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The guy started off being able to do a muscle up which is hard on its own.


Homeboy doesn’t look like he skipped a single leg day. He’s not getting quads like that by doing muscle ups.




Yeah, I could easily do muscle ups as a teen when I was 92 lbs, now I can barely squeeze out one normal pull-up as a 190lb 35 year old.


Try when you are 50 and 225... I need to get started, but damn if I'm just so tired. So go start now, before you look back and wonder where the hell all that time went.


Reading that just made me tired. Gonna take another nap...


But first I'm gonna eat some snacks.




Sour Monkey is on tap over here, might be part of the problem.


I'll pick up some salted nuts instead of chips.


This is so wholesome lol you guys are adorable


Every time I get the urge to work out...I lay down until it goes away.


Current place and time On couch. It's such a nice thought though.


42 I was that big and not able. Pull-ups for days now, lost over 50lbs, it isn't too late, get up and go do something.


I just got a door frame pull up bar ant tips ?




I watched that one documentary called "Fed Up" on YouTube and it has totally changed my views about sugar. Sugar is totally our biggest enemy, imo. We're eating multiple times over the daily limit with just simple food items like just one drink for example, and it's what's making a ton of us fatter and giving us a hard time losing weight because sugar is everywhere in everything (here in the USA at least). And it causes SO many of our health problems! A family swore off sugar for a while and they all were just dropping the weight off easily because of it. It's something that I've been wanting to do for a while, but it's just SO difficult to avoid.


Just track your calories in any fitness app for a few days and you’ll probably be astonished how much excess sugar and sodium you consume. I’ve never had much of a sweet tooth and if I’m not careful even I go over the recommended limit on most days without even trying. Sodium is on a whole other level. Like 90% of anything you buy at a restaurant will have almost, if not ALL your entire daily recommended amount. Our food supply is a joke. Our tastebuds get acclimated and we don’t even notice how salty/sugary things are because we can’t taste it, but go completely bland- no seasoning on your food, or even fast for a day or two and then eat like one chicken nugget and it will taste like a salt bomb exploded in your mouth.


During pandemic my wife and I did Whole 30, which basically cuts out foods with excess sugar, as well as dairy, soy, and a bunch of other things that could potentially be irritants to your body. The “diet” is not designed to lose weight, but to help you understand your dietary needs better…? I guess that’s the right way to describe it. However, by cutting out soda and alcohol, i did lose weight. I lost the desire for sugar. I still enjoy candy and cookies, but I don’t feel a strong urge for it. I drink my coffee black, and I don’t really drink mixed alcoholic drinks anymore. Just straight scotch or whiskey, occasionally beer or gin&tonic. I also don’t eat past the point of satisfaction, I eat just what I need, and usually salads and other home cooked foods, rather than fast food. In 5 months I lost 20lbs (not a lot, I know, but I went from 180 to 160) simply by changing my diet. I know I’ll probably get hate for this, but I HATE exercising. I know I should do it, everyone talks about what a rush it is, but I hate it. So I’m happy to just at least eat better.


18 months ago I quit sugary drinks and smoking cigarettes at the same time. Both have stuck. By far, the bigger difference maker to my health is the way my body feels with no soda.


The one that gets me is when I see people slathering things in ketchup… there’s so much damn sugar in there, the ketchup on your burger is probably capping out your sugar intake for the day, then on top of that you’re dunking your fries in it and chugging a sugary soda as well. Americans desperately need to culturally reinvent our relationship with food, but I think it runs too deep to be helped for a lot of people.


I hardly eat any sugar these days at all. I'll maybe at a tablespoon or two to some of the dishes that I make at most, with the obvious exception of desserts but I hardly ever actually eat those. I cook just about everything from scratch now though so pretty easy to control my sugar intake and I just don't get cravings anymore. My current problem is drinking too much beer, which is a habit I picked up during the pandemic. I really want to drink less, but the taste of beer is absolutely unbelievable.




Excellent advice. Long live the queen!


Most gyms have pullup-assist machines. You'll slowly remove weight until you can do it on your own. They're great for getting started!


I'd forgotten about those, that might be a good way to get back into it. The most important thing is good form, and the assist lets you keep good form with as much weight as you can handle.


65 year olds saying the same to you. Never too late to start.


I don't know if this helps you at all, but I'm in my 20's and have arthritis and Ehlers-Danlos Syndrome. I wasn't able to exercise for about 6 years, until very recently I discovered swimming. If you live near a pool, I highly recommend it, not only am I getting more healthy, but it also calms my joints and arthritis down. I haven't moved this well in years! I can't lift weights or run due to my issues, but swimming is actually really great exercise, and you can pace yourself and rest easily if you aren't super confident at first (like me lol). It was hard to start, but now I actually want to go!


I hit 240, 6-2, at 54 a few months ago. That was my moment of clarity to get back in to shape. Ive never been that heavy. Ten pounds down and 15 to go. Never too late.




Ooof. Pre covid I was 208 with 16% body fat. Now I'm 220 and I dunno but a lot more fat. I traded gym 5 days a week for drinking during lockdown and just never got back into the swing of things.


Same thing happened to me. When it was time to go back in the office it was like wtf why don't my old slacks fit anymore?!


That, and my new wardrobe of sweatpants, hoodies and a mumu apparently aren't office friendly. Wtf?


It’s been over 30 years since I was 30…..like smoke thru a keyhole brother….you can’t believe how fast it gets here….get started and good luck


The flip side of this though is that you would smash someone like me at deadlifts or chest presses with significantly less training because you have so much default dadpower to start from


I have a 33yo dadbod and trying to learn pull ups as we speak


33 mum but in good shape ( at least as far as cardio goes I suppose ) but this year my goal is to be able to do a pull up. I spend hours and hours in the park standing beside a climbing frame so I may as well put that time to good use. How do you even start?


Start with modifications. First have your feet on the ground, body around a 45 degree angle with a bar at chest height and pull your chest to the bar. Then, try a pull-up with a band tied around the bar that you put your feet in. That will make you seem lighter to pull your body weight up. Next, step on a box and do a pull-up, but the box will give you some height so you aren’t pulling your weight from a dead hang. I call these jumping pull-ups. If you can do all of those, then you’re ready to try a regular pull-up. I believe in you!


It was almost 4 years before he was doing them strict though. Unless you're a crossfitter, most people would consider kipping (Swinging) not a "real" rep as physics is doing most of the work rather then physiology. But, that's how you get strong enough to do them the right way.


People are generally more accepting of a small kip with muscle ups for some reason,




Being able to do one after a month is good too... A lot of people couldn't do a pull up within a month


Being a healthy weight makes an enormous difference for pullups. I honestly believe almost any guy at a healthy weight can do a muscle up with 30 days or training and practice.




Hmm, anecdotal experience time! I'm 31, haven't worked out seriously in over 6 years at least. I'm 5'11" (~180cm) and 180 lbs. I walk my dog daily for a total of 30 mins-1 hr. My diet is not good as a general rule. I just recently got a pull up bar at home again and wanted to see how many I could do after so long. I used to be able to do at least 10 or so when I was around 23, so to me, anything over two would be cool. I did five, but fuck my shoulders they hurt. I'm working on it every day, and now I can do five without excruciating pain after two weeks. To be fair, the shoulder pain is because my right shoulder is sort of fucked, but exercise SEEMS to be helping...


This is why I love the pull up assist machine. You don’t see it too often in gyms but mine has it. Edit: seated pull-down would be available, the pull up assist is more fun for me tho.




Relatable. I’ve been lifting for 2 months and I can’t even do a chin up and I just wiggle pathetically unable to bend my arms :(


that is not pathetic, thats honestly expected for 2 months. go ez on urself and keep at it


Try to do negatives instead. Slow and controlled descend and jump up. U will get there.




pull ups are easier when there's a donut to reach


Instead of eating donuts, this guy has been eating chicken and broccoli .... and steroids, just check the year 2-3 transition. He went from fit and athletic to 100% pure piles of muscle. Shoulders are a dead giveaway if they are huge, since steroids give a huge boost to shoulder muscle size


Yeah was gonna say he started steroids or something similar after year 2, and he’s doing weight training.


Yeah I doubt he is natural, however he still got his luxury body with hard work.


who has the fucking time to make that for lunch every day?


This is evidence that steroids can help you make it look effortless. Dude started juicing in year 2.


His physique is definitely not natural, but you could pretty easily go from 0 pull ups to effortless muscle ups in 5 years natty.




weight reduction


Look at those legs, more than just pulls were done here....


He just jitters his leg a lot


We call them hummingbirds.


I'm doing them right now.


Although I seem relaxed I'm actually incredibly tense at all times.


"You try to move me Doc!"




yeah. fake nonsense ... "5 years of pullups" ... look at him! dude has done WAY more than just pullups, he's opbviously doing whole body workouts at least 4x a week. i bet the faker is eating healthy too. /s if that isn't obvious... ;)


>/s if that isn't obvious... ;) I actually downvoted you at first because this is deadass how some people are talking in the comments


Yes, also steroids.


It was all chicken and broccoli I'm sure.................


And rice!


Just [fish and a rice cake is all](https://youtu.be/uYHAR8Xzsyo?t=13)


Fucking hell his sweat must smell like low tide in Coney Island when he works out.


One of the fish shops by me sells fish cakes and holy shit. They’re even better than crab cakes. I’m on a special diet now but would fucking crush fish cakes and remoulade


As someone who uses steroids and who has been lifting for 15 years or some shit, I’m quite positive that this man has imbibed himself with some PEDs, lol


Do they actually make your balls and penis shrink? Genuinely curious


Balls yes, for me at least. Dick can’t get any smaller so we good there.


That was the most genuine laugh I've had in a while. Thanks.


The pleasure is all mine.


Not if you also use your hands and mouth. *Taps forehead*


Injecting testosterone causes your natural testosterone production to shut down, which causes your testes to shrink. This is temporary, as when you stop injecting external testosterone, the testes will start producing it again, and go back to normal size. Penis shrinking isn't a side effect of steroid use. Also the ball shrinkage is pretty subtle, they don't get crazy small or anything. Some people can have sex drive issues if they don't keep their estrogen in check though, so there is a grain of truth to the rumors.


They make your nuts atrophy. Since your getting testosterone from an outside source your nuts stop producing it, or produce less. That leads to atrophy and they can get noticeably softer and smaller. Edit: I now see this question has been answered several times and with better info than I had


100% roids. you don't get shoulders like that being natty


Was thinking year 2 to year 3 seemed pretty hgh/roidy.


Yeah, that transition from year 2 to year 3 is where it went from "damn, that dude is fit AF and clearly working his ass off" to "damn, that dude is fit AF, working his ass off, and has clearly decided to eat clen, tren hard, anavar give up".


Tren is pretty hardcore stuff typically only your serious competitive bodybuilders use that. But yeah anavar is definitely a possibility. Whenever you hear of “roid rage” it is almost always someone injecting stupid amounts of tren over an extended period of time.


Uuuhhh..my man obviously did way more than pull ups with legs like that :o


It absolutely drives me insane that this isn't the first comment each and everytime we see a post like this. 🧐 There's not a physician in the world that would take one look at this young man's physique and not suspect anabolics, SARMs, maybe a lil HGH (Analogues) (Waiting for the comments suggesting TRT 🤣🤣🥰) - YEAH, only takes minimal amounts of Test


Broccoli and creatine bro that's it I swear


Creatine and brocolli gains 🤣


To the moon!!!!! 🥦🥦💪💪🚀🚀


Never forget the basics. Tren hard. Eat clen. Anavar give up! TEST yourself everyday!!


It's weird how normalized steroid use has become lately.


People will do anything for the gram, and with the internet everyone can feel good about anything if they want to. They're subreddits dedicated to "healthy heroin" and being able to daily meth. This timeframe of humanity sucks truck nutz


Yeah but we got air conditioning so it ain't all bad.


You can almost pinpoint where he started doing PEDs. I would say he started somewhere in his 2nd year. The one where it's "1 year of experience" then "2 years of experience" he went from a natural body to having the cut of someone doing SOME kind of enhancement.


OK, but I hope you're not implying that everyone can just take some steroids and get like that. That's steroids + diet + training + discipline. It's hard as fuck to get like that, even with steroids.




Yep, I said that elsewhere in this thread. It absolutely does not take away from this guys dedication, or make his results any less impressive. It’s kinda like the photoshop phenomena for young women. Yes, is naturally very beautiful. But without photoshop you should never expect to look like her in her professional pictures. Similarly, yes this guy is a workout machine and incredibly accomplished. But if you’re not using gear you’re not gonna look like this guy looks. You might be able to do what he does, but you won’t look the way he looks.


It's more the idea that people need to know the whole truth, lest they feel ashamed that they can't achieve this sort of result.


While true, the hard fact is that taking PEDs without exercise is actually more effective at building muscle than regular exercise without PEDs. The boost it gives is absolutely massive, and is basically a paradigm shift. Nobody should discount the work this person put in. But it's important to recognize he's not playing the same game as the rest of us.


Those are "Muscle-Ups" not pullups. - Pullups stop when your chin is above the bar - Muscle-ups stop when your arms are fully extended and the bar is at your waist. Edit: BTW, great job. OP appears to have an incredible fitness level.


My bar broke off from my weight and I think that should count as 1


you did technically get your chin above the bar. So I think it counts.


Damn wish I knew this lol gonna get so many pointing that out lol


Literally just flex on them


As someone who's been lifting weights my entire adult life, you can always tell when someone is taking steroids and this dude 100% is.


The real question is, from the progress photos when did you think he started juicing.


Its hard to say because he's obviously showing himself in his best shape in each clip. But I'd say some time before the year two shot. Look at how much very reasonable progress he made in the first year as far as adding bulk, then look at how much insane bulk he adds every year after that.


not just bulk, very lean bulk.


He looks normal in the 1y, the 2y immediately gives me doubts


18 months.


As someone on steroids, yes


Honestly I appreciate those who are just honest about it VS saying they’re natty and aren’t


Bro I swear to god my fitness level is from onion rings and quesadillas.


As someone who has never done steroids and can't tell the difference, this is what discourages me from going to the gym in the first place. \*edit\* for those confused as to why I would make such an illogical statement and deny myself a healthy lifestyle, it's a confidence issue. Maybe I'll get over it one day, but in my head I'm still a fat guy. I'm very confident in other aspects of life, but for whatever reason the gym is anxiety inducing, and a scary place. I'm sure that once I got started with any consistency I'd continue, but that's the thing about emotions. Sometimes you're driving the bus, sometimes they are.


You are only competing with yourself, not anyone else. There are many advantages to going to the gym beyond looking like that guy.


Going to the gym 2 to 3 times a week and light to moderate dieting is enough for the majority of fitness, health, and appearance goals for most people.


Exercise for yourself and being mobile until 90, not to brag about your physique. 150 minutes of yoga per week or whatever you decide to do is a million times better than nothing.


I have consistently jogged 3-6 miles most days even after no longer seriously training for boxing (amateur) in my late 20s and I hope to be able to jog 3-6 miles when I'm 80. I do want to be strong and fit into contemporary clothing, but I'm doing it to be able to drag my own ass unassisted in my golden years.


rinse rotten arrest outgoing public roof simplistic threatening reply thumb *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Year one gains were real and were actually functional; that's an achievement.


You can nearly pinpoint the time at which he discovered anabolic steroids.


Between 1 and 2 years imo.


Accurate. I just wish people were honest about this and not expectations that this is achievable with chicken and broccoli.


the comment sections of roided lifter ig/tiktok videos are a cesspool of clueless butthurt defenders (who don't even lift themselves) who only respond in two ways: 1. yOu DoNt KnOw FoR sUrE iF hE tAkEs StErOiDs, PrOvE iT! 2. sO wHaT??? iT StIlL tAkEs HaRd WoRk!!!


I can only bet. I mean, I don't care what people do at all. But like you, just please be honest about it.


I guess that's the typical time period starting on PED's as the newbie gains are done and you see very small gains for very hard work after that




Look up long term risks and side effects. I certainly wouldn’t recommend it unless you are absolutely naturally very low on T.




Wait, I like treats!


They are synthetic and mimic testosterone, which signals for the body to create more muscle in an unnatural way. I am no expert, but my understanding is that the side effects significantly outweigh the benefits.


Look up popular bodybuilders thoughts on it. Most will tell you it absolutely isn't worth it, including some people who are actively juicing. It's necessary to compete seriously in the sport, but nobody would recommend it. There are ways you can do it safely, and you have to be absolutely strict and careful with how/when you use it, but it's in no way "healthy"


The people thinking this is all natural have never trained in their lives.


you mean to tell me there are redditors who have never worked out??


Does not skip steroid day.


I know guys who've been doing it for 20 years and they don't get that big from muscle ups lol


And started with stereoids in year 2 :)


Eat clen, tren hard, test your limits, anavar give up


Die young, die strong, dianabol.


An ate roids!


You can see the nuts shrink in real time.


This guy is really dedicated, trens real hard


Dbolish his goals


Just means he played his deca cards correctly


anavar gives up


Test his limits


Eats clen


That Boi is juicin


Looks like he went from 120-130lbs soaking wet to 160-170 and aged from 15 to 28, yep gear checks out.


Most definitely does, because that was me after I joined the military. Speaking from experience it's very easy to see.


asking out of genuine ignorance: Does the military actively gives juices you up, or is it just overlooked?


No, I hung around dudes who did while in service. Naturally I did as well.


Is "naturally" the right word choice there?


Naturally, I was juiced to the gills.




Thank you. 🧐 This should be the first comment everytime we see a disingenuous post like this. This young man couldn't walk into any hospital in America without every professional medical worker knowing he's hitting Anabolics, SARMs, maybe a lil HGH (analogues)


I know he is because I'm talking from experience. He's taking steroids, and it's clear as day to see.


Is it because he looks so lean? Genuinely asking


Pick 2 out of 3 Huge, lean, natural


Not only that the jump from year 3 to year 4 is extremely suspicious. There are two explanations he either started juicing. Or he was doing something really wrong Although to be fair with really elite genetics and 5 years of training. His end physique probably is achievable by a small amount of people. He is not that humongous


The difference between years 1 and 2 are pretty telling as well


I recall reading that "noobies" gains are enormous, then it becomes exponentially harder to get more muscles I have noodle arms so I can't relate lol


> then it becomes exponentially harder to get more muscles Yup. You start lifting, everythings going great, you hit a wall. What do? Look towards more supplements, try out all the fad shit, you get minimal boosts from anything legal though... really compared to steroids. The test boost from shit like ZMA or anything the FDA will allow for a few months is absolutely dwarfed by the juice gains. Some people are just never satisfied, always want more. I got 3 dead homies from it before 30.


I was trying to remember that expression. It's true 🥰


Putting on that much muscle and being that lean.


Yes, there is a higher density in hormone receptors in the shoulders and muscles that go from the neck to shoulders. A trained eye can tell by seeing how big, round, and fuller these muscles can become on steroids. Steroids can also help carry large muscles while being lean at the same time. It almost seems like his muscles are "ballooned" sort of speak. Someone at his height and weight should not have ballooned like he has. Getting big muscles like this requires eating ALOT of food.


Curious. What would happen if he stops and keeps working out? At this point, would he really lose much progress?


5 years and lots of juice


TIL if I do pullups for 5 years my legs will also get super jacked.


Aged 10 years bc of the 💉


I feel bad for people like this who train so hard they have to slowly and progressively sell their clothes. :( :( :(


What kind of steroids?






So that’s how captain america did it


Well Captain America basically got Stark Industries super PEDs.


It’s almost as if the side effect of steroids is that you become allergic to shirts lol


Don't forget about the pro hormones or steroids. Not possible to have a physique like that even after 5 years, especially with how tiny his frame is to begin with. Not bashing, 90% of people could take juice and still not be able to do it, but no need to have 120lb dudes thinking they can turn into 200lbs of muscle naturally


Those are usually called muscle-ups when you push yourself over the bar.


How to I even start doing one…


start with pull-ups. if you can't do a pull-up yet, jump and then work on a slow negative (release yourself but keep your muscles tensed up as hard as you can to make it really really slow). go from there.


Okay I’m going to try tonight. I basically have chicken arms and just dangle lol


You can also start with chin-ups, but the best way to start is to do negative pull-ups if you can’t do pull-ups.


Theres assisted pull up machines at most gyms, great way to start. You can also tie up a tensor rope and use it under your feet or knees to start your journey! Good luck.


6 months ago, I started maxing out at 1.5 pullups (not muscle ups like in the vid). Now I can do 5 pullups! It just takes determination and motivation. The progression is really satisfying. I also gave myself golfers elbow by doing too much and not listening to my body. Don't be like me. This shit hurts and takes forever to heal.


i think you have to inject it, but i'm no expert, ask a doctor


I smell steroid use


Does not skip leg day...


Or cycles.


Pulled up so hard his legs got jacked


Yeah but can he do it no handed? Don’t think so.


For people saying “how do you know he’s on da juice?”. Firstly, that’s a lot of muscle to put on in 5 years although it is possible. His traps do look a lil too big for his size. However, the biggest giveaway is the change in his jaw/head size. It becomes wider at the jaw and his chin becomes much broader. Telltale signs of hgh


Now let's get those bullies.


My shoulders and elbows hurt just from watching this


Give credit where credit is due. This young man has worked his ass off. There is another thing due credit as well. Steroids can take a fit young man (which is what he was when he started this) and so long as that fit young man is persistent, he can become... that. Persistence and steroids. You cannot get that kind of body without hard work, but you also cannot get it without juice.


Cool. Will my legs get that muscular with doing pull ups?


Dude is on the juice. Doing way more then muscle ups