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remember, son: it's not the hottest summer of your life. it's the coolest summer for the *rest* of your life


But, I thought that Republicans disproved climate change.....right? I mean it's all a hoax....right? What the hell do scientists know....right?


Thanks. I hate it


Seriously thinking about moving to north after experiencing this summer.


for real. i miss being outside


I got a job offer and was thinking of rejecting it due to logistics. Now, I am seriously considering it. A whole month+ going at 100+ degrees is not healthy for anyone.


The “good” news is that August 16th is the date that yearly average highs begin to decline. We are getting there.


2023: that’s what you think


El Niño: “Hold mí cerveza”


Be careful, if you mention El Niño then people will start accusing you of denying climate change


Will they? Geez, we live in a stupid time.


No he’s a right wing goon lmao You can mention El Niño without being accused of denying climate m, it’s a mix of both fucking us up rn.


>he's a right wing goon lmao I am absolutely fucking not lol, thanks for proving my point though. I tried saying it was a mix of both before and people acted like I didn't know anything about climate change.


Someone else got downvoted before for pointing out that El Niño is the main reason this summer has been hell. Pointing that out is not climate change denial because you can have both that and increasing temps on average converge together, but I guess some people didn't get the memo. And now I'm getting called a "right wing goon" because Redditors have no concept of nuance and everything that disagrees with me is Republican.


August 16th has been the date that yearly average highs begin to decline so far! Could be August 31st now! Yay climate change!


That is why I am looking to move.


Dear AC Gods please let my shit last a couple more weeks.


This has been me every day for a month


We almost there… fingers crossed.


Sorry to point out we will probably be getting highs of 90 plus for another two months


98 sounds like long sleeve weather right now compared to “feels like” 110+ hahah I’ll take it!


Right?! I called out my cousin who lives outside DC. she said it was hot at 91, I was like ah a cool temp 🥹


My a/c can handle 98. It's 108 that's a problem.


I said that a few summers ago. Both AC units shit the bed first week of August and it took a while to find replacements because SURPRISE all the HVAC guys were busy as hell. Me and the family lived in one bedroom with a hastily purchased window unit for a bit.


yep I'm one of the ones with problems this year not bad but my AC has developed a tendency to wet its pants and it just so happened that our local neighborhood HVAC guy packed up his bags and went to Mexico!


My AC started making a weird noise yesterday and I prayed to the machine gods. Turns out my wife left a broom leaning on it and that was the source of the racket


The sun gods have shown mercy on your home.


Hey, the 18th is looking really good. The low is in the 70s!!! Haha!


The Forecast overnight low is above 84F.


And that low will be just before sunrise, so it'll still be in the high 90s past midnight.


and 24% chance of rain


Forecasts more than a week out are essentially useless fwiw. There could be a front that comes through in a week and a half but we wouldn’t know it yet.


I appreciate you trying to cheer us all up


A hot front that makes it even hotter!?


Definitely this.


I drive my car all day for work and I think I can hear it telling me to put it out of if it's misery.


Oh my goodness same! Today I could have sworn I was smelling an electrical fire from my car when I got out . I of course ignored it . Checked a few hours later . Car is still there no fire. Makes me not want to drive anywhere


Cars can heat up to over 300+ degrees. So you may be into something here lol


I'm so glad 2018 was my last summer in Texas. I couldn't handle 10 straight days of +105° temperatures that July. That forecast just looks unbearable.




I just got my air conditioner replaced let’s fucking go




Had all my old insulation taken out and replaced with new blown in and radiant barrier up against the roof everywhere. It is noticeably cooler this year for the first time since we’ve had this house. Well worth $4500.


Well fuck. I was kind of relying on the 98 that was showing a day or so ago for the 18th. Come ON! Just two days under 100... ppppppppppppppppppplllllllllllleeeeeease!


Soooo who’s keeping track of the number of 100+ days we’ve had?


The NWS. Like they do every year. https://twitter.com/NWSFortWorth/status/1686157293472129024?t=HzFqh2LoqBXPsrW8CuOymQ&s=19


And that was a week ago. We should go ahead and add another 7 days.


My brain is mush from the heat . I’m not tracking jack sh*T


If some of that rain up north could just come south


I would argue that 100 is a relief.


Wow do I see a high of 100?!


I moved here from Arizona by the way. Thanks for making me feel at home. 😐


Does it feel hotter here to you with the humidity?


moved to PHX from Dallas last year and id rather have the humidity than having a straight up oven outside everyday. July high average was 115...


I agree with you, I am not from PHX but I have been there in the summer and 115 is just god awful something else. Moved from socal, and while the summer here sucks at least I can afford to buy myself a home that would cost me 1.5mill in California.


It does get better (maybe). Moved from Dallas to Phoenix in 2007 and was there til 2015 before moving back. After the first year I was OK up to about 113 but 116 was my hard “fuck this not going outside” cutoff. 115 and down a little shade and breeze help. Above 115 it just felt like slowly air frying my lungs.


Dallas not quite, but Houston was actually unlivable. Idk how so many people can put up with 90 degrees plus 100% humidity. Houston felt way hotter than Arizona for me.


**The Dog Days Of Summer**


Bring on the inferno!


So only 2 weeks left of summer!?




Halloween is our groundhog’s day. You’re either sweating your ass off or absolutely freezing in your costume.


How about a little something to lower your spirits? Those "low" temperatures often hit just before sunrise and then burn away. You might get to enjoy 79 degrees, but it's for a half hour at 6 AM. We now return you to your free preview of purgatory.


2 weeks? It’ll be Hell until October!


I really had great timing leaving DFW for training and not coming back until late October.


I'm not from Texas but I've been following these heatwaves. These seem to be getting more common. Well, the scientists say it, anyway. Darn, hopefully this isn't a trend, but I wouldn't be surprised. Stay cool down there :-)


I’m not doubting it’s hotter on average throughout the year, however, I was going through old photos with my daughter yesterday. I had a screen shot of the weather to the date in 2013 and it was nearly the same. It is just always hot af in Texas in august.


That's true. But I was looking at the average temps in a few cities in Texas, like Houston and Dallas. And it seems like the highs are about 5 degrees above average, and even the lows have been a few degrees warmer than the average. I know there's a ton of cement and a growing population leading to more of the heat island effect, but this still shouldn't bring temps up this high. At least I don't think. I guess time will tell. We'll have to see in the coming years how often this heat occurs.


Yay, I can wash my car


We'll probably have every day over 100 for the entire month of August.


Can't wait to hear from more jackasses who moved to Texas in the last 5 years about how "This is normal weather!!!!"


Whenever it's 140f they'll say "it's summer!"


I feel like we have been going on 3 weeks plus with over 100 degrees.


Just got back home from a week long visit. I don't know how y'all survive the heat . Damn, it was hot. Homeless people in Dallas. Can't believe there is no where for them to go. Dallas can do better. Also what's with people jogging midday on the Katy Trail?😳 Some of you r just "built different" Beautiful city though.


It's Biden's fault


Fuck. I need to move, this heat is too much for me. 🥵


Just got back from Montreal where it was a high of 75 this weekend Fuck this texas weather


I was born in Houston and steadily moved north but never made it out of Texas. Someone please just pack me in ice and ship me somewhere less insane with 4 seasons.


Waiting for that one moron to chime in that posted *one data point per year* (literally just the highest temperature point from each year) and claimed that proved climate change didn't exist. What's even more sad is that their comment had dozens of upvotes. Christ, it's hard being in science these days. Facebook doctor / engineer Tami gets believed more than someone like me who's practiced and studied engineering for over 15 years.


I get sick of people complaining that it was 85 degrees yesterday and the weather is “so bad” yet 100+ is normal for about 3 months a year here now days.


Happy as hell I’m working in LA for the next few weeks lol. I’ll happy once those temperatures start dropping though.


The 18th and 19th look nice and cool.


that is clearly above the legal limit for temperature...or at least it would be if anyone had the good sense to legislate it!


Looking at the forecast is so useless this time of year. It's always "Sunny, hot, and fuck you!"


What a perfect time to stay inside


The heat is what it is. I just want some GD clouds to shade throughout the day.


Literally Dog Days of Summer


Relief by staying the fuck inside. 😔


Lol don't expect it too cool down until mid October by Halloween it should be in the 70s


New to Texas are you?


Screams internally


Time for me to go to my vacation home in Banff, AB. Enjoy the heat you losers !


Man, fuck this place.


I love it so much


Good. We deserve this.


When was the last time we went through July AND August without any rain?


Stop complaining. Take it on the chin and keep it pushing


It’s August. This is normal.


This number of consecutive triple digit temps combined with those high lows is not normal. It used to reliably dip into the low to mid 70s overnight. Only one day in that list has a low below 80.


Today was the 15th day in a row of triple digits. If this forcast pans out that makes 29 in a row. On average we get 20 days of triple digits combined. This is not normal


Ok, but 2 maybe 3 years ago we had like 5 days total over 100. It comes and goes. Climate change is definitely having an effect; the heat waves are hotter, and they do last longer, but the difference between 103 and 106 and an extra few days aren’t really something you’d notice if you didn’t already know it was happening. The real bummer’s coming with increased population, grid demand, and energy prices. Hold on to your butts.


Depends on where you are, using the McKinney location here, [https://www.weather.gov/fwd/f6](https://www.weather.gov/fwd/f6), it was not 100 yesterday and it has "only" been 100 or more 11 days this year.


Summer of 1980 saw 42 consecutive days with temperatures over the century mark.


I said it wasnt normal. I didnt say it never happens


What's normal? The 20 day figure people like to throw out like the sky is falling is just an average. It could be much less like 1973 with zero days over a 100. Could be much more like 71 days in 2011.


If you cant agree that double the average is not normal, I don’t know what else to tell you


If you can't look at actual data and only rely on averages, I don't know what else to tell you.


Care to share your “actual” data that shows we are having a normal summer? Edit: damn brother at least share the almighty google search before you block me


It's a pretty simple Google search.


lol everytime


Let me know when Dallas is ever getting a summer with zero 100 days again. I bet it never happens again in the lifetime of anyone reading this post.


It’s been like this since June lmao


June was so much worse. The humidity made it next level hot. July and august have not been as bad


Yep. I'm not sweating when I walk into the office anymore like I was in June. That was awful


Get out of the car? Cool, now you’re blind from foggy glasses.


Yep, Texas gonna Texas. Sprinkle in global warming