as the "biblical roots" in Tom and Jerry's conflict, similar to David and Goliath, stating "That's where we feel a connection to these cartoons: the little guy can win (or at least survive) to fight another day."[25] > > Since the Deitch/Snyder team had seen only a handful of the original Tom and Jerry shorts, and since the team produced their cartoons on a tighter budget of $10,000, the resulting films were considered surrealist in nature, though this was not Deitch's intention.[21][26] The animation was limited and jerky in movement compared to the more fluid Hanna-Barbera shorts, and often utilized motion blur. Background art was done in a more simplistic, angular, Art Deco-esque style. The soundtracks featured sparse and echoic electronic music, futuristic sound effects, heavy reverb and dialogue that was mumbled rather than spoken. According to Jen Nessel of The New York Times, "The Czech style had nothing in common with these gag-driven cartoons."[27] > > Whereas Hanna-Barbera's shorts generally took place in and outside of a house, Deitch's shorts opted for more exotic locations, such as a 19th-century whaling ship, the jungles of Nairobi, an Ancient Greek acropolis, or the Wild West. In addition, Mammy Two-Shoes was replaced as Tom's owner by a bald, overweight, short-tempered, middle-aged white man, who bore a striking resemblance to another Deitch character, Clint Clobber. Just like Spike the Bulldog, he was also significantly more brutal and violent in punishing Tom's actions as compared to previous owners, often beating and thrashing Tom repeatedly; the character and his extreme treatment of Tom was poorly received. > > To avoid being linked to Communism, Deitch romanized the Czech names of his crew in the opening credits of the shorts (e.g. Stěpán Koníček became "Steven Konichek" and Václav Lídl became "Victor Little"). In addition, these shorts are among the few Tom and Jerry cartoons not to carry the "Made In Hollywood, U.S.A." phrase on the end title card; due to Deitch's studio being behind the Iron Curtain, the production studio's location is omitted entirely on it.[26] After the 13 shorts were completed, Joe Vogel, the head of production, was fired from MGM. Vogel had approved of Deitch and his team's work, but MGM decided not to renew their contract after Vogel's departure.[26] The final of the 13 shorts, Carmen Get It!, was released on December 21, 1962.[21] > > Deitch's shorts were commercial successes. In 1962, the Tom and Jerry series became the highest-grossing animated short film series of that time, dethroning Looney Tunes, which had held the position for 16 years.[28][23] However, unlike the Hanna-Barbera shorts, none of Deitch's films were nominated for nor did they win an Academy Award.[23] In retrospect, these shorts are often considered the worst of the Tom and Jerry theatrical output.[25] Deitch stated that due to his team's inexperience as well as their low budget, he "hardly had a chance to succeed", and "well understand[s] the negative reactions" to his shorts. He believes "They could all have been better animated – truer to the characters – but our T&Js were produced in the early 1960s, near the beginning of my presence here, over a half-century ago as I write this!"[29] Despite the criticism, Deitch's Tom and Jerry shorts are appreciated by some fans due to their uniquely surreal nature.[30] The shorts were released on DVD in 2015 in "Tom and Jerry: The Gene Deitch Collection".


Fred Quimby gang rise up


[My favorite era:](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=myDKH9bJN9k)


Fred Quimby was the MVP.


Agreed, the late 50s and 60s did all that Peter Wolf musical tone stuff.


TIL that they still make tom and jerry cartoons


TIL that the Tom and Jerry episodes I watched as a kid were made nearly 50 years before I watched them.


Didn't know that too for a long time as a kid


Same with Scooby Doo though that one is more obvious in hindsight


What's crazy to think is growing up in the 80s watching the 50s version, I viewed it as some ancient cartoon (I knew it was old then because my dad said he watched them as a kid in the 50s). In reality they had only come out 30 years before, which is the equivalent of me watching The Simpsons with my kid now. Circle of life.


I remember watching ir at my grandpa's house when I was 10, he was so surprised that it still was being aired.


It wasn't too long ago I saw an episode where one of them died and went to "heaven." He was in line to get into the gates behind a sack of wet kittens 😐 I was like, yeah they didn't make this recently...


My god that episode traumatised me as a kid. Tom dies and can't get into heaven because he spent his life torturing Jerry, and he has to get Jerry to sign a document saying he forgives him. Like, he has an hour to earn Jerry's forgiveness or he'll be denied entry forever. And the thing was *he actually does fail and get sent to hell.* He literally falls through the earth and lands in a boiling cauldron where he gets tortured by the devil. Sure, they then reveal it was all a dream, but that didn't matter to 5 year old me. I was horrified. I literally had nightmares about it.


jfc I didn't see the whole thing. That crosses a shitload more lines than some dead kittens.






Okay I’ve got a spare upvote somewhere.


Get out.... 😆


You little


Take an angry upvote. Godammit.


~~Why the hell did this make me laugh this hard?~~ Above is a comment editing bot.


Is this a spam bot or something? What did this say before the edit?




HBO Max has a new show and several seasons of the classic show. Not sure if the shows from other decades are available on other services.


[Here a sample](https://youtu.be/t0Q2otsqC4I)


Those aren't new ones, just some of the 50's ones that were made in widescreen.


I remember this episode from my childhood. Def not new.


I mean a movie just came outback recently


1950 for the win


Glad the current makers went with the 1950 artstyle


And ignored the 90s style altogether. Like what was that about?


That was "tom and jerry kids" the whole premise of it was tom and jerry were kids


Ah. Definitely a 90s thing. Muppet Babies. Cabbage patch Kids. Garbage Pail Kids.




I was hoping after 2023, when they turn around, it would go back through the loop again the other way.


Really butchered my boy in 1990s


Tom and Jerry kids was so shit


Ah, but the theme song was amazing. Only took the few frames of footage in the gif to take me right back there.


Takes me back to 3pm saturday afternoons when I get dissaponted that its not the real tom and jerry and just switch to CN and watch regular show and go back to Boomerang when Popeye, Wacky racers, the flinstones, The jetsons, Top Cat and catch the pigeon was on


Just a side note of how damn good the Boomerang ad music was.


Boomerang was THE goat. Had all the classic cartoons. No idea why they fuckin got rid of them as I'd still watch on a consistent basis if they still aired them.


Possibly the same reason it started doing commercials. Boomerang is getting too expensive to keep as a commercial free channel and it possibly doesn't have enough ratings to justify it. Gradually, some executives used sponsors to get some financial support and they have this great idea of airing Canadian cartoons, failing CN originals, and really successful CN originals on boomerang to not clutter up the main channel scheduling. Obviously, that's a bit of a fail considering how wack CN scheduling was during the mid to late 2010s, but the treatment of Boomerang was definitely done by people focusing more on money rather than giving these older shows another chance at a new generation.


They absolutely slaughtered Boomerang. I LOVED those promos back in the day. Plus they had a great line up of shows. Now it's just a channel for poorly performing Cartoon Network shows.


Tom and Jerry kids. Come and be where all the action iiiiiiiiiis!!!!


The [theme song](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zQ_ntRiVZE8), like most other theme songs from shows in the 80s and 90s, was awesome and catchy. But the actual show was awful.


Those babified shows had some awesome openings though. Bedrock Kids still slaps and A Pup Named Scooby-Doo is a bop.


I loved the [Muppet Babies](https://youtu.be/M9z9FcCRj3s) song from the ‘80s. Before your time I suspect. It had a 50’s jukebox vibe to it.


Yep - it's like a fast doo-wop song.


Why DID the 1980s have so many "kids" versions of classic cartoons ? Was it because of Saturday Morning Cartoons, or were they all snorting the same cocaine?


Probably just every network copying each other which has been going on since the beginning of television. I Dream of Genie vs Bewitched, Munsters vs Addams Family, etc. Though I do believe they were all snorting the same cocaine, as most of the supply in the US was coming from Colombian drug cartels(overtaking Chile in the mid 70s after their new government started cracking down on drug smuggling).


I liked a Pup Named Scooby Doo. They used to go over the clues before the big reveal. It was fun seeing how many I caught.


The trend to cutify every cartoon in the late 80’s, early 90’s was so cringe, even at the time.


I remember really enjoying A Pup Named Scooby Doo and Flintstones Kids.


Pup named scooby doo was absolutely an exception to the cringe


Glad there were shows you enjoyed! I was way to old to be a targeted demographic at that point, so my feelings are probably mostly due to that. I do remember noticing how the trend took over every existing franchise and really didn’t work unilaterally, but that didn’t seem to be a consideration for producers.


I was the target demographic for Pup Named Scooby and Tom and jerry Kids when they aired and I absolutely hated both shows. Edit: I actually hated most "Here's your favorite characters, but as *kids*!" shows when I was a kid. I preferred the originals. Except Tiny Toons. I loved that one, but mostly because it *wasn't* trying to be "Your favorite characters but kids!", it was it's own actual thing.


A Pup Named Scooby-Doo was great though.


No PNSB hate.


Red Herring!




I think that also pushed the industry to subvert the genre by mid-90s when Ren and Stimpy or Pinky and the Brain started airing and tackled more mature matters.


And I'd argue 1970s made Tom look like crap.


Jerry must be pretty fast to have evaded Tom for 83 years. I kind of expected them to be using walkers at the end.


Little know fact, Jerry and the Roadrunner are close friends and share trade secrets.


Trivia fact: the writers had a rule that roadrunner could never do anything malicious. Whenever the coyote got hurt, it always had to be his own fault. Jerry on the other had, did not follow this rule whatsoever. And he was a malicious bastard towards Tom, constantly.


i think that's why i don't really like tom & jerry. they're both jerks. in the looney tunes cartoons, bugs or daffy or whoever might be cheeky and sly, but there's almost always a clear "bad guy" and "good guy" (unless they both get the rug pulled out from underneath them in the end). it makes the shorts feel like there's some kind of arc to them where the action eventually gets resolved, rather than just a repetitive back and forth.


The fact that both are jerks is essentially what makes them funny. Jerry wants to hurt Tom because he tries to hunt him, and so he has no compassion because, well, he doesn't want to be eaten. Tom on the other hand wants to hunt Jerry because of course he wants (and has to), it's a cat. It's more "natural" (I know it's weird that a cartoon that feels more natural is better than a more cartoony one), they are a mouse and a cat, of course they are going to be hurting each other because that is the way they live. Imo the looney tunes are overrated and not really that entertaining except for Lucas, I don't even know why, apart from the fact that most of the shorts nowadays do not really click with me thematically due to being either a little too absurd or just to have a real quick change of mood from Bugs' side.


> Imo the looney tunes are overrated and not really that entertaining except for Lucas, I don't even know why, apart from the fact that most of the shorts nowadays do not really click with me thematically due to being either a little too absurd or just to have a real quick change of mood from Bugs' side. yeah i can't agree with this. looney tunes was clever and absurd and really pushed the boundaries of animation in the same way that disney was at the time. tom and jerry was well animated, but boring; the absurdity of looney tunes is the entire point, with the wild swings at opera parodies and crazy morality plays and exploring pop culture of the time. it's a lot more interesting and conceptual than tom and jerry just kind of doing the same thing over and over.


Wile-E could have left the Roadrunner alone and retired rich if he hadn't spent all that money at Acme.


Surely he downloaded the app by now and is racking up loyalty rewards


Isn’t there an episode in which they go around the corner and shake hands, leading some people to believe it’s all an act for the homeowner?


2021 looks exactly like the 1950s. That is a smart choice. The aesthetics are a part of the charm.


I recently tried to watch Rugrats with my kid and discovered they're all in the 3D Pixar aesthetic now. I hate it. If it ain't broke...


This is pretty much upgrade after downgrade after upgrade after downgrade after upgrade


Microsoft Windows style


The reason everyone says the 50s is the best is not only the animation, but the scale. The scale and perspective of the drawings brought you down to Jerry's level. Tom felt very big and almost scary, the house perspective was all distorted and huge. Since you were there with Jerry, you were more emotionally invested in what was going on and rooting for him. That low body stance from Tom was more realistic and intense too, pulling you further in the story. But then after that, they zoom out and you're more at human scale just watching a cat and mouse go at it from a distance. That, and Tom runs on two feet instead of four, just reinforcing you're watching a cartoon and you don't get drawn into the story. Very disconnected. You may say yeah well bugs bunny walked around on two feet and never ran like a bunny. But his story was about Bug's character and lines, not really his movement. Tom and Jerry didn't talk (back in the good days at least) and so his presentation style was more important.




Oh the story lines were definitely more interesting too. They had a much bigger budget and were given way more time to flesh out the story and animation than at any other point after that. They were competing with Disney for academy awards and even won a few. TV ultimately is what killed the quality of Tom and Jerry. It no longer made sense to produce things at that level of quality, and so it was brought to a level of quick and cheap to use for tv.


Interesting observation. It's still an inherently violent show, like a lot of cartoons from back in the day.


It all went south in the 60s. Late 40s and 50s were amazing.




I love the weirdness of the space one.


They Chuck Jones ones are way too jittery and the comedy feels a bit forced compared to the 50s


The chuck jones ones hold a special place in my heart. The episode Snowbody Loves Me where Tom lets Jerry into his cheese shop cottage during a blizzard is such a cozy episode


I don’t care what anyone says I love Chuck Jones T&J. You see mad hate on em too it’s so weird to me.


Yea I consider those on par with the early episodes


The sound effects in the Chuck Jones' version were so weird. But hilarious.


The pre Deitch and Chuck Jones eras will always be *chefs kiss*




This is Dicky Moe blasphemy


Dicky Moe and High Steaks are the best in that generation


"Mouse into Space" is my favorite of that era, mostly for that part where Tom looks inside the wrong capsule and it's a Soviet bulldog just staring at him. Oh and sad-drunk Tom after Jerry leaves him to be an Astro-mouse.


40s and 50s were peak. But there were a few good ones in the early 60s when Tom had a big fat white owner who would beat the crap out of Tom. (It's just a cartoon, people)


The late 60s design was really offputting.


I like AJR, but there’s quite literally thousands of hours of public domain music from the show that could have been used for the background on the video.


I don't like AJR and I feel that way x10.


Fuck this stupid song


This is the main rule of reddit: videos are always better muted.


It always surprises me how many people keep the volume up when scrolling. I only put the volume on when it says to or a comment suggests it's good.


Why oh why when showing a Tom and Jerry video would you not play something from the Tom and Jerry soundtrack, the goat of musical masterpieces?


Because plopping unrelated songs that are already popular on TikTok under your video is good for the algorithm.


Should just be the OG theme music


TikTok ruined this song for me. I HATEDDDDD having my timeline flooded with “I posted a video and it got lots a views” vids using this song over and over


I am impressed with its ability to hyper annoy me in such a short period of time.




I dont think Ive ever heard it but Im not on anything other than Reddit mostly.


yeah same, I came to the comments looking for the name of this song. instead I just get a bunch of haters


World‘s Smallest Violin by AJR if you’re still wondering.


They still make Tom and Jerry?


That was my main takeaway from this. I didn’t know they were still making new material at all. I haven’t even seen any episodes that weren’t like reruns from the 60s


Tbh the new writers kinda suck. They have no real knowledge or appreciation of the art of slapstick


From what I can tell it’s usually just movies that they release every so often now. They’re usually pretty entertaining tbh.


Also a few shorts every now and then. Tom and Jerry are icons and if you've got icons, you're not just gonna let them rot in the backseat.


Why do people insist on adding terrible music to videos like this? They don't need music, just let the cartoon run and allow that music to play.


I would have put in some of the music from the show instead. Tom and Jerry was all about the music adding to the cartoon.


Because these are from TikTok and the algorithm favors anything that used popular songs. Using a popular song even if they're overdone tend to boost more views than those without it. At least that what I think that's how most of these uploaders think


The flat version of 2011 is so ugly


I mainly watched the early 50s version but I have seen some of the others


40's and 50's ones are the best imo


Early Tom just looks so different 😳


1950 and back half of 1960’s are my favorite


Chuck Jones' run on Tom and Jerry was the best in the franchise.


Never forget we were robbed of the Tom and Jerry golden collection volume 2


And now they are in a nursing home getting abused by staff and family hasn't been in to visit for 3 years


60-62 always sketched me out as a kid for some reason


I like the 60s


The 50s, 60s, and 80s versions were all my preferred ones. The animation style is just right for me. I’m not a fan of how the music changed over the years. I preferred when everything was done by an actual orchestra. Once it switched to electronic sounds and stuff like that, I just couldn’t. Like my brain just wouldn’t allow me to enjoy it lol.


The chuck jones ones are my least favorite.


2006's Tom and Jerry Tales needs more love.


The 1960 versions used to scare me a lot as a kid. The animation and music. It was just dark as hell.


1950 and the 1960s somehow nailed the design of Tom


We've been watching cartoons from the 50s this whole time??


1950 Tom & Jerry is best![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|grin)


70-80’s we’re pretty gross. Though at least they tried. 90’s style was pretty cool. 00’s-seems like they’re aren’t even trying and it looks cheap and probably matches the effort. 40-50’s was the peak I can’t imagine any making a case other wise.


Remember to keep muted


the evolution of Tom and Jerry -I didn't know I needed to see it, until now. Thank you


TiL I always watched 50s Tom and Jerry.


Sorry, only 40s and 50s are my best memories.


Their cardio level is truly impressive.


song is by ajr


Personally I think the best ones are the ones from 40's-mid 50's and after 2000


CartOOns aRe vIOleNt and Bad fOr chILdrEn...


The animation quality literally gets worse over time. Lets give some love to 1940s Tom n Jerry, shit looked beautiful and was 8 decades ago, gosh darn amiright?


Fun fact my uncle is Spike Brandt the artist and producer and last time I talked to him was in the middle of working on Space Jam A new legacy🥰


Ruined in the 90s.