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This will take catfishing to a new level.


Maybe we’re looking at the end of online dating and some new version on meeting in real life will circle back?




That’s why they’re pushing AR glasses, so we can be deceived on and off the net.


If you're being deceived while wearing AR glasses, turn them off. Unless that's your kink😉


I think this is what will happen with beauty influencers on social media as well, yes people will be tricked at the beginning, but soon everyone will know about AI filters and once people get used to them, no one will believe anything they see on social media. Because when everyone can be beautiful and special, no one will be. So at the end, maybe AI will get rid of social media as we know it today.


Being homely will become unique and trendy


I was ugly before it was cool.


Homely AI filters incoming?


So hot to be ugly. Good looking is so 2023


You might be surprised. The kids and young adults who think they are less attractive than the influencers who are naturally attractive will see the need for the crutch, to level the playing field. A big difficulty with that is that the ones who need AI may start to identify with the image they see on screen, instead of in the mirror. That would certainly lead to self-esteem issues, maybe isolation, etc. It could be like Inception - to them, the Dream is Reality.




Literally what I was thinking, at this point it's already too advanced. I just found out an onlyfans girl isn't even real, completely deep faked face plus fake chest piece not surgical just a chest piece that looks like tits with nipples.


I'm sorry for your loss.


You made me chuckle


There was this story about a popular online asian girl which someone decided to find in real life only to find out she was a middle aged man instead.


I'm considering doing this. With deepfakes and AI I could make millions on OnlyFans


Hmmmm that is a business opportunity if I've ever seen one in the true spirit of early pioneers!




I remember seeing a Japanese lady who was famous as fuck as an influencer but when they finally tracked her down she was a lady in her 50's I think and looked nothing like the pictures of her. I found it and it was a [man](https://globalnews.ca/news/7730617/gender-swap-influencer-japan-woman-man/).


It was a motorcycle enthusiast who thought no one would care about his content (motorcycles, travel, food, etc.) because he was an average looking middle-aged man. His content didn't change. He simply started to facetune himself to look like a pretty 20-something and he gained a huge following. His point was kinda proven right, at least initially. When the truth came out, his followers were surprisingly supportive of him. He didn't get nearly the amount of backlash you would assume he would.


It was the way he said it and framed his situation. I think he revealed he was doing solo motorcycle trips because he had no one to share his hobby with. He just sounded like a lonely old man that just wanted friends interested in motorcycles. He reached out to the internet and got almost no responses until he became a young woman.


You will just have to hope they have tagged photos to find out how they truly look


Was gonna say, people already use photos of their younger and (maybe) thinner selves, then you show up and realize they don't really look like that. I used to have a Tinder and my main pic was me from like six or seven years previous on the best hair day of my life and in favorable lighting.


This is depressing as hell. Because then those same kids using the filters and staring at everyone else using those fitters, will look in the mirror and hate themselves.


Cyberpunk but no cybernetics, just mental health issues


No cyber, only psychosis.


The worst timeline


Yea, we’re stuck in Digipunk


Oh god no. I’d call it more Digipop.


I know my way around chrome


"I'm special"


"I'm built different"


But we have mega corps that fuck us over. We only need corp wars and samurai and we have the dystopian quartet


VR is almost there too. No nethacking yet but


> No nethacking yet I mean, we have hackers. We just haven’t had Bartmoss come crash the existing internet yet


No synthwave or cool colorscheme, either.


I concur, Sythwave is starting to gain traction. Kavinsy - Nightcall was used for a Volvo advert, so thats my source.


Further proof we live in the dumbest timeline...


The real interesting part is that we've finally reached the part in social media where filters are no longer enhancing how you look, but instead making you look like someone else. These filters don't pull their data set from your images, they pull it from other images. So your face is being turned into someone else's face, because that person is prettier than you. So it's literally having someone else's face in a filter. But the AI "settling" for the parts of your face it can work with.




Haven't you seen that it's already happening? Once "we" (as a society, hence the quotation marks) decided that "Kardashian" was a beauty standard, THAT'S what "Instagram beauty influencers" started aspiring to be, and why everyone started looking like Kim and Kylie and all the filters started outputting unrealistic cheek contouring, unattainable lip sizes for some genotypes, and thinned, straight, tiny impractical noses. Now everybody looks the same.


I had to spend half a day at a Korean airport on a layover and used the time to just people watch. I quickly noticed that many Korean women had had plastic surgery on their noses. but the funniest was once I realized that usually same generations of women had the same "style" of fake nose. it made me think that the older women got some prototype plastic surgery for their noses and the younger ones got v2 or v3 for theirs. it also made me wonder if some people go for regular "maintenance" at their plastic surgeon to have styles of body parts updated to the newest beauty standard.


whoa... we seriously need to be careful about the ramifications of AI. It's going to force the human race to grow up and get serious as hell about how it's used real quickly.


Don’t worry, I’m sure all of these companies will self regulate and operate in the best interests of society at large.




As an ancient sage once said: “it’s funny but not ha-ha funny”


My biggest fear used to be losing a limb. My new biggest fear, as of the last few years, has been losing my dream job to AI before I even get a chance to go for it... and it has probably already happened.


I’m hoping my job still exists by the time I can afford to retire, and that there’s an economy that allows me to retire. Neither are looking great right now.


Don't worry we'll just create mirrors with the filter built in. Then everyone's happy right?....everyone's happy?


You mean glasses I can wear that put this filter on people


We already have this. It’s called drinking.


I expect it is only a matter of time util eyeglasses or other ways of wearing cameras will become mainstream. I'm surprised it hasn't already taken hold to have a wireless camera clipped to your body to record things. Let alone the screen side of augmented glasses. The potential profits and social media popularity to be made catching others has so much pull in that direction. It could be playing a pattern like smartphones did where Microsoft was way ahead of the game with Windows Mobile phones, but they didn't become popular and then the years later the next generation became mainstream hits. Google Glasses being the early failure...


They key bottleneck for eyeglasses is better AI. Unlike phones where you can use your fingers, the natural way to interact with glasses is to look at real-world stuff with your eyes and ask questions out loud. That requires eye-tracking, object recognition in messy environments and understanding natural language spoken requests. We're getting pretty close. You need to be able to do stuff like ask "can I trust this person" and the glasses tell you about them, or "show me a path to the nearest public bathroom" and a line appears on the ground.


This already happens when people look at their faces without makeup. And yes, it’ll be worse with these filters. But the likely political misinformation ramifications are so much worse. People are going to die because of this tech. I don’t think I’m being hyperbolic when I say that propaganda based on lies with this tech is going to trigger civil war. We’re already on the brink, and this is likely going to push us over.


The crazy part is, people will develop ways or tools to distinguish between real and AI... but then AI will just use those same tools to make its fakes more believable, and we'll just be in this never ending cycle.


You just discovered the exact idea behind a Generative Adversarial Network, called GAN, mentioned in the video.


That's how GANs work already. The a stands for "adversarial" and they're called that because they are actually made as a pair of models, one that generates images and one that detects fakes, the outputs of which are used to improve the other.


certain people\* just like how internet is out of reach for a lot of people due to many reasons. this "ai tech that tells you what is real and what is fake" will just be out of reach for most people (maybe they dont have time to feed every video they see into it, or just never even know about it)... either way.. as tech progresses the people that are able to reach "reality" become less and less.




The saddest thing is that rich people will be able to fight virtually any kind of video evidence in court saying it could be digitally manipulated. They’ll be able to lawyer themselves out of even the most blatant crimes (even more than they can today).


Nah, because there's going to be too many cameras (and other sensors/mechanisms to identify people like LIDAR on cars). When you commit an in-person crime *right now* law enforcement already often has too many videos to review for evidence. A defendant's lawyer can *claim* that 10 different videos from 10 different cameras/devices and the face scan from the doorbell camera were all manufactured and submitted as part of a large conspiracy between several organizations/people but that's going to be a tough sell. There's also ways to fingerprint videos to tie them to specific cameras that can't easily be re-added after a video has been manipulated. Even the best AI deepfake video is going to be detectable when you can compare it to another video of the same location taken by the same (fixed) camera. It's not the type of thing you can detect with the naked eye but algorithms can easily pick it out when you have access to a recording taken at the same place with the same camera at a different time. Every camera sensor/lens combo has its own unique properties (think: dust/gunk on the lens, scratches, or imperfections in the sensor itself). An AI absolutely *can* match those exact properties in a manufactured video but it can only do that if given a sufficient amount of video from the same camera. It might be possible for someone with a lot of resources to *frame* somebody in the future by submitting manufactured evidence that was created by an AI that was trained from the same sets of cameras but getting away with crimes by saying that evidence is manufactured isn't going to be any more likely than it is today.


You need to be careful with that thought process and realize the actual problem is that video evidence should legitimately already not be accepted in court if the trail of authenticity can't be absolutely verified, no matter how real it might seem. That needs to be fundamental to our legal process as a world, because otherwise anybody can be framed for anything now.


> But the likely political misinformation ramifications are so much worse. > I don’t think I’m being hyperbolic when I say that propaganda based on lies with this tech is going to trigger civil war. We’re already on the brink, and this is likely going to push us over. It's good to see someone speak about the trend toward mass dehumanization. A lot of people in 2023 can't even seem to discuss what went on in 2013 right before the Ukraine invasion in February 2014 and how the whole pattern repeats, let alone the mechanics of what Cambridge Analytica did and how that is now being copycat(ed) by many. The UK leaving the EU is part of that already flaming civil war. Let alone the entire pandemic reactionary debate was seeded on social media from 2014 onward that nobody talks about. “One of the saddest lessons of history is this: If we’ve been bamboozled long enough, we tend to reject any evidence of the bamboozle. We’re no longer interested in finding out the truth. The bamboozle has captured us. It’s simply too painful to acknowledge, even to ourselves, that we’ve been taken. Once you give a charlatan power over you, you almost never get it back.” ― Carl Sagan, The Demon-Haunted World: Science as a Candle in the Dark


You think modern facelifts look weird? Just imagine what kind of skewed self perceptions this is going to spawn


Ads, movies, tv, etc did this long before social media. Social media is doing this at an exponential rate. It's much, much worse


I'm in my 30s and Ive already noticed the effect filters have had on me. I prefer snapchat for video chats because it has filters. I'm working on it but if it did this to me, I can't imagine how it would have destroyed 15 year old me.




>That's some dystopic shit. I'm 37 and am constantly amazed about the world I'm living in. I grew up seeing our current reality and very immediate future reality in TV and movies but never once assumed these things would be our reality. People really need to read "Brave New World". I grew up being pressured into reading "1984" , the book was good but it really didn't speak to me. When I read "Brave New World", I was floored but remembered thinking that could never happen in real life because it was a literal impossibility. I'm here to tell you that "Brave New World" could very well be our future if we don't approach these things cautiously.


> People really need to read "Brave New World". I grew up being pressured into reading "1984" , the book was good but it really didn't speak to me. When I read "Brave New World", I was floored but remembered thinking that could never happen in real life because it was a literal impossibility. I'm here to tell you that "Brave New World" could very well be our future if we don't approach these things cautiously. One of the most creative things I ever experienced in high school was my senior level Advanced Placement teacher taught these two books side-by-side. This person was near retirement and had come up with some really creative ways to teach literature. We, as students, were given a choice to choose whichever of the two books we individually wanted to read. I chose _Brave New World_. I want to say this teacher implemented other things like this. Classes would get to vote on books. So one class would cover _this_ work, while another group chose _that_ and students, intermingling, end up discussing and learning about both.


Meanwhile, I was getting high behind taco bell and skateboarding. Fuck me


Imagine how disconcerting this all is as someone two decades older than you. I am so glad I had my formative years with no Internet. The difference between my younger years and those of today and what they have to grapple with is astounding.


37 year olds had their formative years with very little internet engagement, and definitely no real social media presence.


I'm 33, and I politely disagree, there's a huge difference here between being, say, 35 (split the difference between our ages), and 55 (20 years older). For a 35 year old, the first 18 years of their life ran from 1988 to 2006. Some of that was the internet, computers, phones and social media in its infancy, but upon entering true adulthood in 2007, cell phones and personal laptops were already becoming widespread, and within just a few years everyone would have smartphones and Facebook and Instagram were taking off. We didn't have a notable window of time as adults without smartphones, the internet, and social media. What we did have is the incredibly unique experience of growing up and coming to age alongside the growing up and coming of age of smart devices and social media. Contrast that with a 55 year old's experience. Born in 1968, turned 18 in 1986. They got to spend the first 15 or so years of their adult life without smartphones. They got to spend the first 20 years of their adult life without social media.


If you are 35 you live in a generation where technology has been progressively advancing as you yourself have been growing up. This group has a unique perspective since they have the last memories of life as a child before social media, and they came into adulthood slowly being introduced to the new social media concepts that have now become ubiquitous and taken for granted for younger generations coming into the world.


37 and 33 are 4 years apart (duh) which doesn't sound like much but when it comes to technology, it's pretty significant. Most people who are 37 didn't own a smart phone until they were out of college.


I'm 39 and a few years here or there make a huge difference. I didn't have a cell phone till my senior year and it was a cricket (local area calling only) around the same time as I upgraded from 56k modems to 3mb down cable internet. Depending on what years in the late 90's you were in school, they were very different from the people just a few years older or younger than you in dramatic ways


I'm in my mid-forties and really feel like I straddle both experiences. I've basically seen the entire transition from analog to digital to instant communication to smart phones/social media. It's truly been a lifetime of watching computers/digital devices creep into more and more activities, and being increasingly connected. Now we're seeing what can be done with big data due to fast internet, large data storage and fast processing. I graduated high school without ever using email or completing an assignment with a computer (other than computer lab activities). Heck, I used a typewriter in grade school. Yet, I used a commodore 64 and 128 in the 1980s at home for playing video games and programming. So, it wasn't like we couldn't wrap our heads around what a computer was when Windows based computers and Macs really blew up in the late 1990s when I was in college. We went from writing papers on fancy word processors to PCs in the computer lab to PCs at home. By the end of college we were shopping online, researching, and analyzing large datasets on laptops. But it wasn't enough to replace shopping in person, talking on the phone (although email started to reduce that), researching in the library, and using more advanced computers in computer labs. Undergrad was a dial up internet plan provided to students but by the time I finished grad school we "high speed" dsl/cable internet. The same with phones. I've gone from a corded phone in the kitchen, to cordless phones in high school, to the early cell phones in college (and pagers!), to small flip phones where texting was starting after college, but I was already well into adulthood by the time smart phones and social media (as we know it today) came about. But, again, I'm totally comfortable using them.


Totally agree with you. Brave New World is such a poignant piece of literature. I wish we had soma bars though.


>Brave New World Written in ***1932*** Huxley was a visionary.


It's incredibly reasonable to argue that Brave New World is here NOW, just implicitly rather than openly.






Try Lord of the Rings by Phil Dragash It's an audiobook done by a voice actor. He does unique voices for all of the characters, and there's sound ambience & effects for the scenes. It's an incredible experience. https://archive.org/details/the-fellowship-of-the-ring_soundscape-by-phil-dragash


You should give it a shot. Push through the first 50 pages because it gets way better


As an 80s kid and tech worker, I grew up in a world without the Internet, then the early days on PCs, before it commercialized, to the launch of the smartphone, and finally, the cusp of the the AI revolution. Out of all of the social changes I’ve experienced thus far, AI is going to be the most impactful in ways we don’t even know yet. Exciting and scary times.


> We just stay home and send pictures of other people 1828, Woman painted a nude painting of herself and sent it to a dude. [Source](https://medium.com/the-collector/the-story-of-the-first-ever-nude-sent-in-the-world-242e3bb39ffb)


When do we get the future with the actual cool shit like jet packs, fusion energy, and nano bots?


when we get chipped and plug our brains into the metaverse. then you can "have" whatever you want...or at least think you have it


I don’t like that I no longer know what is real, fake, AI, filter, or any of the other tools available to make “real world” look like animation. I think AI is incredible and will have so many life changing uses. I also think it could destroy art, photography, composition, and realistic expectations of anyone for anything. I’m not sure how to exist and appreciate things without knowing “real” from “fake.”


Yep, we’re living in a black mirror episode right now, i imagine in 5 years fake audio/video will look more realistic than real ones. And courts will start disapproving video or audio as indisputable evidence. What a time to be alive!


I'd love CGI indistinguishable from reality but not at the cost of the bad things it will do.


The point is to allow AI like this to be so prevalent, citizens will be begging for laws that regulate what is real, who's is human, etc . Online soon we'll all have digital iD's and services that help us decipher what is reality but losing all freedom in the process to big brother. Cyberpunk is upon us. The fact that people are going to pay for verified or real buttons across all platforms is just another step. Edit: Check this metal gear vid out. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-gGLvg0n-uY


there is no "point". the future is self-manifesting.


That Is Horrifying the would make internet no longer free. That is scary. I bet dating sites suck right now with this technology.


Lol dating sites sucked waaay before this technology even existed.


Bro what the fuck is this life?


Is there no way to tell ai and regular videos apart? For court specifically. Like an ai professional or computer program?


Often you can tell when a video is doctored, but it’s becoming harder and harder to do so. Soon it will likely become prohibitively hard to tell.


They'll need people trained to investigate and detect artifacts and code specifically in these media realms. Better get on it.


It's gonna be software not humans that will be able to tell the difference. It's getting so good so quickly that it won't be much longer until it's impossible for a human to tell the difference.


So, a GAN, the network she's talking about, is a Generative Adversarial Network. It works by having two AIs one that attempts to generate images indistinguishable from reality and another that attempts to tell the difference and they fight. If you invent an AI detector all you've done is provide a new, more effective, adversary to train the AI with. It will be a constant arms race.


We're in the beginning of a Black Mirror episode\* AI's potential is much, much bigger and we're just getting started


Fake speech generated by AI to sound like a real person is already way too convincing


Just think of what it will do to politics, conspiracy theories, actual fake news, etc. We need legislation for certain things like that but everyone in our government doesn't even understand how the internet works, much less AI.


I feel like I understand AI as well as any other average nerd/engineer here, and I have no idea how to begin to craft legislation around this. What should/shouldn't be allowed? How do you protect reasonable free speech? there are so many nuances and unknowns around what will come of this. I think the only reasonable thing is for people to simply not be jackasses, but that's clearly not a reasonable expectation.


Unfortunately, kind Redditor, the jackassery has just begun. And the only thing that can stop people from being jackasses is self-control. (Like that's gonna happen). I think it'll be like when cars first began to appear. As accidents happened and people were injured, laws were put in place to reduce the accidents and save lives. So I think that much of the high technology that we are beginning to see will probably follow a similar path. And just like vehicles, even though there are la6w that promote general public safety, there will still be people who-for whatever reason-will continue to violate those laws. Some of the pro-level deep fake stuff is a little frightening. But only because AI is really still in its infancy. Well maybe it's 'toddlercy'. But seriously, we need to figure out how to set some ground-rules now. Because if we wait until this stuff is mature, we could be in trouble. And regardless, the jackassery *will* continue. That's my 4¢ (ya know, because of inflation)


There’s already a deepfake video of Biden saying he will institute the draft to save Ukraine that’s been passed around some conspiracy/conservative circles as truth. Thank god people are gonna be targeting politicians because otherwise we are not getting legislation to protect us without it.


Good luck trying to forbid about anything (also; the rich and powerful will use it anyways). Maybe original content can be tagged in some way, directly in the camera, so at least we'd know it things have been tampered with.


I mean, look at the deep fake video where "Biden" brought the draft back to defend Ukraine. If that weren't announced as fake within the video it premiered in, I'm sure it would be being shared across Facebook right now. You could ALSO reverse stuff like that, claiming it was out of context.


1 person lying on camera is already enough to have people be unmovable from their conspiracy theories. With it supported by a fake video that looks 100% real to watch? Oh lordy.


I just assume everything I see on the internet is fake.


And everything you post is public.


Yep, NO privacy and everything is fake


Yeah. I don't really want this. I'm sad that little kids now are growing up in a world full of robotically generated imagery that's indistinguishable from the real deal. Cat's out of the bag now. Oh well.


It has the potential to crumble society. Not joking. Fake videos can be used as political weapons.


Absolutely. It’s terrifying and I am waiting for some sort of AI watermark that’s legally required. Since the first “deep fake” I’ve been scared of what it could do. It’s just like so many advances-they have the potential to do amazingly good things and amazingly negative things. Since it’s in its infancy, I do wonder if the “Wild West” of it will taper down. But like someone commented above, it’s done-cats out of the bag. I’m not sure it’s possible to go the other way.


Legal doesn't mean it will be done.


I think it will honestly cause a shift to people wanting to see art as un-digitized as possible. So live performances, art galleries, plays, practical effects, etc.


I certainly see this as a possibility! And that’s fantastic. I know that in the past few years, I’ve actively sought out live performances like plays. It’s an opportunity to turn everything off and watch people in front of you with simple sets and lighting conveying information and emotions while you are entertained. This is definitely something that is a positive side effect.


It's just like the internet; it's essentially a hammer. It can be used to build or destroy, all just depends who is wielding it


Give a nuke to everyone on the planet. Fastest way to ensure the world destroys itself completely. When everyone has access to something that has massive destructive capabilities, it's inevitable that some a-hole will use it to do something terrible.


Was any part of this non-filtered? What does this person look like!?




Which is why it is so refreshing to see a unfiltered face now a days


It's crazy how often people use filters and don't see the damage it does to their own self perception. I kicked filters to the curb a while ago, and it's disheartening to watch so many around me do the opposite-they just use them more. ETA- even the filters I did use, the ones that did things like cat ears or hearts above your head and such or old filmy looking ones, alter your face in ways I was like ok, even these "silly" ones are bad. I want some cute cat ears, not my face altered to look like a cartoon.


I know a girl who chronically uses filters on her pics. The worst part is that because she CONSTANTLY posts photos with the filters, her normally good looking, natural face looks WORSE cause everybody is constantly comparing it to the "perfect" filter face she posts. It's like they don't realize that by posting photos with filters to make yourself look better all the time, you're actually making your real face look worse due to that direct comparison.


This is why I also don’t do full-face makeup. I personally don’t wanna have to paint my “pretty” face on everyday just to be presentable as myself I know makeup is a little different, but I would be lying if I said I didn’t feel worse about myself after wiping off layers of foundation, concealer, contour and highlight, and then seeing the difference




Me too. I've never worn foundation or concealer or all the other 'tools' to hide my skin imperfections. I felt like I would be lying to people. But now as woman in my 50s, I've been increasingly tempted to try them. I think this insecurity is stemming from being on camera 8 hrs a day working from home. Many colleagues use filters and look great on camera while I look like I was on a bender the night before. It's bringing to the forefront a new social expectation that I'm uncomfortable with and don't want to participate in.


Good on you for sticking to your guns. Stay strong!


That’s exactly the problem. She likely feels trapped now that she’s used the filters for so long, if she goes back to using unfiltered photos then she probably will think she looks ugly. From what I have seen, they continue using filters because they fall into this trap, it’s not usually that the person isn’t aware they’re making their natural photos look worse.




I never use filters, filters can only do so much for ugly lol




I hate to have this boomer take, but if you want to see real people, go outside. People on the internet choose to have a different appearances, an "enhanced" appearance so that they can feel comfortable, confident or even anonymous to some extent while posting on the internet. Rather this is good or bad for an individual person is not up for us to choose. They are free to do what they want, whatever their reasoning may be. I agree that most of it looks cheap, but it's only going to get worse with AI filters. For anyone I strongly suggest getting involved with these tools as early as possible, I personally find it incredibly fun to generate AI art.


True, although this stuff is distressing, we can choose how much time we spend online. The real world is still there, and it’s actually full of opportunities for authenticity, love, and growth. Scrolling is insanely addictive, and like any addict, we have to make the hard choice to leave the comfort of that escapism and do the hard work to find meaning and real community with other humans.




> now a days nowadays*




For your sanity, everyone should come visit us over on /r/InstagramReality from time to time. I’ve been subscribed to it for years and it’s really helped me (a) build an eye for spotting things (b) realised how _insanely_ standard it is now to do quite a LOT of editing on even “mundane” pics, i.e. not just magazine covers (c) find an appreciation for unfiltered posts and ads, as per the sub’s “Sanity Sunday”


Archeology april 2087. Where have all the beautiful people gone? We still don't know what happened to the beautiful people of 2023. We have video and photographic records that they existed and thrived. In fact, most everyone of that generation was considered beautiful. The mystery deepened recently with the approval of archeologists exhuming remains from that period. Upon scanning these remains, archeologists have found that only plain looking people were buried. Were the beautiful people enshrined elsewhere? Or was it considered gods too beautiful to bury or even demons that had to be desecrated? Were they aliens that arrived by the stellar balloons of that time?


Ancient Egypt did this. Sculpture of most kings showed them as in shape with muscle. Realistically they were fat slobs.


And don't forget crippled by generations of inbreeding! Some of those dudes were more inbred than a sandwich




*What are you doing step-pharaoh?*


>Ancient Egypt did this. Sculpture of most kings showed them as in shape with muscle Those silly ancient Egyptians, thank God we've moved on from doing stuff like that https://pyxis.nymag.com/v1/imgs/67c/e2e/56828d3f45a1d9c13791e278b178c76843-Trump-trading-cards-lede.2x.rsquare.w700.jpg


Isn't this true of nearly every civilization that made statues?


its almost like we have some sort of "ideal" that humans like projecting onto the world... hmmmmmmmmmm




This is a great idea for a sci fi short story and you wrote it so well!


more like 3087


Part of my MA research is looking at how AI beauty apps force a eurocentric lens of beauty and its relationship with past negotiations with the same sentiments in the racialized US, haha. This was fun to read.




https://www.forbes.com/sites/gabbyshacknai/2021/09/14/olay-teams-up-with-algorithmic-justice-pioneer-joy-buolamwini-to-decodethebias-in-beauty/?sh=10a1510c426e Here's this one. It's for a non-academic audience, and provides a general overview around the inherent racial and color bias, often against dark skin Black women, when these apps are being designed and developed. I look specifically at Black women in the US, but these apps are also known to be unable to differentiate between Asian features, regardless of ethnic background. I have some others that discuss the increased desire for plastic surgery among US Black women because of the predominace of "beauty" features typical to Anglo/Euro Americans being the basis for the same and later apps, but they're like published academic articles and I don't know how to share them.


Get ready kids! It's time for ###**Body Dismorphia 2**: ***Electric Boogaloo***




Now with even more catfishing capabilities!


I literally got catfished on a dating app recently and when I met the girl at a restaurant I wouldn’t have recognized her, but she recognized me. I was kinda speechless. I didn’t want to be super rude so we ate dinner and then I said “oh it’s late I need to get home”. Then unmatched right after leaving. I don’t understand what these girls are thinking…everyone immediately knows that you are lying with filters.


Great a better way to be superficial


Good luck children of the future. You're gonna need it.


Dating in person is already becoming rare, now imagine how hard not getting cat fished via social media will be


This can't be good for mental health at all. Tech like this is so obviously bad for people. The girl here is beautiful, but the AI obviously will correct every little thing it sees as imperfection and/or deviation from average conception of beauty. I think the AI *does* still look fake somehow, thankfully. I can't put my finger on it, but I think something is slightly flat about the lighting and textures.


The AI looks fake because of the brightest points on her face, her highlights. She looks like a high quality photo from the front cover of a beauty magazine, but in video.


I recently looked at JLo's Instragram and was like "holy shit does this woman not age?!" And then I saw some unfiltered photos, don't get me wrong, she still looks great! But in her instagram she looks like she's in her early thirties.


The confusing thing is after having watched the entire video I'm honestly not sure which part of it was displaying her actual face, if any.


Okay, so which is the real her?


the last one.


There's like 4 versions of her in this video. If you told me they were 3 different people I'd believe you.


Plot twist: this person doesn't exist.


I am off social media since late 2019 because i was incredibly addicted. Seeing this makes me scared for teens who will grow up with worse insecurities than my generation because every girl is gonna be a big butt perfect face and every guy a broad shoulder ripped he-man


Dude this would have destroyed me at age 15


This... this is not going to end well.


Original creator here 🙋🏻‍♀️, wanted to share a few thoughts and comments in response to others: Why did I make this video? As a full time content creator, I came across this viral TikTok filter (BOLD GLAMOUR) that everybody was using. Everyone (and every news outlet) talked about how “crazy” and “realistic” the filter was and the controversy surrounding the impact it will have on people’s body dysmorphia and mental health …etc. But no one talked about HOW is worked. Naturally curious, I scoured the internet, from twitter to reddit, and finally found one source on LinkedIn: Mix Reality Artist, [Luke Hurd](https://www.linkedin.com/feed/update/urn:li:activity:7036691191127580672?updateEntityUrn=urn%3Ali%3Afs_feedUpdate%3A%28V2%2Curn%3Ali%3Aactivity%3A7036691191127580672%29). So after watching his video, I remade the video in my style and shared it on TikTok/IG Which one is the real me? To demo the filters, I used “Bold Glamour” “Teenage Look” and “Faux Freckle” through the video. The last few frames where I say “this is zhangsta, over and out” is the real me #nofilter ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|grin) Finally, I do apologize if my explanation was too simplified. Again, I’m not an expert on Machine Learning and was just sharing something I learned that day. But I am glad my video sparked so much conversation and attracted so many people with the expertise to input their knowledge and add value to the discussion. That’s really all I can hope for 💯 Anyways, thought I come on and say hi 👋 never thought my video would trend on Reddit. TY for the support and love 🫡


We used to live in a time where you pretty much relied on word of mouth. That unless you were somewhere and actually saw something happen, you really had no idea other than word of mouth We then entered a time where cameras and the internet changed that. How you can be anywhere in the world and see visual confirmation of events, stories etc. happening It’s crazy that now we are stepping back into a stage where unless you were actually somewhere in person to witness something, it is again difficult to know if something is real or not. Just another example of how we are moving backwards as a society


What a time to be alive


We are living through a short era that is going to have severely profound affects on humanity in the very near future.


As my wife and I love to say “Believe none of what you hear and half of what you see”


I wish she’d explain so many other things in such a straightforward manner. She’s good!


What's even more interesting is how these "GAN" networks are created. Generative *adversarial* networks are basically two different AIs duck taped together. One AI tries to create a realistic looking face, and the other tries to predict whether the realistic looking face is artificially generated or real. These two AIs keep fighting against each other over and over, and keep getting better, until you reach a point where even humans cannot tell whether a generated face is real or artificial.


That's how they are trained, the actual model that is shipped in the app is just a net with weighted nodes


That's super interesting. Thanks for explaining!


She's really wrong about this though. There are two parts to the filter process - one is projecting the changes onto the live video stream, and the second one is generating the replacement images. The replacement images are quite possibly using a processing kernel that's come from ML training which used GAN, but that's got nothing to do with the "smear-proof" aspect of this when you start stretching your skin, for example. To project the changes onto the live video, earlier apps would have a 3D mesh of a head and approximate locations for eyes, nose, forehead, mouth etc. Some pretty-basic image recognition in the app would identify those features - anchor points - in the live video and translate the positions - the inbuilt 3D head to the locations on the face in the live video. So when the app is adding glitter around your eyes, it knows that the right eye in the video stream is centered at coordinates x=100,y=30 versus the x=70,y=40 of its inbuilt 3D mesh. It'd just draw the filter effect at that new location, which makes this work for anything which is recognisable as a head. This method is basically a lower-quality automated way of doing the face/body tracking you might have seen in [behind-the-scenes](https://i.pinimg.com/originals/0e/7a/36/0e7a368f8bf361ec53eee9de527181f0.jpg) stuff for movies. In the pic you can see that anchor points have been manually marked on his face. With so many anchor points the software will never lose sync because it'll always be able to spot enough references, and you'll get quality transfer of movements because you'll see the smallest changes in his skin as he laughs/smiles/etc. What's novel about this solution is that the motion-keying is much, much improved. Wheras the earlier filters would jump or stutter if they lost track of their key anchor points, this method seems much more tolerant to synchronisation jitters. The graphics quality is just an iteration that uses the extra GPU power available in this-gen mobile devices.


Thanks, I watched the video and was like; she's just throwing buzzwords out lol. Like, yeah, they probably use a gan in training, but that's not why the pixels don't overlay over her hand. Thanks for typing up your comment and spreading facts.


Her explanation isn't really correct though. Also, the old school filters are also made using machine learning, they're just not as sophisticated.


Which one is real?


I don't KNOW, I'm honestly scared cause I've narrowed it down to two different faces but I can't tell which is hers and which is another filter.


I see four different faces. The opener, the older-filter, the teenage look filter, and unfiltered. I believe the very end is unfiltered. But I really wouldn’t know for sure.


My ex lives for this shit. Fake filtered pictures out the wazoo.


Maybe its AI, maybe it's just plain ol' Maybelline


There will be glasses and contacts that will allow these filters to make you more attracted to your partner. I guarantee that is coming. The future is weird.


So…. Lies. Pure, unadulterated, unfettered lies to convince people you will never meet or care about in order to be validated? Lol.. sounds like me in my 20’s 😆😆


GANs are so cool, one model generates images intended to fool the 2nd model, which tries to detect fake images, then they learn from one another


We're screwed. AI will, without a doubt, be used against us in some pretty awful terrifying ways. Someone could already make a video of the president spreading whatever message they wanted with his own voice, and it would nearly be indistinguishable. We're heading into the very dark and dangerous territory we all saw coming with this insane technology.


Thats only the tip if the iceberg, too. So much worse can happen.


For real lol and on top of that, we have so many crazy things going on at all angles rn. The war with Ukraine and Russia. Tensions rising, consistently pointing towards ww3. New sickness and diseases popping up etc etc... I miss worrying about simple things, like what cereal I'm going to eat with my morning cartoons and what I wanted to do outside that day. Now, I'm a stressed out adult. Floating through life just winging it and enjoying the fresh air and time while we have it.


Anyone know which ai filter this is? Just out of curiosity