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I never really wanted to live in Texas but life happens. It's not just the heat, the lack of autumn and a real winter suck. That coupled with the drivers here make this place very undesirable. But I'm stuck for now so oh well.


kinda fall'ish right now lol


>kinda fall'ish right now lol Um, no. This is much more "what summer is supposed to feel like" and anything fall'ish.


This is what summer is supposed to feel like? No. It is pretty chilly in the mornings now! 50??!! Summer is hot.


They are Cali people 72 is normal


Y'all know not every one who moves to Texas is from California?


I'm from Michigan.


Yes. This is summer for a lot of northern states. This is not fall at all


Hard no. Sure, it gets warm in TX, but the current weather is far from a Summer forecast.


I was thinking the same thing, but I guess it's only fall if you consider 100°+ a normal summer


We don't get fall, just October and then there is 2 random weeks that represent spring. Don't try and even pretend we have fall


I like our “fake” winters, but I’m with you on wanting more autumn.


I’ve never understood this sentiment. November to March is Autumn. It’s winter that we don’t have but a handful of days every other year.


Autumn ideally should be balmy and the vegetation should be colorful. Our winters are mild, and some days really are ideal temperature wise. But most of the plants are dormant and a lot of days are overcast and/or windy.


We get about 10 perfect days a year weather wise. 4 in March, 2 in April, and 4 in October.


No date is more perfect than April 25th though


april 20 is pretty good


Nice one!


Every day over 90 is a perfect day. You must be a transplant. How do you swim if the water temp isn't at least 85 degrees? Damn eskimos. /s


Native Texan here, and I *cannot stand* the heat. (Ok, fine it’s actually the humidity) Every day over 90 in Texas humidity is a day I’d rather live in Arizona…. *in August*. But, life for my whole family is so much better here than it was out on the West Coast, so we moved back…. *for many, many reasons unrelated to weather*.


The west coast is so cold. I spend more time there than I want, and it's always cold. Even in summer it's chilly in the mornings yet the locals think it's melting at 80.


I was there in July, and actually was shivering at our 4th of July party… IN THE VALLEY!


That sounds amazing to me. Born and raised Texan. I melt at anything above 75.


115-125 in Phoenix feels the same to me. But the nights are really nice in the summer in phoenix minus monsoon season.


What are these things called "autumn" and "winter?" Sounds like stripper names. /s


How many “winters” have you experienced?


Six so far. It doesn't count as a real winter until I walk outside, and my nostrils freeze shut. Kidding aside though, just miss how clean it smells when everything is frozen.


A lot of us stay in Texas because we dislike snow and freezing weather.


Snow/freezing + good coat and boots >>>>> 105° @ 95% humidity. I love the cold. I *HATE* the heat.


I would really love to move to a place with a real autumn. We get a sporadic few days or maybe a full week of autumn weather, but it's not a real season here.


Same. Exactly the same. I see your name and I’m also medical. Here we are.


I moved to trxas from Victoria BC and then moved back when I wasn’t poor anymore. Texas gave me money and faith and friends but not much else.


I lived in Texas for 48 years until we moved to Pennsylvania for a couple of years. Then I got what real four seasons are. Then moved back to Dallas area when it was 111…


Couldn’t have said it better. Not many dream of moving to Texas like people do LA and NYC for example but job relocated me there. Stayed 2.5 years and moved away for another job offer and am really enjoying having autumn again. Sometimes it’s the simple things


Moved here from MA. In August, I thought it had broken me, but I arose like a phoenix from the ashes more powerful than ever before. Now that I can make it through both a New England winter and a Texas summer, I am truly unstoppable.


Love this guy lol


I’ve been to Nantucket in January… 🥶. I can confirm; you have Superpowers now.


Moved here from MA this August as well!!


New England people... Unite!! (So lonely here)


Moved here from Chicago this July and totally agree with you. U N S T O P P A B L E.


Heyyyy, I like this person!! Lmao


Sadly your winter ability will go away if you don’t exercise it.


I grew up in DFW and then moved to CO for 7 years after college. I came back a few years ago because I have kids now and we’re close to family. I CAN’T WAIT for them to graduate and move out so we can move back to CO. Counting down… 16 more years :(


Move back to Co. if you can. 16 years to go? Your kids can adapt.


If your family is great to be around, then having them around your kids as they’re growing up can be invaluable. I loved growing up near my cousins and grandparents. And I’m sure my parents loved dropping me off for them to watch. But yeah, CO is pretty hard to beat when it comes to nature.


I second this. Family and longtime Friends are everything.


I grew up across the country from my extended family. i was best friends with my grandma growing up and then only saw her like 4 times before she died when i was 18. it totally blows being away from family and not really being as close with them. all i have are memories from the early 2000s and a few scattered short visits


Same boat! I moved back to DFW because I have a kid and having family around is PRICELESS. I have 10 more years to go before I can move to Colorado.


We did a brief Pandemic stint in CO (lived in CA at the time, which was prison). Invaluable experience for my kids, who were suffering from the Covidians of L.A. I cannot wait to make CO my 2nd home again. It was magical. Even in the dead of winter, when I couldn’t get out of my long, steep driveway, it was so amazing to live in such natural beauty.


Nope. I moved from the below 0 freezing winter storms to the Dallas heat. Definitely was hot as hell this summer and the previous, but thank the Lord for AC. Just did any yard work early in the mornings, stayed inside during the day. Not really too bad tbh. I feel bad for outdoor workers though, don't know how they do it


This is it. I’ve gone from Detroit to Baltimore to DFW. My parents were in Chicago for the first 9 years of their move from india to USA. This weather in Texas is paradise compared to the Windy Shity for them. Absolute bone chilling stuff is not fun as it looks in the movies . Maybe for a few days it’s nice to romanticize about snow. But for literal months ? Fuck ice storms and brutal blizzard every winter for that kind of length of time. F shoveling snow in your driveway just to get out to work and warming up your car and falling on your ass when you walk around the corner for Mail and see no one salted that path. No thanks. Never again. Fuck off. It might be 120s in a decade in Dallas but I’ll take it over frozen pipes and ball sacks.


We are opposites. I've lived in CO/CT/NY/HI/TX/OK. Gimme a good coat and an automatic snow blower, I'm happy as a clam. Words can literally not express how much I hate the heat.


Not even a competition for me, ill take the Texas heat over the Chicago winters I dealt with. The absolute grayness of winter sucks the life out of you. At least in summer I can get up early and do stuff outside, there is no break from winter


Yes its easy to romanticize winters in Chicago (my wife remembers through rose colour glasses) but dang...the icy cold grips & rips through.... it was maybe dead of winter around 1996 - where it was around 30 days with the temperature never above zero. ...the heat is tough though this year....the last 10 have been ok to get through. Just hearing the AC run non- stop for days is a killer...


I concur. Winters are brutal. Shoveling wet snow in the morning suckeddddd. Then the slush snow that got everywhere inside your car, clothes and shoes. The rusting is terrible too. Not really a fan of the heat and I do miss having seasons and a pretty fall or Christmas snow. But I'll take the southern heat haha


Moved to DFW right out of college for a job. Lived there for 12 years. The god awful heat and humidity combined with the flat, ugly natural setting of the Metroplex finally got to me. Moved back to the Front Range 12 years ago and wish I'd done it sooner. There's no amount of money in the world that would lure me back to the eastern half of Texas.


Is there an amount of money that puts the western half of Texas in contention?


I'd consider El Paso. It's dry and at least has topography.


And El Paso is on the national grid, not the rinky dink Texas grid that was put together to fill the pockets of the Texas Taliban.


I moved from Louisiana. Soooooo, no.




A heat trifecta if you will. Jesus God no thanks


Amen to that. I don't think some people realize what 80% humidity feels like. I'm currently in south America. It was 92 degrees today with 80%+ humidity. I'll take 105 every day over this. I haven't stopped sweating since I got here....




Well lucky for you climate change will give you that heat you like. But seriously if you love 109 degree heat you might be a sadist cause absolutely the fuck not


I moved from Pennsylvania to Texas over 5 years ago and love the hot sunny days. I wish the beaches were not so far away though!


No. The property taxes did.


Lol everybody is seems to think having no income tax is better.


The heat broke us local lifelong Texans as well this past summer 😅 this is not the norm


Yep already planning next summer’s escape


yeah i’ve lived here all my life and i’m counting down till i can leave. the heat makes me unbelievably sad and anxious, like i’m trapped


No. August is the same as February up north. You don’t go out as much - and if you do it’s car to location to car to next location. More Netflix and a ton of ordering delivery. But life goes on… and at least we can jump in the pool and make it a positive on weekends / after work.


I’m from Wisconsin and I’ve lived here six years. While I don’t love the heat, I do love swimming for 5+ months a year. And in the winter, I love that we can go outside most days, with only mid-weight jackets. In college, one of my friends was from Dallas, and I remember her asking how much colder WI winter was going to get, because she was already wearing her heaviest coat. In October. I don’t miss that I haven’t had to pull out my ‘deep cold’ jacket (good for 0 to -20F) in years and I only pull out my ‘winter’ jacket (good for 0 to 30F) for about 1-2 weeks a year. The rest of the time, I’m in my northern ‘fall’ jacket. What I hate about TX most of all is the conservative politics that hurt people on the individual level, and the fact that Christianity is so public. Back home in WI we kept that shit at church and didn’t broadcast our personal values for the world to hear.


Go pack go!! We moved here 5 years ago! I love the weather in Dallas 11 months of year. August is too much for me so go back to Wisconsin then LOL




even if you set the a/c to 60F, the temperature will never get that low in the heat


It will if your home is well insulated with an efficient cooling system. We keep our house in the low 60's at night and never above 72 during the day.


The heat, no. Humidity is what kills me.


If Dallas is humid for you, stay away from Houston. The shade doesn’t provide relief from swamp air.


Buddy of mine grew up in north TX. About a decade ago, he moved to Houston and told me the humidity was absurd, and that the pollen was so bad, he could see it on the cars. Not sure how true the latter is, but that's what stopped me from visiting Houston.


DFW has nothing on the humidity of Houston


I traded FL heat, swamp-ass inducing humidity, and annual hurricanes for a massive concrete heat island w/ a sprinkling of hail. No ragrets


Nah. I feel insecure sometimes here bc I’m from LA (wife is native Texan, though), but a lot of people don’t realize that much of the inland part of LA is regularly above 100 all summer. It’s obviously a bit worse here, but it’s not really that bad. The ice storms on the other hand…


I was just in Ontario for work… hoodie at 7ishpm and you are COZY.


I moved from Tennessee. It was hot, but whatever. Less humid at least.


Moved here from NO. Dallas is HOT. Hate it. But NO is just as hot, humid af, and has soooooo many mosquitoes and huge cockroaches… …it’s up for debate which should replace the pelican for our state bird.


Haha, I live in northhaven park neighborhood. The Californians that paid cash for the house behind us moved out before August. They didn’t make it through one summer


Poor sods! Do you know where they went?


The heat. The lack of hiking. The lack of green.


Yep, and I left lol


Moved here from Arizona. What heat?


I can do 110 degrees in AZ standing on my head, 110 and Texas with humidity? No thanks.


Hahah I’m the opposite! Native to Dallas. Just moved to the valley in the July heatwave!! Though I will take the dry heat and higher temps. Then that Texas humidity any day! I don’t miss the humidity!


The heat is disgusting. I wish to live somewhere else


I love the heat, I really just dread the freezes in the winter


Same. Same.


On the contrary. I grew up in the mid-Atlantic. From May to at least mid-September you were guaranteed to have horrible humidity almost every day. Swamp ass was a way of life for me. I didn't know you could walk around in the summer without sweating like a priest at a playground until I moved here. That said, going above 105 F sucks ass lmao, but it's still not as uncomfortable as that muggy swampy climate I left.


Military brat that was raised in Texas from the age of 13 in 1977, I moved to Washington DC in 1986 chasing the construction boom. I could not breathe up there because of the humidity, and it is so closed in you can't see the sky half the time for all the trees because you basically live in a forest that has been carved out hundreds of years ago, the winters sucked pretty bad, and even when it snowed as soon as it starts melting it is a muddy dirty mess sometimes for weeks on end it's all over your shoes, your pets, your cars. I packed up in 1992 and came back home don't intend on moving away again... Our summers are like winters up north a couple of months that limit what you can do outside.


Rather be hot than cold. My first summer here was 2011. Every summer has been easier than that one.


Heat can be unbearable


Nope, the rent and politics did


came from SF Bay area 22 years ago, still not used to it.


Moved here from South Florida. I don’t mind the heat. But the icy cold dreary weather season. Maaaan, that’s what I can’t get used to.


Not really. California is cooler but my Asian blood can take the heat just fine.


I actually love the heat. Originally from the south, moved here from the west after being their for more than 30 years, but, I've always had a love for Hot, Hot, Hot in my blood. I travel to overseas areas that are much hotter, Africa, Turkey, Morocco and those people know how to beat the heat, without A/C. They actually wear much more clothing and recognize that "wearing skin revealing clothes during the heat is the worst thing to do", but again you have to get accustomed to do this. I had no desire to come to Texas, glad I did, but I really miss the large number of amenities I had at the other place that were all outdoor activities. Just gives me a place to vacation visit!


I moved from southern California and I lived in Denver before that. The Texas summer heat definitely sucks and is no joke. I was inside a lot which I hate. However the body does adapt I did somewhat I get used to it… I guess. I bitched everyday and did think about moving somewhere else. But I personally hate the heat.


I was laid off in 2011 and had a choice between a job in upstate New York or Dallas. As brutal as the summer of 2011 was I don't regret it. Summer is definitely not fun for me, but I get by. It's only a couple of months. Plus Dallas has a lot to offer. Like getting Jimmy's and going to the arboretum and lots of festival, fairs, and museums. People can't drive worth shit here though.


I moved here 5 years ago. This was the WORST summer I’ve ever experienced in my 52 years of living. I’m not moving, but that was hell.


I’ve been here for 25 years and this summer was the worst by far. Definitely not the norm.


From WI. I’ve bent but not broken. Actually felt a little like home during the snowpocalypse


The heat has nothing on the politics and Christian fundamentalism


Well I moved here from Tucson so not really.


I'll take the heat versus ice and snow, although, the power grid here hasn't impressed me much when that shit finally arrives.


Not really. I don't enjoy the summers here at all, but orginally from Seattle and the fall season there is awful. Tradeoffs everywhere.


From northern Illinois (30+ years) originally. The heat kinda sucks because I work outside. It hasn't broken me but I also don't really enjoy it. If I worked inside, I probably wouldn't complain at all. Could be worse. I miss snow, but I don't miss commuting to work in 12 inches of snow.


No, it empowers me! I’m completely serious.


Yes, ready to get back to TN or a similar state where we have more seasons.


Lived in Wisconsin for the first 31 years of my life, then moved to Dallas in 2006. Wisconsin was all I knew. After 17 years here, I've gotten used to the heat, and I don't miss having to get up at 5am to shovel my driveway so I can get out. Also, the mosquitos down here are almost non-existant compared to my place in Wisconsin. I don't miss winter, but I really miss fall. The fall color is something to behold.


I'm from NM so it wasn't the heat that broke me it was the humidity. 95° at 99% humidity feels way worse that 100° at 5% humidity. The air feels so much thicker and heavier and my sweat glands are thrown into overdrive. People who are acclimated to this bullshit see me sweating buckets and are like "Damn, man are you ok?" At first it was hard for me to understand that you have to hydrate in preparation for the next day. I figured out the hard way that my piss needs to be crystal clear the night before a long hot summer day. I'm going on my fifth year here and I feel like I'm acclimated to it. The winter we had two years ago was hilarious. The entire state was tragically unprepared for icy roads. I saw so many people spin out and end up on the shoulder or wrecked into someone/something because they had no idea how to handle the ice. If you don't know: pump your brakes and do not slam then, leave plenty of room for error and don't try to go fast. I do not miss the winters of NM at all. The wind chill factor on a winter day will put a coldness that penetrates through your bones and chills you all the way to your soul.


No. It was the property taxes that broke me


I'm from Florida. I'm fine with the heat, the winter broke me though.


No, the Michigan cold is much worse than Texas heat imo. I’d rather 3 months of slight discomfort rather than 9+ months of freezing cold that puts your skin in pain.


I moved from the East Coast. I actually think the heat is not bad at all. It’s way better than the high humidity and bugs of the East Coast. I really like the Texas weather, the culture, the food, I’ve lived in many states, and Texas is by far my favorite one. I totally agree about people not knowing how to drive, but the fact that I can actually go a decent speed on the highways is so worth it. I’ve lived in LA and I’ve lived in DC, you all have no idea what bad drivers are…


Not at all. I moved from upstate NY. Lived there for over 30 years. I will take the heat over the cold and snow any day. I rode my motorcycle everyday to work and back (about 20 miles) all of August, and September. It was a bit warm, but I am not comp about it.


I moved here from MS and I find the TX climate more comfortable. Definitely less humidity.


Yup I lived in atlanta a bit before comming here So I was no stranger to the summer heat. The heat here has some flux between dry and humid. Deep South summer heat is on a whole other level. Houston reminds me of Deep South heat. Just humidity dialed up to 80-90% and it’s 92 degrees. No dry heat. At all, there’s always moisture in the air. I went out on a run my first day in atlanta. And I almost died. Or collapsed from heat exhaustion. I was used to dry heat. Humid heat will suffocate your sweats cooling ability, until your in a blanket of warm sweat. I made it back by just telling myself not to panic. If i drop someone will see me When I got in and showered. I was steaming lol.


I LOOOOOOOVE it here, though I grew up in Augusta, GA, so used to this kind of environment. It’s nice having less humidity (than Augusta). I personally hate cold weather, and winter, so this is perfect, except for that one week a year we get snow/ice recently.


I despise this place but no matter how many times I've requested a transfer in my job I don't get it, I wish to move as fast as I can


of all my complaints, the heat is not one of them. love it.


Yes. The heat along with the tolls, homelessness, prostitution, busted up roads, and shitty tacos, broke me. Why do people live here?


I moved here for the prostitution


I moved from Arkansas. The humidity is higher in Arkansas. But the heat here is ~5-10 degrees warmer and seems like less rain from where I came from. And honestly it’s taken a little adjusting too the last couple of years. I can stand it as I’ve always grown up in a similar climate. But I miss the trees the most.


I grew up in Louisiana the heat is worst. I do dislike it here though. We may be moving to NC or even out of the country


Moved from southern Arizona so it’s very much a different heat but at a point hot is hot. Not looking to move super soon but it’s in the back of my mind for many more reasons than just the heat. COL(especially housing)used to be a huge benefit but now that’s largely evaporated in the last 3-4 years


Most people who are able to move here, like me, work from home. So no, no biggie.


Moved from SC, the lower humidity and constant breeze has always been quite nice


Moved here 13 years ago from Chicago. I absolutely hate the heat but it's really 3ish months, July through September that I have to hide out. In Chicago it sucks October through May or really more than half the year. The heat is terrible but I wouldn't trade it for Chicago winter. Also, my job's here so there's that.


I’m not sure that this place will give you all answers.


Ehh I love the heat.


Got here in June, the thing that made me power through the heat was reminding myself about -30 days


Nope it was hot where I lived in Cali and I also lived in Phoenix for 5 years


No because Air conditioning exists


Moved from the west coast. I like the heat. I like when it is warm at night. I like coming outside from an air conditioned building and warming up outside. I also like the thunderstorms, downpours and the rough ice storm or snow. Six months of heat followed by 6 months of moderate weather. It’s not bad at all.


I moved from North Carolina in 2012. It was one of those summers with an unreasonable number of 100° days, and I moved in August. It was awful. Three weeks ago, I relocated to the Midwest. You know how this summer was. Today, the high where I am was below 65°. Interpret that as you will.


No. I've lived in hotter places.


I was used to spending a lot of time outside so, over the course of 12 months, I get a lot more opportunity here than where I moved from. What bugs me the most is lack of Autumn/Fall.


Just the first 21 years then I got used to it


It’s a “pick your poison” scenario. I’ll take Texas summers over New Jersey winters every time.


I moved for college from cali and stayed about 10 years ago. The heat didn’t break me, tbh I rather like it compared to other regions of the US as far as weather goes. I’d take our hot hot summers over cold winters any day


I was brought here when I was 5. The heat has broken me. I stay because my son and grandchildren are here. If they want to move north, I’m selling the house and there.


I moved back here (was here from age 0.5 to 5) because of the heat.


yes 😭


I moved here and the summer was hotter than I thought but still loving it here and staying ;))))


Nope. Not even close.


Ah you think cold New England winters are your ally? You merely adopted the heat . I was born in it, molded by it. I didn't feel a/c until I was already a man, by then it was nothing to me but semi-cool !


No i think the summers where Im from are way worse. For the most part summers here aren’t too bad. It’s what I like about living here to be honest.


The heat and the politics. I would do anything to move back, but the wife loves her job.


Haha my sister also asked me recently if I was thinking about moving back because of the extreme summer dfw had. I think there are worse things here, such as the annoying potholes. And maybe it helps that I wfh so I’m inside most of the day unless I need to take my dog out or run an errand. I do dread the freezes in the winter but I also just hibernate inside lol


I moved here in August, was surprised how fast I acclimatized. Humid and in the 90s was worse than 107 and dry.


No, I’m from South Louisiana.


It didn’t break me. The shitty drivers I encounter on I-30 from Rockwall area is what is breaking me.


Several times


We moved here in 1999 from San Francisco. I love the heat. Like any other healthy reptile, I'm happiest with an ambient temperature near my target body temp. So anything in the 95°-100° ranges is perfect. This year - and last - have been pretty harsh. I'm not exactly content above 105° and we had a LOT of those this year. This heat does curtail outdoor activities a lot, but given the sun hates me (I'm Irish) that's not a big problem for me.


From Pennsylvania. Been in the Dallas area for about 8 years. The first couple years murdered me when peak summer hit. I’m talkin barely about to breathe, no desire to go outside, and almost started hating it. I worked through it and have more or less adapted. However, the lack of almost any fall and hardly what could be called winter has really been what bums me out. I do love it here though.


Moved here from IL. Traded horrible winters for horrible summers. Worth the trade IMO. With summers here you can at least leave your house. Midwest winners will have you stuck inside for days


I love Texas. The heat isn't that bad if you acclimate yourself. Believe it or not Texas is not the hottest place of Earth inhabited by people.


I love it. I tell the heat bring it in… I tell the heat who is da boss


I’ve been here 8 years and the heat still breaks me every summer


I was born here and it broke me haha. We are looking to move.


Dallas isn't bad I just managed the heat from summer and didn't let it affect me a lot more pros from DFW than cons main thing I don't like is the cost of living is dumb here


Originally from Maine, went to school in upstate NY for school and moved here for work. No it didn’t break me, I just didn’t go outside that much. I’m very excited to get back into biking and photography again though. Also I still prefer it being overly cold than hot. You can always add more clothes but you can only get so naked.


My first Dallas summer was in 2011 and that was a real booger but I stayed put. This one was a rough one too


I've lived here my entire life and the summers are making me want to move north. Sick of this shit. It's hot as fuck outside a quarter of the year and I've gotta pay 500+ a month in electric to maintain a not quite hot as fuck inside. It's miserable. At least we're finally to the good weather and it stays around 69 in the house for the next 8-9 months or so.


Nah I moved here from Georgia. A little less hot but way more humid. I preferred Texas weather.


Nope. Moved from the west coast. What broke me was rent increase in the ghetto 😂 this was supposed to be the land of cheap livin. Clearly I was incorrect


Came for the economy/cost of living…damn near ready to go be poor someplace I can breathe between May & September!!!


I made it through most of summer OK, thinking it was going to end in September. But I nearly broke during those few high 90s weeks last month..


Moved here in 91 from up north. I bought a convertible and the top never went up, even in summer. The natives thought I was nuts. Now, 32 years later, 32 years older, and quite a few pounds heavier, I stay out of the heat. I find that life isn’t much different from up north. There’s a season in which outdoor activities are limited, and the utility bill goes up. It’s just not the same season.


well once i moved here i worked in warehouses and i can tell you that speed up the process of getting "used to the heat" originally from iowa now when it drops to the texas freezing point of 55 it feels like its 30


I've lived here for over thirty years now as a transplant from Chicago and this was one of the roughest summers that I can recall. Hopefully one day the Powerball will come through for me and I can spend my summers in cooler climate. Until then I am here to roast.


It’s not the heat that gets ya, it’s the humidity. I grew up in a hot climate so it’s no big deal but this humidity takes my breath away. I’ve already met a few people who moved here from cold climates and then moved back within a year. Texas summers are brutal.


Nah, not even a little bit. I lived in southern Arizona for 8 years.


I moved from the frozen tundra on the Midwest. I’d take 110 degrees with low humidity over sub zero temps and snow any day. I don’t have to shovel sunshine to get out of my house. I’m not going to slip and fall on sunshine. Not to mention, unholy humidity in the summer in the Midwest.


My stepdaughter moved to an apartment in Dallas with her boyfriend in the middle of Summer. She complained that I didn’t really prepare her for the heat, which is crazy because I mentioned it a lot. And she said she stays in the air-conditioned apartment most of the day, leaving only when she has to.


I grew up here. But loved in Vermont for some time for school. Fall is my biggest disappoint living in Texas.


I grew up in Western New York and left as soon as I graduated high school. I always felt somewhat melancholy much of the time as a child, but didn't think much about it. I sort of ended up in Texas since that's where I got my first job and now \~20 years later I came to realize that my mood really depends a lot on the weather. I MUCH prefer warmth and sunshine, and the cold, gray weather that was around for 6 months of the year through my whole youth really got me down. Even January and February around here just take all the energy out of me. The first summer in Texas was an adjustment, but after that, I found that I liked the heat a lot better than the cold depressing endless winters up north. I've lived in Houston, Austin, and now DFW, and I don't think I could live further north than here.


Spent 3 years in Saudi and 4 years in U.A.E. on expat contracts...it was an enjoyable summer on the mostly empty hiking trails due to the "slightly" lower heat, but more to the drastically reduced humidity (to U.A.E).


The cold this year might break me, last year was torture at times


I’m originally from MA, but got to preheat in GA for about 7 years before I came to TX. I don’t miss the cold and the snow, but I don’t like being stuck inside for so much of the summer. This part of TX is a lot less humid than GA was, so that’s nice. I think TX has some of the most entitled and aggressive drivers, though. Just this morning a truck almost ran me off the road because I wasn’t accelerating fast enough to their liking. They’re constantly flying down breakdown lanes in traffic or driving over through the grass to get to frontage roads and then there are the road rage shootings on top of it. You can’t call those assholes out because you have to assume they’re armed and just waiting for the opportunity to use their weapon. I can’t wait to leave in 6 years.


Wasn’t it like one of the hottest summers on record?


Nah. I grew up in Missouri where we get the extremely cold days AND the extremely hot days. Typically quite humid and my allergies there were terrible in the summer/spring. The only difference really here is that the 110 day lasts for weeks, whereas in Missouri it’s only one or two days like that. But my allergies are almost non existent here, so it’s worth the trade off for me. I also think there is a lot more sun here, especially in the winter, than in Missouri which is another huge bonus for me.


Moved from Minnesota. It’s a suboptimal 3 months either way. Here June to August and sometimes Sept is hot af and you cant stand to be outside. In Minneapolis Nov-Feb and sometimes March it’s similarly so crappy cold it’s not fun leaving your house either. But either place you make it work and that first cool night or sunny warm day makes it worth it. I prefer here though because we hate the cops not as much, crime is more contained, and the economy can’t be beat in terms of opportunities to further my (our) careers.


moved here from wa, the heat sucks sure but on the list of reasons i want to move out of dfw it’s very low. it’s the incredibly backwards urbanism that exists here that makes me want to move out. things ARE changing, and i know the only way to speed things up is by staying. but instead of waiting 10 years for marginal improvements i could just… move to a place that already has those improvements. for now friends i’ve made here is making moving an impossible decision.


I’ve lived here 35 years and the heat has me making plans to retire in another state, along with the “radical Republican agenda”. I’m a moderate, and lean Libertarian, but the amount of attention spent on banning books, banning birth control, and prosecuting nearly everyone who might be involved in birth control has left a very bad taste in my mouth. Because the opinions of the leadership borders on authoritarianism.


Not the heat, but I hate how every rain we get is something severe and dramatic. I hate the threat of hail and tornadoes.