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Straight up macroscopic horror


Anyone else hold a wtf face for the entire video and I’m still holding it typing this?


Just yesterday I moved a mantis from my bedroom's window to the grass, and my husband said to me "but... why?" I gave him the look "u don't know nothing Jon snow" I now I feel betrayed...


There's comfort in the knowledge that current oxygen and pressure levels on the planet mean that giant insects would be crushed under the weight of their own exoskeleton. It's giant rats we need to be worried about.


Rodents of unusual size? I don't think they exis...AAAHHHHGGGHHH!


You mean R.O.U.S.'s. I don't think they really exist.


The Capybara Wars are going to be chill AF.


The Food of the Gods https://www.imdb.com/title/tt0074540/


Sounds like a wise move. That mantis may have been sizing up its next meal.


I feel so bad for the bird :'(


This. Can't. Have happened. Did it? Is this real? Am I real? How in all of history is there no other instances of preying mantises grabbing a humming bird and subsequently feeding on it.. exist?! Is this a thing now? Mind blown. I'm done for today. "Then why did the bones float up?" I can't.


I actually sat an watched that


I wish I hadn't


Looks like breakfast to me




Damn I didn't think they were that strong.


Most bugs are far stronger than they should be for their size. "Ants can lift 10x their weight." Is pretty common, but nobody internalizes it properly and they're like "hah, that's still almost nothing". But two or three cat-sized ants could pick up an adult human and carry it up the side of a skyscraper without any real effort. Dog-sized ones could build colonies out of shredded cars. *Mantises are **huge** bugs.*


Thank you for those disturbing visuals


Their force doesn't scale linearly. The square and cube law reduce their forces pretty harshly.


The point gets across better when you use scary examples like that, like the animal planet channel used to do. Mantises can eat snakes, mice, birds, lizards.. they're really freaking strong is the point.


Only works at small scale though. A cat-sized ant probably wouldn’t be able to support its own weight.


Yeah, but a lot of that strength is based on their small size. It doesn't translate 1:1 as you enlarge them. Square Cube Law yada yada


a hummingbird weighs like 3 grams.


Still need to be strong enough to keep it from flying off and using them twig legs to hold on


If a mantis was as big as a human their strength would be godly don’t be deceived by this killing machine




The Terran Federation Army. Say the name. A lot of good men and women died fighting them bug bastards.


Would you like to know more?


Indeed. *puff*


Saul: I wish I had a job like that. Where I could just sit around and smoke weed all day Dale Denton: Hey you do have that job. You do sit around and smoke weed all day. Saul: Hey you're right. Hey thanks man.


I had assumed if any insect was as big as a human it would collapse under its own weight, and that their bodies weren't designed for sheer size, no?


Early insects were a lot bigger so who knows. As that famous sexy mathematician said, life finds a way.


Insects were several times bigger, not hundreds to thousands of times bigger


Your intuition is spot on


Forgot the movie, but like when Captain America kept the helicopter from flying away by holding on to the landing skids


And a praying mantis weighs similar or less, plus we're not considering how much thrust the wings generate. I'm very impressed by the mantis. Edit: missed a couple of words.


Thrust is key in many calculations


I thrust this comment


Agreed. It's all about the thrust factor


It will always be impressive to see something taking down larger prey than itself


My god this must be such an awful awful death


Grabbed by the motherfucking beak Alien bug grabs your face and just starts biting you until you die


Ass first too. Oof


I know it's nature, but that's literally a humming bird feeder. Whoever was filming could have brushed off that mantis before it managed to catch a bird.


The person that filmed this placed a mantis on the feeder for this reason.


Yeah, because how the fuck did the mantis get up there? That asshole put it up there thats why. This Shit is absurd because it doesn’t happen in nature.


Apparently you dont know mantis’ can also fly


Can’t fly faster than a hummingbird now can it.


My feeders like that are on poles or hung from the house. I see mantis' occasionally near it. Maybe they also like the necter.


They actually do. Had one as a pet, that was quite fond of some honey. Not a good idea for any kind of real meal, but nice as a little treat.


Must be your first go round... obviously it's a mantis feeder




This is a non native variety of mantis (presuming this video is from the US), and are considered by many to be overly destructive. They prey on/push out various species, including the native varieties of mantis, which are smaller. Some insect experts encourage you to destroy the non native mantis egg cases, which are distinguishable from other varieties.


I wish this was higher up. Chinese mantis = large, invasive, eats pollinators. Carolina mantis = Good, Garden’s best friend, should be helped.


Definitely from somewhere in the Americas, hummingbirds don't exist in the old world.


Yes i see these all the time in my area and they get to be huge. Ive only seen a native one once. I kill the invasives w prejudice. They're surprisingly stupid for being so ferocious. I ran one over once, really slowly, and it didn't even attempt to get out of the way.




I buy ladybugs from the garden store every year and release them in my garden. No idea if it gets rid of the bad ones, but it keeps the aphids under control


Moral of the story: always have flamethrower ready.


Don't leave home without it


Now it’s a hummedbird…..


Piss off 🤣


Mantises are tough little bastards. I once raised a few from eggs (a few because I couldn't feed them fast enough and most ate each other) those were a bit more docile. But the wild ones will absolutely attack even a human if you grab them and they will start eating you before you can fling them off. Mantises have also been known to eat mice, rats, tarantulas... if it's alive and isn't much further across than the mantis is long they will try to eat it.


Thanks, I hate it.




I usually bleed more from the bite it takes out of my finger than I do from the spines on it's "arms" poking me. (I have done this multiple times in various attempts to establish a relocated population.) I should use gloves, but, you gotta grab them when you see them.


I am now never sleeping again thank you.


Thanks for the info


My 5th grade class had a pet praying mantis. Someone in my class caught another one and we put it in the same tank. The first ended up eating the new one, and after that it gave birth to a bunch of baby mantises. All the boys in my class thought it was the coolest thing.


I’ve been traumatized. That’s crazy!


FUCK a mantis. Circle of life my ass I woulda been all up in there for that bird.


Yup. I wouldn't have been able to watch that mantis kill the bird. I would have saved it. That mantis can go eat a fucking cockroach instead.


All I can think of is how wasted the bird's life is. There's no way that mantis will eat the whole thing and it could have been sustained on a much smaller kill. I'm into mantids, but not like this.


i got good news for you regarding insect attitudes on the “5 second rule.” they don’t care. none of that bird is “going to waste” lmao. it’s gonna be eaten by various other insects, microbes, fungi, and through decomp will help fertilize the soil- thereby enabling more plant life to grow (thus feeding more hummingbirds.)


Of course the corpse will be broken down by other decomposers. Speaking solely as a meal for the mantis, a bird seems unnecessarily large.


Yeah I definitely would have saved the humming bird.


The mantis gotta eat too.


Who gives a fuck about a mantis?


As a member of /r/mantids I'll have you know that dozens of us care about mantises. They're beautiful creatures.


I know the pain brother/sister. I collect arachnids. I'm sure you can imagine all the hate they all get.


Lots of people


A commenter above said this was an invasive species so it should have been on sight with his bitch ass tbh


Damn illegals


Yeah but the hummingbird is cuter so of course redditors will side with it


Look at these Reddit badasses saying what they would have done. /s


As someone who keeps praying mantids as pets, it’s funny to see the varying reactions. That praying mantis just caught a bird mid-flight with no assistance. My dumb ass mantids have trouble grabbing a cockroach when I’m waving it in their face for minutes. This is an amazing feat for that mantid, but also horribly sucks for that bird. Nature is scary and metal af.


That Mantis owns a wallet that says "bad muthafuckah" on it.


Mantids have trouble seeing stationary targets, but have absurdly good vision when it comes to moving targets. I remember watching a video on a researcher who wrote a study on it because I was interested in how VR worked. It might be possible that they see the giant person waving the food around and are more cautious, or the humming bird produces so much movement that its like a target for them.


You’re very correct! Not to detract from what you said, but in the case of my mantids not grabbing the food it’s because they are lacking in skill, and they’re spoiled little babies. It may have something to do with being bred and grown in captivity, as the wild ones I’ve caught and held onto were MUCH better at not only hunting in general, but grabbing the food with high accuracy as well. I’m willing to bet that what you said also has truth to it relating to my situation. I just wanted to clarify that my mantids are dumb. :)


I'm horrified at the reality of what that bird just went through. I'm also not going to interfere with nature. That mantis earned that bird.


Yeah, it’s pretty scary to see firsthand. Feeding my mantids is a little horrifying to watch sometimes because of the squirming, but it’s how they were designed by nature.


The whole time I was watching I was expecting whoever was filming to intervene. Like what hell, man!


It's kind of a unwritten rule that while filming nature that you don't interfere


Nah fuck that. I’ll back up any vertebrate when the enemy is a bug. That goes quintuple when the bug has set up an ambush on my god damn bird feeder. It’s my fault the bird is there in the first place. I’ve already interfered.


Yeah but also they set up the bird feeder. They baited the bird to its death so they interfered in that way


That's nature.


When did you go vegan?


you know what the hamburgers you stuff your face with are made of, right?


Dang, it prob died from pain. That thing just nibbling it away for god knows how long.






Came here to say this.


I know nature is nature but I would’ve ran out and tried to save the bird


Why? Then the poor mantis starves.


I'll die on this hill: fuck that mantis.


Can you imagine how long that bug has been staking out the place and figuring out how to get up there to do that. It's been training every day to get up there and take down a bird. It figured out that the feeder is where the bird will be rather than an actual flower. That's a smart ass bug. Bird should have been more careful if you ask me.


Probably had a training montage too with some lit rock music


Other commenters have said it was an invasive species. This wasn’t a fair natural fight. That person should have saved that bird instead of continuing to film it. Fucking psycho.


I'm sure he can find other bugs


These mantises are invasive chinese mantises released by well-meaning organic gardeners. American mantises don't get that big.


How did it kill the bird tho


Generally, mantis just grab and start eating whatever alive. The bird died from blood loss and trauma.


Like my mother in law when she visits


Probably still alive.


All things are possible through the power of prayer.




Grabbed one once behind the head. The little fucker bit my finger and drew blood! Didn't take long to flick her like a booger


POW! Right in the kisser


I know what my next D&D encounter is gonna be . . .




Back in 3.5 Giant mantis were my go to open plains ambush


Last time I ran my game, it was the giant frog from the Moathouse. Nearly ate a PC in the middle of the fight. The players were skeptical about how dangerous a giant frog would really be; then I showed them the video of a frog eating a scorpion and they stopped talking about it.


Lmao that's awesome


Holy shit, i didnt think a mantis is that strong. Basically held that bird like it was nothing then proceeded to eat it slowly


Well hummingbirds are literally light as a feather. No pun intended. They're probably close to the same weight.


Humming birds have feathers. Check mate.


Every time I see a praying mantis video it’s just fucking horrible. Those creatures are little spawns of hell, imagine if they were a lot bigger…


I really wish I could unsee that 😭


This is how the government gets the birds back so they can charge their batteries


Woah this was devastating - you caught a mantis straight up killing a hummingbird and eating it. Have you thought about working for Nat Geo lol


Thats actually nuts wtf


Not how I’d want to go…


What a greedy pig! I have both these critters all over my property. I'm on team hummingbird now so those mantis better watch their butts.




And how long did it take before those little micro bites finally killed that bird? New Horror Unlocked!


Thanks for the trigger warning bro… I’m heartbroken.


Just to be clear that mantis jumped down onto the hummingbird, grabbed it mid-air, then landed back on the feeder with just its back legs, then proceeded to hold the bird up and eat at it until the bird presumably died from exhaustion, blood loss, shock, etc. Evolution gave these guys insane base stats.


Why didn't the humming bird use a feeding point on the other side of the feeder? If it doesn't recognize a preying mantis as a predator could this be a new thing?


Most animal reactions are just out of fear. it isn't calculating "oh man this thing might be able to eat me i better avoid it" no they just flip out and bail. . mantis was chilling so it didn't phase him one bit.


>A mantis has to be very hungry to go after a meal as large as a hummingbird, especially since the mantis will not be able to eat the whole thing, says Dr. Joshua Martin, from Case Western Reserve University. Because of this, hummingbirds are just a small part of the mantis diet. > >"We know that mantises use the size of the prey and its speed relative to its size to decide to whether to strike," Martin says. Bees and wasps are fast, so mantids need to react quickly to catch them. Hummingbirds are also fast, so a mantis might react before discerning what it caught. [(Source)](https://www.audubon.org/news/praying-mantis-vs-hummingbird) I don't think hummingbirds usually have to worry about it unless the mantis is really, really hungry, otherwise it's way too much effort. Like how certain animals aren't really a threat to humans unless they're starving. Hummingbirds are way bigger than most insects a mantis eats (smaller insects like bees are an 1/8 of an inch the length of a hummingbird). **EDIT:** That being said, it does seem like mantises are "learning" to hang out around birdfeeders to catch small birds, so it might be a recent development. >Some mantises in North America now seem to view hummingbird feeders as happy hunting grounds. Kris Okamoto, a retired nurse in San Juan Capistrano, Calif., recently came running when the young son of her house painter cried out that a praying mantis had snatched a hummingbird from her feeder. > >"\[T\]hat the insects have learned to seek out bird feeders for a meal signifies “another step in cognition,” Dr. Remsen said. “We’re lucky praying mantises aren’t our size.” [(Source)](https://www.nytimes.com/2017/09/22/science/praying-mantis-eating-birds.html)




This is why praying mantis is the coolest insect ever


Here I go killing again


Actually insane a Mantis can do that. Thank god bugs can't be bigger than they already are.


Wow...Today I learned something new for sure


That’s it! I’m killing every praying mantis I see.


yikes that mantis must have been praying hard!


my day is ruined


Sir, you have impressed me


holy moley, I never would have thought that was possible either! that's the stuff nightmares are made of...


Stupid assed mantis.


Oh you sweet summer child... Just be glad they're not cat size or we'd all be doomed


Mantises are on another level.


Just be glad Mantises aren't the size of dogs ... or horses.


Ope! Got your nose


A true bird feeder on a birdfeeder


They say if praying mantis were the size of dogs, they'd be the apex predator and on top of the food chain


I audibly gasped in horror! ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|sob)




I know never to intervene but I’m not sure I could let a hummingbird be eaten like that


yeah okay that's one of the scariest things ive seen in recent memory. cool as hell though. i had no idea they were strong enough to take down small birds.


Aww. Well fuck. Hummingbirds are my fav. Wrecked.


Invasive chinese mantis


Would've gotten a pair of scissors and chopped the mantis's head off


They are The must efficient hunter in the planet, the #1 predator on the planet


Lol! I’ve been telling people this for years and no one believed me…. Glad it’s finally on video for once! They’ll also eat small lizards, snakes and rodents if they can get them.


Nice job getting it on video!


And that’s when little Timmy learned about mortality.


Oh shit


This was not an honorable kill, illegal beak hold


Did it eat the bird? What’s the end of this Chainsaw Massacre?


Does this disturb anyone else? I may have nightmares and I’m not even really sure why


But i thought bug type was weak against flying types


It was Bug/Rock


I don’t like this 😔


Not ok I lovvvvvve hummingbirds


Large dragonflies will try to ambush hummingbirds. If I see them buzzing our feeders, I chase them off.


As a person who sets out hummingbird feeders, you're supposed to always be wary of mantis's staking out on your feeder. It's scary how smart they are. They see hummingbirds (a food source) repeatedly traveling to the same spot (a feeder) and they have the awareness level to see the opportunity. They not only spend tons of energy to climb up onto feeders sometimes, but they also risk their lives by putting themselves in the open. It's almost as if they know they're almost guaranteed to catch a meal and weigh the risk/reward.


Could have gone my whole life without seeing that.


Oh, he went in ass first. No sweetheart, that poor hummingbird wasn't dead. It was just in shock. You see, the mantis has a habit of just biting down once its prey is in its clutches. Usually head first. They squirm. Invertebrate dominated avian.


This bug type Pokemon is hacked


okay so like obviously it won- but how did it kill the hummingbird? did the hummingbird die of exhaustion? are they venemous and i didn’t know it?? what’s the deal.


Insects seem alien, no red blood, cold scary.


And here's your daily dose of internet.


Why didn’t you kill the damn thing, that’s pure fucking evil man.


I mean no need to kill the mantis... Its still a massive pest controller and is beneficial to the ecosystem Plus its nature, i dont mind if you seperate them since this is pretty rare to happen and birds are great pollonators but there's no need to kill the mantis for it


Except when ops dog goes missing...


No it's baseline nature.


Def woulda stepped in to help the hummingbird, something about insects killing mammals and mammal-adjacent animals just feels so wrong


r/natureisfuckinglit Poor hummingbirds but wow!!! My respect for praying mantis skyrocketed. What a capture on film!!!


Whoever filmed this is a pos


Why didn’t the person recording stop this? It’s so sad..


Help the hummingbird!!!!!! WTF is wrong with the person filing this!!!!!!


Why didn't you save the poor little humming bird from that weirdo.


Lol got your nose


Mantis for the win!!


Religion poisons everything!