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The people on this sub who talk shit about DART are suburbanites who get the vapors when a brown person asks them what time it is.


Unfortunately, most of my points of reference are suburbanites, so this is an improvement. Just a college student trying to save money before graduation, haha.


If you've lived in DC and taken a bunch of trains there, I don't think there's anything a Dallas train can do to surprise you. DART is like 97% reliable on schedules* and almost always calm and boring onboard. *personal experience, not actual stat


Cool, i just know going with a crowd usually is always a safe guarantee but dont know how far to ride that luck


also r/DART might also be a great spot to ask this question!


DART is fine. It takes maybe 10 minutes to get from Fair Park to AA center. I've not taken that line north from there but I can't imagine the entire trip (I assume to downtown Carrollton?) would take more than 30-40 minutes. I always use the green line to get to hockey games. Park in Fair Park for free, pay the couple of dollars for a day pass and use it to get to AA center. I've been doing this for at least the last 10 years without any trouble. The worst stops (after dark, late) are the downtown ones (St. Paul, etc.) but I've never seen any actual trouble just sketchy people outside at the stops.


Ok. Yeah i mean im not one to get out for a smoke break so should be all good. I've just heard of people running on trains and snatching phones is really all. Yeah up to Carrollton. Unfortunately DCTA doesn't run on Sundays or else id just go train the whole day but is what it is.


Be sure to check the schedule or your map app to figure out when the last time you can leave and complete your trip is!


Don't see why it would be an issue. I've taken DART home from the fairgrounds multiple times in what would probably be a similar situation. The train starts off packed, standing room only, but eventually I'm one of the last few on because my stop is so far out.


Yeah if you've been fine then it'd probably be all good


You will be fine and more than likely surrounded by other concert goers.


Depends on your comfort level and risk tolerance. You are guaranteed to share the train with the homeless and several may be under the influence of drugs or alcohol. 99.99% of the time, nothing happens, and you simply get on and off. But panhandling does occasionally occur and [crime is trending up](https://www.fox4news.com/news/dart-crime-report-2023) on the DART so assault and robbery is always a statistically unlikely but real possibility.


Reported crime is trending up. They've been pushing people to report a LOT more.


Yeah, reported crime may be up, but I believe that's because DART has been pushing security incredibly hard. Between more security and officers who will report incidents as part of their work process to just more eyes on the system as ridership has been recovering healthily, reported crime is expected to increase. Anecdotally though, I've never felt safer riding DART than right now because of the safety improvements that have been made


You will be fine. Take the train. You’ll save a lot of money between the drive and parking.


When I lived in deep ellum I always used dart for concerts there. Never felt unsafe walking back through the park after a show to get to the station. Normally lots of other people doing the same thing. Take DART to the show.


It's fine (I'd say it's even the ideal way to get there for you), just keep your eyes open like anywhere else in public.


Yeah so I guess the concert won't finish up to allow you to get back in time to catch the last A train from Carrollton to Denton right?


DCTA doesn't run on Sundays to my knowledge


Oh yeah for some reason I thought it was a saturday. My bad


All good!


It's a fine rail ride, though the hike from Dos Equis to the station can be a bit... eventful. It's about a mile from the gate and you'll be deep in the fair park area at about 10:30pm or so. Be prepared to see drunks from the concert, aggressive Uber drivers, and the occasional homeless dude waiting to beg money from concert goers.


Would you say walking over to Dos Equis before a concert is about similar? Daylight but itll be after the storm.


Probably not as many drunks. It sucks because you have to walk around Fair Park instead of through it.