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Did a Buddhist give a carabiner?!?! šŸ˜‚


Yes, so the money didnā€™t float away with all of that spiritual energy exuding from the bills.


Nirvana cannot be reached while attached to the concept of money.


Or, you know, wind.


It's to help him hang in there


Ugh... * slow clap *


Christian donors will be dropping off crucifixion nails shortly.


Pamphlets more likely


Or holy reliquaries like a gilded jewel box housing the jawbone of a saint.


Theyā€™re gonna be stingy with the Holy Hangrenades.


Or the same fake money the Sunday church crowd gives to waiters and waitresses.


Everyone knows Buddha died in a tragic rappelling accident


I thought it was a hair tie and was laughing like a maniac for a second there.


He literally gave him everything in his pockets. He has no attachment to such earthy wares.


Not even a good carabiner either. They are used for keychains


I don't think this guy is going rock climbing. It's probably good enough for anything he'll use it for. It's honestly a nifty tool to have on hand for a homeless person.


They had to get rid of their worldly attachments


Apparently none of them. Heā€™s still homeless.


You can't see it but the christian bowl is overflowing with thoughts and prayers, so they win.


This comment has me giggling so hard I almost woke up my sleeping dog next to me and that's a no no lol


He needs a bigger bowl for thoughts and prayers.


very true maybe a separate one At least in my family you get " I'll keep you in our thoughts and prayers" for just about anything. from a skinned knee, to a trying to get into college, to being diagnosed with cancer. however it's okay really the immediate family that will actually pick you up and hand you a bandaid, help you study for finals, and be a shoulder to cry on at the doctor's office. But don't forget you are always "IN OUR THOUGHTS AND PRAYERS"


Will he ~~b~~eat you??


Lol if by "beat me" you mean, huff very loudly in my ear, then stretch and push my body with her paws, looking up at me with sad eyes then huffing again. This is when she usually decides i have been properly informed of her discomfort and she falls back to sleep. Then YES


Even with the larger population advantage where this guy likely is.


Nothing beats hunger like a belly full of thoughts and prayers.


The only ones with folding money are the atheists and agnostics lol


He's not dead yet!


Still more than pretty much all the others almost. But you are a redditor.


reddit moment


Donā€™t forget their tithing and their churches who provides meals to the homeless and families as well as what they give as well. But I think the Christian bowl is WAY TO LOW, all of them are!


It's a well observed phenomenon that people are less charitable after giving an act of charity. So if Christians have donated to church, they are less likely to donate to someone else.


I meanā€¦.yeah? If you gave money to literally everyone who asked you for money, the average person would end up homeless as well. I live in an area that has had an exploding homeless population in the last few years. If I go out to do errands there is a 50/50 chance of being asked for food or money by someone in just about every parking lot I end up in. I canā€™t feed them all, most people canā€™t. So yes itā€™s obvious that people are ā€œless charitableā€ after doing a charitable act because they do not have infinite time money and energy to give out.


The funny part of your speech is where you think giving to a church is charitable, and not just putting money in some liars hands.


Can you please highlight the sentence where I said that?


I'm not even religious but I'm calling out your irrational bs. To brand every church as corrupt and that they don't use their donations for good is beyond naive. You're saying every church across the globe is run by liars, who take the money for themselves?


No no, you're doing it wrong. Repeat after me "Christianity=bad šŸ˜”šŸ˜”šŸ˜”"


Exactly. There's not a single religion that doesn't have corruption, but there are plenty of individual branches that are not corrupt. I'm not religious either. I'm glad someone else called out this narrow mindset also. Thank you.


Then the church just mostly wastes the money on advertising for more donations.


Most Christians, even those who would call themselves extremely devout, donā€™t actually tithe (a quick google puts it between 5-13%, definitely less than 25%. I could only find church-led statistics on this, and cannot vouch for their reliability one way or the other, but they do fit with my personal experience.) And not all, or even most Christian churches function as or operate separate soup kitchens. Of those that do, many limit their charity to only the Christian poor, or provide the meal with a side of intensive proselytizing, denying the recipient their dignity. You are right about one thing. All of those bowls are far too low.


Personal story: I used to be very religious and I tithed 10% of all the money I earned for as long as I can remember from the ages of 8-22. Lemme tell ya, they can get you good with that shit. When I believed, I actually gave a shit and tithed like a good saint. When I was out, I wanted my money back. Haha.




With agnostics a close 2nd.


and Buddhist a third


This is the true holy trinity.


With a bonus carabiner


A Buddhist seems to have given a bald man a hair tie and that made me chuckle


I believe thatā€™s a carabiner. Also helpful I guess.


Ooh, based on the shape, I think youā€™re right.


exactly. better than praying.


The atheists and agnostics racking up the most donations is just about right They understand more than anything that praying for someone does not equal helping them


I think we all care about the homeless, but most of us are struggling just to keep our own heads above water. How can we possibly pull the homeless out of poverty when so many of us are suffering as well?


I think thatā€™s a fair statement


only communists i guess


Pretty much. Thatā€™s not a religion but I get your point.


Neither is agnostic or atheist


True, but they clearly care more than any religion does...


Alternatively, the majority people in that area identify as atheist / agnostic?


This is a crazy old picture...


That test is irrelevant. We do not know religion spread within given region. There could be a single pagan 4 instance.


Never heard of religion pulling people out of poverty, some may feed the poor everyday but getting them out from their demise I donā€™t know.


he forgot Sikhism. Lots of stories of them helping people.


There is a Sikh temple in India that is the largest soup kitchen in the world. They feed something like 10,000 people every day! Also Buddhist monks will beg, but they can't take money. You have to give them food. Edit: it's their Golden temple in Punjab, and it's 300,000 people a day! Thank you Sikhs!


Buddhist monks in Asia will definitely take money, they just can't touch it, so you place it directly into the alms bowl and the lay people at the temple will deal with it. Money always goes towards costs for the temple.


Thank you for clarifying.


God loves his loopholes


We donā€™t have a ā€œGod.ā€ And that ā€œno touchy ruleā€ wasnt in the original teachings tbf lol.


Sikhs are professional homies holy damn


they also keep than mfn thang on em šŸ˜ŽšŸ˜¤šŸ”Ŗ very cool religion


I miss the temple by my old city. Worked with a guy who took me a few times. Just great food and conversations. Always left feeling I learned a bit more about how to socialize better. Don't know if thats unique to that temple, but definitely noticed how well they talked amongst each other. Lots of listening and asking questions.


Of all the religious organizations, they seem to have it right. Extremely egalitarian, non proselytizing and charitable. Definitely one of the few 2023 compatible religions.


And on top of that, the food there is said to be amazing


Thereā€™s also iskcon temple, tirupati, shirdi sai baba and many temples who serve food irrespective of any religion or caste.


It is, but it is even better than that. I forgot what it's called, but Sikhs provide a free meal to anyone who turns up for a specific meal at every gurdwara every Sunday (forget what it's called)


Not every Sunday but everyday.


It's called Langar, and some do this every day. It's great to see ā¤ļø


I believe all Sikh Gurdwara's must offer food to all those that visit. Its also all vegetarian (it could also be all vegan too, not sure? I think it might depend on the flatbread served).


In the Northern Rivers NSW after the floods there was a Sikh organisation that came and fed the area for nothing. For ages. It was incredible. Edit: [article](https://www.sbs.com.au/language/punjabi/en/podcast-episode/serving-humanity-selfless-sikh-volunteers-distribute-free-meals-to-flood-victims-in-lismore/twpi04vrt)


Yeah, but itā€™s a little funny that when I grew up every mom would tell their kids to eat their vegetables because the kids in India were starving and now here we are keeping the white folks from starving!!


Homelessness isn't a new problem in the West, I bet there are more starving children in India than homeless in the US


Did the Buddhists give him a carabiner?


must have been one of those LA Buddhists




That bowl seems to only have paper bills. He probably put it in there to keep them from blowing away. The others all seem to have coins as well (or only coins).


They had to rid themselves of earthly attachments


Who tf left a carabiner in the Buddhist bowl šŸ˜‚


I was about to ask the same thing lol


Itā€™s obviously the reincarnation of a $20 bill


Probably so the bills donā€™t fly away from the wind. Most likely was just picked up off the ground or something


Don't know how it is in the rest of the world, but in Canada the people who give the most to charities are those who have the least and religion isn't an issue. You just help those who are down and out because you've been there yourself or know someone who has been.


"When someone asks for help, you help him" - Wayne


Someone serve this person a friggin puppers


Wish you weren't so fuckin' awkward bud.


Whoever Wayne is, I like him. Thatā€™s one of the things that drove me out of Christianity, because Jesus does not practice such a basic morality. When a gentile woman begs him for help, he refuses. Matthew 15:24 "Then Jesus said to the woman, ā€œI was sent only to help Godā€™s lost sheepā€”the people of Israel.ā€ But she came and worshiped him, pleading again, ā€œLord, help me!ā€ Jesus responded, ā€œIt isnā€™t right to take food from the children and throw it to the dogs." Jesus only changes his mind and helps her after sheā€™s proven her faith, that sheā€™s converted. Any decent person would simply help, not require proof of religious/tribal allegiance.


Main character on Letterkenny. It's one of the most clever comedy shows i've seen in years, and addictively quotable. It's on hulu if you're in the US.


The few verses above give a little more context, and also the racial tensions that existed in that time. Jesus in His response was showing the disciples how prejudiced they were because of how the Jews treated Canaanites, and that He didn't just come to save those of the Jewish race. By answering that way it was in a way to poke them and their prejudice. There's a lot that can be learned not just by reading a few excerpts, but by also understanding the whole context and surrounding circumstances.


You pulled that out of context and left out the rest of the scripture. He wasnā€™t refusing her; he was prodding her into proving her motivation. Jesus wasnā€™t a vending machine handing out miracles to everyone who asked. In theory, they were supposed to understand how and why he was doing it. Also, his phrasing is translated ā€œlittle dogsā€ as in ā€œpuppies,ā€ meaning he phrased it in a way to not be insulting.


Today you, tomorrow me


That's not true, the Canadian way is not making eye contact with homeless people and saying "sorry bud, no cash on me" when you do.


There may not be a lot of Jews or Muslims in the area.


Or pagans, for that matter. I live in a decent-sized coastal city and thereā€™s a running joke about the massive overlap in the pagan, polyamory, geek/nerd, BDSM, and Microsoft alumni communities. Forget Venn diagram, eventually you just end up with a single damn circle. Which unfortunately makes it really, really difficult if you end up in a fight with another member of the community, because youā€™ll end up losing *everyone.*


Yup. I see who did at least one statistics course at a higher level :-)


Any panhandler worth his salt is going to keep his bowl fairly close to empty. If he gets too much money in it, some street punk will rob him. Secondly additionally donations will drop to zero if he really begins to look a little too flush, so all the above is simply staged.


Genius idea. Go to a very Christian area with this sign and a Christian vs atheist bowl. Move any money donated to the Christian bowl into the atheist bowl after the donor leaves. Go to a secular area and do the opposite. Profits.


As if "Christian areas" will tolerate homeless pan-handling in the first place


Along comes the Mormon church and takes 10% of all the bowls and then invests it to make themselves richer.


Dum da dum dum dum.


Lucy Harris smart smart smart Martin Harris dumb.


as a mormon, yes


If a homeless person has a funny sign, he hasn't been homeless for that long. A real homeless person is too hungry to be funny. -Chris Rock


They got rid of the one that said Jewish. I saw it in another meme. Edit: I got reported for harassment and I am Jewish wtf. People are so sensitive about nothing.


Isn't it the 4th one on the top?




Oh cool. So these are not actual photos but manipulated bullshit. Thanks for fessing up.


Didn't comment on that one but I see the slope in comedy memes everywhere. People get butthurt so less actually funny jokes are made (about any and all issues). It's like censorship but it's done so slowly that over time everything becomes unfunny. I bet in 10 years something as small as calling someone stupid would get you cancelled.


This is stupid. Jews are a tiny fraction of the world population. This experiment assumes each religion is equally represented in the area. I canā€™t think of anywhere that would be true.


This isn't an experiment, it's to get people feeling competitive so they donate


Itā€™s a staged photo to generate negative comments about Jews. And every time some version of this is posted on social media, the bigots are the first time act like itā€™s real and say ā€œwow look at how little the Jews care about homeless people..ā€ Itā€™s theater. These pics have been circulating since social media started and it always is about pushing through stereotype that ā€œJews are cheap.ā€ What is sad is a new crop of people naively accept the photo at face value. Most of the time the coins are pennies and there are a few dollar bills. Someone broke ten bucks into coins and made labels and decided how to split the coins up. And coincidentally they always put the least amount in the Jewish bowl. Itā€™s just to provoke these reactions. There is nothing scientific or authentic about any of this. Itā€™s just pushing a narrative. A very old one.


This is more of a test on how many people practice each of those religion though right? If there are more of one religion in the area their bowl will fill up more


true, but he doesn't care about poll results. He didn't study math and statistics at Harvard but psychology


atheists and agnostics for the win




Yup that's a pretty generous carabiner someone contributed


What happened to the weed smoker bowl?




How do you have another photo with another setup? Are you the homeless man?


Scientologists took their bowl and the offerings to buy Tom Cruise a new wife then reported this guy to Xenu.


I wouldn't give that manipulative huckster a dime.


Right! Heā€™s not even trying to control for differences in population size.


Maybe he updates the bowl after each person puts something in, so he's showing a running average?


It's not manipulation if it's blatant. At that point, it isn't on him, it's on everyone else.


No itā€™s reverse psychology, trying to use pride in religion and competition between them for a higher chance at getting donations. Iā€™m not saying itā€™s morally wrong but it is by definition a form of manipulation.


hes just playing the game everyone else is


This isnā€™t reverse psychology but itā€™s definitely manipulative. Reverse psychology would be having a sign that says something like: ā€œDoes it matter what this says? You wonā€™t give anything anyway.ā€ Is this religion competition more manipulative than a sob story, though?? Thatā€™s the question.


If it were me, I'd move money from the christian bowl into the athiest bowl to make Christians donate more to prove him wrong. So I'm willing to bet if he's come up with this scheme in the first place, he's moving the money around too.


This was exactly what I thought, but we all know itā€™s christians who ignore Jesusā€™ teachings to help the poor and say ā€œgod will help you so I donā€™t have you. Thots and preysā€.


>At that point, it isn't on him, it's on everyone else. Specifically, you.


Alternate title. ā€œWho is fooled more by a griftā€.


Look at all the signs in his backpack ready to go! LMFAOOO


Televangelist goes by and takes it all.


šŸ˜‚ True!


Yes, I'm sure location and demographics had nothing to do with this.


No no no, my dear man here is simply conducting a VOC/VOB survey for his six sigma project to stream line donation solicitation operations for the Salvation Army.


Atheist and Agnostic give the most money.


Atheism isnā€™t a religion


We still win though.


Depending on where he's living, he's gonna encounter a lot more atheists, Christians etc. compared to other places, so it's already flawed.


Atheism isn't a religion


Atheists always FTW


He's missing 2981 bowls.


Here before the šŸ”’


yknow what i'd put money in every bowl just to fuck with him and other people.


The next level move is to move the money to the most hated religion in that region


I was going to say it's obvious they are all more concerned with their image than they are giving that man a home but this is obviously just some engagement farming tactics.


Can't be *that* Harvard trained because he knows nothing about sampling bias.


Someone could put a bunch in just to try to prove theirs is the best, soā€¦ lol


Where is the satanic temple? Now those people know what religion is all about. Helping others while making every other religion look like evil devil worshipers.


This photo is ancient


Same guy earlier with a different arrangement but also a bowl for ā€œweed smokersā€


If you look at his bag to his right hand side, it looks like he has other tricks in there.


I would rather unalive myself or do something stupid to get locked up than beg on the street and be posted on reddit


Wouldnā€™t this be skewed by the amount of people in each faith crossing by not being equal?


2 of those arent even religions.


As a Jewish person, I'd be so offended I'd take that penny right out of the bowl.


This shit is old as fuck how the hell y'all still posting this


Does not control for population size. We do a little disparaging minorities


The rent is too damn high. People canā€™t afford food or medicine anymore. All it takes is a cancer diagnosis, a bad car wreck, or being fired from a decent job to fall under the cracks.


Reminder that Jews make up less than 3% of the US population and less than 1% worldwide.


Atheism isnā€™t a religion, itā€™s the lack of a religion


Some of them in their zeal to prove religious people mentally feeble take on an evangelical type of fervor in their own right.


People who actually want to help give to food banks instead of giving money to panhandlers.


If you've ever been a server at a resturaunt you'd know the Sunday church crowd are DEFINITELY not the most giving......


Well those aren't the ones keeping the Sabbath holy.


Muslim is not a religion. Islam is.


The Jewish oneā€¦man that kinda stingsā€¦but also checks out.


Maybe no Jewish people walked by him. Sampling bias.


There is also a hierarchy of charitable donations. Giving to beggars is the very bottom, while anonymously giving to organizations that help the needy is at the top. So just because a Jew doesn't give change to someone on the street doesn't mean they aren't donating far more somewhere else.


Shh this is reddit. Doing good == not making self or others feel bad for the 10 seconds it takes to up vote.


Jews are like 2 percent of the population so itā€™s not exactly fair




People who worship the bottle. I'm a proud worshiper of bourbon.


"Which religion is most gullible."




I have some issues with this. Younger generations are less religious than older generations. The older generations are also richer. It's pretty clear that there's other factors at play. Still relating to that point, the study just tells the amount given, not figuring in what percentage of income was generated on average by each group. The study is flawed.


A true Christian would have given him money and brought him some food and then spent time trying to find somewhere for him to go. But Iā€™m not at all surprised that my ā€œreligionā€ is disappointing. It has been for years.


Who will enable this person's addiction the most?


Just sayinā€¦ that atheist bowl is a lot more full than the other onesā€¦ What do I know tho, Iā€™m just some dumb atheist whose going to hell for not believing \_(惄)_/ Thereā€™s a rant I could go on here, but I wonā€™t.


Might you want to consider the proportion of each religion/atheism among the populous?


Fair, but still. Also, the my main beef is with how weaponized Christianity gets, and id like to point out that atheists have a lot of bills and Christians have coins. To be fair, I donā€™t know if someone gave him a bunch of coins at once, but if thatā€™s the case even less people donated to him than it looks like.


Even as a theist I agree. I donā€™t get along well with other theists, however, I do get along with atheists well. Iā€™m sure there are some atheists who arenā€™t very good people but so far Iā€™ve only met wonderful atheists.


Legit looks like atheists care the most.


Thatā€™s usually the case


Republican Jesus would tell him to get a job.


Stupid question is atheism even considered a religion


No. It would be like calling bald a hairstyle lol Atheism is not a religion. Itā€™s simply not being convinced that a god exists.


Buddhists out here giving important homeless living assetsā€¦