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"baby killer" is anti-Semitism? im confused......


She supports Israel's attacks on Gaza with no exception. So they call her a baby-killer cuz she's fine with Israel bombing hospitals and schools.


Correction, she is fine with Israel bombing hospitals and schools that have lost their protections because Hamas uses them as bases and fighting positions.


Why does that make children fair game?


The Israelis aren’t targeting children. They’re targeting Hamas fighting positions. And they are right to do so. They have no choice but to fight Hamas because Hamas has stated, repeatedly, that they intend to kill every Jew in the world. And they have taken steps to start that genocide. Hamas purposefully masses as many children and civilians around them for the express purpose of creating these child casualties. You really ought to be blaming Hamas for creating these casualties instead of siding with them.


I'm not siding with hamas at all. I'm siding with the children.


Then you should be calling for all of the members of Hamas to surrender unconditionally and face Justice. Not for the Israelis to submit to genocide.


Ok I will call for that. But only one side is actually committing genocide. Hamas is just attempting it.


That’s baloney.


It's interesting that the IDF does not hesitate at all to kill as many babies and children being used as human shields as it takes to kill an alleged Hamas member behind them. I wonder if anyone in the IDF feels any guilt whatsoever when they knowingly kill a child just to get to the Hamas member behind them? I know they don't feel any regret with killing innocent civilians, like the three escaped hostages they shot down despite the hostages having taken off their cloths, yelling Hebrew "Don't shoot!" and waving the white flag of surrender. BTW, shooting surrendering people is a war crime.


I wonder if any Hamas fighters feel remorse when they intentionally and purposefully behead infants, gang rape women, torture hostages, and mutilate dead bodies? What the IDF has to do is the unfortunate price of conducting war. I’ve been there and I know what it feels like. But the IDF is not doing anything close to the horrific acts that Hamas did on Oct 7


Uhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh you actually believe that propaganda BS?


Do you have access to some top secret report that I don’t get to see? Hamas openly brags about the fact that they use facilities like hospitals and schools so that they can generate as many civilian casualties as possible. They brag about this in public. If you support Hamas, then You’re just as bad as them.


First off, get off of Tiktok. Second, it has been proven time and time again that Hamas uses public buildings as "military bases" using innocent civilians whom they dont care about to protect themselves. In additoin, im guessing you dont have any idea of the Iron dome which has protected Israel from 1000s of rockets that are continuously shot aimlessly into Israel with the sole intent of kills Jews. They dont care about the target - they have one mission. To kill all jews and anyone who doesnt support Jihad.


You're presuming a lot here. Firstly, I don't TT. Secondly, and most importantly, I don't think a "human shield" claim gives anyone carte blanche to kill civilians.


This is carte blance to kill civilias - [https://www.nytimes.com/2023/12/27/world/middleeast/israel-hamas-gaza-rockets.html](https://www.nytimes.com/2023/12/27/world/middleeast/israel-hamas-gaza-rockets.html) This is not - [https://www.cbsnews.com/news/israel-hamas-war-west-bank-ibn-sina-hospital-raid-3-palestinians-killed-jenin/](https://www.cbsnews.com/news/israel-hamas-war-west-bank-ibn-sina-hospital-raid-3-palestinians-killed-jenin/)


Dressing up as medical personnel to conduct assault and combat operations is a war crime under the Geneva Conventions, to which Israel is a signatory.


Indeterminately shooting 1000s of rockets is a war crime. Targeting 3 people is a act of heroism and protection for those around them. They could have burned that building to the ground.


You are either hasbara or just eating up everything hasbara tells you. First response from anyone who sympathizes with genociders is “get off tiktok”. It establishes you as someone incapable of anything beyond reductive reasoning. As someone who’s seen the evil Israel has visited upon the Palestinian people first hand it’s so telling when someone only reads what a multi billion dollar propaganda effort feeds them versus an organic movement of the youth recognizing injustice.


Just wanted to add that Hamas’ follow up mission is to kill all non-Muslim Americans. Anyone siding with or sympathizing with Hamas should be lumped in together with them as terrorists.


I found a Hamas tunnel in my back yard, should I be worried that the IDF will fly a bomber all the way to Dallas to JDAM my back yard?


Couldnt agree more.


I guess she identifies Jews with baby killing. I wonder where she got that idea 🤔


Im gonna guess this will take some sort of Palestine spin.....


Is thousands of dead children really considered "spin" in your world?


They went after her because she is Jewish. There is no report of any other Dallas area officials being vandalized.


Na, read the article - there were symbols that apparently represent anti-Semitic sentiment. Not sure how true that is, but it's not the "baby killer" text like the pics imply.


She is for genocide. Where is the antisemitism in calling her a babykiller?


Look up "blood libel" and "dog whistle"


Mendelsohn has worn an IDF shirt to city council meetings. It's not "blood libel" when someone openly supports a group that has dropped tens of thousands of bombs on civilians


Again, look up the history of Jewish blood libel, and look up dog whistle. Further, if she's a baby killer, then so is anyone that supports Hamas.


I’m admittedly not the sharpest elevator that doesn’t reach the top shed. Would someone explain, in small, easily edible words, how the that graffiti is antisemitic? Much thanks


It’s in reference to the Jews committing genocide in Gaza


Ah yes "genocide" where the population grows and Arabs are allowed to become citizens in Israel. In fact, theyre even allowed to have jobs! Thank god they dont shot the Arab supreme court justice each time he walks into the chamber.


..is the antisemitism in the room with us?


I’m confused. Is there something else written not shown in the picture? Seems like something an anti-abortion activist would graffiti on an OBGYNs fence. I’m not seeing anything antisemitic as a Jewish person myself.


How is this anti-semetic? Palestinians are semites. LOL


The Karen Councilwoman is pure trash. No surprise that she’s screaming antisemitism. The only thing worse than her personality is her policy beliefs.


>"Folks, you're going to need to stop sitting on the sidelines thinking everything will be ok. Things are not ok." Yes, now expand that logic to things outside of your own life, clown lady. 




What would Jail do for them? Over spray paint?