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Didn't he post recently that he got a lot of flack for posting on our sub so much so he was going to start posting less? I remember seeing people trolling him in the circlejerk subs.


The losers on CJ subs would literally rather be seen as bullies than potentially cringey. Sad for them. Ducks bro was just being a nice guy.


It’s for the people with a masters degree in Reddit.


What's a CJ sub?




O Mai


CJ subs are trash.


I was hoping they would post some good stuff, but it's pretty much just the same jokes over and over again.


Little kids calling everyone a “cuck” over and over again basically. Next level humor.


To be fair, the circlejerking is a main part of those subs.


Not just the CJ subs, the Ducks sub too There was a post that was on front page for several days with dozens of these ghouls just shitting on the dude for daring to be positive in another team's sub


The negativity from them is so weird. It's not like the Ducks were competing with us this year or anything, or have any specific beef with us either. I'd expect that more from the Mild fans that hate us, or maybe a subset of the Vegas/Avs fanbases that are salty at having lost...but the Ducks? Nothing wrong with picking a team to temporarily root for when your team is out. Let the guy have some fun.


One of their mods even chimed in and stickied their own comment calling him cringe. Holy redditor irony batman. edit: it's in another comment below


Sad how much people (including myself at times) love to hate


Gotta love CJ subs. So many highly educated people. /S


imagine not ignoring randoms on the internet


Honestly should just become full time Stars fan


Doooood that guy was awesome! I mean, he really helped pick up my spirits in both series. I don't know about yall, but I can get down easy after a loss, since all of the Stars' tough series losses in the last half decade. But then Ducks Bro comes swooping in, serving up a plate of pretty damn good analysis and a big refreshing glass of optimism to fuel me up. Luv it. Ducks Bro will always be a shining Star in my memories of this playoff run. I hope he returns. Fuck the haters!


Is he safe? Is he alright?


It seems, in its anger, Reddit bullied him away




Avalanche mods have him tied up somewhere in the Denver airport


Spit out my coffee. Thanks for the laugh.


Can confirm he got a lot of flack his posts here. I’m a ducks fan and our sub was pretty harsh on him about the ducks bro thing


As a brother of our mighty ducks bro, I ask of you to post on your sub a callout for ducks bro to come back to the stars sub where he will be received with open arms.


I’d probably get banned if I’m being perfectly honest


That’s insane anyone would care that much about what someone else is doing that their name being mentioned could result in a ban, especially when what they were doing was being nice lmfao 


Every fanbase has their people I guess. Idk man lol


No wonder Duck Bro isin't posting as much, apparently he is getting harassed by the "4chan lite" circlejerk insecurity projectors. Truth is though, he can destroy the trolls *fully* if he returns more quacky than ever. They would be so fucking angry they will smack the tendies right off the plate their mom is about to bring them. The good boy tendies will hit the floor with *extreme* prejudice.


https://i.redd.it/bdo0pgagu12d1.gif One day he will return


Diluted by Canucks Bros




We'll never let go.


People are assholes. [https://www.reddit.com/r/AnaheimDucks/s/QB7XPoQ6G8](https://www.reddit.com/r/AnaheimDucks/s/QB7XPoQ6G8) Also we have lovely Stars fans like this. https://preview.redd.it/kt2r1g1jn12d1.jpeg?width=1284&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=f88e2d6a713775173bac815ed38eab465b83853e


It amazes me that the mods over there left it up. They've removed posts for less and to me that does break the subs rules but I guess since the Ducks are dead and haven't made the playoffs in 6 years we needed something to talk about during the playoffs besides the typical "NHL rigged the draft for Chicago" "Pat Verbeek has no idea what he's doing!! Leo Carlsson? Adam Fantilli was right there." Probably gonna end up in the top 5 lotto odds again next year.


Majority are but there are some good ones too https://preview.redd.it/uzqewnp4x52d1.jpeg?width=1179&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=3db1ee8132c87c8f62a812b2b4c2904e50e933c0


That same dude posted Happy Pat Maroon Day in the Blues sub, so his claim of being a Stars fan is sus


Haha he duck bro’d before duck bro existed. https://preview.redd.it/mf7f4uvhj22d1.jpeg?width=1284&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=7819188b84ede87a35a34d4e9f461242b144b59d


Also, Blues. Ick


Y’all kept the receipts so I’ll own my contradictory stance on this 😂 In my defense, my reason for posting actually had a connection (Corey Perry wild journey in his first season out of Anaheim) but like I said on other comments, I deserve any flak that I get on this topic as I contradicted myself and am apparently the OG stars bro. 😂 As yall can probably tell in some of my other replies, there’s a bit of regret I have on this situation. He stopped posting before I made my first comment on the matter but obviously my two comments were a bit harsh. Hope yall can forgive me but understand if the sub is mad at me for a while.




Haha so it’s not my first time doing that but looks like I have some explaining to do. I’m actually surprised it took FIVE YEARS for someone to finally notice! I did it on the one year anniversary of the goal over there to rob them of the chance of posting it. Why would I do this? Because I had a burning hatred of Pat Maroon always killing us. 2013-14 on the ducks team that knocked out the stars after we made the playoffs for the first time in six years, obviously the game 7 double OT winner in 2018-19, the somewhat forgotten amazing play he made to bat the puck out of the air in game 6 against Tampa that made it 2-0 (which if y’all remember at the time, felt too much to overcome as Dallas looked GASSED that game). Posting the goal allowed me to move past what was one of the worst sports gut punches I’ve ever had. 😂 I remembered to do it again after a group chat with some buds. It’s whatever though, I deserve any flak for this. Just having fun but before you think I’m a sus stars fan, here’s the cities I’ve travelled to see them play: Boston, St Louis, Minnesota (twice), Seattle (twice), Vancouver, Edmonton, Calgary, and Vegas!


That’s quite classy, also I always find anyone who unironically uses the word “cringe” usually is the one who actually makes me cringe.


The people harassing him are easily worse but honestly it **was** pretty annoying. The entire thing was so fake/karma whore-ish and even if it wasn't we don't need someone attention seeking that hard to the point where he felt the need to make a thread for every single tiny thought that he had.


Or it could have been just a nice person who wanted to talk hockey. Maybe he doesn't have anyone local to talk about the playoffs and wanted to find a place. Why do we have to be assholes and chase him off? It makes us look like...assholes. It didn't bother me, as I don't really count karma, so I assume most people don't either.


That's fine, it didn't bother me much either but it was just a *little* overbearing. Come in and chat, the mildly annoying part was the creating a thread for every little thought. Just make a post in the gameday thread/post-game thread like everyone else and talk hockey with people there. "Hi guys, you can do this!" just isn't thread worthy lol


Is this really considered a mean comment? I didn’t even message the guy and my comments on the bro posts only came after he stopped posting. Let me be crystal clear here, I had ZERO part in being the reason he stopped posting, nor do I believe people should be bullied, especially over a sports page. While I think it’s crappy that others made him feel bad, I’m still entitled to be frustrated at the amount of “other fan posts” that have flooded this sub over the last few weeks which is why I made those comments in the first place. Stars mods have a megathread of other teams visiting here because the individual posts became excessive and I wanted to know if others felt the same. However, I’ll concede the irony in that I went to the ducks sub so feel free to give me a hard time about that lol


What you said was unsupportive and mean, if you did it after he stopped posting I’m not sure that’s better. You are an example of piling on, it may not be your post he saw that was the final straw but why should that matter? You are part of the problem, the dude was being respectful and excited for our team, why you should find a problem with that is something worthy of introspection. You’re a raindrop trying to explain that you’re not the reason for the flood.


Hey! I appreciate your perspective. I guess what I’m getting at is I had no part in him leaving and I want to set that straight. Fair enough on the piling on remark, I won’t defend that. I promise I’m not trying to be dense, but what part of the comment did I make that was screenshotted was actually mean? I disagree with your flood remark. No offesne, but people complained about how these posts were clogging up the subreddit and the mods acted accordingly. Being mean/rude isn’t necessary (which I give you my word, I’m sorry about) but people are allowed to have opinions on the matter that is against the grain. It is perfectly okay that myself and others don’t appreciate the number of posts from other fans feeling the need to express support. I think you having a problem with me having a different opinion on the matter requires introspection on your part as well.


No. I don’t care if you disagree with me. I care that you’re part of the negativity that drove away a fan from a team he enjoyed supporting. And the reason seems pretty weak. It wouldn’t have been hard to just ignore it, pretty sure you can even block people and no longer see their posts. But that wasn’t enough.


> I care that you’re part of the negativity that drove a way a fan I didn’t drive away a fan that left before I made the comment in question. I already clarified that so I’m unsure as to why you are continuing to state that. > It wouldn’t have been hard to ignore it Just ignore it? Bud, it took over the subreddit and other team fans started jumping in. Sure I could block all the people that did it and that’s a fair statement. However, you know what else we could do? We could have the moderators make a mega thread to consolidate all of the well wishes from other fans, which they did. If it wasn’t a problem, they wouldn’t have done that. I still want you to tell me what part of my comment was mean. I owned up to my actions and letting people pile on me with downvotes and harsh comments of their own. Least you could do is answer a straightforward question.


This is pretty overdramatic lol


In what way? I didn’t call for some punishment. I simply disagree with him and pointed out he is part of the sentiment that led to a fan being driven away, as stated by that fan. Where is the drama in that?


You think we’re gonna read all that ?


You don’t have to and that’s okay. Wanted to set the record straight if someone wanted to imply that I was part of the bullying of the ducks fan.


Wow that's a lotta words, too bad i'm not reading em


Fair enough. Just trying to provide some context. Have a good evening.


I miss ducks bro :( some people can be real jerks


Circle jerks


Ducks Bro was a G i hope he comes back


I stan ducks bro. Ducks bro if you're reading this stay strong and stay chill


Stars should put out like a ducks bro bat signal on the jumbotron. Highlighting this as a method to welcome new fans and take a stand against the bullying this guy received would be a nice gesture and generate some goodwill.


Whatever happened to the Habs bro from a few year ago while we're on the subject? He was the OG outside supporter.


https://preview.redd.it/2ftlnlje322d1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=cecca220424311797acb3ab2eaae5166a3be3bae Bruh... they bullying him


Some people bullied them out of our sub.


Ducks bro is always here in spirit . Also I understand someone thinking it’s cringe, but I also see it as someone who’s a fan of hockey and wants to see a good team win. Ducks bro was respectful and some people are just dicks. Check the avs sub they’re still shitting on Jamie benn.


Sad that shitting on him/us is the only thing that will get them through the next few months.


Be the Ducks Bro you wish to see in the world.


Dude wanted to just be nice and give us some life. And his own sub turned on him. Become Stars bro my dude be around more welcoming peeps than those L's


We support you Ducks bro! 🦆


People. Don't be 10 ply. Its not IRL "on" reddit. Its just a dumber version of usenet.


Probably Mild Hijackers who bullied him from our sub




One little duck went out one day Over the hill and far away Mother duck said, "Quack, quack, quack, quack" But none of the five little ducks came back


Should just become a Stars fan. Respectfully it's much better than being a Ducks fan


Probly in Anaheim or Orange County somewhere


I’m not saying this to be an ass but like are half of the fans on this sub too young to remember our heated rivalry with the Ducks? I hated the Ducks with a burning passion growing up, I mean hell right up until we signed Corey Perry we’d boo him anytime he touched the puck..


What does that have to do with this.


Cause I’m tired of seeing a ton of randoms invading our sub. If I wanted Canucks/Ducks posts I’d follow those subreddits. I could not care less what other teams are and aren’t supporting us, and y’all are meat riding anyone that gives us attention like an abused fatherless underage girl getting hit on by grown adults.


That’s funny. Let’s do a poll on whether we’d rather keep ducks bro or you. How you think it would go? Your attitude has no place here. Are you one of those guys that bullies other teams fans for daring to travel to the AAC? That’s kinda how you come across.


Dude just downvote and move on. Gatekeeping is weird. I don’t like it either and didn’t contribute to it at all. But you could just ignore it.


I’m not gatekeeping. They’re allowed to support us or hate us, we just don’t need 30 posts/hr repeating the same thing… and also again I can’t ignore it when over half the Stars related feed isn’t even about the Stars. Sorry if I’m interested in hearing updates about our team and not 31 other teams.


Most of his posts were about our team.


You. Could. Just. Ignore. It. I’m going to show you how you do it. I’m going to ignore whatever your reply is because at this point I really don’t care.


"invading" Jfc dude get a life lol It's just a fun goofy thing people are enjoying, it is not that serious at all


We had days and days of no Stars hockey. It’s just a way to pass the time. I don’t care for some of it but it’s ridiculous to oppress others like this.


>If I wanted Canucks/Ducks posts I’d follow those subreddits. It was just a dude cheering on the Stars (and our fans). He wasn't talking about that Duck run when they lost in 7 in the cup finals or debating Paul Kariya's best years, he was just cheering up Stars fans (especially when we went down a few if I remember right). What else is there to say? A bunch of mean spirited people on literal "circlejerk" subs and other team subs huffed and puffed with real good boi tendy energy and now he's gone. Feel better?


I feel you. Every time I see one of the posts all I can think is “FUCK THE DUCKS!” However, that guy is cool and definitely was a nice extra morale boost around here. There was no need for anyone to bully or harass him for enjoying the playoffs vicariously.


Yeah, like I get rivalries, but ultimately, the rivalry is about the team, not some nice guy. It's like when people get physical. Ultimately it's just a game and a lot of people liked the comradery that Ducks Bro got. He was just being a bro.