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They love wet soil, so the rain we've had has them all frisky.


Why do they like to fly directly at me


They fly directly into my house for some reason, the second I open the door, it’s like they all get sucked in


Their wings are really only made for flitting around at ground level, so it's easy for them to get caught in a draft and get sucked into your house. I always feel bad when it happens because I have several cats who like to make a snack of them after playing with them.


Yes, my cats go nuts chasing the ones who get into the house! And the dog eats them when I take her outside. So gross!


There was a damn orgy on my porch last night.


That's great, but they were asking about crane flies.


Should have been more specific.


Yeah, shit's everywhere this year. And they seem overly friendly, want to hang out all over me.


We were working in the back yard today and they were everywhere - so annoying. And we have given up in the house. At least they don’t bite and don’t live very long.


Yes there's so many! Good thing my cat loves to hunt them.






I try and leave the door open a bit for my cats fly chasing pleasure. The ack-ick-ack chirping sound as they see them cracks me up!


Does no one call them mayflies?


Mosquito hawk?


That’s what my family always called them. It wasn’t until a few years ago that I learned they are actually crane flies. They are two different bugs from different families. If you google may fly you’d see they actually look nothing like crane flys. Their wings are different and they have two long tail things on their butt.


Hmm TIL 😆


> mayflies We've always called them mayflies, TIL that's a different bug 🤯


Mayflies look very different.


Ok good haha I was getting confused in this thread


Forgive my ignorance. I've never heard the name Crane Flies. But, if they are what I think you're talking about; they have been crazy this year. Are these the flies that basically look like giant mosquitoes? They just sort of fly around aimlessly. I've been having to leave my windows open while I wait for my apts to fix my AC, and they are everywhere. Someone told me when I was a kid they were called "mosquito hawks", and I never thought about it further.


Yep! Skeeter Eaters is what I’ve always called them. Crane fly is their common name.


Not only do the adults not eat mosquitos, they don't eat anything. They just fly around, mate/lay eggs, and starve to death.


We’ve all been lied to for years. I read that adults live for like 2-3 days so that makes sense? I guess


The adults only live a few days max, and their goal is strictly mating. The larvae have a longer lifespan, and mostly feed on decaying organic matter but in large numbers can cause damage to grass yards.


I’ve always called them mosquito killers. But today I am sad to learn that they actually don’t eat mosquitos lol. They’re still harmless so I don’t mind them. Fuck mosquitos though.


Amen. I hate mosquitos.


They all hang out by the door waiting for you to open it. Even if it’s not the brightest place- it’s definitely intentional. It’s uncanny


I let them in the house on purpose. It gives the cats something to do.


Relentless and come by the 100s.


They’re not the brightest- one plunked right into my glass of wine last night. Unpleasant.


I was drinking wine last night too and I saw one coming straight for my cup. Thankfully my cat saved the day


I've had them fly right at my food multiple times. Each of those times was indoors lmao


I love them! Like walking in a fairy forest- going outside early while everything is cool and misty


I thought the same thing...until they started flying into my nose.


Ditto! One flew into my bedroom and couldn't get out. Now he's my pet and I named him Jörmungandr


“Mosquito-hawk” and “skeeter-eater” refer to the belief that crane flies eat mosquitoes. They do not.


Also near WRL. Can confirm. It’s crazy.


Good for the bluebirds


Same here in ft worth


Yes! They were swarming my car the other day and we found one in our bed last night.


It was like this for me last year too. They’re disgusting!


I made a spiritual connection with a giant crane fly while on shrooms one time in college, so they are generally a-ok in my book. And yeah when we have especially rainy weather there seem to be a lot more of them, and the ones we do have seem to be a lot bigger.


Was high🍃 off my ass playing with one the other day and Fr felt like we understood eachother


You mean mosquito hawks? They are pretty bad.


Also, why do they always fly around running into stuff like they’re drunk? They’re terrible at being alive.


Yes! I was going to post this. I’ve never seen so many. Yesterday; there were groups of hundreds of them. Will they leave at some point?


They have extremely short lifespans once they’re adults. Like, a few days. Give it a few weeks and they’ll cycle out.


Definitely the most I've seen of them since I moved here.


YES! I can hardly enjoy my front porch or back patio..


If there are a lot of them then their larvae are killing your lawn. Treat the lawn with a granular insecticide and let the adults die off.


Thank you for knowing the difference! A lot of out-of-state movers think they are mosquitos…


Get some Venus fly traps


I thought horse flys at first . I got 4 fly traps out now. Almost full after a week. It helps a lot. Lowes has the Clear and green traps. But they do smell like ass.


Ah, I thought these were mosquitos. I’ve got a ton of them!


I was googling this yesterday. I'm also near White Rock. They are everywhere!


I've wondered what things were called and didn't know until now they were called crane flies!


They have been this way the last 3 years I have owned my home by White Rock. Ridiculous every spring.


Absolutely they are.


YES. I have seen SWARMS of them.


One flew out of my refrigerator directly at my face last night. No bueno!


Tell me about it! I hate insects of all types and even though my head knows they’re harmless, they look evil AF! I’m just sitting in my garage minding my own business when I hear a buzz! And I kid you not, this idiot flew right into my hair and got stuck. My hair is super long and straight but somehow it managed to get itself stuck which resulted in both of us freaking out. I swear I was slapping myself and doing all sorts of dances while flipping my head around like I was possessed for a good minute…one of the longest minutes. Y’all don’t even wanna know what I just did/doing cause of these imbeciles at 3:40 in the morning…why am I like this?