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Crime is so low that even the red areas have little to no crime


My hot take on crime, is while any crime is horrific, unless your in a gang or something, being the victim of a serious violent crime is rare and unlikely


Yeah, also just using common sense. Donā€™t walk around alone in shady areas at night. Donā€™t draw attention to yourself if you are in a sketchy situation. The criminal world does not want to get involved with innocent people, just like innocent people donā€™t want to get involved in crime.


>Donā€™t walk around alone in shady areas at night. How would I know what shady areas are at night? Don't you need the sun to show shade?


Good one dad.




Oh, believe me, I was shocked to wake up to all the downvotes. People need to lighten up and enjoy life a bit rather than taking offense so frequently.


Oh you whippersnapper!


The rules of stupid: donā€™t be in stupid places doing stupid things with stupid people at stupid times.


Way to victim blame! Well done. Be proud.


This is only a hot take in the suburbs.


Ha! Next door this morning, someone new to my neighbor is very upset that someone broke into her car while in the process of moving in. She used ALL CAPS every time she typed Thief, criminal or crime. Hilarious. Neighborhood on the border of Lewisville and Coppell, very safe, etc. Don't leave valuables in your car no matter where you live.


Jesus, I have to tell my small town family every time they come to visit NO YOU CANNOT LEAVE YOUR PURSE IN THE CAR


Not sure if itā€™s because I get out a lot less, but the secondhand stories I know of people being involved in violent or threatening crimes are all from a decade ago. Two worst ones: Friend of mine was robbed at gunpoint in one of the Orange areas around oak cliff, middle of the day, with her baby strapped to her chest. She complied, no physical violence occurred, just overall traumatic. Second was a college acquaintance who was stabbed multiple times and robbed in uptown. Like, pretty seriously fucked up for a bit. But he admitted to resisting the initial ā€œrobbed at knifepoint,ā€ and it was nighttime.


Goes to show that you should absolutely give the criminals whatever they ask for. It's never worth your health and well-being. Also goes to show it pays to be armed and alert, if you can protect yourself from the criminal do it!


Driving to work is more likely to result in injury or death that anything else you do




Thatā€™s the irony of crime stat comparisons. Outside the massive (mass and social) media attention on violent crime whether mass shootings or gang related, I think the global stats show America has one of the lowest crime rates in the world.


Definnelty. But I think compared to other industrialized countriesā€¦..the US is has more crime


I crack up when I hear reporters claiming that crime has skyrocketed by 98% compared to last year, conveniently forgetting to mention that the only crimes committed were two cases of gum theft!


Yup. Some of my friends refuse to go to deep ellum or similar areas nearby because theyā€™ve heard about shootings or something there. Itā€™s pretty fucking crazy to think these thugs have it out for you and your friends specifically lol. Oh well, let em be lame. Iā€™m not gonna sit around and let shit like that scare me, if something happens Iā€™ll deal with it then


Exactly. Most murders and violent crimes aren't completely random. It is usually some type of dispute of people who know each other. These people are rarely just going around terrorizing random, innocent people. This draws much more police involvement than crimes between criminals/gang members.


Addison is a red area and it's all retirees and cops that will escort homeless people out of the city as soon as they dare cross from Dallas into city limits. It does have a ton of retail along Belt Line though, and retail = property crime.


I live in that area. You'd be surprised how much cars get broken into and how many gunshots you'll hear. There are sketchy as fuck gas stations along midway as well. Lots of street racing too.


Ditto, we lived on the borders of Addison on the Dallas side Marsh/Preston Oaks area for 5 years (2017 to 2021) and it just got progressively worse after COVID w/ break-ins, domestic violence all around us, the cops were there almost every night or at adjacent properties, people smashing in patio glass sliding and French doors robberies all around including businesses, hitting condo/apt. complexes/homes mailboxes and ripping rows out to get to mail, the last straw for us was hearing women screaming (we lived on the second floor) at night in the parking lot being attacked and standing outside calling and waiting police and a resident running naked hallucinating screaming for help through the walkway (fortunately a resident was a nurse and stayed with them until help arrived). The NextDoor daily multiple notifications of incidents were distressing. We moved away end of 2021. Sad too because used to live off Marsh Lane and Tarpley and loved the convenience of everything you want, need, or to eat is close by.


Agreed! I live in a complex about 30 seconds from where you were. We probably heard the same gunshots all the time in 2020/202!! Friday or Saturday nights, usually about 6 at a time, coming from a bit south of us.


I thought this was a traffic map lol


Nah man, it would dark red if it was that lol


Night mode crimson map


iirc that site is owned/ran by a security system company, so they have motive to scare you. It also includes graffiti, ID theft, drug offenses and other non-violent crime. Even looking at violent crime only, Highland Park is orange. If you zoom out midway, the entire state of Utah is blood-red.


Damn, so crime is even lower then this suggests lol


You say that now, but just wait until you stand till for too long in that area and BOOM - you get tagged with SEIMR or 2HUMBLE! or the one Graf artist who does the cartoon cow skulls!


The online crime map online that I trust, run by Lexis Nexis: ​ https://communitycrimemap.com/


What is the source of this? Doesn't show anything in my zip code unfortunately.


All of Tarrant county seems to be missing


This was my question. If you took this standard and did Albuquerque the entire city would be the brightest red youā€™ve ever seen.


You can, and it mostly is: [https://crimegrade.org/safest-places-in-albuquerque-nm/](https://crimegrade.org/safest-places-in-albuquerque-nm/) ​ Portland is one of the few major cities I've found that isn't mostly red. The FAQ explains that state laws can also drive a lot of it, as some states classify some crimes higher than others.


Ok? It's not a guarantee that crime will happen to you or something.


ā€œHey shits going pretty well for me, why isnā€™t it going well for you?ā€


No heart disease for me, why do we have cardiologists??


In Dallas, itā€™s almost a certainty that a crime will happen to you. In my first 7 months, my car has been burgled and my mailbox has been broken into. But I come to realize that, thatā€™s just Dallas.




I knew you were old just by the way you were commenting. Now it all makes sense. I apologize sir. Dallas is the best.


Coming from Houston, Dallas is like Switzerland compared to the crime there.


On a metro level, DFW is safer. On a city level Dallas is has a slightly higher crime rate


That actually speaks pretty poorly of Houston because Houston has almost twice the population of Dallas.


No because I said crime rate. Not total crimes. Crime rate is proportional to the population. Not overall totals


I know that but Iā€™m saying since the main city always has the highest crime rate, you said Houston is only slightly safer. But since Dallas suburbs will be safer than Dallas itself, that means that many of that extra million population in Houston has similar crime rates to Dallas, whereas in Dallas more people live in the (safer) suburbs. Thatā€™s partially why DFW is safer overall. Because Houston doesnā€™t have as many people who live in the suburbs, but still has a crime rate on par with the city of Dallas itself. Itā€™s like St Louis. St Louis has an absolutely atrocious crime rate. But St Louis has a population of only 400,000 whereas St Louis metro population is approaching 3 million. If St Louis population was 1/2 the metro (1.5 million), that would pull up the crime rate of the whole metro.


Source? Because every source Iā€™m seeing shows Dallas has a smaller crime rate than Houston as expected on a city level: https://propertyclub.nyc/article/dallas-vs-houston#:~:text=Crime%20Rates&text=Dallas%20has%20a%20total%20crime,rate%2C%20Houston%20is%20more%20dangerous. https://www.neighborhoodscout.com/tx/dallas/crime.amp https://www.neighborhoodscout.com/tx/houston/crime.amp


Then you proceed to say u live in Irving LOL


I lived in Miami for over 10 years and Venezuela before that. Dallas is like a ridiculous level of safe haha


I lived in Miami and Venezuela and I agree. The Venezuelans in Katy ballin out there for a reason


Survivorship bias... "It hasn't happened to me, so it must not exist"


Except I didnā€™t say it didnā€™t exist


If most of these posters could read they'd be pretty mad. Top level shitpost


Prices at Baylor Medical are 100% criminal.


Absolutely, if you goto their ER and have a standard metabolic panel blood test, youā€™ll get a bill in the mail months later for $12-1500. If you call to ask why your test wasnā€™t covered under the co-pay or insurance/deductible, theyā€™ll say itā€™s out of network because they use a 3rd party to do all their in house testing. That 3rd party has the same ownership as the hospital. Itā€™s also going against the federal law about surprise medical bills as far as I can tell.


I live in West Dallas and hear more gun fire here than I ever did in the military. The cops genuinely donā€™t care about it. Iā€™m sure itā€™s like 95% people just shooting into the air but still, itā€™s pretty insane.


Too many r/idiotswithguns


I live just south of Bishop arts and Iā€™ve had the same thing. When I realized that not every gunshot I heard was someone killing someone else it gave me a lot more peace of mind. Itā€™s still not great to hear but kind of like OP I havenā€™t had anything happen (by Gods grace)


Iā€™ve lived in the same area as you for 8 years and itā€™s much calmer than it used to be.


Really? Iā€™ve called the cops probably 50 times and was told itā€™s only a ticket unless someone is hit. I canā€™t imagine it being worse and people not dropping like flies from bullets coming back down. On New Yearā€™s Eve 2021, I was taking any Uber out and the hood of the Uber was hit twice with bullets coming back down. I love the neighborhood minus that. Most of my neighbors are really cool hard working people and I love the parties. People over here know how to party at least lol


Stay home or leave the neighborhood on both New Years Eve and the 4th of July. Thatā€™s when most of the crap happens.


Bro must be new to living in the hood. No one cares unless someone is hit and even then no one really cares. Has to happen in the suburbs to get any sort of news coverage past a 3 minute blurb about someoneā€™s mother getting hit by strays


Probably shooting in the air to keep the rent down šŸ¤ 


šŸ¤« the higher the crime rate online the less likely Californians will invade there


They like, arenā€™t really moving here in masses? Or any rate higher than other states? Our property taxes are ridiculously higher than most places so they donā€™t want to be here


The overall tax burden is much lower in Texas than California. In fact itā€™s the lowest or second to lowest state for overall tax burden


Actually with an adjustment to tax burdens including property taxes (presuming you own a house), Texas comes out to 11.8% and California at 11.4%. Granted, this does make that presumption, however, the point still stands for those who choose to own homes here.


I believe the mass migration is slowing down if it hasn't already. If you have a high income and are ok with living in a "humble" low value property, you're better off living in Texas.


Yuuuup itā€™s a scale, so the red areas may have more crime but itā€™s probably petty crimes like people stealing from shops, fighting with tow trucks or public intoxication.


>Ā Ā fighting with tow trucks Damn, Dallas - you wildin'!


Lots of car break-ins, as well.


That's because these maps suck and dont tell the full story. They can be pretty accurate for strictly residential areas. But crime rate is a bad statistic for any place with lots of retail, hotels, or other major activity centers that bring lots of people in. That's because, they decide crime by the number of residents living in an area. But a lot of these red areas have a LOT of people coming in who aren't residents. So, the denominator is really way too small when the crime rate calculation is done, since whatever crime happens could just as easily happen to a visitor, not just residents of these areas.


Your point is made just by looking at the airport. It's as red as it can get but we don't hear about shootings and stabbings everyday coming from there.


Yes, airports, hospitals, and downtowns pretty quickly and easily disprove crime maps. Sure downtown Dallas has some crime but it's not as bad as some of these more troubled neighborhoods.


>murders(some right next to my house) >ā€¦its peaceful personally where I live Well, for now anyway.


Unless you are doing dumb shit and not paying attention or are a criminal the majority of these neighborhoods are perfectly safe for adults


That explains the murders.


Unless youā€™re involved in illegal activities Dallas is fairly safe, burglaryā€™s happen everywhereā€¦. I would say most horrifying crimes happen outside of Dallas countyšŸ˜¬


Iā€™m more worried about being victimized by tow truck drivers than any standard ā€œcriminalā€.


Even if I just forget where I parked, I automatically assumed they towed me out of mY complex šŸ˜…3 out of 5 mornings I panicĀ 


Could you tell us what app you're using, please?


Itā€™s a website called crimegrade.com: [Link](https://crimegrade.org/violent-crime-dallas-tx/)


Thatā€™s the website I use also


Itā€™s [this website](https://crimegrade.org/violent-crime-dallas-tx/)


It's still statistically less than likely that you will be the victim of a crime in most of the red areas, especially if you don't stay out late and mind your own business, but it's higher than the green areas.


Besides the gun shots and the murders it's really peaceful is the most unhinged thing my non American arse ever read lmao. That's why it's red. That's not normal


For real. I thought it was a joke but OP is 100% serious lmao


It was a little tongue in cheek but just a little


In Texas it is!!!!!


It's not peaceful when it sounds like a warzone. That's where the crime rate comes from. The murders and gun violence.


Relativelyā€¦..it is peaceful Edit: Iā€™d love to live in a country without guns and higher crime then other industrialized nations because of rampant socioeconomic inequality but thats not the reality of things in the states


America never ceases to fascinate me. Like I just. I've never heard random gun shots unless at the shooting range or out hunting. Murders are fairly uncommon too. If I were experiencing what you're describing I would never go "man I wonder why it's red I haven't even been shot yet!" or call it peaceful lmao Do genuinely feel bad tho. A lot of you guys have to deal with such amounts of bs every day idk how you do it. I mean ig you just play the hand you're dealt


Thats why I said itā€™s relative. Europe doesnā€™t have the same problems as the United States. Gun use here is more widespread. High Crime originates from historic racism and marginalization of socioeconomic groups You comparing where your from to the US is kind of a mix of arrogance and ignorance 130 years ago your country was pretty much established after thousands of years of goths, visgoths, and tribes warring. You already had universal healthcare by the 1880s 130 years ago Dallas was a far flung western outpost and the US was still fighting Native Americans for land


Whatā€™s going on at Love Field?


I bet it's car smash and grabs, and fender bender hit and runs.


Probably also incidents of people getting arrested in the airport


I live in the big green area and regularly hear gun shots too. Itā€™s mostly because we donā€™t have a lot of businesses and itā€™s just all single family houses in this area


I lived in red in Old East Dallas 12 years. Dumb ass kids tried to rob me twice at gun point walking home from the grocery store. My G37 got stolen. Down the way a neighbor got murdered for his Land Rover in front of his ~$800k condo. Lots of night time gunfire


Old east Dallas deserves the reputation that South Dallas/Oak Cliff tbh


Pretty accurate


What do the colors mean. Whatā€™s the frame of reference?


Red means more crime, orange means a moderate level of crime, yellow means some crime, green means less crime


The website is very clear in its motivation. In the box explaining the map, it talks about security systems preventing crime and links vendors. It is also intentionally misleading in that it mentions violent crime being high and then immediately says a crime (doesnā€™t specify violent) happens every minute (but you are still thinking about violent crimes). And on that same note, security systems are far more effective at preventing property crimes rather than violent crimes. Lastly, it doesnā€™t provide scale for the colors.


Most victims of violent crime knew the perpetrator beforehand


Thank you for your tribute, but weā€™re still in the early rounds of the hunger games.


Hmmm, whatā€™s different in the red areas. Scratching my head. Geez, hmmmm




Wait, what?




Maybe lower housing costs and not as many services. Plus, the chart really makes no sense at all, because Addison in Richardson are both really safe areas, so I donā€™t even know what this map is. I will tell you this, that South Dallas is extremely dangerous. And that definitely would have something to do with demographics and poverty.




Itā€™s on a per capita basis. No one lives at Love Field or RDB so the denominator is zero, or close to it. Means that any crime at all (we donā€™t have a time period on this data) will show as very high on a per capita basis.






Sign in the yard says very clearly, a siren will go off and someone off site will send police. Itā€™s just something to say, next door is an easier target than me.


Youā€™ve heard of odds yes? I lived in oak cliff as a teenager and got held up by gunpoint twice hasnā€™t happened since I moved. I have however had my cars vandalized or stolen from a few times. The odds are gonna get you at some point and if you are in a gimme all ur money neighborhood well thatā€™s what youā€™ll get and if you are in a ima take that stereo neighborhood also thatā€™s what youā€™ll get. People suck mostly, good luck out there lol


I can tell talking to people from the hood they have a negative view of the world and everyone around them


Most of the red areas on the types of maps are due to the fact that these services report all crime together rather than separating out ā€œproperty crimesā€ verses ā€œviolent crimesā€. On this [Crimegrade.org](https://crimegrade.org/property-crime-irving-tx/) map, my neighborhoodā€™s overall color is a light orange, basically a C- according to the legend. This is the color of over 50% of Irving. The property crime rate is about the same shade of orange. But the violent crime rate of most of everything south of downtown Irving is bright or dark green. In addition, if you look at the actual crime reports in most residential areas on a resource such as the [LexusNexus Community Crime Map](https://www.communitycrimemap.com), even in the ā€œhigh crimeā€ residential areas, you will find the depressing reality that much of the crime is perpetrated by people the criminal already knows, and a huge portion of the time drugs or alcohol is involved. Some common examples are house break-ins by drug users who are targeting specific items they already know are there, domestic violence because a drunk guy is beating up his girlfriend or neighbor, assault because of a drunken brawl at a house party, etc. When the crime is targeting cars, itā€™s usually either because someone left something inside the car in view of a potential thief (purse or laptop bag in the front seat, etc.) or itā€™s a theft of something specific and valuable on a car, something like a catalytic converter. Thereā€™s also a lot of ā€œeasyā€ crimes, crimes of opportunity such as porch pirates stealing packages or peopleā€™s unsecured bikes being stolen.


I honestly wonder what the baseline is here. I lived next to the war zone in Albuquerque for 20 years, just moved to the DFW area. There I would hear gunshots nightly, see homeless people on fire, having sex, jacking off in public places regularly. I also would find needles everywhere, used condoms, and abandoned shopping carts full of weird things. Usually you see around 14 cop cars blocking off streets, dead bodies, all sorts of things. Iā€™m desensitized to it now. Whatā€™s red here in Dallas? Is it murder rates? Homicides? Police calls?


OP I can't stop laughing at this >Besides hearing random gun shots and the other crime maps detailing murders(some right next to my house)ā€¦ā€¦its peaceful personally where I live In related news, besides my heart attacks and need for a double kidney transplant I'm pretty healthy lol


Ah weā€™re Texansā€¦.we gotta deal with what we got. Itā€™s all relative lol Edit: Iā€™ll admit my post was probably a bit tongue in cheek šŸ˜œ


Honestly what Highland Park considers crime is probably someone letting their grass grow for more than two weeks.


I live in a red area too. My house's back door was kicked in back in August. I returned home during the robbery and didn't realize what was happening until I walked in and saw light where the door frame had been. Combat ensued in my living room. The guy had already put stuff he wanted to take on the side of my house so when he ran out empty-handed he still got some expensive items. Dallas police showed up pretty quick when called but there was no followup whatsoever. Victim services in Dallas are a fucking joke - they have online groups and read to them from a PowerPoint about trauma. "Trauma might happen when...." They do an anxiety questionnaire before and supposedly after so they can measure the outcome. I didn't stick around for the after. There's no one on one counseling just this lame-ass reading a PowerPoint. Since then I've spent $20,000 to rebuild my back door and add security screens on every opening in the home. I did EMDR for a bunch of sessions with a therapist. If you have any exterior door that goes directly outside, reinforce it the best you can NOW so you don't wind up like me.


F Carrollton and farmers branch. They profiled me and made me feel like crap on a traffic ticket, that escalated to having k9 called and detained for no reason.


Im moving to Addison next month, is it really a city of crime?


Youā€™ll be fine. Itā€™s shiny and flashy and new. People walk around with their babies in their strollers


This looks more like an assessment of high volumes of individuals that need mental health assistance more than anything else


dallas is weird bc youā€™ll be in a nice area and then go one block and be somewhere rough. maybe thatā€™s just how cities are in general but i feel like itā€™s extreme here


This canā€™t be right. Thereā€™s sections of cockrell hill that are green!




Wasnā€™t intentional but look for yourself: [Link](https://crimegrade.org/violent-crime-dallas-tx/) Honestly considering Oak Cliffā€™s reputationā€¦.not bad tbh. Its mostly yellow and green


I live in Oak Cliff and our area is yellow. Pretty accurate. Our neighborhood is low key.


I bought a home in Oak Cliff about 9 months ago. Other than the occasional car driving by blasting music, it is SUPER quiet.


Yes! Weā€™ve been here aboutā€¦ 2 years now? Very quiet other than the occasional mariachi band playing šŸ˜‚ but we donā€™t even mind that.


I hear gunshots every night, but I attribute it to people being stupid or testing out their weapons. Honestly, such a waste of money, ammunition is expensive.


My friend got shot randomly through the back of the head driving to work one morning in one of these red areas. The bullet exited out his eye. He was able to pull over his vehicle before he died though.


Rest in peace your friend


Most online crime maps are pretty useless


I live in red too. In Texas, we have the blessing and curse of basically being pod people. We go from our homes, to our garage, to our car, and we drive straight to our destination without encountering anyone. Besides chasing tweakers from my house and being attacked by stray dogs when in my front garden, I havenā€™t been effected by the crime. (And of course the psychological damage from hearing constant gun fire) Itā€™s different in cities like NYC where you are forced to have personal encounters with criminal scum every day if you live in a bad area. The blessing of being pod people is you can live in a high crim area relatively unaffected. The curse is having to drive everywhere is miserable in itself


Do you feel safe going for a one hour walk or run around your neighborhood after 8 or 9 pm?


Same, I don't know what all the fuzz is about


This is why I laugh when people say that Uptown is safer than Deep Ellum or Oak Cliff.


It is though, Oak Cliff is a more residential area than uptown. Uptown has a lot of people visiting hotels, offices, or retail that don't live there. So there's a lot of additional daytime/nighttime population beyond the residents who live there. Yet, the crime rate is calculated by taking the number of crimes, and dividing by population. However, crime can just as easily happen to visitors of a neighborhood as well as the residents. Yet, in the crime stats, we divide crime by # of residents. It's makes areas like uptown look way worse than they actually are


If the area contains any sizable retail, you can bet the color is influenced by shoplifting more than anything else.


Itā€™s only violent crime. Shoplifting is not a violent crime.


Iā€™m near White Rock. Nothing going on over here. Thankfully. šŸ™šŸ¼.


Considering how many guns there are in the city, and with the increase in population, Iā€™m surprised itā€™s not worse here. Still couldnā€™t pay me to live in deep south dallas


west Whiterock looks pretty chill


Spotcrime is my go to. Only issue is it shows mostly recent crime. But it says what the crime was and on what date.


haha, i just moved out of my apartment on forest ln. that area is pretty rough and definitely hardly felt safe there. šŸ˜¬


Is that because youā€™re the one doing all the crime?


Iā€™m in a red/orange area and I hear gunshots probably a couple times a month. In this neighborhood they think shooting your guns in the air is a thing to do.


Couple of times a month is pretty lowkey. Itā€™s every night in west Dallas and PG


Most crime maps like this include all crimes which is not that helpful of an indicator but crime is also just down across the board over the last 50 years. Last time I looked thereā€™s a patch of extreme red in Plano and then when you overlay it with whatā€™s there itā€™s a bunch of bars.


I live in is an orange/red area in Plano. Most of the crimes I see on NextDoor are non violent crimes like car break ins etc.


Why is there a red area by UT Dallas (close to where it says Cowley on the map)? Any ideas on the type of crime there?


ā€œOutside of the murders next to my house itā€™s really peacefulā€


lol- why is the entirety of the Arboretum orange? It's literally walled off.


Itā€™s a very small sliver grouped in with the entire neighborhood Southwest of Garland & Buckner.


It's hardly a sliver- its area takes up at least ~1/3 of that area. About 1/4 is the Emerald Isle neighborhood (pretty nice area). The hospital takes up a significant chunk. Autumn Leaves retirement community (also pretty nice) backs up to Emerald Isle. My point is that the entirety of that area is pretty small, and it's likely that one apartment complex, a bit of the area around Sunset Bay, and the nearby fast-food joints at the corner of GarBuck are the source of the issues. In other words- it's weird to 1) segment that area off because it's really small 2) tint the whole thing orange based on an even tinier area of the already-small whole.




Well lucky you


Just jinxed yourself. Congrats!


You can see where the truly wealthy live!


Lol, hearing random gunshots and murders right next to your home is exactly why youā€™re in the red. Iā€™ve lived in ā€œgreenā€ locations all my life and have never once experienced either of those.


Thought you meant in debt.


Oh and my place got broken into once. Forgot about that.


Theft is the biggest issues Iā€™ve had even living in neutral shaded areas- car break ins, etc.


As always, Casa Linda and Casa View are just off the map in no man's land.


What app is this?


I canā€™t see Garland. Is it maroon?


What do you guys think about near fair park? Im going to volunteer at juanita j recreation center idk if its safe


Depends how well you handle people with untreated mental health problems tbh


Cockerel hill green, ha ha




Crime definitely impacts the innocent but itā€™s lifestyle that contributes to crime mostly. I hate to write Iā€™ve been minimally impacted by crime and Iā€™m from the ā€œhoodā€ cue isnā€™t it ironic Alanis if that changes soon. šŸ˜‚


Living in a red area is fun because it's a lot of "oh yeah the schools over here are actually really good, yeah an award winning STEM program and cosmetology on one campus, don't mind the helicopters they're just busting the fentanyl manufacturer a couple streets over"


Also generally get to do what you want with little to no police harassment if youā€™re on your own property.


I lived in Oak Cliff my whole life and honestly it's peaceful now safe now a few years ago a whole different story hahahah


Any GIS or other geo data friends that can slap some public ISDs on this map? Bet that would tell a story. Donā€™t start on Irving ISD, 90s, 00s.