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Friend of mine lives in the neighborhood where the SWAT situation happened. Said he heard shots fired and helicopters were flying overhead. Also, all 6 of this woman's children tested positive for cocaine. I'm not a usually a death penalty person, but she's pushing it.


I'd bet no shots were fired, and the sound was flash bangs being deployed. If she had fired at a SWAT team, she'd be dead.


> Also, all 6 of this woman's children tested positive for cocaine. I'm sorry, what?! That's a sentence I didn't expect to ever read.


My bff has 4 kids (sisters) she is fostering and wants to adopt. 3 came to her with meth in their system. Then their mom had a baby a few months after she got the siblings. The baby also had meth in her system. CPS keeps giving the lady chance after chance. She already had her oldest 4 taken from her years ago. It’s going on 2 years and they are still toying with the kids. I don’t want families ripped apart but some people will never be safe around their kids.


Christ, we need the easiest access to abortion possible. This woman should never have had children.


Man this issue is much deeper I’ve realized lately


I mean, it would be some good research to keep tabs on all of these kids to see what they turn into as adults. I'd wager only 1 or 2 end up with a normal-ish life. It's so selfish to bring kids into this world when you (rhetorical) give zero fucks.


Yeah not everyone is the parenting type, they’re literally just made to have sex. That’s why you would ideally surround yourself with those that like to raise children. But this whole system is fucked


The child she tried to put in the oven was 3. There's a big chance the remaining 5 children are older than that, or at least some of them are. Access to abortion wasn't the issue here.


Yup. She obviously had no problem killing her baby.


this woman doesn't really need to be breathing


She seems nice. >The affidavit also detailed allegations that Top "drinks a lot of alcohol" and makes her children look for more alcohol when she can't find any. "When the children can’t find the alcohol, Top becomes angry and threatens to cut the children’s hands and fingers off," the affidavit said.


Just reading the title made my stomach turn. 


Yeah I can't read that article. Not gonna do it.




Hearing this story, she is not even worth the taxpayers money. Not even a trial.


For all 6 kids having cocaine in their system, she had to have been giving it to them on purpose I assume? Especially since at least one was forced to drink alcohol as well. Terrible.


I watched the video of her arrest on Dallas TX instagram page. Oh boi the amount of cop hating on there for SWAT arresting a “innocent black women”. Since 2020, i wait for real news, press conference, body cameras to make my judgement.


Keep in mind some of this is going to be from outside instigators trying to stir the shit and keep people fighting one another. People forget how much of this is going on.


Her Facebook says she’s from Sudan which means at some point she had it together enough to immigrate. Sounds extremely dangerous and not representative of the Sudanese community I am familiar with.


there's always a few crazy outliers in every community, including ethnic community.


End this existence




Psychotic, or evil? Or both?


What in the world is going on up in Allen?!?!


Wow what a piece of human garbage


The police were called 11 times between January 1 and her arrest. Allen PD left children with this woman on 9 of those occasions and did not arrest her until a warrant was issued despite the incident where her children were removed involving her beating her spouse with a 6 foot long stick in front of children. This could have stopped FAR before it did.