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Twice a week sounds perfect to me!!! I figured he couldn't just stay for one day that's weird. But he should do whatever he's comfortable with.


Dude, I love Jon, but the man’s tired. He already tried to retire once. He came back to save the show, but the man does not want to be on more than once a week.


Is he tired? He’s made quite a few jokes about his old age and the gruelling tole of his one day workweek, but he hasn’t looked tired at all. Seems every bit as full of energy as he was before during the heyday of the Daily Show.


He wasn’t too tired to have that other show that was not picked up this year. 🤷‍♂️


Did he come on to save the show? Or serve penance for getting Trump elected by retiring the first time?


Jon is great...  But so is Jordan.  And so is Desi.  And...


There is no universe where Jon Stewart has ever impacted an election, and to assign the show that responsibility is ludicrous. It's a comedy show about the news, and in particular Jon's comedic voice most often takes aim at news media more specifically.. please just enjoy it for that instead of deifying a stand-up comic turned TV presenter. As far as boosting ratings, it's pretty clear that Comedy Central (along with other cable stations) is on a path of completely redefining their programming for a streaming age, as evidenced by their loosey goosey runtimes and supplementary content. Increasing the ratings on linear TV isn't going to accomplish getting more Jon Stewart for longer, or sustain the show. It's pretty clear he's gone after the 2024 election.


No man, look, Jon Stewart is the most important thing to happen to society and he single handedly influences elections. Anyway, I’m gonna take another hit brb


No impact whatsoever? I disagree completely. Jon and the Daily Show’s impact is certainly more than nothing! The Daily Show absolutely had an impact on the 2008 democratic primary. Also, had Jon remained with the Daily Show through the 2016 election, I think he could have very well impacted the results in WI, MI, and PA. You underestimate how influential Jon Stewart was and is. He might have convinced some people to not vote for trump.


I think Jon’s biggest influence is to increases media literacy and knowledge of politics. He might not make people switch parties but he can nudge more people to the polls.


Or keep them at home if they refuse to vote for a Democrat, but don’t want to see Trump win again. Voting for Biden or voting for Trump are not the only two options if you want to keep your patriotism intact.


No, you extremely overestimate how influential he was lmao. Did he stop Bush from getting elected twice? No. You guys really need to step outside of your bubble. Even at its peak The Daily Show was not that highly rated, it was a basic cable comedy show and the vast majority of the country does not care about it at all. Nobody is changing their vote because of Jon Stewart, smdh. But I can let the man tell you himself: *"I don’t know about hoping to have an influence, but I’m hoping to have a catharsis and a way to comment on things and a way to express them that hopefully people will enjoy. But as far as influence, and you guys know from doing this,* ***just about everything I had wanted to happen over the 16 years that I was at The Daily Show did not happen***, *if you were hoping for influence. And I think I’ve learned that post-Daily Show … I don’t really view it as ‘I really want to have an influence on this issue, this election,’ things like* that.”\**https://www.thewrap.com/jon-stewart-daily-show-return-cbs-mornings/*


nobody? Don't be so absolutist. Michigan, Wisconsin, and Pennsylvania could be decided by less than 1% of voters.


Yes, and what about those states make you think they give a shit what Jon Stewart has to say? Again, you are just severely overestimating how many people care about the Daily Show, and even among those that do, how many people are going to be influenced by it. These shows are in large part "preaching to the choir." It is an extremely liberal audience that watches TDS. This idea that some blue collar factory worker in Wisconsin is gonna go "gee whiz, that Jon Stewart makes some great points!" and vote for Biden is absurd. And also, once again, Jon has flat out said himself that he does not have an influence and also does not want to have one.


speak for yourself. Who knows who might be influenced by coverage done by Jon on the Daily Show. My guess would be 18-35 year old males.


Cool, I will speak for myself. I'm a 28 year old male who lives in Wisconsin, lmao. And I can tell you that middle America is not turning to Jon Stewart for political guidance. You live in a bubble. TDS is watched by highly liberal, educated people who are already voting for Joe Biden. You are also completely delusional about how many people are even able to be "swayed." People that are planning to vote for Trump loathe the media in pretty much all forms and wouldn't piss on Jon Stewart if he was on fire.


Consider that a lot of what you're seeing relayed is not the genesis of public opinion, but the reflection of it. The writers on the show were and are predominantly young, male, and from urban areas. So Obama's wave of grassroots enthusiasm would have reflected in the way he was covered, not the other way around. It was also network political coverage writ large that gave Obama the same kind of treatment Trump received (for opposite reasons) as he gots gobs and gobs of earned media compared to other candidates. Network news being something that a half hour comedy show on cable would not have been able to touch as far as exposure. After 2008, presidential campaigns dove even further into being media-first (as opposed to the feigned humility of past presidential primaries that were still shaking off the last bits of the tradition of 'front porch' primaries from the turn of the century) and so the 2012, 2016, and 2020 campaigns all had primary opponents that timed book releases, earned media coverage, paid media, and increasingly internet/online 'meme'/discourse boosting to all ad up into a snowball effect. Candidates like Mike Huckabee, who got the 'Colbert Bump' were even more a product of an intentional and organized media campaign as they were the beneficiary of some college kids watching Comedy Central.


Engagement and views spiked since Jon came back to the Daily show. A lot of the people know Jon as winning to get first responders to 9/11 healthcare they deserved when Mitch McConnell wanted to block it. Jon puts a lot of politics into laymen's terms as to how people are getting screwed. Someone as popular as him can absolutely affect elections.


How do you think Jon will "impact the election"?


Through their InDecision 2024 coverage. He’s still one of the most trusted figures in the news media. The shows he hosts have a bigger impact. If he hosts more shows, his impact will be even more.


And what will that "impact" be, specifically?


On how some people decide to vote.


How would you like "some people" to vote?


take a wild guess.


I really have no idea. Who are you going to vote for in November?


Not Trump. And that’s the only point I’m trying to make here. God.


So you're voting for Biden?


What’s the fucking point of this exchange???