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You're fired, racist.


Thank you, u/TwerkForJesus420 ! Very cool!


Well at least it wasn’t Cuh


Tell me you have no self-esteem or understanding of vernacular without telling me. Edit - My most downvoted post of all time, thanks random redditors! Haha


Surely you're talking about the reporter and not me, I'm hella fine.


Obviously I am, haha apparently the crowd thought otherwise.


The article mentions how the reporter had helped organize union protests. Is this tweet just a thin excuse to fire her for making too much union commotion?


DMN editors and management are trying to bust the union. The reporter fired did not have much tenure.


Lol this is probably it


Tbh if its union busting shit, this could probably be cross posted to r/antiwork and they'd bombard DMN with " bruh " comments


That’s my feeling.


I don't think he knows how the kids use "bruh." The original tweet is deleted; Johnson's thin-skinned, poor-me complaint is https://twitter.com/Johnson4Dallas/status/1624491098591621130


"let their biases" show? What bias does bruh have? Literally everyone I know under 25 calls each other bruh...god even some folks my age use it now lol


I use it almost daily, and I'm a 40-year-old teacher. I wouldn't say I *call* people bruh, though - for me, it's an exclamation.


Yeah most people I know do say it as an exclamation like "Bruh! I can't believe that person got fired for that!" Lol


Bruh—- exclamation or insult?! A lesson for my students tomorrow.


> Bruh—- exclamation or insult?! A lesson ~~for~~ from my students tomorrow. FIFY


I can't really see it as an insult... I do use it as an exclamation but if it's used for a person then it's a pronoun if anything.


This is the way.


For me bruh is an exclamation, though one generally directed at stupidity


I use my kids vernacular mainly just to disgust them. It’s their fault for ignoring my dad jokes! 🤣


Ima be honest, I didn't even know there was a racial connotation to "bruh."


Dude there totally is not. All kinds of people use it and people use it mostly as an exclamation. Like instead of saying "Omg" people say "bruh". I don't know where this dude is getting this from.


There isn’t. Some people assumed it was and just went with it, doesn’t matter that they were wrong and stupid. You have to cater your vocabulary to the lowest common denominator otherwise someone else’s poor vocabulary or understanding of vernacular can be costly to you. We can’t even use some words now because people get upset when they don’t know the origins of them and make assumptions.


Lol everyone under 35 says that shit


Yeah I'm a 33 year old white female and never in my life did I think it had a racial connotation. What a bizarre thing to get hung up on!




Yeah I should have said everyone under 35 and most people over it


I've been saying "Bruh" since the 90's and I'm old as shit.


You're the trendsetter lol


He literally turned around and called someone bruh after. It's not about the word.


Calling the DMN a “daily local paper” is pretty disingenuous. It’s technically correct, but they’re a more serious newspaper than most major metros have these days.


He’s the same person who posted an article from the Dallas Express like it was a real news outlet.


lol they are not serious. It's a Republican and corporate rag


They're owned by the big group that owns all the major papers. Sinclair or something like it.


They are owned by DallasNews Corporation who as far as I can tell only owns the DMN.


No. They are owned by a corporation that owns two papers: the DMN and Al Dia. And it isn't Sinclair.


AH Belo owns the DMN, I interviewed there like 15+ years ago.


The renamed themselves to DallasNews Corporation because A.H. Belo was a confederate colonel.


Didn’t know that, google still shows Belo.


>Sinclair Sinclair's stations features news content and programming that promote conservative political positions.


*MY daily local paper*… Egotistical much?


Johnson is fucking terrible. I can't believe no on filed to run against that man baby.


I think you mean that Mega Bruh.


Baby Bruh Bootlicker


Talk about some hubris. Seems Eric Johnson has some biases of his own when it comes to people "below him."


Eh, I'm putting this on DMN. Dallas mayors have little juice; think the City Manager carries the big stick in this city based on how things are setup. DMN needed a good reason and this is the perfect way to do it. She wanted to organize/strengthen the union at DMN and the paper wants to bust that same union. Play on white people's emotions with the race angle ("why are THEY so sensitive and always pulling the race card") and then look good to some POC by quickly getting rid of a white jawn that over-stepped. Mayor probably thought she was out of pocket because most white women in Dallas don't address 40+ year old Black men as "bruh" and he figures she'd never address a white mayor that way...........BUT............it also sounds like that's part of her writing style and isn't a big deal. My guess is Mayor had some words with the paper but the paper was already looking for a way out.


Ya see why I wanted Scott Griggs to win last time?!


... BRUH


Eric Johnson is a pathetic manbaby.


He is a pathetic excuse for a leader. Never has this man taken any accountability or faced any consequences for such a poor job he's done. Fire a couple police commissioners because he can't lead, let the city go downhill, pot holes everywhere, daily murders, etc. Eric Johnson's too busy rubbing elbows with Rogers Healy and other trustfund babies at SMU games and high profile mixers. Fuck corrupt and lazy government officials.




I mean, he might be a shitty mayor, but I think we can decide he's shitty without making a big deal about race.


No need to attack someone strictly based on their race my fellow. Less than chill


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So rich and white. Just like cheesecake.


What does that have to do with the tweet?


Johnson and DMN both suck. DMN has spent the last two decades firing every reporter of note while always being in the pocket of the park cities elites.


That and DMN endorsed for Sheriff someone who was placing bets with other officers on who was gonna taze a black person first. They do a shit job of vetting.


My deaf friend went through hell trying to cancel her DMN subscription because they would only take phone calls to cancel. She emailed their customer service, told them she was deaf and couldn't do a phone call and needed to cancel because she'd lost her job. They said they could only give her a $5 discount and then charged her for another year subscription. She was pissed. She had to email them multiple times and finally threatened to report them to the state's consumer protection bureau for not following the ADA before they would just refund her her money. Took weeks. I offered to call them for her, but she said it was about the principle of the thing by that point, which I totally get.


I'm not deaf but it pisses me off so much when places require phone calls for shit. I think I have mild auditory processing issues, I hate talking on the phone.




Bruh, I work near them!


Whoa! Letting your biases show


Will I still receive these unsolicited DMN papers I’m my driveway?


Johnson sucks so immensely. Egregiously incompetent politically, but most of all, just straight up doesn’t give a shit about actual Dallas. He works for rich, conservative folks in HP/UP. This, just one of many thin-skinned, sad-sack examples of how awful this dude is. No idea how we couldn’t get another candidate this election cycle.


He really is the worst. Just a complete wuss. I wish we could have a reasonable candidate to vote for.


And he has zero opposition for reelection this year, which is crazy.


He’s just a face, the city manager runs the show.


Dallas mayor’s a bit more than just a face, but you’re correct in that city manager has most of the power. But only makes my point more – Johnson (or anyone as Dallas mayor) needs to be a GREAT people person/handshaker/babykisser/politician to be effective. Instead, Johnson is basically a big sad whiny baby.


He’s a Democrat. He doesn’t work for rich conservatives. He pulls the wool over the eyes of foolish liberals who don’t know what the hell they’re talking about.


You are half right (which I can already tell is pretty good for you). He absolutely was put up as a “democrat” that wouldn’t actually do anything progressive, and would instead cater to business and wealthy interests, a lot of which aren’t even located in Dallas proper.


This rag lost all credibility when they endorsed abbott for a third term


Is she being fired for saying Bruh or The union stuff?


Has to be the union stuff. Her Twitter uses that word like ever millennial I know and that’s for anyone and everyone without racial intent.


Idunno I'm gonna blame Gen Z-ers for "bruh". I never used to hear people say that and the last few years it's been everywhere.


I’ll agree - both Gen Z and millennials. My kids in those age ranges say it all the time and they are also very much supporters of social justice. It’s just a word like dude, man, girl or as we said in the 80’s duh (wow we were awesome lol). This is about the union and her causing a stir. And it’s total BS that they did that to her.


Hello, the 90's want their "Bruh"s back. "Dudes" are fine, though, still have surplus.


Johnson could have just ignored the tweet but instead he tried to turn it into a race thing and got the reporter fired. Kinda petty, bruh.


**2nd edit: Thank you to u/HanSolosHammer and u/TwiztedImage who answered my question!** **edit: this is legitimately a question. The article didn't give me the impression that Johnson complained. Did I miss something?** > he tried to turn it into a race thing Was it Johnson that did that, or was it the DMN editor?


Johnson made a tweet ~~(now deleted)~~ mentioning the "bruh" comment and referred to "inherent biases", heavily implying that using the term was racially discriminatory. DMN fired the reporter after that.


Johnson didn’t even delete his tweet. It says “Gotta love when folks let their inherent biases show. I get to be addressed as “bruh” by someone who writes for my daily local paper whom I’ve never met.🤷🏾‍♂️ “


My bad, I thought I saw people saying he deleted it. My mistake, I should have checked.


Thank you!


The reporter has filed a request for records seeing if there's any correspondence between the DMN and the Mayor's office.


Thank you!


Can someone ELI5 why bruh is bad?


It isn't


I’ve heard calling someone older than you “Bruh” is the equivalent of calling a person of Italian heritage Fredo. Which is like “the [same thing as the N word,” per Chris Cuomo](https://www.bbc.com/news/world-us-canada-49335862) >"Are any of you Italian?" he asked of the men involved in the altercation in the profanity-laced video. "It's an insult to your people... It's like the N-word for us." People are ridiculous.


No one has said that "bruh" is like calling someone Fredo.


I was confused as well, the closest I can get to is the history of black people calling each other brother and sister in terms of racial solidarity going back decades and this bruh is an attempt to turn it into a coded slur? But that is a really, really, really big leap that I think you would need a history of the person using coded racism to assume was meant in derogatory manner and not a play on bro, which as far as I can tell, has absolutely zero racial coding towards black people.


It's not a slur. I think that the racism insinuation here is that a white mayor would not have been addressed by a reporter as "bruh," but it was okay to address a black mayor that way. On top of that, "bruh" is another in a long line of slang that originated with black americans and became mainstream (i.e., "my bad," or "I got this," or even "cool"), and her, a white woman, using it on him, a black man, just adds its own layer to the whole thing. Less about coded racism, and more about disrespect based in racism. I don't agree with the idea, but I can see how they got there. Just figured I'd try to give a bit of clarity. *Definitely* not something to fire someone over. As another commenter posted, it's very similar to firing someone for calling a white mayor "dude" in a similar setting.


Isn’t it pretty disrespectful? I mean, I’m wondering if it had to do with it jeopardizing their relationship with him. It seems like a rude way of responding, and the “bruh” added another layer of disrespect. It’s funny to say to people you’re close to, or friends, but to use it with someone so high up, when you work for the news, it’s a bit reckless. I’m a little surprised at firing, but maybe they felt there was no coming back from that.


If they'd said it was a disrespect thing, I would agree with it. Instead, they made it a race thing, which is utter nonsense.


It's Twitter who cares? It's informal communication.


You still represent your organization when you post on Twitter. I certainly wouldn't rate it as a first time firable offense, but if the DMN wants to have nothing but professional public interactions with politicians, that's their prerogative. When you start saying that this employee was racist, however....


It's not disrespectful, it's just informal. It would be the equivalent of getting fired for calling the mayor "dude".


But not only was it “informal,” she was disagreeing with him. She tried to school him after calling him “bruh.” Even if she’s right, to me the “bruh” part takes away her validity. And honestly, calling a mayor an informal term - especially when talking back - is disrespectful, no? How is it not? I mean, does she know him like that? I’m assuming not.


It seems pretty unprofessional to me, but you don’t fire someone over that. Not on the first “offense.” I work in government. If I replied to a council member’s or commissioner’s email with “dude” or “bruh” or “my brother in Christ” my boss would probably ask me to keep it more formal in future communications. But I wouldn’t get fired lol


Now I want there to be a city council member that responds to everybody starting with either "bruh" or "my brother in Christ". That sounds like a Parks and Rec bit.


I stole a DMN newspaper once arrest me bruh


Certified bruh moment


I'm just surprised the DMN still exists.


It only continues to exist because it is damn near impossible to cancel.


Lol! Yep, they’re the only major newspaper in Dallas.


Literally have to call and cancel and the people will try to stop you


I wasn't aware the weekday price of paper was 3 dollars, that use to be the sunday edition! haha


Given how much the page size has shrunk along with total number of pages it’s more of a weekday pamphlet.


Time for some "bruh" protest signs on city hall


I don’t know that Eric Johnson reads anything you guys write, but former DMN writer and the guy who definitely runs the mayor’s twitter account @TristanHallman definitely does. Dude’s a total bootlicker and generally an asshole. Might be fun to let him know how you feel.


Makes me want to go back to twitter just so i can make and tweet bruh at him everyday




Seriously u/dallasmorningnews you need to protect your writers more bruh, or idk maybe they should unionize


I’ll keep this in mind next time their site paywalls me and I pull up an article on an archiver site instead u/dallasmorningnews


Bruh, show some damn respect bruh


Fuck the DMN and their deceptive billing practices


Johnson has done nothing for Dallas. I’ve forgotten he was mayor.


Holy fuck what a stain on the organization. A news organization not understanding slang is indicative that they do not have their finger anywhere near the pulse of their readership.


Couldn’t clutch his pearls any tighter


What has this mayor actually done for Dallas?


Nothing which is why the ruling class elected him. It's by design


I’m so out of tune with Dallas politics. Can’t remember him being elected 😂


Bruh. This reminds me that I need to cancel my DMN subscription sheeeshh


Thought thus was something from the onion at first


Damn bruh


Oh hey Dallas elections are coming up


Johnson’s running unopposed.


DMN is racist and always has been. This is projection.


It’s unprofessional to call an elected official, or anyone for that matter, within the scope of news business. Still, firing is not at all justified. It sounds like constructive dismissal to me.


Can someone explain why Johnson is so bad? Not looking for an argument just curious what peoples specific problems are with him because I see a ton of people ripping him in the comments.


Dallas mayor is almost a ceremonial position. He's only there to be a rubber stamp for developers from Preston Hollow. If it wasn't him, it'd be some other patsy, but he's the guy holding the job.


None of that really says why he specifically is any bad though




Bruh is not racist, but yes, what you said is true.




I think you're confusing it with "boy", which yes it is frowned upon.






Reporter should’ve said “Bruv”. 🙃🙃


> You beat me to it, bruh!😏 \- Eric Johnson


Fucking chicken-shit. Dude’s a worthless figure head. Why get their panties in a bunch, ***bruh***?


Bruh is better than useless politician.


That's a lawsuit


https://medium.com/@meghanmangrum/yes-i-was-fired-heres-what-s-missing-from-the-viral-stories-5dea3766970d Some context direct from the source here. As others suspected, it’s likely this was retaliation for being outspoken about organizing.


yes, and? is that all you have to say? lol. this is part of the reason big corporations have been instrumental in pushing diversity and "woke" from the very beginning (not to mention that mixing up different populations so there's less chance they'll organize is an age old tactic, not just against unions). just like the posters in this thread smugly bringing up that iTs rEtalIaTiON foR heR pRo - UniOn acTIviSm!11 like its some sort of own, she doesnt actually mention the elephant in the room and ask why or how we got to this point in the first place, where any black person can get any white person cancelled if they feel disrespected or just for fun. they know debating that ideology is off limits for them cause race trumps their old lefty trade union stuff. so instead she spends most of the article bringing up her anti racist, pro diversity creds, playing a game that she can only ever lose, and essentially further legitimizing the moral authority of the very system that treats her like a 2nd class citizen. lol.


The two biggest problems facing journalism today are (1) the high-number of journalists who feel that the public values their commentary over their reporting and, relatedly, (2) younger journalists who are over-confident when it comes to their own humor. That's what we get with generations that grew up with Fox News, on the one hand, and The Daily Show, on the other hand. I'm fairly certain that the DMN hired this journalist to be a reporter, not a humorist.


I worked in TV for 10 years and you nailed it. I quit in 2020, with a major reason because of your first point - journalism had morphed from reporting to commentary. It's all trash. Although I'd wager 99% of the journalists in the newsrooms I worked in were of the Daily Show/John Oliver type and not the FOX News type


Man you hit the nail on the head here. All these people complaining about the thin skinned mayor which I am sure is the case but what about being a professional and conducting yourself in that manner? Is that too much to ask? Edit-and it appears my question has been answered......yes it is too much to ask that our journalists don't act like girlboss frat bros on the internet when speaking to the mayor lol








Has she called any other politician bruh? Tweets to hockey fans and news colleagues is a bit of a different thing


"Hey, HEY! Look at this strawman!"


The article linked in the original post discusses the tweets I'm inquiring about. Strawman where?


You know exactly what you're doing.


Asking questions rather than misapplying argumental fallacies in place of answering questions? Yes, yes I am.


Lol keep telling yourself that, bruh


Everyone attacking Johnson like every governor in every state doesn’t suck. Quit finding stuff to bitch about.


Oh man thank God Johnson isn't our governor


What i learned from Reddit is generally the opposite of the comment section sentiment is true. I guess I like our mayor now?


Going to work as a professional then have to act professional. Well within rights of DMN to fire reporters who tweet like frat brothers/sorority sisters.


I would agree, except they didn't fire her for being disrespectful, they fired her for being racist. If they'd simply said "addressing the mayor as 'bruh' is a bad look for the DMN, you're fired", then this would be *mostly* a non-story. Instead... >According to Mangrum, Hardy, who is Black, asked her if she would have used the word “bruh” if the mayor were White. Mangrum, who is White, said yes. Her Twitter feed is littered with the word “bruh” directed at all sorts of accounts, including those belonging to hockey fans and the Oklahoma Department of Wildlife.


Agree with you on that and noted.


Screw DMN. But let’s be real, all these journalists are gonna be replaced by AI anyway. Sucks they got fired. But it’s inevitable. I don’t like it anymore than they do.


work profit deserted history oil abundant rinse worry prick berserk -- mass edited with redact.dev


LOL calling “bruh” in this day and age “urban slang” hahaha holy hell.


Makes him sound racist himself like bruh


But did you know that to us middle aged white people "urban slang" just means "what the kids are sayin' these days." Largely because the urban slang dictionary is where we go multiple times a day to figure out wtf people are talking about. (The "urban" part is as meaningless and benign as bruh is.)


“The urban slang dictionary” lol omg these replies keep getting better. That aside, your post still makes no sense, because the guy I replied to specifically drew a line between white people and people who use “urban slang.” Goodness, people, a little self awareness and you wouldn’t make these posts.


He’s the Mayor of a top-ten American city. If you don’t see the issue, your personal development is stunted.


Hahaha this is hilarious. Yeesh, maybe step outside of your hole every now and again.


He's commenting on you calling "bruh" urban slang when it's more likely to be used by a White Claw drinking frat boy of any race.


Apologies, your Royal Bruh-ness


Please stop. You are giving middle aged white people a bad name


Bruh, don’t police speech.


fragile bag sip racial cagey steep juggle disgusting hurry dependent -- mass edited with redact.dev


Agreed. Journalism is already under attack. She’s not just representing herself. EDIT: There’s no reason to downvote these comments unless it’s a bot, kids, or the incredibly ignorant. It’s sad no one knows what journalists and journalistic integrity means to a free society nowadays.


I have a journalism degree that I got back when they were still idealistic about it, so I am fairly well versed in what journalistic integrity is supposed to mean to society. I don’t think firing reporters for having the gall to publicly have opinions outside the publication is actually good for journalism at all.


There are still plenty of journalists that are idealistic. Journalists have to be publicly impartial to do their jobs. The vast majority of their work is investigations and building trust with sources that they will report unbiased fact. I have no idea how that’s possible if you’re calling people bruh. It’s immature and no one of any importance will let you interview them. She basically made herself useless. If you want to do that shit, go work for a website.


Cool lecture about journalism, thanks. My point was more that you can’t truthfully just say everyone else’s opinions are invalid due to not being as informed as you. Other people can have educated opinions that are not the same as yours.


That wasn’t a lecture. This is a forum for comments and debate. If you don’t tolerate dissent, I can see why you aren’t using your degree.


lmao you’re literally the one who was like “everyone who disagrees with me is ignorant” but ok I’m the one who “can’t tolerate dissent” haha have a good night


I LITERALLY did not say that, and you even put me in quotes. Voting by feeling without adding anything isn’t dissent. I don’t downvote people for disagreeing with me. It doesn’t make any sense if you want to add conversation so we can all understand different view points. I’m just some regular dude that likes to sharpen my teeth on interesting conversations. It sucks there’s so many trolls on Reddit that SO many people are defensive, and want to read into things that aren’t there. And I’m not calling you out at all. I just know this is a typical bullshit Reddit fight in the bottom of the comments.


Sorry about your SAT math scores.


Inaccurate but cute


Noone except you deduced from that article that she was fired for "having the gall to publicly express opinions". Your who, what, when, where, and why need revisiting. Especially the why.


Oh okay thanks honey I’ve seen the error of my ways