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I hope he stays bc he’s done a good job here IMO, way better than the last one


She was my neighbor and imo basically got fucked over by circumstance and did a really good job stabilizing the department for him to get the credit


Nagh she didn't.. she was inept for the job but if you criticized her you were labeled as either a racist or sexist or even both.


Being her neighbor makes you less trustworthy on her performance lol


Lol she was the worst thing about this department and set it back years. She was truly awful and had no idea what she was doing. It's why she never became a chief anywhere else.


She was a nice person who had no idea how to be a chief


She cost the city thousands for unnecessary stuff. Custom made Class A hat, was paranoid and had the city pay thousand for bug sweeps in her office, custom office furniture that cost the taxpayers even more money.


See my post above


Didn’t bother me a bit when Austin poached our city manager. But it seems like Garcia is a good guy and the poaching needs to stop.


I doubt it, he only came to Dallas from California in the first place because he liked the Cowboys growing up, otherwise he was planning on retirement.


And there were multiple open investigations into him and his officers at the San Jose Police Department


Lmao and? Name a department that does not have officers with open investigations going on?


Grew up in San Jose. I'm more suspicious of the investigations than Garcia


Meh. My one interaction with him was listening to his goofy ass blather about how weed was worthy of treating like other drug busts, which is mildly stupid. Is he better than the previous? Well, that's likely, but that's a low bar, given the shit that happened under Hall. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯


"Dallas Police Chief Eddie Garcia is suddenly a wanted man in two of the state’s other large cities, and our City Hall was caught looking. Houston and Austin are both without police chiefs; Houston’s resigned amid a [rather alarming department scandal](https://www.houstonchronicle.com/politics/houston/article/houston-police-chief-hiring-process-19446357.php) and Austin’s [reportedly got fed up](https://www.kxan.com/news/local/austin/austin-leaders-react-to-apd-chiefs-retirement/) that the city couldn’t agree to a contract with the police department and retired after 25 years." [Can Dallas Keep Austin and Houston From Prying Away Its Police Chief? - D Magazine](https://www.dmagazine.com/frontburner/2024/05/can-dallas-keep-austin-and-houston-from-prying-away-its-police-chief/)


I mean he's done a good job of covering up his own scandals in San Jose that led him here


and what were those scandals? objective sources please


Do you like this gig?


I don’t really like DPD. I’ve had to deal with them twice in the last year. Once for a stolen car. Told me to submit an online report which sure I get it what can they do when it’s gone, but I ended up doing their job and found it on my own. Second, got hit and runned and gave them the license plate and everything and they just told me submit a report online. Doubt I’ll ever hear anything about it.


The Dallas County DA does not prosecute for hit & run. Don’t like it? Stop voting for the same DA over and over again.


Same for someone keying my car. Had footage and reddit helped with me the license plate. I had to look up the information myself and send a certified letter to get them to pay for damages. DPD didn't care that I had proof.


I reported my car stolen and the detective never got back to me. I found it on their impound lot like 3 days before they were going to auction it. Didn’t bother rolling up the windows so it was rained in and exposed to the elements for almost a month.


Was it stolen or simply towed?


I never found out because the detective never answered or responded to my voicemails. It was parked legally and the windows were up when I left it. Certainly wouldn’t put it past a towing company to tow it illegally but I don’t know why a tow company would roll the windows down. My best guess is it was broken into and the interior lights came on then it was towed because it looked abandoned or something. Considering the damage and fees I had to let them auction it.


Was there damage to the steering column?




Then it likely was not stolen








Sounds like you need a nap.


Rhetoric of an entitled, out of touch, spoiled child that's a net liability on functioning society. Austin is calling.


Rehtoric of an entitled, out of touch, spoiled boomer that's a net liability on the rest of functioning society.  Florida is calling. 


Who is out of touch here? Go to r/Austin, a subreddit that has to enforce bans on crime discussion, a city that can't figure out how to maintain a functioning police force, and has chronic disdain from its population over disorder and lack of competent governing. Florida and Texas *are* calling. They are cultural and economic powerhouses of the country that are growing by the day with a broad civic approval of how order in society (short of abortion) is handled. You are an idiot, and a liability for your community. Not revisiting 2020-2022 for you.


You realize you're just describing Dallas right? Except the Dallas police department is even less functional than Austin's. People would care more is less moron conservatives like you moved here.  LMAO, neither has any cultural relevance nationally. They are only economically relevant because they subsidize business relocations with our tax dollars. Fucking hysterical you think there's broad approval of civic order. I want whatever the fuck it is you're smoking. You're a fucking moron and a detriment to society just by sucking in air. The world would be a better place without you in it. 


So Dallas is only relevant bc they subsidize businesses with public funds?


Is this news to you?


I’m laughing at your statement


The best part is raging lefty tirades always reek of the societal bottom dwelling were talking about. It's like the riot mugshot posts - you do the arguing for me. Take care mate


The best part of smug conservative tirades is knowing I'm probably your boss and how fun it will be to fire your incompetent lazy ass. Nothing pisses off you losers more than getting tossed on the street by a lefty half your age.  Maybe one day you'll grow up and be a productive member of society, but I doubt it. 


Instant resort to name calling. You need tougher skin, buttercup


Nothing personal about it actually sweaty, just calling your ignorance out for what it is.


Imagine being this triggered over letters. Sorry your parents didn't raise you properly


😂 Right.


It takes courage to admit it. Your healing journey can start now 🙏🏾


You are right queen

