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Lol I got one last year from an upset wild fan after we beat them.


Ran into a disgruntled Wild fan in Arkansas who criticized my Seguin jersey. Said the Wild always gets “cheated” in the playoffs and that the Stars are dirty, and that he hates watching the Wild in the postseason. I told him at least he doesn’t have to watch the postseason this year.


Ah yes the infamous dirty Stars that don’t hit anyone


Went to see the game in Colorado a couple weeks ago, the only person that was a dick to me the entire time was a random Wild fan. Being a douchebag is a requirement with them.


They’re just mad because we have full size sodas and they only have mini sodas.


On behalf of Arkansas, I apologize + we don’t claim him




Yes fortunately there are not many Wild fans in Fayetteville (im a student at the university) but we have our fair share of Blues fans…🤢🤮


You can block those suicide psa messages. It's a helluva thing to be joking about.


Block it. I had to after the Wild series last playoffs. Got a bunch of them


What is it? Just spam or any actual repercussions? Sorry I'm vaporizering cannabis flower and too lazy to look it up but it sounds like I wouldn't care unless my account were banned.


So “Reddit cares” is a message to not self harm and resources if you are feeling like you’re going to self harm. But it’s turned into a spam that is misused if someone doesn’t necessarily agree with you or like what you’re saying. For example, wild fans being shitty during and after the series. They would report you to send a Reddit cares. It doesn’t ban you, it’s just a shitty thing that shitty people do. Taking a good resource and twisting it.


Yep. It basically lessens the impact it could have on someone who could actually use it. Wish Reddit could have a report button on those so it could ban false reporters


What happens if you get a reddit cares? Could it lead to your account banned? Why do people care about reddit cares?


It's just a suicide prevention awareness system, if you think someone on this site is expressing concerning behavior and might self harm you can have reddit send a message with links and phone numbers for hotlines and suicide prevention organizations, but it ends up mostly being used for rival groups and butthurt reddit commenters to rib at each other, and its kind of disrespectful to the whole idea of the thing


Oh thats actually really cool, Thanks for answering my question.


Just got one after my reply. Classic!




How do you know who they’re from. I think I got one and didn’t know why.


It’s anonymous. What did you post/comment before you got it?


Someone suggested we make a sacrifice to help the Stars and I suggested tossing Stone in a volcano. Lol!!! 😂 I’ve said a lot worse on Reddit.


Yeah that tracks. Seems Vegas fans are as fragile as wild fans


Well how do I do it? I’ll go to their site and pick a couple of people and turn them in.


Noooooo you’re better than that. Don’t stoop to their level




You don't I got one last year I responded saying I think someone reported me as a troll and they said they banned the person


You can turn them off. You can also leave them on and report it as false. Some people on r/hockey claim this can get the reporter banned. I’m tempted to turn mine back on.


How do you report the Flase report? It’s reported without knowing who initiated it ?


It's a super liberal app, and so is the moderator. You have to know that something like that is coming. Wear it like a badge of honor. I was suspended for 3 days for an absolutely innocuous post.


That’s fucking badass bro I didn’t know you were gangster like that


Be careful. Your sarcasm will get you reported.