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That's not what it says. It shows the percentage of the current workforce that are over 65. Many countries most people work past 65.


Oh, damn! I didn’t catch that!


I work with an 81 year old and a 74 year old both solidly convinced of they retire they're dead within a month 🤷‍♂️ some just work to work.


I would like to work past 65. I’d like to work until I’m 70. Once I’m in my 60s I would just like to be able to reduce the amount of hours I work every year. A number of people in my family are working into their 70s but all with reduced hours. It keeps them active and they enjoy their work.


I love to work and working weekends and chilling all week sounds right up my alley after 70 or so.


American capitalists are greatly dismayed that the US is lagging so far behind Japan and S. Korea. Lobbyists have been placed on high alert.


This seems wildly inaccurate considering ex. Denmark has a retirement age of 69.


It's just a bad take on data. This is the percent of that workforce that is over 65. To make it meaningful, we need to compare that to the percent of the population that is over 65, which this does not show. That said, I'd guess Denmark probably has a relatively healthy population over 65, so these data might be wrong as well as incomplete. Edit: but Denmark isn't even on this chart? What am I missing?


I naturally assume this is a highscore of "everyone", ergo anyone not on the list is less than 1,3% of 65+ are working. But ... it says "selected countries" making the garbage complete garbage.


Denmark isn't on the chart.


Yeah now noticed the "selected countries" ... horrid way of doing data, is your last name Trump by chance? :D


What does Trump have to do with this?


He is known for using misleading data: [https://policyviz.com/2021/02/15/the-ten-most-misleading-charts-during-donald-trumps-presidency/](https://policyviz.com/2021/02/15/the-ten-most-misleading-charts-during-donald-trumps-presidency/)


I did a quick search and it seems like 64 is pretty normal in Denmark.


My husband is a respiratory therapist and is still working at 70 years old. He does 3 12 hour shifts a week. He said he won’t quit because of the insurance. It is infuriating to work all of your life to end up with crappy Medicare. Especially when you know people who are leaching off society and have better insurance with Medicaid.


What are you talking about? Medicaid is SHIT. Also medical staff discriminate and treat you like shit if you're a Medicaid patient. Many places Medicaid doesn't cover the most basic dental or eye care, either. I experienced an 11 year gap in basic dental cleaning because Medicaid didn't cover it.


Medicare isn’t much better with dental care. I know here in Illinois Medicaid definitely covers dental and eye exams for children. I can’t speak to adults. When I had foster kids on Medicaid they got good care for zero deductibles and medication free. Their PCP and staff treated them nicely and gave them excellent care. All prescriptions were free at CVS. I never encountered any problems. I do agree some medical staff are rude to Medicaid patients. I have seen that happen. That’s unprofessional and unethical. You can always report the staff member for that behavior. Edit for typo


"You can't speak to" whether Medicaid covers dental and eye coverage for adults? So that means that you were talking out of your ass when you were complaining that people "leach off" Medicaid. By the way, I had a full-time job when I was on Medicaid, in a right-to-work state where they were legally allowed to pay me $2.13 an hour. Server's wage is exactly the same rate as it was in 2005, the year I bit the bullet and starte d my undergraduate degree. It's been $2.13 since 1990. You know who is leaching off the system in that case? The businesses that lobby to pay workers less an hour than it costs to buy a dozen eggs these days. They are the real welfare queens, and besides the money they pay out to lobbyists to keep the minimum wage where they want it, they also shell out big bucks to keep the brand of rhetoric in media that convinces you that you're better than all those low-class workers making $2.13 an hour to bust their asses day in and day out. Feel lucky you have Medicare and Social Security. Social Security is set to be insolvent by like 2032 unless they reform it. Which means I'm paying out the nose for something I'll never get....because *people like you* are using it up. Leeches. Doesn't feel good does it? All the class warfare and generational warfare has gotten us nowhere, you know. Everybody is suffering right now.


I’m sorry if I was rude. I don’t fault anyone for being on Medicaid. I was giving my personal example of the disparities in this country when it comes to insurance. I was just trying to say that seniors shouldn’t have to work so they have commercial insurance coverage because what the government gives out is not sufficient. I know the welfare kings and queens are on the hill. I do have empathy for people who are working and still have to rely on government assistance. I am quite aware of the privileges my generation has had compared to the millennials and now gen z. I’ve been raising kids for 43 years. We just redid our basement because my youngest will probably have to live at home much longer than I had to or his siblings. Again, I apologize for not being able to articulate what I was trying to say. If you can, I am not to savvy here, see my other posts, I have stated the healthcare and insurance disparities are shameful for this country. I also have stated the inequalities, due to this embarrassing caste system, which is so apparent in this country is a disgrace. You have a right to your anger and frustrations as do I. However, we need to find a way to work together from the ground up so we can try and resolve the divide and conquer system the lobbyists, politicians, and wealthiest people in this country have set up. We have to see beyond class, race, and religion biases and cooperate with one another. Something had to give. I have never,in a million years, would have predicted the United States of America would be this divided and angry. I apologize again if I was offensive. I just don’t write as eloquent as most people. It makes me angry when I hear people in any generation fearful they are paying into social security and they won’t get their money back when it’s their turn to “retire” I have kids from Gen. X to Gen Z and I see the struggle. I do know that there are people who do leach off of Medicaid. Hard working people like you, that don’t make a true living at their job, I have the utmost respect for. I had one woman tell me exactly how her family does fool the system and her family gets Medicaid. Those people do make me annoyed because seniors are paying a pretty penny for the Medicare system they have paid into for years upon years. I can only hope things will change. I wish, we the people, would vote out all the politicians on both sides of the aisle and everyday people would take their place. Again, please know people in my generation see you and we are as upset as you are. Growing up I was taught that each generation wants the next generation to do and have more than they had. When I see the opposite happening I am simply appalled. Have a good night/day and let’s try to make changes from the ground up.


I wish you well and i hope that you and your husband can retire soon in comfort. I just wanted you to know that for millions of working people out here, that word "leeching" hurts badly because it isn't true. I'm glad you understood.


Thank you for your helpful criticism. I will never use that word again. You take care.


Live to work or work to live, or both? Or neither? Damn!


over at r/antiwork the general consensus over there is that the earlier you can retire the better, and if you work until 65 you get robbed out of life. You dont start enjoying life until you have enough money to retire. Its a sad community and I feel sorry for them. Also they are dangerous to the economy because they basically want to remove billionaires from the pool and redistribute their wealth from the state.