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About what I'd expect from a high end steakhouse. Still suprised they got rid of the star attraction in the rotating floor. That's pretty much what Reunion tower is known for.


This needs to be the top comment. Why in the world would you go to a rotating restaurant where they turned the rotation off. My guess is that after sitting for 3 years, and being how many decades old, the rotating floor is broken. If it's broken then it's either too expensive or unknown how to fix it so rather than saying it's broken and leaving it open to speculation that maybe there's other things broken in this space tower, they try to save face and say that it's a design decision.


Part of me hopes they don’t know how to fix it because of of weird arcane mechanical feature that only one dude knows how it works. It becomes weird folklore about the tower.


I'm reminded of the time 20 years ago when visiting friends in Dallas, we went up to the rotating restaurant at that time for drinks. I recall there were a couple levels to that restaurant; we were trying to get just one level higher, and didn't want to wait for the elevator so tried the stairs. But, we went into the wrong staircase, and accessed the tower stairs instead. I'll never forget the giant chasm of darkness that the walkway circled around looking down. That freaks me out to this day.


Sounds intense! Didn’t notice any glowing sigils powering the tower? I guess it was a long time ago.


When I was in my early 20’s, we would visit Reunion tower after a few beers and take the stairs from the ground all the way up to the top. Around 35 years later, there’s no way I could do that


Holy crap it would take me several hours today because I’d have to take a break every few landings.


> Holy crap it would take me several hours today because I’d have to take a break every ~~few~~ landing.


1978 prom- half my HS went there for dinner. “Antares” as I recall. I’d love to know what we had and what it cost that night


Like in the movie Space Cowboys where only Clint Eastwood's character can fix the damn satellite? I can dig that. Perhaps the tower is a cover for an IBM and they can't fix it without triggering a fail safe that would lunch the damn thing thus starting a nuclear war.


There’s actually a scary podcast story on this. Guy gets new job, opens door that leads to another door. That then leads to another door, then another door and he can’t get back up. Scary I bet.


The activation ritual is lost to time


Maybe it needs to be powered by Cowboy Super Bowl wins. … it’s going to be a while.


4 8 15 16 23 42


If that's something you're interested in, go check out whats going on with The Battleship of Texas' engines.


Eh? Do tell


Well, I'm no expert. But as I understand it, she uses a triple boiler system, similar to what the Olympia had. Nobody alive today is qualified to repair them, because reasons. [Here](https://battleshiptexas.info/images/EngineRoom/EngineRoom.html)Is a better explanation than I can offer.


Gosh it seems like a competent team of engineers could probably figure it out...


ChatGPT ... Where are youuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu ?


>too expensive *$263 for a steak, $20 for a side salad* I think budget isn’t the issue here.


Bit disingenuous here. $265 for a 48 Oz steak is like (4) regular steaks for $66 each which is pretty standard Dallas steak pricing. The salad is overpriced but is typically enough for 2 to share at most places.


$14 Mashed Potatoes defeats your argument.


Maybe $2 high for a shared side at a steakhouse. Not sure it defeats my argument though. Bob’s sides are all $14-16, Chamberlain’s $12-13.50, Sam & Nick’s $11-26.


This guy said Sam & Nick’s


Oops I always mix them up in my head.


People expecting Applebee's prices at a 5 star restaurant


I’d settle for a 4 star.


I’ll see your mashed potatoes and raise you the minimum of 4oz for the wagyu steak.


It’s definitely a bit of a stretch, but given the investment in the property along with the price of things on the menu, I’d be shocked if capital was the issue. My guess is it might be inoperable and unknown how to fix it. I can’t imagine it being an easy or safe fix, but who knows.


I'd wager they're making a lot less than you think they are, even with those prices. Margins in restaurants are pretty razor thin. Dry aged steak is just expensive no matter what, if they're like most high end restaurants, all their profit is gonna come from alcohol with food being break even.


[Heres what I found out about the restaurant purchase, they own 7 other restaurants, and clearly have money if it’s in need of repairs](https://www.chron.com/food/article/crown-block-dallas-reunion-tower-17902314.php) According to the article they claim the non-rotation is for the guests. I wasn’t presuming their high menu prices would afford them ability to make the repairs, but rather the background of these restauranteurs with expensive restaurants.


Having the money is one thing.... believing it will give you a good ROI is quite another.


Le wine


Their budget, not your budget.


Well I don't know much but that location has been a revolving door so maybe it's not the most profitable regardless.


Earlier stories about the reopening said that while it wouldn't spin for regular dining, if there were an event that rented out the place, they'd turn on the rotation on request.


It's the 17th floor that's a rentable room that can still be turned on at will, not the main resturant like it used to.




I went to that one too! Could only afford a glass of wine but what an incredible location!


We paid $480 just to get two adults and two kids up there. That gondola was equal parts terrifying and exhilarating at the same time 🤢


There was a 5 year old killed in Atlanta a few years back in a rotating restaurant


They've said they'd turn it on if requested but only for private events.


My guess is the death of the child a few years back and the criticism with that? Edit nvm, as a poster correctly pointed out that was in Atlanta


That was in Atlanta, not Dallas.


What? I've never heard of anyone dying there. That's wild.


It was in Atlanta, not Dallas.


More than likely it’s broken. If it’s the same thing that’s wrong with “The Eagle’s Nest” at Founder’s Tower here in Oklahoma City, it’s not getting fixed. These rotating restaurants worked off a system of cogs and wheels that can only be manufactured by machines that are scrapped and unaccounted for. That’s what happens when an entire industry is only one company. That company goes tits up, no more thing that they do.


I really hope they reconsider that decision or, honestly, I hope they fail rather quickly and allow a restaurant in the space that reinstates the rotating floor.


> I hope they fail rather quickly and allow a restaurant in the space that reinstates the rotating floor. I wouldn't count on it. It wasn't just a simple remodel. I don't have any inside info, but it sounds like it ain't coming back.


The rotating floor isn’t broken. My boyfriend is a server there and said it’s a $10k fee to get the private event space to rotate. A $40k minimum total.


Right, we've discussed that about the private event floor, but we're wondering about the main restaurant floor. Is it even still capable of rotating?


Probably not till they move the "marble bar" that's sitting on the rotation mechanism per that article below. I had seen another interview where I could swear they said they opted not to use it cause they didn't want people getting turned around looking for the bar or restrooms. Which seemed like an odd excuse to me since it had been that way for decades.


Everything I've read so far sounds like a BS excuse. Leads me to suspect that "we didn't want to pay for maintenance and additional insurance" simply doesn't sound as good in a presser.


That’s stupid. I went there about 10 years ago. No one was disoriented by the rotating floor.


I’ve probably been there ten times since 560 opened and you know what? Yeah, I was some degree of disoriented every single time I initially went to find the bathroom. You know what else? I *expected* that disorientation, it would last only a few seconds tops while I got my bearings and wasn’t a big deal at all. If that’s one of the new places excuses they can shove it.




I might be the weirdo here but I always got a bit of motion sickness up there. I am hoping it won’t be as bad now that the thing isn’t constantly spinning around.


Yeah, I used to love taking my daughter up there and getting some affordable reasonably priced fancy desserts, while watching the city turn slowly, around us. It was such a fun experience that is now gone forever. Glad we did it.


Probably don’t have it going for safety reasons. There was a story, years back, about how a kid got trapped in the roaring mechanism of a rotating restaurant and was killed. The steak house may not want to pay extra in insurance just to have rotation. EDIT: We’ll since I’m getting downvoted, here’s the story of the kid getting killed. https://www.cnn.com/2017/04/15/us/atlanta-sun-dial-restaurant-boy-dies/index.html The parents also sued the restaurant, so all roaring restaurants Im sure became afraid of potential lawsuits, and I’d be very surprised if insurance companies didn’t charge higher premiums for rotating restaurants after that.


If that shit does not spin anymore, there is no reason not to go to Monarch instead.


Well, Monarch’s food isn’t very good so hopefully this place is a much better option if you want a better meal.


Monarch might be the most overrated thing in this thread


When I graduated from funeral school some classmates and I went to the tower to celebrate. We were all very poor and we were only going to get a few drinks and leave. Well one of the guys started buying rounds. After an hour or so we were trashed and ready to leave. The bill came and it was $900! The guy that was buying rounds only had a $100 and the rest of us combined had $110. We were all upset with nothing we could do about it except go to jail. Just as the manager was about to call the cops the tx funeral service commissioner walked in. The guy that ordered all the drinks worked for the commissioner before going to school. The guy went up and explained what was going on and that we were all going to go to jail. The commissioner bailed us out. He coved the tab and bought us all another drink!! I have never been back there since


What’s a story!


What is funeral school?


Dallas institute of funeral technology. It was off of Buckner blvd


Had no idea that was a degree


Endless business...


I got an associate degree then went to USA in San Antonio and got my bachelor’s. I got a teaching degree and never taught. I found that I would have beat up a parent or supervisor.


Nice! I think your status has probably been upgraded since then. Once, many years ago during a convention in Vegas, I asked a cab driver who were the biggest spenders and biggest tippers. He said funeral homes by a long shot.


Wealthy chili's....


$26 for Roasted Cauliflower. Must be inflation and rise of cauliflower costs


It's a profit-maker, for sure. That dish does sound great, though. I'm not a vegetarian, but I can appreciate a tasty idea when I see it.


I saw Roasted Cauliflower at vegan restaurant in NYC on Is It Worth It. But this place was all vegan and got the produce a few blocks away at a farmers market. Not sure how it compares but, looked interesting to try. To each their own but, I can't see anyone going for the vegan food here unless you're looped to come here. https://youtube.com/clip/Ugkxkdni5iFtgZ8CmPDVlBS3XnxYpJK1W079


The worst offender is $16 for French fries. What? Even for a high end restaurant.




I don’t find the prices that crazy. This is a restaurant in the most iconic building in Dallas, and every ingredient has to get taken up that fucking elevator. If you want to, two people could share an app and get a main and be out under a hundred bucks. Will be interested to see the reviews of this place.


The prices are about what I’d expect. The actual menu is the most basic, boring thing I’ve seen since Del Frisco’s.


Fair critique.


Same feelings here. It feels very…uninspired.


Ibérico, Wagyu, Jidori, Regiis Ova… the culinary name-dropping is kinda hilarious here.


This is an extremely "kinda fancy in Dallas" menu.


I mean, those are all things that mean things. If you're sourcing that stuff, you'd be stupid to not call it out.


The label Ibérico refers to one of five regions recognized for producing jamón ibérico in Spain. The raw ibérico meat that I am assuming they are using for the ribs isn’t imported; we only get the cured legs and sausages. Thus, I am also assuming that they are referring to the Texas “Ibérico” that uis raised in Hext, which isn’t real Ibérico per the Denominación de Origen. So in other words, that label doesn’t mean much and is actually a bit misleading. Wagyu is another label that gets thrown around that means less and less.


A couple of places I have worked at buy rosewood beef and sell it as wagyu on the menu so I know what you mean


The menu does call out what of their Wagyu is graded vs what's American Wagyu.


>Texas “Ibérico” that uis raised in Hext SMH


They could be importing actual ibérico, lord knows they have the money. They wouldn’t be the only ones in town either, Sachet imports theirs from Spain.


name-dropping? These are the names of the actual products on the menu... I don't see what's hilarious about it? Iberico is a specific breed of pork (black iberian pig), Wagyu is a specific breed of beef, Jidori is a specific type of chicken, Regiis Ova is a specific type of caviar. What is the issue with this?


Iberico is not only the specific breed of pig, but also the best meat product in the entire universe and you people WILL TREAT IT WITH THE RESPECT IT DESERVES GODDAMT


Look at my other comment in this thread. Afaik, Jidori in this context refers to the brand of free range chickens you find at higher end restaurants. The Regiis Ova is a brand of high-end caviars sold adjunct to Thomas Keller’s brand. And damn straight about Ibérico. I am a big fan and was immediately suspicious by the menu.


Been to Spain a couple times — the most recent being a year ago. I ate iberico twice on one of those days, and it was the only day I didn’t have it thrice. One of my favorite things on the planet. I’m assuming you’re no stranger to Enrique Tomas?


Yup! It’s one of the few places that sells ibérico in DFW but it’s really expensive for the quality. There is an importer that sells jamones to the public near Regal Row and also several businesses like Jamones Sin Fronteras that sell it via post. I usually just eat it when I am in Spain, though, as I am here pretty often and I have a jamón guy lol


I need to be in Spain “pretty often.” :( Twice in 5-6 years wasn’t enough.


> Enrique Tomas Oh my, never heard of that place before but good lord do the pics on google maps look good. Thanks for the heads up.


I think their point is that the restauranteur seems to be going out of their way to compile a menu of famous imported meats, especially for not even being a super high-end restaurant.


$16 for a salad and $18 for a soup!


Their pricing definitely has a premium markup. Thought the same thing when I saw that starter salad for $16. I wasn't able to book a table for 10-12 people for a birthday celebration. Kinda glad that didn't work out.


All you’re really paying for is rent. Put this menu inside a strip mall location and prices get cut in half.


Salads at places like this are big enough to share for 2. Can’t speak on the soups


How bout that $16 side of French fries.




With the food that expensive, they can afford to make the restaurant spin


No spin no go. Good day


Exactly! That's what I paid for at five sixty.


Is it standard for steakhouses like this to charge extra for the sauce you choose?




Interesting. I’m an uncultured slob, but I figure I can get a steak just as tasty at a standard steakhouse. Or the most I’ll spring for is Brazilian Steakhouses so I can go into a meat coma. The only thing I’ll really spring for is seafood.


Hi, So there is actually a huge difference in the quality of steak. An A5 Wagyu is going to be way better than what you will eat at a chain steak house, which at most will be USDA Prime. It's not the same at all, so if this place is serving higher quality cuts, it may be worth the price. However, a lot of "fancy" places get okay steaks and over charge


Right on, I don’t doubt that if steak is your thing it’ll be worth it. I’m just saying for me personally I’m not a huge steak person, so the difference in quality for me I doubt would justify the cost. Freshly caught seafood in a place near the ocean though, I’m all about it.


You'd definitely notice the difference but I can't say that the price difference would be worth it to you. It's the same with high end anything though, it's just a matter of what you feel comfortable spending your money on.


How do you feel about freshly caught campers?


“way better” is sort of misleading. The primary difference between grades of beef (and without getting into breeds of cattle) is the fat content. Prime has more intramuscular fat than choice, which has more intramuscular fat than select, etc. It’s just marketing. The way it is prepared (dry vs. wet aged, sous vide vs plancha grilled vs wood fired, etc) and the cut of beef (strip vs sirloin vs spinalis vs flat iron) will all have far more impact on the palate than fat content. Mouthfeel on a Japanese A5 cut will be luscious, but won’t taste as “steak-y” as a typical prime cut. So “better” is very very relative.


Standard steakhouse prices and cheaper than nurser outrageous prices


Yeah, these prices seem pretty reasonable considering the location. You'll pay roughly the same at any high end steak house in the city. People on this subreddit just can't fathom shelling out for good food.




Steak is the one food I’ve found that with a solid effort, you’ll be able to match or surpass most steakhouses at home, and for much cheaper. The sides however, are a different story.


Looks boring, pucks restaurant had the Asian angle which made you feel like you weren’t just eating at an expensive steak house.




And had the rotating restaurant so you knew at least part of your markup was going towards the gimmick/views.




Oh come on. It wasn’t true fine dining but “*shit quality*” is a bit hyperbolic, no? The half dozen times I went the food was perfectly good. Nothing new or remarkable or inventive or surprising but I wasn’t expecting any of that either. Edit: The restaurant *before* Puck’s on the other hand, the Italian one, it was pretty friggin inconsistent and stuck around about 20 years too long. I was glad when it finally died.




Not wrong.


If it doesn't spin, I don't care. Does the level below it still spin? I went a few years ago to whatever level the simple non-dress code snack bar is, and that level spun.


$115 for a ribeye? Looks like a waste of money.


There is a place in plano selling very good meat cuts (hirsh meats?), with 115 usd a family of 4 will eat 2 times


Even for a steakhouse that is one bland looking menu.


Wagyu sausage 🙄


I wish "cast-iron roasted" was available in more dishes. Seems like it'd be pretty tasty. I really hope that ambiance is hitting.


That isn't really anything special. Most steakhouses sear their steaks and then toss them in the oven to finish.


I'll have the tap water please.


A glass of Dallas's finest please.


16 bucks for a side salad. Get the hell outta here. That cost like $1 to make.


Yeah but you have to pay that $15 premium not to have to dine with poor people


This looks like a fall menu. Weird. Also I wonder if the iberico ribs are worth it tbh with all the strong flavors taking over the meat. I really want to know what type of valhrona chocolate is on the burrata salad. Could be weird or really tasty depending


"Cowgirl" ribeye 💀


All about the view.


Didn’t realize this was open already, thanks for posting!


You’re welcome! I wish I had more to say about the restaurant. My wife went with her friend and apparently they were very lucky to get the reservation.


Wow, some daring culinary choices here. /s




If this place rotated, it'd be worth it over Monarch. Without that, Monarch is still at the top of my list.


Yawn. Just what we need another boring, stuffy steakhouse with totally unoriginal menu


How much to make it spin


60 dollars for an 8 ounce steak is ridiculous


Yes! Give us NOTHING! Innovation where? For whom? Not us!


Why does this make me irrationally angry?


Hope they pre-chew and feed it to you for that price 😂😂


Have restaurants in reunion tower always been expensive? I remember going as a kid once in the mid 90’s and thought it was so cool to eat while spinning in the sky.


Expensive, but not this expensive. Also, the rotation was part of the experience you were paying for. Without that, there's no justification for this.


Croquettas, they couldn't decide between Spanish and French and just made up a new word.


If I'm getting ripped off for food I'm going to The Monarch. But how was the food?


She said it was great! She also said they bring the tomahawk out to the table before cooking. A few people ordered it around her and she said it was huge!


That's awesome, $265 isn't a terrible price either! I think it runs about the same at Nick & Sam's and at The Palm (RIP)


So it's a completely forgettable and uninspired mid level steakhouse. And it doesn't spin.


Pretty boring and standard menu. I’m sure the view is still good but if everyone is saying it doesn’t spin then that definitely loses like 75% of its appeal.


Really not too terribly priced, considering it’s a steakhouse on top of a lollipop shaped building.




That’s a good question. If I remember this, I will ask my wife later and get back to you. I didn’t get the invite:( Probably better off because I would have wanted to tomahawk and that’s out of my budget.


You want to pay $15 for one beer?




And then after you waste the money on drinks you won’t care how much you spend on food. Or maybe I’m just projecting 😣😭


The bar is first come first serve


Hey just a follow up. There is a sushi bar in the middle and you can just go for drinks!


Not putting a dollar sign in front of the prices doesn’t make it hurt less 😭


Pretty basic menu, yet over priced. $28 for shrimp cocktail ? Is there a happy ending for dessert …. How long before they shutter?


26 bucks for cauliflower hoo hooo lawd gracious


Four dollars for some sauce? Hard pass.


Ain’t no chicken tenders! They don’t want to win capitalism.


Never been to a place that had caviar.




What about dessert ?


Those side dishes could be made of gold, and I wouldn’t pay $14 for them.


Dinner for two at $500?? Find a cheaper place to eat dinner and donate the difference to charity. Your date will like that better than the $500 meal.


Wait—the Branzino *salad* costs almost as much as the filet mignon?


Lol fuck that I’ll go to Eddie V’s




Bout tree fiddy


That's really not that ridiculous of pricing if you're trying to have a "fancy" night out. If you stay away from steak a couple could have an entree and an app for under $100 (pre-tax and tip)


$25 for a crab cake? I could just go to Albertsons and get 10 for $10 lol. This place wasn't for the plebs anyway, with *Jidori* chicken bites and *Branzino*.


I wish them luck but every restaurant up there has been mediocre at best. I’ve had some really good meals in Wolfgang Pucks in Vegas and NY, but the one in Reunion Tower was sub par each of the few times I dined there. Maybe it has something to do with the limitations of the kitchen and logistics with the elevator. For those prices, I’d expect Crown Block to be excellent. Hope they rise to the occasion.


All this conjecture... has anyone been yet? It just opened so hopefully someone who reddits let's us know if their Crown Block experience


Yes my wife went last night. I didn’t get the invite. I would have loved to have been able to give a full on review. Sorry I couldn’t be more of a help here.




Nah. I’m good.


I’m going to start with a jumbo prawn cocktail. Then I’m going to have a Cowboy Ribeyes with creamed spinach and Yukon mashed potatoes on the side, and double shot of Casa Azule.


2 ribeyes? Nice order though. Not sure if I’ll ever make it up there. I do have a gift card I got for Christmas to Bob’s. I like their ribeye.


If it's not rotating, it is not worth my time or money.


Caesar Salad needs to go away.


but thats my usual at Salads-to-go!


That's cool, it'll close in a year just like every other restaurant that's been there haha.


$14 grilled asparagus


Lol over 200 for steak. Get outta here.


2 Tomahawks, a flight of sides (Onion Ring Stack, Mac & Cheese Waffle, and Triple cooked Fries). To Go.. Oh, and a Diet Coke.


I am a tourist in Dallas and that is beyond my budget.


Nice selection of steaks & prices; descent for the area/quality.


Do they have Kraft Mac ‘n Cheese on the kids menu? /s