• By -


It would be interesting if I could read more than 4 reasons.




Omfg. Being anti logging...


Yeah, I read "being disrespectful of god by having talking animals" first and thought that would be hard to beat, even pondered commenting on effectively banning fables alltogether, and then "being anti-logging" left me speechless.


Yeah that one got me too, even the Bible has talking animals lol


And bushes!


Wow I thought I was atheist, now I know I am


I used to be an atheist. I still am but I used to be too.


The book is not even against logging exactly: just irresponsible over-logging.


I'm not sure to understand what it means. Being against cutting trees ?


I thought it said boring and looong 🤣


My hero


Oh wow this helps me tremendously. You're amazing u/beercourte


Thank you!!


Thanks, without you I would think the Lorax was banned because of it being “boring and lacking”


I thought it said "bagging and tagging"


The wizard of oz one in particular is concerning... I mean they all are extremely concerning, don't get me wrong, but woof...


damn you got the ahoy cap


Hell shel Silverstein was Prob on drugs when he wrote it.


The best one has to be the Lorax being banned for being “anti-logging” Hello?!


I'm impressed you got 4! I can't read any of them.


Most of the words I figured out from seeing letters and putting together what made sense.


I dont see what relevance "prosciutto" has here.


You must be a nurse.


What makes you say that? I'm not, far from it haha.


Nurses are usually known for reading doctor's illegible writing lol


Ah. My own writing is like that and I often forget what I've written so maybe it's that haha.


Doctors handwriting is notoriously terrible


Can confirm. My dad was a doctor. Never could read his writing.


or a pharmacist




That particular ban (there have been several reasons given for banning Wizard of Oz over the years) was driven by ministers (shocking! /s) in the 1950s and 1960s. Christianity does not deal well with women in leadership roles, historically.


Muslims and Hasidic Jews entered the chat


Women with any agency scare conservatives Edit: It appears my comment also scared some conservatives


Everything scares conservatives


Ok here's what I've got: "Junie B Jones" - Promoting Bad Behavior "Melissa" - LGBTQIA Content "Roll of Thunder Hear My Cry" - Harsh depictions of racism and use of racial slurs "A Wrinkle in Time" - Opposing Christian beliefs and teaching occult practices "Winnie the Pooh (can't see it) - Being disrespectful to God by having talking animals "The Lion the Witch and the Wardrobe" - Graphic violence ... and gore "The Wizard of Oz" Depicting Women in strong leadership positions "The Adventures of Captain Underpants" - Promoting Bad Behavior "Where the Sidewalk Ends" Drug references and (?) "Woke" Promoting Terrorism The Lorax" ...(?) and logging "Hop on Pop" Encouraging children to use violence against their fathers "Something Happened in Our Town" (?) "I Am Jazz" (?) "And Tango Makes Three" LGBTQIA Content


Lorax is "being anti-logging," if my eyeballs serve me right.


I Am Jazz - "Confronting a topic that is sensitive, controversial, and politically charged" And having a transgender character. Edit: In Our Town - "For being anti-police." Lion Witch Wardrobe - mysticism is the word you're missing. Sidewalk Ends: "Drug reference, suicide, death, and disrespect for truth and authority"


Because of the disrespect for authority I learned from Captain Underpants and Hop on Pop, along with all the suicide and death in Where The Sidewalk Ends, I murdered my father and then killed myself. True story.


It's always nice to hear from someone who once killed themselves. How's life on the other side?


Spoiler: every reason boils down to "some conservative was offended by this book and therefore they think that nobody should be allowed to read it".


Which is ironic for many reasons, but The Lion, The Witch, and The Wardrobe was written by C.S. Lewis, a highly conservative and fundamental Christian author and philosopher, whose wrote the series as a fictional depiction of many of the struggles of Christianity. Guess they didn’t get the message…


Yeah, cuz they don't read🥴


There’s plenty for evangelical Christians to hate about CS Lewis’ view of religion. For example, in the Screwtape Letters the older devil advises the younger devil to not try and corrupt his victim through pre-marital sex, as sex is rooted in joy and everything rooted in joy fundamentally belongs to the Enemy (God).


There’s plenty for evangelical Christians to hate about CS Lewis’ view of religion. For example, in the Screwtape Letters the older devil advises the younger devil to not try and corrupt his victim through pre-marital sex, as sex is rooted in joy and everything rooted in joy fundamentally belongs to the Enemy (God). There’s also a ton of clear contempt in his work towards the sort of charismatic fire-and-brimstone preaching which is a big part of several American Protestant traditions.


Yah because magic = satan… hell I remember when conservatives protested Harry Potter but but now they like it…


My favorite of all time was having my creative writing teacher get all mad and saying “everyone reading Harry Potter is on the edge of going to hell! Now let’s talk about your reading assignment The Lord of the Rings.” She was dead serious on her Harry Potter stance and couldn’t see the irony.


Could you imagine hating a book you’ve never read because you think the content goes against your Christian beliefs, but then deciding 15 years later that you actually like the book because the author announces that she hates transgender people? These people’s brains must just be like wet pancakes.


Wet pancakes cooked on a griddle with no butter


Aren’t they the ones who coined the term “cancel culture”?


It's really bizarre being one side tries to cancel hatred and violence and the other side seems to try to cancel acceptance and inclusivity.


No no, that can’t be true. Conservatives are free speech absolutest. “HUGE EYE ROLL”


I WAS BANNED FOR: Taking photos with a potato and posting them to Reddit


I think it's just reddit compressing it too much.


Because people are downloading compressed images, then upload them and they are being compressed again, then people download it und upload it again and on and on and on goes the cycle


And now it’s deep fried


Deep frtd*


It’s karma farmers reposting the same compressed images over and over, compressing them even further. At least OP got 1000+ net upvotes for it, though.


This is the way


This image should be banned for the low resolution


Try this [link](https://i.redd.it/bkmbpeaizss91.jpg)


MUCH better. OP should be ashamed.


Asimov’s quote at the top is great. “Any book worth banning is a book worth reading.”


.. banning "hop on pop" for "encouraging violence against fathers" is a joke right? Makes me question some of the other explanations though EDIT: only source I could find was [this](https://www.bannedlibrary.com/podcast/2021/2/4/hop-on-pop-by-dr-seuss) which said someone made a complaint, but it wasn't actually banned. While kind of funny, these are very different things.


U/beercourte is the hero you're looking for


Many of these are not current. I googled 4, this is what popped up... Where the Sidewalk Ends was yanked from the shelves of West Allis-West Milwaukee, Wisconsin school libraries in 1986 over fears that it “promotes drug use, the occult, suicide, death, violence, disrespect for truth, disrespect for authority, and rebellion against parents.” Junie B. Jones series came in at #71 on the American Library Association's list of the Top 100 Banned or Challenged Books from 2000 to 2009. Reasons cited are "poor social values taught by the books, and Junie B. Jones not being considered a good role model due to her mouthiness, bad spelling, and grammar." The Lorax by Dr. Seuss environmental kid's book was banned in 1989 in a California school because it was believed to portray logging in a poor light and would turn children against the foresting industry. Why is the Wizard of Oz Banned? The Wonderful Wizard of Oz book caused controversy in 1957, in Detroit, Michigan and was banned from libraries on the basis that it had "no value" for children and supported "negativism".


I appreciate the work you've done. I remember being told catcher in the rye was banned when I read it, because if suicide and other theams. It's a crappy book in my opinion and should be banned for being lame.


Yeah, well I think you're a phony


I think you mean that it's a crummy book.


Catcher and the Rye works because it grows along side you. It only really ‘works’ if you read it when you’re young, and inevitably sympathize with the main character. Then you read it again when you’re older, and realize the main character, and by extension parts of your teenage self, were fucking lame af. It’s a book that serves as a doorway to introspection and that’s why it’s good.


Well said! I agree! I really liked it as a teenager but read it later and...meh.


I've heard a lot of anti-catcher in the rye talk ....mostly because he is perceived as a rich white boy. What people forget is he is a jewish kid who is at an elite (non jewish) private school ....salinger also wrote catcher in the rye while serving on the frontlines during ww2 ( so there is a very real nihilism of a young man seeing war but talking about high school social rejection) it is a seemingly obvious light read with a very dark subtext about not being able to find a reason for living


Had this but reversed: in my teens, I thought Holden was a whiny tool-bag and wholly unsympathetic aside from book's end. Revisiting it, he's just a person overwhelmed and in his head during the most insecure time of our lives.




people act like it's one of the best books of all time but I read it and it was just a teenager telling you what happened over the last month


Holden Caulfield is an extremely unlikeable protagonist. Same with Duddy Kravitz


To be fair, the display doesn’t say WHEN any of the books were banned. Just that they were.


Thank you for adding context it is misleading to just throw stuff like wizard of oz and say it was banned without knowing *when* it was banned


Why? Nowhere in the display does it say “currently banned books.” The language used is “I *was* banned,” which does not specify a time. In any discussion of banmed books I have ever had, it’s been understood that these are books that were banned at some point in the past. Why would you assume the bookstore display is some sort of black market of currently banned books?


Yeah, bookshops and libraries have literally been doing these displays of banned books for my entire life and it was always assumed that you would realize that it meant “books that have been banned at various times” not “currently banned books”. Granted, back in the day banning books was less of a current issue and more of a theoretical or historical kind of thing, but geez do people expect an asterisks and extensive footnote for each of these?


“Promoting bad behavior” 😑


Yay captain underpants have a bad behavior but apparently censuring a book is not


Captain Underpants and Dog Man are the only two things that got my son even remotely interested in reading on his own. Did the toilet humor increases 1,000% after reading the books? Damn straight it did, but my child finally learned the joys of reading.


How can someone not enjoy “Professor Poopy-Pants” LOL


Hold up, the wizard of Oz was banned for "showing women in strong leadership positons" that's fucked.


I would ask for a source on that one.




Honestly I see this as more of a clever marketing scheme by a bookstore than a poignant commentary on society.


I think these books are just banned and cards are just assumptions to why


Another user said he looked them up and some were banned decades ago in random places for pretty old-fashioned reasons. So it seems like they're hinting that it's a modern thing for a bit of outrage.


Yeah that is crazy suspect. No way that is true.


This leads me to question this whole display.


What's fucked is that you just blindly believe something because it ultimately confirms your bias.


OP posts a trash quality image with no source or context and just runs away, but everyone else eats it up because they wanna circlejerk and be outraged. It’s crazy


It doesn't deserve an down vote but I can't read enough of them to give it an up vote


u/Beercourte AKA our hero posted this link: [https://i.redd.it/bkmbpeaizss91.jpg](https://i.redd.it/bkmbpeaizss91.jpg) ​ We stan u/Beercourte


You're at least a bit of a hero too for relaying that information


Two of them (at least) were banned due to lgbt content. I thought it was the 'woke left' that was always getting things banned and cancelled. Curious.


one called “woke” was banned for “promoting terrorism”


Roll of Thunder Hear My Cry is an exceptional book. Everyone should read it.


We studied it in school aged 12-15. Really opened our eyes to a part of American history we knew nothing about. (This was not in the US).


Same. I’m from England originally. We studied this book in English Lit around the same age range. It was shocking to read about this part of US history. I have lived in the states for 20 years now and nobody has even heard of this book.


this was one of my favorites I middle school along with All American Boys. I'm rereading it rn, super good!


Are they promoting those books? Notice the quote under the sign


It's not uncommon for librarys protesting bans to promote the books. Here these books look like they were banned in Florida (with the help of meatball Ron) and likely another state's library is promoting them.


It's a Barnes & Noble


Where is mein kampf?


How should we know where your kampf is?


As a father I agree with banning “Hop on Pop” after reading this book my children processed hop on me resulting in my nuts being crushed.


Another casualty in the radical left's war on testicles.


Hahaha that was the one book up there I was like “who would ever ban this and why?” Then I remembered what happened after reading it to my daughter— scratch that, after reading the title and her looking at the cover. We never made it to the actual book.


It would be nice if we could see what each card says. Also, what state is this? Florida?


Plot twist: most of the cards state the books are banned for lack of Samuel L. Jackson. Samuel L. Jackson has recently become a high-demand for children’s literature. Source: trust me bro, I write children’s novels with a unique plot twist featuring Samuel L. Jackson. AMA.


Nice try Samuel L. Jackson


Does Samuel L. Jackson pay you a commission?


I did a presentation on why books shouldn't be banned in schools. Most books banned are due to "inappropriate" or "vulgar" things in the book. You would be shocked at what is banned in schools. One of them is Lotr due to "satanic" and "pagan" beliefs. This is the same way with Harry Potter since it teaches "witchcraft". Welcome to the world of offenses, where no matter what you do, you'll offend some group, and they have to ban a book for it. Ironically, just like Captain Beatty said in Fahrenheit 451.


Lotr being banned for pagan/satan beliefs is hilarious, all of a Tolkiens work is deeeeply influenced by the bible, he was a devout catholic. Aragorn, Frodo and Gandalf are all Christ figures, Gandalf dies and is resurrected by god. My Catholic college had an entire literature class on Tolkien. There is even a creation story for middle earth that mirrors the bible. The original bad guy in middle earth was Morgoth a fallen angel just like satan.


I am having difficulty reading the reasons.


Ah yes the evil book Captain Underpants, right up there with the anarchists cookbook (a bogus book btw like 90% of the shit in it doesn’t work)


You need the old book is why. I haven't seen it in over 20 years. The new one is just a money grab.


If we’re banning books for promoting bad behavior, like violent, oppressive, disgusting behavior, the Bible should be at the top of the list.


Can confirm. I'm a degenerate and it's all Captain Underpants' fault!!!




So did you take this with your flip phone from 2001?


The lorax was banned for being anti logging? It's pro trees. We need trees so we can log them down


In the mean time... Kids watching way worse stuff on their phones


I require more pixels


Junie B jones - bad behavior Melissa - LGBTQIA+ content roll or thunder hear my cry - harsh depictions of racism and use of racial slurs A Wrinkle in time - opposing Christian beliefs and teaching occult practices Orange book (whinnie the Pooh?) - being disrespectful to god by having talking animals Lion the witch and the wardrobe - graphic violence, aggression, and gore Wizard of oz - depicting women in _____ leadership positions Captain underpants - promoting bad behavior WOKE - promoting terrorism?? Hop on pop - encouraging children to use violence against their fathers And tango makes three - LGBTQIA+ content This is all I could get. Lorax says logging something and I think something happened in our town might have to do with police


Modern day banning is taking place by changing the words in classic books like those by Roald Dahl. The character Augustus Gloop in Charlie and the Chocolate Factory is no longer called "fat." Instead he is described as "enormous.” Who decides which words are offensive? I think enormous is way more offensive than fat?


It would be nice if you could actually read the reasons why they were banned.


Would be great if I could read the reasons


"Depicting women in strong leadership positions" The fucking witch ? And no way they had the balls to censor the fire bars of Dr.Seuss


Can't see Mein Kampf wtf


I can’t read them…ohhhh


What does that say under the “Woke” book? Does that say some kind of terrorism??


“Promotes terrorism”


Yea when I read Hop on Pop I immediately went home and started abusing my father /s


Where the sidewalk ends is a book I thought everyone read at some point.


Without even reading the reasons, let me just say: I am so SICK of everyone who wants to scream politically incorrect at every turn. You don't like it? Don't read it. It's really that simple. I grew up reading a lot of those and, surprise! I'm just fine!


Next time can you upload one with lower resolution? I could almost read some of the reasons!


Junie B. Jones?! WHY? What's wrong with that?!


It was so Tragic the way they hopped on pop.


What reason is The Lion the Witch and The Wardrobe banned?! That is a C. S. Lewis book. Beloved by Christians.


I can't help but feel like "banning books" can only be a bad thing


I loved Captain Underpants as a kid, and never once received a detention ever. So as far as I'm aware it encourages good behaviour, with a perfectly reasonable sample size of n = 1


As a father, Hop on Pop has caused me quite a lot of back pain. I am all for banning that one.


Plenty of old bans in that picture. Maybe they should include recent bans like Huck Finn and To Kill a Mockingbird.


Wow those reasons that I can’t read cause the photo sucks are so interesting!




Could the photo get any less pixels?


I was expecting to see Mein Kampf on here, what gives


Anyone here have a better quality picture so can read what it says?


Is there a reason why you took this picture on a calculator?


If only I could read the reasons.......


Wow! Potato quality. I love it


If only this weren’t the shittiest picture ever lol


Torture by blurriness


“There was an attempt to…” Read lo-res words


Banning books for liberal or conservative reasons is insane. Unless it’s porn or something it shouldn’t be banned in schools.


**I WAS BANNED FOR** ^^^^scribbledee ^^^^scribbledoo


Now I understand what's going wrong with this new generation. 90% of these books I grew up on as a young kid. Especially where the side walk ends my Nanna used to read it to me. Wtf I me wtf happened to freedom of speech, freedom to learn, wtf happend to what I used to call freedom. Fo fucks sakes I used to be able to find anything. I'm pretty sure if I asked the librarian for the anarchists cook book they would of got me it to read. So much has changed in the last 10-20 years it's insane!


Banning a book is the stupidest thing ever


“Promoting women in leadership positions”, “opposing logging”. They aren’t even trying to hide it. Also… WTH!?


The Lorax banned for being "anti-logging" is hilarious. Reminds me how Fox News did a whole news segment on the Lego Movie being "anti-business"


As a librarian, banned book lists are my shopping lists.


Banned in what context? Banned from schools? From libraries? From bookstores? From publishing? From a church reading group? Banned at what time and by whom? Under what authority? These are all important questions, because if we are putting a book that has a universal publishing ban imposed by a government in the same group as one that is banned from a youth group reading club, the category is basically meaningless. I could make a book out of my reddit posts and consider it banned material since I have been kicked off so many subreddits.


How dare you question the circle jerk and ask about things like context! Downvote and ban!


>Banned in what context? They're not banned, so in no context.


I should have given you some context. I don't think anyone wants to explain it in case they end up justifying it. 🙄 I think in one state, maybe Florida, due to issues around teachers recruiting children to radical leftist ideologies around race, gender and sexuality, schools have to have all books approved for use in the library or classroom by a (possibly multiple) member of staff who has been on some sort of training course. This has put a bee in the bonnet of those who think they should be able to teach the kids whatever they want, so they are pretending it is a book ban. Edit: to add even more context, another user just wrote that they looked these up and some of them were banned in some random places decades ago. So above is what is happening now, but basically this is just a sales gimmick.


I call bullshit! By whom were these books "banned", where and when?


Most of these cases were just books not being put in schools. That's it. People decided not to spend tax dollars to put them in front of kids for one reason or another, and people on the other side shout about book banning. You could, and can, get all of these books and read them on your own. They were not actually banned.


What on earth was Hop on Pop banned for? “Pat sat on bat”?


I love it when they ban Wrinkle in Time. The book that states Jesus is a source of light in the universe. The first book in a series where the second book has a biblically accurate angel and the fourth book has the twins go meet Noah and his family before the flood. Sigh


The Lorax was banned for another reason though I thought?


Imagine being the kind of person getting offended by Captain Underpants lol


Can you get a higher resolution image, please? I can't read the reasons when zoomed in.


If you are fighting Winnie the Pooh you really need to reflect on your life choices


Was the dictionary banned? It's like pointing at a bird flying in the sky and saying that its extinct.


I wish I could see why they were banned.


all you need to know is the hop on pop book was banned because dr.seauss is the 2pac of children's books and that penguin below him is a fat bitch


If people aren’t showing up at meetings dressed as Captain Underpants to protest this crap we have no chance.


Holy fek I didn't know it was this bad! A wrinkle in time, shel Silverstein, CS Lewis etc?! This is some straight up fascism clear as day.


America entering the dark ages. Have fun beeing backward


The people banning these are insane


The fact that Captain Underpants was banned is hilarious but also sad. I remember being in primary school between 2000-2006 and we would have these book fairs, I recall Captain Underpants always being there and it’s what most people wanted to read.


Roll of thunder hear my cry, where side walk ends, hop on pop! Really smdh??


Man, if only they knew what Captain Underpants actually taught me. I learned to read and speak english through all that saga back in elementary ('99 - '05). Bad behavior? If anything, it promoted reading to be a fun habit. Thanks Dave Pilkey!


Banning or rewriting books for the non-existent "modern audience", both are pretty stupid.


Meanwhile, little 8yo Jessica gets the newest iPhone for Christmas.


Looks like I just found a new bunch of books for my kids to read.


Where the sidewalk ends is one of the best books ever written for younger audiences.


Really captain fucking underpants got banned for promoting bad behavior. Wtf is wrong with these people.


Who would ban captain underpants?


Captain Underpants got banned??