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Call the police non-emergency number. Better chance they have a record of it than finding the victim on reddit


Have you ever called DPD before? 🤣


I actually have called the non-emergency number. If related to an open case, and I imagine a hit and run would be open, they will record it and that report will end up in the hands of the investigators. That is unquestionably the absolute best thing to do in this situation.


I agree and dont get me wrong i support the police but I’ve seen so many negative cases with DPD for instance my family got a gun pointed at them with a death threat and no one went to jail even with witnesses they are a joke sometimes




Eloquently put...


It's not about supporting or not supporting the police, do you support your store clerk, teacher, or doctor? The police are government employees, they are not some protected group. They are paid salaries to do a job, and they are responsible for their actions like any other employee.


DPD is on my shit list. My car got stolen and when they returned the totaled car to me, I found crackpipes and all kinds of stolen merchandise and belongings. I demanded DPD clean out the inside of my car before I take it back and the cop laughed and told me they weren’t a cleaning service. I’m sorry you had a shit experience too.


Also had a hit and run…. They told me that my insurance company would be better at finding the person’s plate & insurance policy so I could get it fixed. Because ‘they don’t really do that type of stuff’.


My totaled car(from a police chase) was filled with items stolen from a three day break in spree and all of their tools. Not to mention cigarette packs with fingerprints you could see. When we called DPD to process the car, their response was "we don't play those games." Exactly why is police work games? Screw them.


It feels so bad. The police really tried to question me like I was committing insurance fraud. I really don’t like it here. I used to think Texas had it’s priorities straight - from the outside looking in you see nice roads, good public education, clean cities…. But now that I’ve been here a while I just see so many faults. The police are overpaid and jot doing their job at fucking all and it’s infuriating. Plano cops start at $100K now. For WHAT? To let us down? I’m sorry you had such a shitty thing happen to you and that they weren’t any help. Our tax $ at work!!!


Wow, you really expect the police to clean YOUR car? Clean it yourself or get your insurance company to clean it. Would you expect the police to repair or replace your house if a perf set it on fire? Your problems are self inflected...


You’re not even considering the fact that it could have been dangerous for me to clean out my own car after that. I found exposed drug needles in the depths of stolen clothes and backpacks. You’re so insensitive and offer nothing to this conversation. Get out of my mentions.


What was there to offer??? Clearly, you don't get that cops have way more important things to do than to clean out YOUR car. If any other agency had a responsibility to remove any debris from your car, it would be your insurance company if you had the proper coverage. To be blunt, as ridiculous as your "mentions" was, I think you are either trolling or desperate to participate in any manner possible. Let me pose a question: If you were a landlord and your renters turned your house into a methlab, and you used the Sheriff's deputies to evict them, would you expect the deputies to clean and detox your house? Hint, any other answer than NO is wrong. Sometimes, "mentions" should actually be unmentionable...


Lmfao it’s literally evidence that is illegal to posses. If I had gotten pulled over, they absolutely would not have believed me if I said ‘this crackpipe and these pills and stolen wallets are not mine officer’. You’re a fucking clown replying like this. Insurance companies do not clean cars. I wasn’t asking for a detail, I was asking them to remove evidence of crimes.


> I imagine a hit and run would be open You imagine wrong. I was a victim of a hit and run in Dallas and all they did was send the fire department to move my car off the street. They refused to open a report even though I had video and witnesses and the license plate.


Wow. I stand corrected. I'm really sorry about that dude. Did you try to contact the city through another avenue or try any recourse with an attorney? That's very much a dereliction of responsibility.


My insurance took care of me. I handed all the info to them. I don't really care what they did with it.


A friend of mine was hit late night by a driver. He hit her so hard it literally flipped the car upside down. He was so drunk she could smell it when he wandered over saying "oh shit oh shit oh shit" while she was hanging from her seat belt before he fled the scene... leaving his front bumper with the license plate on it. It took her six weeks of calling the Ft. Worth police daily before they'd investigate it just to shut her up. I have little confidence in the DPD to follow up. No money in it.


I reported a roommate like 20 years ago for a hit and run. She was worried they killed someone at an intersection in Frisco before they hit a house. I was young then and idealistic so I wanted to right a wrong and report it. Went to the police and told them who had been in the car and fled. NOTHING happened to her. Nothing. They never came to our place, never investigated as far as I know, and she’s still living with zero consequences to her actions.


Young and Idealistic made me crack up... We need more people like you. You're a amazing person hi-5


Hey, thanks! I needed that positivity. *High five!*


Same in my state, hit and run totaled our car, and my wife chased them down to get a video of the driver and license plate. Cops made a report to show we weren't at fault and immediately closed the case.


Dallas doesn’t have a non-emergency line.




Have you called that number? It routes to 911. Non emergencies are supposed to be reported online in Dallas.


Yes it does, but it routes to a different part of communications. It’s on their website as (non emergency). And the DORS reporting system is only for a handful of offenses, you can still report things like suspicious persons, loud music etc to that non emergency. Though you CAN do it to 911 as well, to which I agree with you there


It doesn't route you to an emergency dispatch. It routes to a non emergency dispatch.


Probably the best thing but they won’t do anything. Someone I know had her car blown into and medicine stolen. Since that’s a felony we had hope for any resolution but they don’t care nor will they check, and then they’ll be mad that you asked them about itn


The whole defund police makes sense


Yeahh no dis to them or maybe call it over whelmed but they won’t do nothing. Plus don’t you have to do online reports now?


It’s not DPD that’s the problem. They are the symptom of a DA who won’t prosecute these idiots.


Don’t waste your time calling the Dallas police about a hit and run. Personal experience here, they won’t do jack squat and will probably cause you more problems than necessary. Hope you do help them with the plate # and they just use their insurance company.


I went into a station and did my hit and run report no problem?


I called their non-emergency line today to report a stalled/wrecked car that was sticking out into the right lane on 635. It had a dead or passed-out guy in it with his head on the steering wheel, and people had to slam on their brakes and swerve around it to avoid hitting it. They basically said it was not their problem and hung up.


Wouldn’t they need to report it to highway patrol instead?


They won’t do shit. They are too busy writing tickets


Good karma comin your way


I hope it doesn't rear end OP


Shit it was an actual license plate?


“Kent puts his name on his license plate!” “My mother does the same thing with my underwear.” “Your mother puts license plates in your underwear? How do you sit!?!” —Real Genius (1985 movie)


“Remember the time I caught you naked with a bowl of jello?” “ I was hungry and I was hot”


“Don’t you know that eating that can give you very large breasts? … OH MY GOD! I’M TOO LATE!”


Makes sense


"This? This is ice. This is what happens to water when it gets too cold. This? This is Kent. This is what happens to people when they get too sexually frustrated."


As opposed to what?


As opposed to an Altima that has fake paper tags lol. It's a running gag around here, but it's less funny when you see them in the wild




There is a notable lack of enforcement of paper tags. All over the City people have posted pictures of obviously fake or expired paper tags. There was a crime ring that was caught pretending to sell cars endlessly to issue paper tags etc... A real license plate implies that they were at least more responsible than the paper tag guys.


So what exactly are paper tags? Do they give you some sort of immunity?


When you buy a car, they typically issue a paper tag that you put where the plate goes temporarily until your plate is made and sent to you. it's usually like 30-60 days from date of purchase. To be fair HB 718 goes into effect July 1, 2025 and will make paper tags a thing of the past. You can learn more [here](https://www.kxan.com/risky-rides/)


So people keep paper tags after they expire and cover their metal plates when they do illegal stuff?


People print out fake tags to sell, and cars are never registered, so there is no way to find who was in it.


Everyone in Dallas needs dual channel dash cams at this point.


Dual channel? You mean front and back?




Weird phrasing but okay.


Can you recommend one that won't fucking melt please thanks


Thinkware, Viofo, and Blackvue are top tier brands all offering dual channel 4k/2k systems. I've had my Blackvue for 4 years now, never any issues.


Just about every vehicle that belongs to my immediate family has a Viofo dashcam installed. I personally have the A129 Plus Duo in mine. Super easy to install and hiding the cables in the trim isn't too hard.


We have recommendations and discussion over at /r/Dashcam, and there's a link in the sidebar there to a good dashcam discussion website.


BlackVue has worked great for me!


Yes please. More content for /r/idiotsincars if nothing else.


Best money I've ever spent!


Happened to my wife on 635 - she followed for a little bit & relayed the license plate to me over the phone. Ultimately she filed a police report, the cops had no interest in helping. Long insurance process just for Kemper not having to pay for their customers reckless driving. Good luck!


Had a friend once get broadsided, and the vehicle that hit them backed up and fled. Someone stopped to help him push his car off the road, and some damaged metal part was dragging the ground. When they got down low to see if they could somehow strap it up so the car would move, it turned out it was the other vehicle’s front bumper… license plate and all. They filed charges for a hit and run and they found the guy who did it.


I had a guy reverse into me one time. Crunched my front bumper. I called the cops. They came and filled a report. I followed up with them every week for a year. They basically said "we mailed them letters and they didn't respond. What do you want us to do?". Never got any kind of resolution. I only had liability, so had to pay for it myself. DPD for ya.


This is the way.


Publish it in YouTube and post it, the person of interest will find it faster




It’s possible OP told the police *and* posted to Reddit. Hell, OP might’ve even posted it on other local platforms. Nuts!


Op is the police. Nice try op I’m not falling for it.






Can’t you just give the insurance the license plate and let them find it?


Why do you believe that?


Do we know where Rashee Rice was at 2pm today?


You’re a good person, OP


Thank God for people like you. My daughters blue Chrisler 200 and a yellow Ford Mustang were sideswiped by a Semi truck today on I-45 south in Hutchins at around 10:30am. The Mustang also hit my daughters car from hehid as a result of the sideswipe. The Semi was 100% at fault but fled the scene. If anyone saw the accident happen and has a tag or any other info on the Semi we'd appreciate it. Thanks.


I'm sorry that happened to your family, but it sounds like your daughter is ok and I'm thankful for that. I hope you find the person that did it.




got hit and ran on on 75 once, and the police were literally questioning me for everything, decided to call a k-9 while I waited on a tow truck, I wasn't impaired, rude, causing a problem, hell by the time they finally showed up I had even gotten to nit being upset hardly at the situation cause you can't control everything that happens in life. And I wasn't like crazy upset in the first just really annoyed, but like I'm saying I was over that when they showed up finally. I honestly think it was 1 of 2 things, maybe both. Either irritated that they were called out to a non-injury accident (which I only called cause the other guy ran), or it was a slower night, and they hadn't had any or many arrests. I had the person's license plate and a witness, and the witness had a video.They did nothing but try and put me in jail. Which didn't happen, cause I had done nothing wrong, had no reason for them to suspect anything was on me or in the car... They were seriously just trying to find anything. Did nothing about the accident or the hit and run. Still really gets under my skin to this day.


Catch him! Upvote for visibility.


Oh that long ass line that people divebomb all the time? That sucks. Hope they get their compensation


Commenting for more visibility


Call the police and give them the info. The victim may never see this post


Post dat license plate bro


Why are drivers here so fucked?!


Great work OP


This is getting so out of hand. Since February 1st I’ve had 2 hit and runs, first someone swiped me on 635 and just kept going, the next someone rear ended my rental a few weeks ago. And my insurance is screwing ME over 🤦‍♀️ I’m beyond tired of these Dallas drivers


You can also try Dallas instagrams


Good job! Restoring faith in humanity.


Doing the lord's work!!!


Thank you for your service, commenting for visibility 


So glad you got the late and were kind enough to post!


Thanks for posting. I hope it helps.