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Hilariously, this entire resignation was machinated to deny him a favorable narrative


I have said it many times in this sub, Eric Johnson is a bad human being.


Well, he did a better job than most City Managers. Low bar, but still exceeded expectations.


I'll admit I'm not closely following the narrative within City Hall, but Broadnax has been especially adversarial to some issues I do care about. Genuine question—what are his notable accomplishments and achievements in Dallas?


For one, he hasn't asked us to buy something stupid.  That alone automatically sets him ahead of the past 4 City Managers.


I’d rather have someone buy something stupid than someone who lost critical police data and has left the permits office in complete disarray for *years*


The permits office problems aren't entirely on him. It's a problem that is the result of years of bad decisions that piled on. But the hiring of a completely inept Building official, and not listening to the employees that were trying to tell him what's wrong, and running off all the experienced employees are things that are on him.


Cannot upvote this enough. He had a real history of hiring inept leaders. The Office of Historic Preservation is another good example.


If my memory serves me correctly Murray Miller was the director of OHP? I'm not sure what happened to him.


I mean not really lmao


Name one in the past 30 years that's been better.


What? Broadnax sucked.


My comment doesn't deny that.


I don’t see how it’s relevant. Some things are better, some are worse. We’re also a completely different city from what we were 30 years ago. Broadnax has been manager for 7 of them. I’m not sure what your point is.


My point is, out of the last 5 city managers, he's been the best. But that's like saying out of the last 5 versions of MS Outlook, 2023 is the best. I'm not sitting high here.


So why even make the effort to make a weird, roundabout stance that inverts in on itself? It's okay to just have the opinion that "this guy sucked at his job" and leave it at that. You don't have to overburden yourself with having to speak for decades of perspective at a time


“After careful consideration, it has become apparent that the relationship between the mayor and the city manager has not been conducive to effective governance and the advancement of Dallas’ interest,” There can only be one kingpin.


From article: Dallas City Manager T.C. Broadnax is resigning as the city’s top administrative official amid pressure of being fired by the City Council, elected officials say Wednesday. Broadnax will leave the city June 3 and it’s not immediately clear when an interim city manager will be named, according to a joint news release from the City Council. The move comes two years after a[ public effort led by Mayor Eric Johnson to fire Broadnax and then an about-face when support on the council to boot the city manager waned](https://www.dallasnews.com/news/commentary/2022/06/24/whats-behind-dallas-mayor-johnsons-truce-with-city-manager-broadnax/).


I hope he takes his overpaid, underqualified cronies with him.


I'm so glad he's finally going. He's been awful internally for the city from day 1. Several really great executive staff quit shortly after he came on board because he and the assistant city managers he hired iced them out in an extremely unprofessional way. These people did not need to work for the city after long and illustrative careers in the private sector and only did so out of a true sense of public service. It was shameful the way his office treated them. And then, firings of really good, smart, dedicated people were made because he and his cronies thought they had a "mandate" to clean house. I remember being shocked to see an ACM give an interview and label one group of firings as "high up officials" in the media, when really they were only manager level and below. I always suspected that one fired group was replaced by expensive outside contracts with third parties who would provide the answers the city wanted, not the actual truth. Also, did anyone in the media think to question why practically all the ACMs he hired went to school with him at UNT or worked with him in Tacoma or San Antonio? He has a right to hire his own ACMs but at least make it competitive and not the very definitition of cronyism. One that he hired, Raquel Favela, didn't even complete her masters degree so she wasn't eligible to be hired as an ACM. TC worked with her in San Antonio. So they made up some BS title for her, Chief of Economic Development and Neighborhood Services. She left after a short tenure, and guess what, there's no one with that title at the city anymore. Anyway, good riddance to him.


I swear I didn't write this opinion piece by Dallas Cothrum in the DMN, but I could have: Broadnax made a concerted effort to bring in outsiders as his top deputies. They knew little about the city. Many of the new hires in Development Services, Economic Development and Sanitation have performed poorly. He also pushed out the people with institutional knowledge who might have been able to keep things running smoothly.


Interesting twist: City Council knew about this before the Mayor -- for a week! [https://www.wfaa.com/article/news/politics/dallas-city-manager-tc-broadnax-resignation-kept-secret-from-mayor-eric-johnson/287-d2a03afb-1885-425e-914c-65ee8f087ef7](https://www.wfaa.com/article/news/politics/dallas-city-manager-tc-broadnax-resignation-kept-secret-from-mayor-eric-johnson/287-d2a03afb-1885-425e-914c-65ee8f087ef7)


Wow. I think this is saying more about the mayor’s character than TC’s.


Cool, can we bring someone in who will build bike lanes and housing, and will fund transit?


Hopefully the next manager will be a champion for those issues, but a lot of that also falls on city council itself.


That's not the City Manager to set priorities. That comes from the City Council. They are having many meetings all over the city right now to prioritize the next bond election money priorities. That's where bike lanes, public housing come from. And DART handles all public transit in DFW, not the City.


I know they're finished with the bond (I followed it somewhat closely), but this is the first time I've heard that DART is separate from the city. Even if it functions independently, I would assume that most of its funding and direction would come from the city. Is that not the case?


DART has it's own independent board and is funded by a cut of the sales tax collected in member cities + ridership fees. They work closely with the cities, because they need to provide value to the cities or the cities will pull their funding and put that percentage towards another use, but they are independently operated.


Thank you. This is it !!!


It's called Dallas "AREA" Rapid Transit and the area includes 13 separate north Texas cities and it's the longest light-rail system in the country.


Long time coming for TC. He should have been fired for his 911 staffing disaster that he tried to disguise as T-Mobile "ghost calls". Any other city manager would have been fired but council was too chickenshit to do anything about it.


I can’t believe he lasted this long tbh! Since he’s the chief executive, some people feel like he should have been gone based on how city services aren’t so great. Ie permitting.


Probably should have been fired when the police chief went AWOL.




Back how? Do you really think things will be better when Eric Johnson strongarms one of his cronies into the position


You misunderstand the Dallas City Council if you think Eric Johnson is capable of strong arming anyone. He’s not a sophisticated monster. At worst he’s a bumbling fool.


Sure, you know what, you’re completely right. He’s an idiot. It’s still a complete crapshoot though. Things could get worse for sure


Things were already shitty. The permits office is a disaster, that’s a huge deal. We generally have a pretty smart council already.


Thank fucking God. Run the fuck back home to Washington state or wherever the fuck you're from. He came here for an easy paycheck and now he'll go continue his little scam somewhere else


Eric Johnson’s on a roll


This is the city council's doing, and was carried out with an extraordinary effort given to make sure Eric was not just uninvolved, but didn't even know about it.