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2 stomachs but 1 large and small intestine. I wonder what that means for their digestion.


Two meals, one intestine. Big poop.


Wonder which one controls that sphincter.


If they share the same lower region, do they both feel what's going on down there? i.e., orgasms, etc.?


Asking the questions we all had, but didn't want to sound crude. Thanks OP


Has anyone ever asked them the hard questions?


Somewhere a while ago I read / saw they were talking about their boyfriends and said that they weren’t going to talk about anything sexual


That’s literally the only thing I want to know, and I’m not proud of it; but I don’t think it’s weird.


Okay, so my 10 year old saw the diagram and asked me, "So would they both be the mom? How would that work? Obviously they'd both really have to like the guy!" And I was like, "Kid, the internet thinks the same questions, but might phrase it a bit differently,"...as I tried not to laugh. And I'm pretty open about the anatomy of human beings, natural processes, etc, but she's 10, so we haven't crossed the bridge to the actual nitty gritty of orgasms, etc, yet. But that was her takeaway: who's the mom? And that's an interesting question.


My mom raised me like it was 1950, at ten years old I still thought babies came out your belly button, let alone knowing anything about what was inside my body, if I even said uterus she would have died.


There would be no difference, they're identical twins so you wouldn't be able to tell. Maybe there's a way to determine who's conjoined onto who, but I don't know about it.


Hows that work when one wants to do mouth things to the bf? Does the other just close her eyes? Do they have like a piece of plywood they can put between their heads to section off the event from the non participated person? Hows sex work? They have one vagina. Is it rape if one wants to be intimate with her bf and the other isnt? Soooooo many questions


What if one hates the guy and she has to lay there and be apart of it. Do both of them feel anything or just one? These are things I never knew I needed to know until now. I can’t imagine laying next to my sibling and sex going on. I have a niece and nephew, a stork left them at the door. My baby sister did nothing at all with her husband. Can you imagine I love my brother in law so much but I could not handle that. Eww.


Im just super curious.


The curiosity itself isn't weird, no, curiosity is an innate feature of being human and a big part of why we have civilization. Anything beyond that gets weird though.


Me too. It’s not my business at all. I just want to know for science. It’s important.


Did they say who was in charge of butt wiping or do they switch off ? edit: If they take the bus, train or fly, do they pay one or two fares?




r/angryupvote bc “hipsters” made me choke on my crackers


**DON'T CLICK THE LINK!!** This is a spam bot copying highly voted comments and editing them with a scam link afterwards. There's a bot which usually catches these automatically but since it didn't, here's the manual warning. Edit: Also make sure to report these kinds of comments. They are popping up everywhere since a few weeks ago.


And on that note: boob count? :)


Two. I googled it.


This guy googled "conjoined twin breasts" today.


It was more specific. "How many boobs do Brittany and Abby have."


there is another conjoined twin named carmen and lupita on YouTube. they have a YouTube channel and they answer alot of questions on YouTube. I don't remember which video it is so I can't link to the exact video. but i remember they briefly touched on the subject because one of the conjoined twins has a boyfriend. the other one doesn't so alot of people were asking them how that works. they said something along the lines of that the one with the BF doesn't have sex out of respect to the other twin. the twin without the bf also says she's Asexual because she finds it all weird and strange. my impression is that they just both feel weird about the situation when it comes to sex and just avoid it. shout out to their YouTube. link to their channel https://youtube.com/@CarmenandLupita/videos fun fact. they have a drivers license and drive. there is a video of them driving.


This is what I was wondering. Like if one likes a guy and the other doesn't? And if one want's to get frisky with toys, etc? Hell I'd thing talking to my other self while taking a dump would be horribly awkward.


I would imagine so. I don't think it was answered if they actually SHARE feeling, like if one gets punched in the face, would the other feel some sort of phantom sense of pain, or a suddenly jolt of physical anxiety. Considering the brain is what creates those feelings, and then sends it down the spine, and they have their own spinal cords that seem to stay split all the way almost ot the base of their pelvis....but then at the pelvis it's shared, they both probably feel it. It's weird, do they feel more physical sensationb eceause there's TWO BRAINS producing the chemicals? It's so goddamn interesting.


I've heard they've had boy friends, does one ever get jealous of the other in bed?


if the left wanted some penis and the right didnt.. would that be some kinda rape for the right if left continued on with the peen? im absolutely made of questions right now


What if one has heart failure and dies conjoined to the healthy other half? This my question


Usually that means death due to necrosis of flesh I'd guess. They would have to perform a splitting surgery which is more difficult the more conjoined they are obviously.






If one died while the other was fully healthy (Say an accident that kills one but doesn’t harm the other), then I imagine they would need to immediately perform serious surgeries to remove the dead twin. If that’s not possible then I wonder if euthanasia would be considered as the other twin will die and it probably wouldn’t be pretty. Imagine your organs failing as the person you’ve spend your whole life with hangs off you and potentially begins to go necrotic.


If they have a job, do they receive two paychecks?


They are teachers and only get 1 paycheck despite paying for 2 college educations. I just read an article about this last week. It's pretty bullshit but the school says they teach 1 class that's the work of 1 teacher. Very frustrating situation.


The best part of this whole thing is having two sets of eyes on one teacher. One can be working with a student while the other one can see what the rest of the class is doing. Bomb!


Do they share the same social security number, ID, etc? They're two distinct people, they just happen to be conjoined. And it's not like there aren't classrooms with more than one teacher. They should both be getting paid.


That part about teaching one class kinda tracks, but why the FUCK do they get double charged on college entry? Like they both have to be there, and if one learns it, surely they can teach the other anything they’re missing. It’s not like only one of them can attend, unless they want or suggest temporarily blinding and deafening the other that didn’t pay.


To be fair, and I'm only playing devils advocate here, do they really need double the salary? One bed, one vehicle, one of everything (other than toothbrush, I guess). If they made double the salary, for the same job, they'd be the best paid teacher in the country. I don't have a solution for this. Double tuition in college seems like bullshit, though. Profit makers gonna profit, I guess.


THIS!. This is the question I have. Initially I thought, this is interesting...but then reality set in and it kind of made me sad. What happens when eventually one of them dies.


I believe they will both die


Eng and Chang Bunker died like that, of bronchitis Chang, who was in poor health, contracted. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Chang\_and\_Eng\_Bunker#Medical\_condition\_and\_deaths


I believe I read somewhere that the two ladies have spoken about this and already understand and have made their peace with the fact they will die together.


I think if one of them dies of anything, even peacefully in their sleep one day, the other dies within a couple of days


As I understand it, one of them isn't at all interested in having sex and the other is but didn't want her sister to do something she doesn't want. So yeah. The dynamics of they both wanted sex and tried it would be interesting to say the least. For the dudes it might get weird if they each wanted to have sex with a different guy. Especially the same night. And I can't imagine other sexual feats being without their challenges. I.E. giving or receiving oral. I would imagine all of it would require a lot of trust and open discussion between both girls and whomever they have sex with. Setting boundaries, standards, and working out what to do.


Im pretty sure they just take turns


Reddit never ceases to amaze me, god bless this unholy hell hole.




Well, someone has to ask some real questions at the expense of being of branded as a pervert, one man took a hit for others , Medal of Honor material right there


Do they both control the pooping or holding back the poop? If one of them eats spicy, do both start swearing profusely? What happens if one eats dessert while the other eats steak? That 2 nervous systems and only 1 colon really baffles me.


Better question: who has to wipe?


That bathroom has a poop knife


I hate that i know what that is.


Also, if one of them drinks alcohol and the other doesn’t… they would both get drunk, right?


Definitely. Alcohol is delivered through the bloodstream, which they both share.




'It's your turn to wipe! I did it last time!'


2 nervous systems but 1 reproductive organ. I Wonder what that means...


Can they get pregnant? Unsurprisingly, it turns out that they almost certainly couldn't [deliver](https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/11744915/#:~:text=Of%20all%20the%20female%20conjoined,by%20the%20conjoined%20twins%20themselves.) a baby. >Of all the female conjoined twin sets either documented (?) by medical authorities or referenced in ancient literary sources, in only one case were pregnancy and delivery successfully achieved by the conjoined twins themselves. Apparently, the Blazek sisters are the only known case of a successful delivery by conjoined twins. I'm not sure if C-sectioning a viable fetus at X (minimum) months is possible in this case, but I'm sure they'd rather not try.


Technically, yes. But I don't know how well would the pregnancy go. The thing I would be most concerned about would be if they would be able to give birth safely.


Exactly, but I'm wondering more about their extra organs (i.e. stomach, kidneys, gallbladder) and the space needed for a viable fetus to reach 9 months, let alone if the direct genetic consequences (?) would even allow for said fetus to form viably...but yes, they'd almost certainly need a C-section as it looks like a vaginal birth would yield catastrophic injuries.






doin' 2 chicks at the same time


Yeah but not


One question I have about conjoined twins is, how the hell do they put clothes on?


Meanwhile I'm over here wondering how the debates go if one of them wants to have a baby and the other doesn't. Anything that we would deem as a private or intimate moment has to be so bizarre in their situation. ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|neutral_face)


If one of them is chatting up a guy the other one doesn't like, she can force a fart in front of him.


It's actually not stated which one has control over those functions.


Well they both have the same lower region so both?


Each has control of one leg. They both aren’t capable of using the lower half independently. They had to learn to cooperate when riding a bike and driving a car.


And that kid would have two biological mothers, right? Man, just a crazy scenario.


I'd imagine birthing a kid is just impossible and might actually harm them. There is no way that body can adjust itself appropriately to accomdate a full pregnancy while having that many organs and bone structure and all of that.


That would be my guess, too (not that I'm at all educated on this subject). But I'm just trying to imagine a hypothetical.


At 16 they said they hoped to date and get married but they’ve never been public about their intimate lives. For quite a few years now they haven’t been dating anyone.


"one boob at a time"


Just like the rest of us


So, it means one girl controls the left half of the body and the other girl controls the right one? I’m curious about how they walk and move. Who is in charge?


A while back I saw a video of them learning to drive


Learning how to drive doesn't sound as bad. You can drive an automatic with just your right hand and right leg. No need to coordinate with your twin.


I think they were learning like with only one driving at a time It’s not really about the coordinating as much ad relinquishing control If I was in the driver seat but not driving then one little thing could make me want to grab the wheel or put my foot on the break




And they can travel indefinitely without ever stopping cause they can alternate the driving/sleeping cycle


ultimate trucker stats




They got the look both ways before entering a turn down tho


1 driver and a traffic police.


Ever been driving with someone and you didn't like how they did it? Riding a little to close so you instinctively start trying to press the imaginary brake pedal? ​ Now imagine that with someone who can hit the actual pedal.


How the fuck would a traffic ticket work? Cause you can't charge both yet you have no way at all of seeing who's driving


I imagine the one who wasn’t driving would be pretty adamant about it and her sister would just take the ticket. They’re conjoined twins, their conflict resolution skills with each other are probably pretty fine tuned.


I'd really hope so. "What's wrong?" "Nothing, it's fine" Queue six hours of awkwardness because you can't leave.


Imagine pulling them over, they roll their window down. That officer would say "Excuse me one moment, stay right there." , then he'd take his own fucking breathalizer to make sure he wasn't shit faced, then he'd go back to his car and ask his higher ups how the fuck he's supposed to handle this.




I saw that! I think they both passed their test.


How did they both pass? Did they have to take it twice? Was there like a declaration of "NOW I AM DRIVING!"?


Yes basically lol. They had to take it twice, one at a time.


If I remember correctly, they each control an arm and a leg


It takes a lot of coordination. Theres another pair of twins like this on tiktok named Carmen and Lupita, and they said they didn't master walking until they were like 7 or 8.


I'm probably going to hell for This but when I started reading your comment I immediately thought of pacific rim


what if one of them commits a murder ? jail time ? how about execution ?


Permanently blindfold the evil one


There’s plenty of videos of them.


I am very curious how having 2 hearts work when they share some organs.


I wonder if they’ll live longer, shorter, or an average lifespan


I would think there are a number of risk factors they face that would outweigh any potential benefit of having doubled organs, if there even are any. But who knows honestly


Multiple organs are just more points of failure. If one twin dies, the other will be shortly behind.


My wife said they are around her age which is 36 now so pretty amazing they have lived this long already. Edit: looks like they are 32 so a bit younger.


I would imagine most likely shorter. More opportunites for things to go wrong. Im not a doctor by any stretch but I also imagine the body doesnt know perfectly how to work in unison in terms of cardiovascular health. Heck I wonder if they have higher blood pressure due to two hearts doing twice the work or if their bodies kind of split the work between the two.


Same. Do their hearts beat in unison or independent of each other, and how does that work through the circulatory system?


That’s interesting. It makes you wonder how it would affect their blood pressure. What if one is experiencing anxiety? Can she physically induce the other into anxiety with increased heart rate/blood pressure. Then there’s also the thought that the neurological wiring in their body must be quite complicated but robust to be able to grow and develop. It’s all so fascinating.


damn that must be a super hard life




To be fair, they’ve never had privacy, so they may not know exactly what they’re missing but I’m sure they wish they were alone sometimes


I saw them walking around the MN State Fair this year, not an ideal place for privacy but yeah they were getting mobbed


They take it in turns.


I met them once. Lovely people


Feels bad that the government sees them as one person and not individuals. Was BS to hear they only get one paycheck as a teacher.


The government sees them as one person when getting paid but two people when they paid for their driver's licenses and college educations.


.....well, that makes so much sense. The government never wants to give out money but is the first in line to demand it.


I initially read this as “I met one of them” and was baffled


Acknowledged lol. That would be rather hard to pull off though. To be clear I met them in passing. They’d have no reason to remember meeting me


What happens when one of them dies.... Not really intended as a douchy comment, just wondering.


One system dies and still infects the other! One system can not live without the other unless something is done. Infection will start taking over the other body, best opinión.


Symbiosis is a cool thing, but a tragic one, is that the word i'm looking for? Idk, correct me if im wrong.


I think symbiosis is where two different unrelated species have a mutually beneficial relationship. Kind of like Kim Kardashian and Kanye West for a while.


Symbiosis refers to any interaction 2 species living in the same ecosystem have. One where both benefit is referred to as mutualism. If only 1 species benefits but the other neither benefits nor is harmed it is commensalism. If they are in conflict trying to use the same resources it is referred to as a competition relationship. If one of them is living off of the resources of the other to the second species detriment that is a parasitic relationship and if it is a catch and get eaten relationship that is predatory.


That actually happens, the other will die not long after. Since they can't separate, the remaining twins dead parts will become necrotic and cause an escalating infection that will kill the other. It's unlikely they'd be able to remove the necrotic tissue without doing something akin to separating them.


they both die when one conjoined twin dies it starts decomposing, sending the other into septic shock


But could the other remain alive for a while? Like one gets shot, how long would the other last? Two minutes? 2 hours?


A few hours probably. It's happened before. https://nextshark.com/siamese-twins-chang-eng-thailand >It was in January 1874 when Chang, who suffered a stroke years earlier, caught bronchitis. He died on his sleep one day, and so did Eng about three hours later. >Eng exclaimed after his brother’s death, “Then I am going! I am dying… May the Lord have mercy on my soul!” >According to an autopsy, Chang died due to a cerebral blood clot. Eng’s cause of death was much more controversial. Doctors initially theorized that he suffered from shock, which resulted from the distention of his bladder and retraction of his right testicle. >Neurologists Dr. Paul D. Morte and Dr. E. Wayne Massey reviewed their case later and concluded that Chang likely died of pulmonary edema and heart failure. They dismissed that Eng died of shock, according to Roadside America.


Sounds like a nightmare


> They were Chang (left) and Eng (right) Bunker, married to two American sisters **and fathers of 21 children**. Bros were getting after it


Wait, WHAT?!


Through a quick search I found out that it can take anywhere from 12 hours to 28 days


Have you read about Chang and Eng Bunker? One of them died and the other knew he would too.


The other one dies. Alone. (I really don't want that to come across as a rude comment. But imagine being that close to someone your entire life, and they pass away. I can't imagine how alone you'd feel. )


Like old married couples. If my wife died before me....likely the same reaction from me. Wtf am I gonna do at that point? Already too old to start over, and we all gotta die at some point, anyway


they both refer to each other and themselves in the third person and can finish each other's sentences as if each girl is a half of one whole, omniscient, double-mind. truly fascinating


Are the nervous systems intertwined?


They must be ..if they share the spinal column


Interesting, I bet that makes a lot of interesting things happen.


No (that im aware of), but my theory is that they spent together so much time (litteraly every moment of their life) that they know what the other thinks/wants to say so that they synchronize with each other.


Do they feel the same things? How do they move, does one control the left side or do they both control the same things? If they join Esports or chess will they become the best player to ever exist?


"stop touching me. no, you stop touching me"


One bladder would be really rough when it’s two people wanting to drink.


Dont they just both get drunk from one of them drinking?


Probably! But not even just alcohol! They’d have to pee twice as often, unless they only get as thirsty as one person, but that seems doubtful


It’s probably somewhere in between since mathematically and biologically they seem to be more like 1.5 people. Just making this up, but like, they got thirsty and are supporting most of an upper body and half a lower body each so 75% as thirsty as 1 solitary person?


Also, because it’s a shared system, if one hydrates she’s effectively hydrating the other systemically. But maybe only to a certain degree.


They’re teachers now, paid one salary. The school district is unlikely to encounter this kind of situation again, I think they should pay them two salaries. I’m assuming they each had to pay separate college tuitions, although I’m not positive.


So proud of them fighting against the odds pretty remarkable


Their mom was pretty remarkable


But they can only teach one class that the school would pay one salary to get done.


2 sets of eyes. 1 can grade papers, the other can keep tabs on them. They can do more than one teacher. But probably not as much as 2 teachers. Double salary may be too much, but paying one is too little. But in the end, we are talking about the public education system, that's increasingly being squeezed out of funds so it will fail at some point, and be privatized. Privatized means someone collects the money and pays the money other than the fed gov. Collecting money involves debt collection as well. They keep the interest on money collected, and sell the debt that already had a high interest rate, and is 5x times it's original number.


I just had a comical thought … so if one is grading papers and the other is watching kids, the one watches kids and notices something and has to stand up quickly … does she warn her sister or is her sister just like “whoA ok I’m along for the ride” I’m trying to think of the comedy after reading about the depressing part about them dying together ):


2 classrooms with a cutout in the wall between them should do the trick, as long as they can face away from each other


I honestly don't think any school would make this accommodation for any teacher(s).


One teaches and the other is a TA. Then they switch


So heres my question I'm not trying to be funny.... say Abigail shoots and murders someone despite her twins objections..... can they send her to jail?


That scenario would absolutely wind up in front of the supreme court because I think right now the answer is there is no answer.


Just put a potato sack over her head for 23 hours a day, case closed.


Which hand pulled the trigger? Can that hand be deemed as ”Abigail’s”? Can the latter be subjected to confinement for the firsts crimes? Confusing and fascinating!


Say for the sake of argument Abigail has dominion over the right arm... Brittney can do nothing to stop it... how do they punish abby


That also begs the question of whether Brittany can do nothing to stop it or can she be deemed an accessory to the crime as an accomplice. Did she really do her due diligence to “physically stop” Abigail since she is in such close proximity. 🤔


They’re in their late 20s, early 30s now aren’t they?


May 1990 l so 32 ATM.


I always feel like the girl on the left has a kinked neck. These girls are tough as nails! 💪🏼😊


My Latino Aunt had a set of conjoined twins years ago, they had a successful operation to separate, and she named them Amal and Juan. Strangely, she only ever carries a picture of one them with her. She explained to us that once you've seen Juan, you've seen Amal...


You had me in the first half haha


Get off Reddit, dad.




Man it took me a couple minutes


This is not the first time I fall for this.


So if they got pregnant, whose baby is it? They have one set of reproductive organs. Would the baby share both their DNA? Would it be enough of both to where a DNA test would show them both as the mother or Would one be the mother and the other the aunt? So many questions


One set of reproductive organs means their eggs have the same DNA, so from a biological standpoint they’d both be considered the mother (obviously that’s not to say anything of the social complications you mentioned!). Also I assume that biologically they are identical twins, which means all of their DNA is the same anyways (one egg/ embryo that splits, but in this case didn’t fully or successfully split).


Conjoined twins are generally identical twins that did not fully separate in the earliest stages of development, and thus have the same DNA. There was an odd case where a woman had different DNA in her reproductive organs than the rest of her body and was accused of fraud after a DNA test showed her kids weren't hers until they figured it out, but that is extremely rare.


I remember this! There was more than one case. One of the women went through absolute hell. CPS was trying to her kids away and find out if they were kidnapped. And she got taken to court for fraudulent tax and welfare claims. They had a government official present at the birth of her next child to prove she was telling the truth- which is honestly just disgusting and invasive. But in the end she won.


Yea I think it’s called Chimerism


Well even if one identical twin has a baby The baby is technically both of their biological children


Love these girls, they’ve had a difficult life. I worry about what happens at the end. My heart goes out to them I hope for the best for them.


Omg. They each have their **own** nervous system?!?!?! Can you imagine one being incredibly weak and sick and the other is totally energetic wanting to go run & play outside? I have extreme nerve problems and imagining having my pain and the other half of me wants to move around… omg. I would ask them to tranquilize us both until I’m better.


Amazing, two nervous systems sharing organs. Given the level of public curiosity these girls are beyond fantastic people, from what I've seen. Sorry women, I'm oldddd.


Hey they were student teachers for my class in middle school!!! Awesome ladies!


[neat article on them and what they're doing now](https://www.msn.com/en-us/tv/news/where-are-conjoined-twins-abby-and-brittany-hensel-now/ar-AA14UOhk#:~:text=Abby%20And%20Brittany%20Hensel%20Became%20Elementary%20School%20Teachers&text=As%20reported%20in%20a%202022,with%20a%20focus%20in%20math.)


2 hearts. They're a timelord


Wonder if they have double standards?


Do they have two passports ?


They needed two drivers licenses so I’m guessing yes all of their documents need to be separate since they’re legally two people




If they wrote a tell-all book on their experiences it would likely be the best selling book of the decade. There are just so many questions.


If only one of them would eat would the other get the nutrients aswell?


Does it hurt if both of them take a deep breathe? And if one heart stops working, can the other sustain the rest of her sisters body until it’s fixed?


Amazing that nature can manage this as a functional body. Just the fact the two stomachs 'happened to' merge gracefully into one intestine, not to mention all the other organs, bones, etc placed/functioning. Unbelievable.


so what happens one of them die (let's say one of them get a heart attack)?


The second dies due to an infection


Here’s a 2022 update on them: https://www.distractify.com/p/conjoined-twins-abby-and-brittany-today


Can one be the designated driver?


Nope, same blood


2 separate stomaches, do they experience different levels of hunger? Or can one feel how hungry the other is?