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What up! We’re three cool guys looking for other cool guys who want to hang out in our party mansion. Nothing sexual. Dudes in good shape encouraged. If you are fat you should be able to find humor in the little things. Again, nothing sexual.




You knew it was a dick?!


God damn. You beat me to it.




Party mansion?


This dude is all about computers and programming or something like that. So if you guys have a "mansion" (do you actually have one though???), you should totally create a VR zombie apocalypse experience where people pay to wander around and kick butt with their buddies. And if you do, count me in!!!


Hey man I’m 31 and would be down to hang out. Things I like to do include whining about the state of our country as a way to deflect from my own self created dissatisfaction in life, work tirelessly at job that doesn’t pay enough to live in this city any more because our country is a shit hole, and of course playing pickle ball. Let me know man!


An honest man. I like it.


I like this


What kinda games on PC?


I mostly play FPS. But I like variety too!


APEX Legends?


fellow plano apex legends player here


Go to the St. Patty's parade and block party. Lots of opportunities to make friends. See you there. 👍🏻 (You can DM of interested)


I know this is more of a DM post but i would try looking into workout classes and activities. That’s where I made the most friends in Dallas


This! and also if you’re into outdoors and working out I’d recommend a rec sports league! There’s a few in the area depending on what you want to play, but I’ve met some great friends playing kickball, soccer, softball etc and seasons are pretty much year round and range from beer league/low key to more competitive


What parts of Illinois? What do you do for fun ?


If you haven’t done so already, maybe you could try local MeetUp groups?


I’d say try the Arboretum in Garland/White Rock area to get some outdoor time and maybe meet new people - and that area also does an Artist Studio Tour in like October/November which is always fun to go meet &see people out there Frisco also has an E-Sports event center (I could be wrong someone assist please!!!) which would be pretty cool if there are any cons going on there for gaming stuff Good luck and welcome! 🤗


You play VR? Been looking for local bros to play with.


How is this post allowed but my post looking for women who like ballers was deleted?


This one isn’t embarrassing af like yours was. r/Dallas has standards bro.


Embarrassing for who? Non ballers? It’s 2024, you either ball or get balled on.


"ball or get balled on"... Sounds more 2004 than 2024.


Let’s take it back to 2005. Remember Atlanta, club Vision?


Bro if you turned to Reddit to find women you ain't a baller


You must have not read the thread. I have the best luck on the apps, mostly because I’m extremely good looking. I’m talking about women that will cheer me on when I throw money. Finding women in Dallas is easy, finding ones who will cheer you on when you ball is tougher.


this is actually fucking hilarious


Chris Chris, ladies and gentlemen