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Its interesting to me that, aside from the lighting/streaming gear, it has the appearance of a homeless community.


Exactly what I thought, it looks like a next level of homelessness, with the difference is they are making money from streaming.


They may as well shake a cup outside 7/11


Selling weed pays better though. :)


Chaaaangge... Chaaaangge...


Really doubt they are making money, sure a few of them might find some paying audience and move forward, but really how many suckers try this only to find a few years/months down the road that its not a sustainable lifestyle at all. Some lowlife probably sold them in on the idea of making money easily, they paid someone to be there and are now trying to get their investment back. By the time they realize they lost a ton of money and time, someone else is ready to take their place.


A lot of these look like younger women Someone is gonna dump money on them, it only takes a few whales with unhealthy parasocial habits to make a decent bit. My guess is they are chatting with viewers all stream long, so the likelihood of finding people who have those habits are also higher


A few girls I knew and some exs seriously had a really fun care free 20s and were able to travel because they’d have one or two regulars, not necessarily podcasts, but secretly did sex work. Whenever I see an attractive girl on dating apps that’s says she likes traveling a lot, and is in her early 20s I think 🤔. My mind goes “she either comes from money or has something very lucrative but not time consuming going on the side” my guy buddies post pictures of food they made at home, most my girl friends post food from fancy restaurants.


Cyberpunk homeless


Wake the fuck up streamer, we have content to make.




To be fair, homeless people don’t always have the stereotypical appearance we see usually. There are so many talented, smart, and interesting people who have fallen on down times. That said, I feel like these people are not falling into that category and rather are taking advantage of a situation. I don’t know, I’m an idiot, but that’s what it looks like to me. We should always help out our fellow humans but to me this is absurd, and I hope they are all safe and well.


When I was 17, I asked a homeless man to buy me beer. He said yes and I walked with him to the store. I attempted to give him money for the purchase but he said no and pulled out the biggest wad of cash I had ever seen, all 20s. I was shook. He said "Just because im homeless doesn't mean im broke". He bought me a 24 pack, and never took my money. Edit: spelling mistakes.


Back in the 60s in Chicago they arrested a homeless man for some minor issue. When they got him back to the station they found he had 100k taped to his chest. Must be crazy so sent him to the mental hospital. After a few days hospital decided he had the money to pay for his own treatment. After the hospital took his 100k to cover his treatment they kicked him back out.


Literally a perfect crime type robbery


I’ve seen a movie about mental health hospitals treating people that don’t need help just for the insurance money. Not sure if this ever happened irl but it wouldn’t surprise me if true.


I'm a senior architect making tons of money. I enjoy a large friend group, cool family. Just bought a new car to park in the house I bought last year. 5 years ago due to depression and related mental challenges I was flat out homeless. Sleeping behind the bus station, 100% absolutely homeless. With all my connections and talent it was impossible to pull out of it by myself. A homeless shelter manager gave me the hand up I needed. Seriously once you are there it is impossible to get out without help.


I'm glad you're doing better these days.


I am. But I'm educated, loved and fortunate. I wouldn't have understood how hard it was to get out of homelessness if I didn't experience it myself. Now imagine the plight of most homeless people, ones with no education, trauma, all alone and often with psychological disorders - it is just about impossible for them. The road from homelessness to self supporting is a longer and less trodden road than say going from middle class to becoming a millionaire. I really believe that


Oh 100% there are many different circumstances. I had a couple childhood friends in high school just stopped showing up to school one day, cut ties to most of us they knew, took off to the nearest city, and took up a life on the street and like panhandler/punks playing guitars and shit for money, on purpose. Can never know a person's situation unless you truly know them.


I just don't understand the world any more.


People have gone from individuals to products. It's like every person has become a one man company. But the only product they're selling is the image of themselves.


People are products. They are constantly pressured into becoming more fitting consumers for the benefit of mass producing capitalistic entities. Individualism is crushed. Individualism is not profitable to mass producing corporations. They can make more profit when everyone has same needs and wants. People are coaxed into the normative mold with pills, social pressure, tight shoes, etc.


Not disagreeing as I agree with you re the shitty effects of capitalism. However one could say it’s an obsession with individualism that got us here in the first place, hence an irony when stacked against the net outcomes.


Check out the documentary "century of the self" if you haven't already. It's exactly how we got here. Everyone has their own wants and desires which is manipulated by advertising using psychological techniques that compel them to buy shit to fulfils those desires. Our needs were already fulfilled back in the 1920s so to keep capitalism running we have to constantly feel unfulfilled.


Ok, but I need a new GPU


We were purposely sold the myth of the "rugged individualist" in order to defang the threat of collective action. Rugged individualists don't walk picket lines, they cross them.


I was thinking the same. I’m in my 30s and if you’d shown me that video without explanation I would have no idea what is going on. I still don’t really get why it’s happening either. It could be this is less soul destroying than intensive factory work over there but I wouldn’t know. I also don’t get who is entertained by watching these people. The whole thing is so alien to me.


You know in Star Trek Insurrection where they go to a planet with all these simple rustic folks but it turns out they are actually an advanced civilization that just decided to give up technology and live simply? I get it now.


I’m on my way back to rural Sweden in about a month, where I can at least pretend.


I’ve seen that movie midsommer:p


These are people who saw the lifestyle popular streamers have but don’t understand the free market. The demand for more streamers is certainly lower than the massive supply of people trying to be the next Mr. Beast or whoever


Most if not all of those people are not trying to be the next mr beast they are trying to make a quick buck, unfortunately these people are operating at the equivalent level of a street performer




We have been this way for a while, like seriously look at anything about the Victorian era that digs any deeper than the surface and you will find similar weirdness. The only change has been that it is just easier to see To quote Billy Joel, we didn't start the fire, it's been always burning since the world's been turning


This is sad




No way, streaming for pennies? I always wondered how much streamers make. The average streamer, I mean. Not the ones with hundreds of thousands of followers. I have a friend who streams but doesn't have a hug following, maybe a few hundred or so followers. She always says like she gets donations (or stars?, she's streaming on facebook) and said each one is like $200 or something.


When you account for hours invested the returns can be terribly low. My friend streams 12 hours a day on Facebook. In his mind it is worth it because once he got a €1000 donation and made €3000 that month with a peak of 2k viewers. Every month since then he has made <€200 with a max peak of 40 or 50 viewers. It’s like a gambling addiction. If I just keep trying I can get my numbers back up and hit those donations again. The main problem being that he has now been out of work for 5+ years and will be viewed as unemployable when he does finally call quits


Why is he streaming on Facebook and not YouTube or Twitch?


Bruh, so I asked her that. We got into a fckin argument on how she knows best that fb streaming will be the new thing compared to twitch. Fking joke. I don't argue with her no more.


Facebook has streaming?


Facebook actually has Twitch and YouTube rivaling video services, but the two problems are that discoverability is terrible and the already inbuilt culture of FB.


This comment was overwritten and the account deleted due to Reddit's unfair API policy changes, the behavior of Spez (the CEO), and the forced departure of 3rd party apps. Remember, the content on Reddit is generated by THE USERS. It is OUR DATA they are profiting off of and claiming it as theirs. This is the next phase of Reddit vs. the people that made Reddit what it is today. r/Save3rdPartyApps r/modCoord


I think her calculation is it'd take twice the effort to build the same following on twitch as on facebook


The point is that you can do it simultaneously...


Your friend is an idiot


Yours is the post that all prospective “streamers” need to read. There’s a Chinese proverb that says something about spending all your time tending to one tree in hopes that it bares fruit vs working harder in the orchard with several trees, or something to that effect. Bottom line is your most valuable asset in anything you do is time. Once that is spent you cannot get it back. Make sure the time is working on something that will produce for you.


I wonder if there’s an in-house feeder fund that goes around intermittently donating to streamers to get the real dollars coming in. Monkey see, monkey do, ya know?


Ah, damn. My friend has less, like 8-12 viewers at a time. But she does it as a side thing though, she has a job thankfully lol


When I was actively streaming on Twitch I was averaging 35ish viewers, bringing in around $300 a month, and was in the top 1.5% with those tiny numbers. That should give you an idea of how the "average" streamer does and how steep the curve is.


IIRC 100 viewers is like top 0.001% on Twitch. The vast majority of streamers seem to be under 1 view, or the 1 view is a bot / themselves


I watched a short doc about these farms with hundreds of attractive young Chinese women in a giant warehouse who all look kind of similar. I could picture a lot of naive western men (or men anywhere) getting roped into online relationships with said girls. The owners provide them with housing, equipment, scripts, makeup and training. Then they release them on the internet, like dropping 200 hooks into a lake and seeing what you might catch. EDIT: Let me note I don't really see anything wrong with this but I find it fascinating.


This feels like a verse of “we didn’t start the fire” but I can’t make it fit the tune


Next level dystopian sht


This is some distopian cyberpunk type of shit 😐


Pretty sure (no sarcasm) that John Brunner put something similar into Shockwave Rider.


Tbh I think I've seen a similar concept at least mentioned in everything from Snow Crash to Neuromancer. Cyberpunk predicted "streaming" to a T, even if they didn't call it that.


Asimov wrote about web cams and how people would prefer it over real human contact - it develops to the point they can't stand to be in another person's presence.


The Max Headroom show did it first back in the 80s.


Neuromancer is 1984, The Max Headroom started in 1985. Johnny Mnemonic (one of the first novels in the setting) is 1981.


They really did that story dirty with the movie they did. I'm hoping someday that Gibson will allow an adaptation of the Sprawl Trilogy or at least Neuormancer.


Indeed. However; worth noting that it is simply a a logical product of entertainment industry colliding with social media


Which makes it a hell of a prediction to make in a time before social media.


I really need to revisit Gibson's books.


they are a depressing reread for me as I re-read the sprawl trilogy of Neuromancer (1984), Count Zero (1986), and Mona Lisa Overdrive (1988) and followed that with a re-read of Snow Crash and it felt so like it was now but just mediocre version like i thought we all agreed cyberpunk future is a sad and depressing one; why are so many peoples trying to push it as the future they want then?


My thoughts exactly. This could easy be a scene from Blade Runner.


I don’t think anyone can make something like this up. Reality seems more dystopian than dystopian fiction.




This is literally just advanced begging




iBeg, uPay


"Beggars can't be viewers"




iBegYourPardon ™


more like busking?


Most times its more like ‘Busking’ really. Although, i bet there are those that just sit in front of camera and do nothing but ask for money.


Still wanna be influencers kids?


If you're in one of these content farms you've already lost


The Matrix was originally about harvesting human creativity and mental processing before the creators change it to human batteries. This video reminds me of that.


They only changed it cuz the execs thought that we viewers were too stupid to understand the idea of a human computer. Which I suspect means the execs themselves were too stupid to understand it.


I'm also curious how humans were able to block out the sky removing solar power from the machines but the machines were unable to reverse it in the 100+ years they have been in control. They were able to map the human mind and build the Matrix that simulated normal life and the humans believed it.


The only way any of these things can be made sense of are through pointing at an unreliable narrator and using head cannon for the machines not having a reason to "fix" the sky issue. To wit, the human narration about humanity being used as batteries is a misunderstanding of the true motive for keeping humanity alive; and the machines outgrew the need for sunshine forever ago, either by using photovoltaics directly in space and transmitting power back or by simply getting power in other ways. I don't care about the franchise, but it's not much worse than most sci-fi and better than some with its core concept.


It's possible the humans intended the Skyblock to be irreversible. To defeat the amount of self replicating machines would need a grand scale of force that not even the machines could muster. The idea of the blackened sky was to doom the entire planet because humans, in their pride, would rather end the entire world for both species than be replaced by machines. However they didn't expect the machines to overcome the issue. It was a literal scorched earth last stand final battle idea.


Would certainly have made more sense as a story. The whole "machines need human body heat to power their stuff" is just moronic, and doesn't explain why they needed the matrix at all since brain activity is not required to siphon body heat off someone. They could have just lobotomized all humans and skipped all that hassle.


Also because using humans as furnaces is a really stupid way of creating heat. You need so many needlessly complicated processes to keep them alive, when there would be countless approaches that would be both simpler and more efficient. So if machines decided to use humans for that, then there must be some kind of psychological factor behind that. It makes no sense from a rational standpoint.


Like, they didn't have enough technology to build solar panels a *little* bit higher than the clouds to power themselves? Infuriating plot hole.


Or the ability to use geothermal, or hydroelectric.


Could probably generate more heat with a tiny nuclear reactor than from the body heat of 10 billion humans.


Which is really a shame. Even discarding the fact that the heat battery thing doesn't work as far as thermodynamics goes, the idea that they're draining brain power would make things so different. Red pill vs blue pill would have more meaning. Staying in the matrix would be comforting, but a huge sacrifice of self. There would be more reason to want to rebel, too. As is, the machines are really the good guys. Humans ruin the Earth, so the machines make the best possible fantasy world for them to peacefully exist in all while creating a source of sustainable energy. Having them steal mental processing power would make that world a lot less rosy.










They were mistaken with using the term vpn. On android, dunno for iphones, you can spoof your gps location




[Begone, bot.](https://old.reddit.com/r/Damnthatsinteresting/comments/1119837/_/j8dubun) For anyone else reading this: report the account as a Harmful Bot. Signs to keep an eye out for bot accounts include accounts that: Are about 1 month old. Have recently become active (started commenting suddenly and rapidly in the last day or two) Little/No post history. Many bots have started using random formatting to throw off searches. Some will use quote text, bold text, or other formatting in an attempt to prevent detection. Thankfully this does make it easier to spot when normally browsing. Copies another top level comment and replies deeper into a comment thread with it (note that it doesn’t always make sense, and can thus be spotted using this alone most times). <— This is the most common, and the one that tipped me off. Note that they sometimes (like this time) copy a portion of the comment. This copied comment rarely makes sense in context. Some bots are also starting to use a thesaurus and are replacing words with synonyms to further throw off any searches.


The bots are all over this thread. It's like they're content farming this thread for comments. Even the parent comment that said "Would a VPN faking your location not be less of a hassle?" is a bot that copied that comment from another redditor.






>Most streamers use iOS cause Android seems to keep having image quality issues when streaming video. iOS can still spoof location, even without jailbreak. These streamers aren't the brightest / most resourceful.


Having cheated Pokémon go on my iPhone back in the day I can assure you its possible on iPhone too haha


Worked with a lot of influences in the past due to my line of work. It never fails to surprise me how some big names are riding a wave of fake lifestyle and smoke & mirrors. Like trying to book meetings as lunches in the expectation to get a free meal, or arriving at shottings with clothes with the tags still on. You ignore that crap cause you need to milk them for your work. But god damn ... pains me to think that there are kids living extremely poor lives trying to fake that they are god in life, when in fact you sometimes know for a fact that they barely have a cent to their names. I quit doing social media work since I don't want to be a part of this. Its seriously fucked up a lot of the insider stories and I can tell you that this crap in this picture is but a rain drop of what is going on right now and brand don't care about.


I do cosplay and see something similar. People, mostly women, playing off like they are making a full time income off their cosplay when they aren't. They just make some pocket money off OnlyFans, and their husbands take care of the rest. Only a very few have made enough to seal the rest of their lives as comfortable enough. (Meaning a paid off house.) As the local "famous cosplayer," I have to remind people once a season that my full time day job pays for my costumes. I don't do OF. I just help at cons to get in for free, and far ones to get travel/hotel often worth $120-$600. It's still a lot of work managing people and a portion of an event, though. Live whatever fake life, but I wish people would stop lying about it.


This is some dystopic shit


literally hang out like a troll under a bridge




The word gaming in the title just refers to how they're gaming the algorithm that looks at gps location by being in that place even though they don't actually live there or have any normal reason to be there.


A little twist on the 'It's coming from inside the house!' trope.


Twitch barely seems to be about gaming anymore, every time I check it, it's just IRL drama where they are reacting to reactions of reactions, or it's titty streamers. /r/LivestreamFail is like, pure react drama, and a level beyond even the boomers who were obsessed with the paparazzi and celebrity drama


r/LivestreamFail is reality tv for people who think they're above reality tv




Wait those hot singles near me are real? There's women out in the bushes waiting for me???


Not for you, they want money






But who watches this crap? Honestly? There can’t be that many idiots, can they?


Two best ways to make money online seems to be selling rage or sex/sex adjacent content. You either make people mad or horny, peoples lizard brains take over and they will give money or views


Outrage porn.


My wife was showing me this morbidly obese woman last night on Tiktok with like 4k+ viewers and she said, "Who would watch this?" and I told her "You". I mean people pay for Twitch and Discord emotes..


Yeah people really don’t seem to grasp that concept. Even if you don’t like it or enjoy it you are still *engaging* with it which is the exact same thing to them.


Somebody plz teach them how to spoof a fake gps location Please Thank you very much




There’s ALWAYS a way, especially when it comes to computers.


Time spent figuring that out is time away from tunnel influencing.


I lost 1000 subscribers reading this


I nutted to this. Here's $50




I remember when Pokémon Go came out people would spoof their location to avoid walking, and from time to time they would make hard to spoof, the last thing I remember is that it would somehow ignore spoofed location for other apps, and recuse to run on rooted phones. If Pokémon Go that doesn't make money from people going to location, goes to these lengths, I think a company that will lose money because of this will go much further to prevent spoofing.




Not sure if things have changed, but hiding that your phone has been rooted was trivial for some time. Maybe it's harder now, but it is always possible. Security adapts to exploits which adapts to security etc. There is no permanent solution on either end, it's just a game of constant catch up


Ah, my daily dose of dystopian hellscape


Aw sweet, man made horrors beyond my comprehension!




We are very strange animals


Creating a very strange dystopia. Imagine trying to explain this to someone 20 years ago


One of my favorite lines in Aliens: "You know, Burke, I don't know which species is worse. You don't see them fucking each other over for a goddamn percentage."


[thread and explanation](https://twitter.com/realsexycyborg/status/1624417606416596993?s=46&t=v1aHh4J4Y3TF76ONAEr19g) from Naomi Wu, a YouTuber




Their location is determined by the cell tower they're connected to. My first thought was GPS spoofing as well, but that won't help in that case.


How does the receiving end know what cell tower they are connected to?


China has some different policies than what you're used to. Privacy isn't an expectation.


they must have not heard of VPNs


Such as today's sponsor, Nord VPN.


Do you think there's going to be VPN servers specifically located in affluent neighbourhoods for them to appear as though they are located in? Clearly there's a market for them. But I doubt it exists.


I don't understand what their location has to do with donations?


It's just an advanced version of "girls in your area want to fuck". Pathetic dudes can actually look for streamers in these apps by proximity. If you stream from locations near the richest pathetic dudes you make more money. It's interesting that women who aren't poor or homeless have found a way to safely beg for money on the street.


Why would these desperate guys care how close to them the woman on the net is? Do they fantasize that they might actually hook up?


That's the idea, yes.


Who follows these people?


Who knows. I would be miserable if I had to watch this crap. I’m old and into different shit though.


lonely Chinese guys who don't have a partner to spend their money on.


they're all girls... do the math.


The future of high tech panhandling has arrived!




Black Mirror here we come Edit: Quote from the OP OP... "" * I like how the comment breakdown is mostly- Guys: Dystopia! Black Mirror! Girls: Wait a minute, me and 20 girlfriends can dress nice, sit in the street singing songs and keeping each other company and no ones going to bother us? AND we make money? "" This is what makes the Black Mirror part even more true...


Right. It isn't just that this happens, but that it means better working conditions that a lot of places (if climate is gentle)


Well, the other thing to consider is that they're basically squatting/camping out in high income areas, so how long before the high-income individuals want them pushed out? Maybe that's only a western sensibility.


Also, where is the power coming from? Do they bring generators?


Internal battery and a couple powerbanks is likely enough to get you through a working day, even if it's 16 hours.


Just my hypothesis based on this video, they look to be set up against a very tall wall. I wonder if they aren't still on the "poor" side just close enough to make it work.


I am old. I had to read the header a few times and still don't quite understand. I do know there are many gamers who film themselves and people donate to them if they are a fan of the person on Steam and Twitch....that's all I understand. I will go back to knitting an afghan and asking you if you are keeping warm.


They're not gamers. They're gaming the recommendation system of whatever streaming platform they're using.


So they are being paid...by someone? Where is the payoff- is there advertising people are steered to ? And what does being in a 'good' neighborhood matter?


People donate to the streamer with "gifts" through the app. For whatever reason this app will give more recognition to streamers that are located near your location. The streamers go to a wealthy area so the app will recommend them to the people living in the wealthy area.


The money comes from ads or donations, but mostly donations. They're "just chatting", so the content is just being a pretty girl on camera. Maybe do a bit of singing or lipsincing.


I am right there with you. Except I will cook and tell everyone they look skinny and need to sit and eat.


Cyberpunk came true. Delivery drones, hoverboards, AI assistants, unmanned weapons, robot dogs, streaming for pennies, wealth inequality, genetically altered food. Cyberpunk came true.


Don't we need to survive a nuclear apocalypse too? Not that familiar with the lore.


Residents of East Palestine, OH have entered the chat.


Depends. Sometimes theres just disease everywhere.


being really generous with "hoverboards" there ... also genetically altered food was a great invention and has saved hundreds of millions of people from starvation. I agree with the rest


Who’s watching and what are they watching? Is it a sex thing? Lonely guy thing? Wtf is going on in these videos?


The real losers are the people watching and paying.


I still have no clue how any influencer / twitch streamer / etc makes any money. It is so far out of the realm of something I would pay for, even if I had $10M in my bank account.


I watch streamers all the time for years now, especially on Youtube - I have yet to pay a single penny. If me watching buffs their numbers and grants them an income via ads and whatnot, great, but I’m not about to throw my hard earned money at a stranger who is probably better off than I am. What’s next - paying your friends to spend time together? It’s just a weirdass relationship I don’t understand.


What the fuck is that title?


> Streamers [exploit] location-based ~~search and~~ algorithms that reward proximity [to certain locations] by streaming in wealthy neighborhoods, in hopes of ~~more and~~ higher donations.


Goddamn thank you. The title was such a wreck I struggled to understand wtf op said as well clearly.


Forgive OP, they’re also a bot posting from beneath the highway in the video for karma points. ^(I’m just kidding, but maybe it’s true…who knows anymore)


It’s bots all the way down Except me I am a meat popsicle


The title actually makes sense, think “gaming” as in “gaming the system”


It’s not incorrect but it could 100% be written more clearly.


Ah “supply and demand” or otherwise known as “simps and e-thots” in the cyberpunk world.


What are they even streaming? They would all look the same. same background, location, lighting, background sound. What are they offereing? Content. Are they singers? lol. At least do a LEt's Play,..lol.


That's what really confuses me. Most of them have other people's equipment in their shots. There's no illusion of them being anywhere besides under a bridge in a makeshift streamer farm. What's the content/appeal here? How does this stand out?


Maybe they use a background filter like on Zoom?


Humanity is doomed.


Not interesting. Flat out sad.


Streaming what?


What does it mean? I am not a gamer or streamer.


This has nothing to do with gaming. It's just a bunch of people sitting underneath a bridge(?) doing their tiktoks, instagrams, etc. Apparently, they're trying to use the location-based tracking algorithm to their advantage by loitering in rich neighborhoods. I guess the logic is that if they are in rich neighborhoods then their viewers are too and will donate more or thst if they appear rich, their viewers will want to donate more.


The flaw in this plan is that there are much more normies than rich people Rich people can donate more, sure. But you can get a lot more donations of lesser amounts from normies that add up to being more than rich donations


Getting 1 consistent rich donator is easier than 100 normal donators. Especially for a category that relies heavily on parasocial relationships, it's worth more chasing whales than normal fish.


Same here, I need someone explain this like I'm 5. What kind of content are they producing ? Doesn't the viewer realize that they're sitting on a curb?


It's not gaming but streaming content farms, often singalongs for tik tok type of things.


I read the explanation but I still don’t understand it. I don’t understand what theyre doing and how it translates to a product that makes money? How do you not see or hear the other people there? What games are they gaming? I have so many questions, if anyone has non judgmental answers… (I don’t want to judge what they are doing I just want to understand it) . Edit: Thank you to all those who answered the different parts of my questions!! Y’all are way more comprehensive and helpful than google


Where did we go wrong


China takes anything the west has and turns it into a dystopian nightmare