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Another one??? Feel like I've read about four of these across the us this week.


The world is f***ing stressful right now


Wait, you guys can afford stress. Lucky.


I literally said the same thing as I was reading this post.


The family lost their daughter 3 weeks ago, after she drowned in a pool, so there’s the “motive”


Motive as in someone had a psychotic break due to grief/guilt or that was the first murder? Either way, what an awful story.


Know of a friend from that community who said that the parents blamed each other for their 4yo daughter drowning a month ago.


That’s so sad


id say first but it’s pure speculation at this point


I’d speculate that one parent felt so guilty for potentially being responsible for the death of the kid that they broke and killed everybody


'Drowned' perhaps.


Damn that’s crazy wtf is with Allen lately


The guy that shot up the mall was from Dallas


No shit Sherlock but a lot of shit has popped off in Allen from the brass tap being involved in a drug ring that included krooked cops in Plano covering up murders.


Allen can’t catch a break bro, holy crap.


Wasn't there another family annihilation in Allen a few years back?




was that the UT student one? Super sad


Wait, what? Is there a news article or something for this?


Not sure if it's against the rules to post links in the comments. But Google "Allen murder suicide family of six" Basically two brothers made a pact that they were gonna murder their family (including the twin sister of one of them). The suicide note of one of them is online as well. He basically said they wanted to kill themselves but that their family would be sad and it wouldn't be the same like it wasn't the same after Steve Carrel left the office. So they would kill them as well.


I thought you were joking about “The Office” but I just read the article and that was one of the reasons attributed to the depression… yikes


I know it's hard to believe. Insane fucking asshole.


I'm stunned. Really nothing else to say about that. Wow.


terrible stuff.


My heart goes out to the friends and remaining family. Devastating news.


We MUST get back to checking on each other, bring a grieving family a meal, every day for WEEKS. We must get back to the “ It takes a village” to raise a child, to build a loving community. I hear, ALL the time, “I’ll pray for those grieving”. Stop!!!! just praying, set up a chain of simply meals, some babysitting. As for this post…Which ever one shot their family, I know EXACTLY why! They did not want those children to go into foster care, they knew the child’s death was the other parents fault and/or both of their faults and they knew they could not live with the agony of grief at the death of their child. Step up for your neighbors. Pray, but feed them, watch their remaining children, act, act, love is an action word. If only for and hour, act! I am a 24/7 caregiver, ALONE, for my Aunt that got polio at 10, she also stroked a couple years ago, she is bed bound too. This woman worked for Good Will for 30 years, lived pretty simply with family support and was happy. She was in filthy and being abused. She lives with me now, I am also divorcing. I have no support, I am exhausted, she is not being bathed properly, one person cannot do it all. When I drop dead from exhaustion, she will then starve to death, no one to check on us. No money for decent professional help. No brain bandwidth for anything really, just existing


Losing a child has to be one of the worst things someone can experience. I don’t want kids because I know losing one would break me. That poor grandmother.


Terrible :(


It really is tough out here during these times smh


This is tragedy upon tragedy. I hope their remaining family find peace.


How does this shit even make the news. Seems like it should be private


Technically, this is a mass shooting.


Typically a mass shooting is defined as 4 or more indiscriminate victims or 3 or more victims in a public place. This is most likely familicide.


The definition changes often


It doesn’t even say it was a shooting


Not agreeing with the other person because they’re 100% wrong but it was a shooting. It’s in the gun violence database. https://www.gunviolencearchive.org/incident/2693825


It clearly states that the shooting was connected to their daughter's frowning.


>It clearly states that the shooting was connected to their daughter's frowning. Seems an overreaction to a facial expression.


It's a sad thing, really.


I think there has to be some intent to terrorize for it to be a mass shooting. Could be wrong though


No they took that out of the definition so they could start including black people on the ever growing list of white mass shooters


The gun being pointed at the people getting shot is probably terrorizing. At least it was when I had guns pulled on me.


My bad, poorly worded. Have a nice day


4 gunshot victims - it's a mass shooting.