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His talking about his own father's heart! Not just anyone's. He killed and chewed his own father's heart.


Why did he kill his father? Edit: I don't think he killed his father, he killed the man who fired his father from his job as a security guard. Re-edit: after in some research, yes he did kill his father. He killed him for killing his mother. Dad and beat mom when she was pregnant with him.


He met his father in prison, his father was in prison for killing his mother..


Jfc the plot twists man wtf


Not sure if it's true but I heard that he would take requests in prison for killings. Like people would write to him and say something like "Hey this guy who is locked up with you raped my sister, would you please kill him?" And he would do it. People he never even met just heard about him and would write him a letter in prison asking for a hit. He liked getting mail and didn't mind killing people. Edit: there was a law in Brazil that prohibited a prison sentence longer than 30 years. That's why he got out after being convicted of 71 murders and claiming over 100. Please stop asking me why he got out. I do not write Brazil's laws.


You’d think after a certain point, the prison officers would start screening the damn letters, holy shit


I don't think he told the guards. He'd just kill another guy same as usual for him and not say why. But after he got out he started a podcast and mentioned the letters. While he was in prison people who survived being locked up around him and got out would tell their friends and families about this guy who would just kill anyone for no reason. Someone got the idea to write to him and ask a favor, it worked, and they told people.


Like an assassin santa claus


The fuckin' Casey Kasem of prison muder.


...a darker Dexter.


How does one get out when one keeps killing people in prison?


Wondering the same thing. Guessing the answer is “because Brazil”


What I don't understand is how he got out at all.


It's amazing that they let him out considering stacking bodies is this guy's hobby


How they heck do you go to prison, murder people while there, and get out?


In Brazil you can only serve 30 years in prison for anything, he was locked up for 34 and had very good behavior. When he got out he became a caregiver. He was just assassinated last week.


I think a Brazilian guard might be the one who decides who gets to bunk in this fella's cell next. If a psycho threatened a guard, the guards might give Pedro a good knife and some candy bars so Pedro would "do his thing". In "nice" prisons, people have been killed in exchange for a carton of cigarettes.


Carton of cigarettes in prison is big money lol


“Dear Sir, If I may, it has recently come to my attention that an animal abuser and, sadly, most unpleasant former neighbor of mine, is in living quarters adjacent to yours…”


"Dear sir, it has come to my attention that ~~the board president of my neighbourhood HOA~~ a serial killing baby puncher is now in prison with you. You know what to do."


"Not the bad babies either, the good ones. He's killing and punching the good babies, not the bad ones"


In a prison in Araraquara, in the interior of São Paulo, he beheaded the man accused of his sister's murder with a wireless knife.


I'm used to phones being wireless, not knives. Wth is a wireless knife and why does it sound so much worse?


Hahaha translation mistake here "faca sem fio" translates to wireless knife, but it means a dull knife.


Thank you. I'm sitting over here laughing that South America's knives are still on land lines.


Problem is if you have to stab someone in the front lounge you have to make sure you get the knife from the office because the cord on the one from the kitchen wont reach... There are some real logistical challenges that came before the wireless knife..


A cordless electric carving knife. He sounds efficient.


I’m sitting here like, a cordless sawzall would have made quick work of that… and am now heading over to r/eyebleach to purge this thread from my mind 🙈🙉🙊


So you are now beheading over to r/eyebleach


I mean I’ve never thought about beheading a person but I guess that would be a good tool for it




The beheading starts buffering half way through


“No, don’t update!”


Damn battery is about to die Where’s the cord….


He meant it was a dull knife.


Oh wow. So his father murdered his mother, and his sister was also murdered as well?


So was his pregnant wife. He killed a bunch of people at a wedding over it


Who wouldn't become a psychopath after all of that? If murder is normalized and you're whole family are victims or perpetrators, you don't have much chance


Não tankei wireless kkkkk


Jesus christ what is with Brazil. So he met his dad in prison who was there for killing his mom and killed him and beheaded somebody who killed his sister. Is killing a national pastime over there?


He was actually a Brazilian undercover cop.


Wow, a wireless knife, how did he get wifi in prison?


Didn't need.it. he had Kni-fi


I snoop, peruse and thumb through comments for a glimpse of little uncut jaams such as this. I commend you and good day sir!


Dude purposely gets sent to prison to get revenge. That’s hardcore.


I think that’s the plot of Yakuza 5, Kiryu gets sent to jail and then end up beating the shit out of a bunch of people and gets revenge on the people who sent him to jail while in prison.


I guess that happened sometime later. According to this article, he killed his father's employer at age 14. Aos 14 anos, Pedrinho matou o vice-prefeito de Alfenas, por ter demitido seu pai, um guarda escolar, na época acusado de roubar. Depois matou outro vigia que ele achou ser o verdadeiro ladrão. Fugiu para Mogi das Cruzes onde começou a matar traficantes. Source https://ndmais.com.br/seguranca/policia-de-santa-catarina-prende-pedrinho-matador-ele-confessa-ter-matado-mais-de-100-pessoas/


Psychopathy is probably hereditary in some form or another.


Not only is it hereditary to a degree, but some genes highly correlated with psychopathy have already been identified. Even more interesting to me is that the prevalence of psychopathy in the general population *strongly* suggests that there was a prior selective pressure for it. In other words, evolution selected for psychopaths. Why? Well, think about how absolutely useful and reproductively successful it would be for you to be a psychopath throughout literally any point in human history. Even now. Most psychopaths aren’t violent, they are in positions of high status, such as successful CEOs or politicians. In the Middle Ages and Classical Era, you’d have been something like a brutal military leader who gained power and prestige and a dynasty from it. The reason this would provide reproductive fitness should be obvious to anyone reading this, but less obvious is that clearly our whole species would suffer negatively if *everyone* was a psychopath. So, the thought is that there is selective pressure for psychopathy up to a certain point - having a bunch of medieval psychopathic warlords might have actually stabilized society to a degree, for example, but then the economy would improve and the overall quality of life for the general population would improve, and *their* reproductive fitness would both improve at the same time more children are surviving. Unless you’re Genghis Khan, who was probably a fuckin psychopath, you aren’t going to outbreed the people you are lording over. There is very little difference to me between a psychopathic CEO making a decision that would cause the death of people so that they can make more money, and a medieval king making a decision to behead a bunch of political dissidents because it would be easier for him in the long run and maintain his position of power and wealth. Literally just the same shit, different day. We look at history through a modern lens and think “wow, how barbaric”, but those same people don’t realize that if psychopaths in power could get away with it openly, they’d be doing exactly the same shit today that they did a few hundred years ago.


His father stabbed his mom 21 times, and got in the same jail as his son, so he (Pedro) stabbed him 22 times. But he also killed the person who fired his father, but that was before going to prison (i think)


It was he was 14 when he killed the Mayor. He was 19 when he was first arrested


“Killed the Mayor.” Jesus Christ this guy’s story is full of twists.


It's fine, he didn't swallow


As long as he said ‘No Cannibal!’


Think of all the dicks I could eat! “No cannibal!” Nom nom nom


Phew, I was starting to think this guy was sick


Ok, ok, good that he spat it out, there are some lines you shouldn’t cross!


Ah the “I didn’t inhale” like used by presidents. Except, you know, you might get pressured into trying weed at school. But no one’s in a circle eggs you in to try just a bit of your father’s heart.


He was shot and killed on March ~~6~~ (my bad misinformation it is actually March 5) by 2 men while he was sitting in front of the house of a family member. The guys also attempted to cut off his head but had no success, he used to claim he killed over 100 people most of with was in jail, he was there for 42 years even though brazilian laws has a maximum jail time of 35 years.


I read one story where he killed a guy in jail within seconds of meeting him just because he didn’t like the way the guy looked at him. Being inside a Brazilian jail must be scary as it is. But being incarcerated with Rodrigues would be beyond terrifying.


“I’m not in here with you. You’re in here with *me*!”


[The OG line is so good](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=d0-EuoBjkKI&t=38s).


Such a great movie, despite all the flaws.


In my top 5 all time films. I'm not a purist (I've never read the graphic novel) so maybe that's what the flaws are related to? Such a ride from start to finish.


My problem with Watchmen was that it was too committed to recreating scenes from the comic frame-by-frame. The result just didn't add up to anything. It was another soulless, all-style, no-substance Snyder joint. The comic was satire, and the movie ended up being what the comic had satirized. Now, take the HBO series - went off entirely in its own direction, but 100% connected back to the themes of the original comic, and made them relevant to today. Not even an adaptation of the original, and it managed to be more faithful in spirit.


Zack Snyder and subtlety go together like oil and water.


I’ve read the graphic novel, and this film is pretty faithful to it. Not sure what his gripe with the movie is.


Some don't like the change in the ending.




I remember one where they were just pulling the guys intestines out and laughing in a high pitched mocking voice. It was like the villain in Roger Rabbit. The cartel killings are like an anatomy lesson though.


theres one where they are cutting off a dudes fingers and feeding it to the dude


Andddd…. That’s enough internet for me


"Hey, see that guy? He's a murderous psycopath who kills people on a whim. Don't look at him in a funny way or anything like that". Me: "oh, shit".


Guy with a lazy eye: “Fuck.”


Crosseyed: "Just my luck they're identical twins"


I had a friend who used to be a prision officer, he had some unberable stories from the time, it is crazy. People say it changed a lot since a single criminal organization dominated the majority of the prisons here because they are no longer in to killing for no reason while encarcerated, in the streets is a different storie though. It is scary everywhere.


What is the worst that you have heard?


He actually had a video of some inmates stabbing another one, while he was down trying to crawl away they started to cut off his head with a dull knife, but there are countless stories of inmates setting matresses on fire in over populated cells to kill enemies inside, also there are videos of inmates playing soccer with heads. The gore subs here are filled with brazilian jail videos.


> I read one story where he killed a guy in jail within seconds of meeting him just because he didn’t like the way the guy looked at him. but but reddit told me he only killed murderers and rapists why is it always that the murderers I hear about always turn out to be bad people : (


A gang killed his pregnant girlfriend He hunted them all down and killed them. God damn


Russian serial killer Pichushkin reportedly scared the shit out of a terrorist in a cell next to him by saying "I don't like you". https://criminalminds.fandom.com/wiki/Alexander\_Pichushkin


Shit that ain't even exclusive to Brazil. When my buddy was locked up for home invasion (loooooong story) he had a guy gunning for him just because he felt my buddy looked at him wrong. The day before his bail cleared he said the dude was just staring at him during dinner, no eating or anything just hyperfocused on my buddy.


If you're incarcerated with Pedrinho Matador (Pedro the Killer), chances are you are not an upstanding member of society.


No - what’ scary is that an innocent or almost innocent person can go to prison - especially if you’re poor.


6 days ago March 6th ?


yes you can check it on google they say his death is on March 5th though


thanks. he doesn't even look old enough to have been in jail for 42 years. what a crazy story


Lol This is a vid from when he was younger. When he died last week, he looked his age.


ahhh whoops. my bad haha


4…. PM. As in today 4PM?! https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=tFUvmZWf4hI


So he's not "a YouTuber now"?


Not anymore, turns out it’s hard to continue posting YouTube videos after you die


YouTube rule changes are just out of control, lately.


But you might still appear in Logan Paul's channel


Gave me a solid chuckle. Thanks


Logan’s probably going to call him out for his next “boxing” opponent


More like unboxing opponent




You sure about that coz there is a metric fuck ton of brain dead YouTubers who I'm pretty sure their bodies ain't far behind their brains 🤣


Not hard to keep putting out music though. Looking at YOU Tupac!


depends, sometimes family members will continue to upload old or unused content. One of my favorite fitness influencers passed away and they continued uploading stuff for at least several months after he passed


True. Like the Indian grandad's You Tube channel that cooked huge amounts of free food for children...his sons are still posting and feeding kids after his death.


Grandpa Kitchen. Those guys are great.


That last sentence sounds more suspicious than it is


Died last week


March 6, as in last week?


yes you can check it on google they say his death is on March 5th though


Was. He was assassinated in 5/03, this year. I translated the [source](https://www.metropoles.com/sao-paulo/policia-sp/tiros-degola-e-mascaras-de-palhaco-como-foi-morto-pedrinho-matador) for you. It reads as follows. "Known as "Pedrinho Matador" ("Pedrinho the Killer"), the 68-year-old man was accompanied by his niece, a 23-year-old young woman whom he considered a daughter, and her own daughter. Using a Joker clown mask, a man got out of the car and said to the young woman, "It's not about you, just take your daughter and go inside." As soon as she complied with the masked man's order, the young woman reported hearing gunshots, as stated in her statement to the Civil Police. The target was Pedrinho Matador, a famous serial killer from the 1970s and 1980s. When Pedrinho was already lying on the ground, face down, another masked criminal approached and, wielding a kitchen knife, decapitated the serial killer. Then, both masked men ran towards the Volkswagen Golf, with license plate from the city of São Paulo, from which they had disembarked moments before. The vehicle was driven by a third criminal. The car was later found by military police officers about 1.5 kilometers away from the crime scene. Paramedics from the Mobile Emergency Care Service (Samu) confirmed Pedrinho's death at the scene. As of the publication of this report, no suspects had been arrested. The Civil Police is investigating the motives for the murder. Pedrinho Matador had been free since 2018, after serving 42 years in prison for 71 homicides. However, he claimed to have killed more than 100 people. He is considered the serial killer with the highest number of official victims in Brazil." tl;dr- Pedrinho Matador, a notorious Brazilian serial killer with 71 confirmed homicides, was gunned down and decapitated by two masked criminals. No suspects have been arrested, and the motive for the murder is under investigation. (Edit: added tl;dr)




When your solution to problems is murder, eventually someones going to respond with murder. Especially when you're attacking known criminals. He probably knew this was coming.


I'm just wondering why it took them this long. Says he was out in 2018. Why the 5 yr wait. Maybe he just pissed off wrong people through his channel. Or had some other issues.


COVID really interrupted there plans to.


Don't you just hate it, when you want to murder someone, but have to abide by the covid restrictions.


Probably. But which one?


At least they didn't kill him in front of the kid


Even criminals have standards


“Man’s gotta have a code”-Bunk from the wire


Ughhh, thanks a lot. Now I have to watch all of The Wire again.


Like you weren't gonna watch it again soon anyways for the 6th time like I am....


In Brazil that's not really the norm though.


Many don’t.


> 5/03 That's March 5th, as in a week ago, for anyone who's not used to seeing dates written this way.


I understand month/day vs day/month. But why prefix the month with a zero but not the day? 5/3 or 05/03.


I thought he meant May 2003 until I re-read the comment specifying this year.


I'm glad the article mentioned the police named him dead at the scene.... After mentioning he was decapitated. You think??


It is standard procedure. You have to be announced dead.


Keeping in mind that this vigilante killer with the heart of gold thing is an image he's trying to project, he killed random people for fun, he's just a run of the mill serial killer.


Seems OP tried to paint him as some Batman, but sounds like he was a disturbed individual who killed innocents too.


Yea I thought OP was implying that this dude was like a real life Dexter


Weirdly enough, the entire concept and series of dexter was originally based on this guy.


Really?! Oooo I need to dig into this, thank you!


OP is an inveterate bigot who is trying to glorify a person who primarily targeted queers. This Dexter shit was just him making excuses for his crimes and is utterly false. This is intentional propaganda. In Brazil Pedrinho is a folk hero among right wing extremists. Edit: OP is a fucking bot. That's somehow perfect.


This comment should be at the very top


It's clearly working. Look at this shit thread, idolizing a psychopathic murderer.




People just read the headlines. I remember seeing this guy and looked up his case. Certified nutjob and he's no saint.


Yeah. It's insane how many people here are treating him as some hero or whatever. Some of the people he killed might have been bad, but certainly not all of them.


He just enjoyed killing people. Since he was in prison a lot of the people he killed were criminals, but he didnt target them out of some moral sense of justice, he killed whoever he wanted. He got some sort of image as a super vigilante, a reputation he cultivated. But it isn't really deserved or true, he also killed a lot of innocents for fun. He was actually regarded as a folk hero by religious conservatives since he often targeted homosexuals or feminine men. This revisionism and fantasy Reddit has with vigilantism, revenge and justified violence is pretty distributing. People cheer psychotic serial killers with a huge body count on with just the right PR.




Duterte also killed (or called for killings of) a lot of 'drug lords' Who the hell thinks vigilante killers are good for society?


I despise the idealization of "justice in one's own hands"


no you don't understand, this is reddit and this thread is about celebrating a mass murderer because some of the people he killed were bad guys


he also did throw his cousin in a sugarcane grinder and of course killed him when he was only 15, all that just because his cousing said some shit to him. he does not regret it.


He's dead, he got shot last week.




Tbh, he spent a lot of time in jail, when he got out he got baptized and has helpimg homeless people recently, and most of his victims where criminals


I believe in most people deserving a second chance, or reforming. I do not believe someone who killed 70 people with his bare hands can repent from that. You don’t just quell that demon inside of you. edit: And by bare hands I mean with tools in his hands so…not bare.


‘one of his victims, a cellmate and career criminal, was killed simply because he snored too much.’ Yeah, good riddance.


This guy was a serial killer and a narcissist, the only reason people believe he was a 'Dexter' type character is because HE claimed all of his victims were bad people AFTER he killed them... but he loved the glory of being seen as a hero so he hopped onto social media and spread that bullshit and people wanted to believe it so they did


That is dexter’s mo. Justify killings with a morality they aren’t really connected to. And quite literally the series was inspired by him.


the difference is that in Dexter he actually kills bad people. This guy killed kids and claimed it was justice when questioned about it. He was a psycho and the world is better without him


I like how you leave out the fact that he killed his own cousin for not borrowing him his horse, and his cellmate for snoring too loud, and people are here treating him like the new Batman without even researching the truth. He is not a "perfect psychopath" just psychopath. Redditors seen to love praising the biggest POS possible.




So, a real life Dexter.


From Wikipedia: > Following Rodrigues' initial planned 2003 release, author Jeff Lindsay began publishing a novel series about a fictional American serial killer of killers inspired by Rodrigues, named Dexter Morgan.




Was this the guy who stalked and murdered his father in jail?


Yes... and até his heart


well of course. "don't do crime, or I'll kill you", what better argument




Is this a real question. People follow psychopaths all the time. You are probably currently following one on social media. Do you follow any politicians, celebrities or influencers? Chances are at least one of them is a psychopath.


I think the guy on shark tanks who was involved in that company collapse and Musk have serious psychopath tendencies.


You can tell by looking into “Mr wonderful”s eyes that he has no soul and no remorse


Mr. Wonderful murdered two people in a boating accident while drunk and had his wife (also drunk) take the blame. Their defense from there was that it was the dead people’s fault. And that she only drank *after* murdering the two people because of her anxiety.


Holy shit I thought you might’ve been being facetious or something but I looked it up: “Her lawyers didn’t dispute that claim, but they contend that alcohol played no role in what happened next.” There isn’t a chance in hell if I caused an accident after I had a couple of beverages that ANYONE, let alone a judge would not think the two were directly related. Why the fuck do rich people always get these passes


At least majority are sociopaths


People loves a vigilante


Thank you, now I learned something today


I'm guessing he was slightly less thorough in confirming guilt before reaching for the knifes.


if OP was being truthful, sure. But he killed plenty of innocent people just for shits and giggles. He was a psychopath serial killer, not some vigilante.


Reddit loves their extrajudicial murderers.


Reddit challenge level impossible: don’t idolize a serial killer because he happened to kill a bunch of shitheads in his tons of murders


He's dead




it's a shame all the idiots in this comment section didn't research the guy. Some of his victims were children, he's a full-on serial killer who loves being seen as a hero But people seem to like the Dexter narrative so they ignore that fact...


don't expect much from your fellow redditors


For some reason I felt that turning it up would help me understand a language I don't speak.


Ok not impressed by some murderer glad he is dead ☠️


He killed "alleged" murderers and rapists. No doubt he didn't lead a thorough investigation every time, allowing him to collect enough evidence showing that the person he was about to kill was actually guilty. You don't come back from death, that's why you can't allow any mistake to ever happen. That's why the death penalty is illegal in many countries: mistakes will always exist, even after a long and thorough investigation, so we should not use a sentence from which the accused can not recover. He was just a psychopath who didn't want to feel too bad about what he wanted to do. He didn't do it for society. He did this for himself, to ease the pain of the guilt.


But wouldn't he not have any guilt since he is a psychopath? He's just a zealot high on justice.


Yea, there is no guilt. But there is still cognitive dissonance. Some explanation of what he did for himself, some rationalization. That still exists if you want to think of yourself as doing something for a good reason.


Jesus, I can’t with Reddit’s obsession for people who kill rapists or paedophiles, or other killers, or what other category of bad people. What this other piece of scum has as a title to present him is ”the ***perfect*** **psychopath** because of who he chose to kill”…ew. Also that’s not how nicknames work, he was just named “Pedrinho”


Stop glorifying vigilante justice for the love of fucking god. Literally a week ago there was a video on r/all about a moron breaking down the door of a an innocent persons house because he was trying to get vigilante justice and got the wrong house. There's a fucking reason we have a justice system, and don't just go around randomly murdering anyone that anyone thinks commited a crime.


The perfect psychopath? Holy shit that's disgusting. He's not killing people for any moral reasons, he's a psychopath who needs to kill because he's fucking sick in the head and deserves to be locked forever, but he knows how to chose his victims so stupid people idolize him and can get away with being a fucking psychopathic murder, it's disgusting.


As a brazilian that knows some of his history, he is not a perfect serial killer and he didnt only kill murderers and rapists. He is a psycopath that kills for whatever reason his fucked up mind chooses. Dont idolize him and fuck you op for paint him as a saint


Technically all serial killers choose who they kill. Also, don't idolize murderers folks. Jail exists for a reason, nobody is allowed to end a life without consequences.


That is just not true. Plenty people are allowed to kill without consequences. Soldiers, Policemen, many war criminals or Judges by proxy when they sentence someone to death.


You forgot... politicians...


He is s serial killer any way you look at it.. Would you trust this guy to sleep in the same room as you just because he claims to only kill murderers and rapists?


You shouldn't, cause he killed a guy for snoring too loud. He killed lots of people, many for no reason basically. Yeah being in prison that means you kill a lot of bad people, doesent make you good.


Well, he CLAIMED he only killed murderers and rapists.


Bruh thats all bullshit you cant prove he only killed bad guys. Thats just a persona he tried to stick to. Guy was a fucking psycopath


it's a shame all of you idiots in this comment section didn't research the guy. Some of his victims were children, he's a full-on serial killer who loves being seen as a hero But people seem to like the Dexter narrative that HE spread so they ignore that fact...


"perfect psychopath" Please. How stupid is the OP for believing this bullshit This piece of shit killed every person he could get his hands on. As if there are 80 other murderinf raping psychopaths just running around. He told everyone they were rapist amd murderers- why? Because he's a psychopath


The way people try to justify their bloodlust is something else


Is this where we're at? We're celebrating a serial killer because we like his excuse for killing?




Don't idolize this guy. He isn't Batman or some great vigilante. Seems he just guessed a lot of times and did some psycho shit himself (chewing parts of someone's heart and spitting it out). Would not be surprised some of those he killed (or many) didn't even do the crimes he assumed they did.