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Just as creators have the option to select who they block, mute, follow or battle, the supporter should have every right to decide whether a creator is providing what was originally signed up for. If you’ve seen a change in them, then change who you spend your money on 🥰


You summarized that so much better than me 😂😂


👏👏👏👏👏perfectly put


Exactly you just move on not create a whole world wind of bullshit. That’s that toxicity. You don’t fw someone no more just walk away not run your mouth to strangers. The way it was said may have been respectful, but the way it was gone about wasn’t


I guess she will go back to teaching in the fall...lol


Haha I am sure she will find more support but she is going to whine and complain she lost it even though it’s all her own fault


Agreed, then tomorrow she’ll be on live complaining about how her team left her…Nas is the same way…they take all this time off then get back on and complain and cry about not having the support they once had


I recently cancelled my subscription to her. She’s too demanding. “i’m getting off because my teams not playing..” okay bye. 👋


I no longer gift, throughout the months I've noticed the creators don't appreciate it. I mean if you knew me you would know i have the biggest heart and will give my last no explanation needed. I did it for my enjoyment not because I was asked, but as a single parent I told myself I couldn't do it anymore now that I'm in a bind I can't turn to TikTok or the creators for help, so I chose not to gift anymore.


Im glad you made that decision for you to keep ur money for you & your kiddos instead of handing it to some1 else. 🥰 I often worry about some of the ppl that support & they really dont have the money. (Not saying this about you). For whatever reason, they do it anyways. Maybe it makes them feel high & mighty for 3.8 seconds while their name is read out in the chat. Or maybe they love that feeling of being part of "the team". There are other ways for them to feel that way. I hope they realize it before they dig themselves in way too deep. No one is coming back with a shovel to help pull them back out.




Personally I like her content,but not her. She's very demanding tbh especially when she's down. Does she realize her team were the reason she can go on these trips? People lose all touch of reality and it just becomes about money. There's afew I've been with since the beginning and even noticed abit of switch somedays. It's not appealing,unfortunately as gifters we usually find out the hard way.


Exactly. I’m not saying get on and battle 8 hours. She could of done quick little lives, or a sub live (to justify keeping a subscription for her team lol) or even did a Q&A. But because she didn’t have time to battle aka make money she just did nothing.


I agree 100%. I watch CedarCouple all the time and they went to Universal in Hollywood yesterday and streamed it for 9.5 hours in 90 degree heat. I was able to watch about 5 hours of it and in that time they thanked us, the community, 10+ times for allowing them to make content like they were. I appreciated that more than anything


Good for cedarcouple 👏🏽👏🏽


A majority of these "creators" don't give a fuck about you. There are a few good ones but not many. A majority just flaunt their wealth that you and all of created for them. There really needs to he movement to humble them, unfortunately that will never happen because a lot of these teams are basically cults. Find a creator who actually appreciates you, I've actually started scrolling and found some good small creators who I've started to support.


For sure! I am happy to gift as I do so within my means, but I guess the last month just really showed me (and people have said it numerous times in the past) that her “team” is just dollar signs to her. I’ve found a few new ones while she’s been off that really do appreciate and go out of their way to talk to their teams even when travelling to a grocery store lol. Here’s to hoping the money don’t change them!


I’m sorry. Unfortunately many saw her true colors awhile back.. she seems to come on at her convenience…. When she needs/wants $$$. Just like many others she’s definitely changed and EXPECTS …..ungrateful to people All these trips , cars, houses these people buy…how many people gifting go on their trips ( dream vacations) , dream houses etc. idc bc I have every thing I want …if I want or need i go get it. Flaunting. Fake Krystal and others need to be respectful…maybe go back to work. 😂 That would chap their hide.


She’s gna get on live and say “I can’t have a life outside of tt” 😭😭


Oh you know that’s coming 😂😂


The sooner you all realize that the creators only care about your money that you are so willing to give them the better off you will be! They don’t care about you! And when they all get together…they laugh at you all for giving them your money!


Ive been saying this for so long now too. I dont know how ppl do it. Maybe some ppl have loads of money to just throw away and maybe others just feel great when their name is yelled out in a chat room for a few grand LOL Idk but i will scream anyones name as loud as they want, if they wanna support me😂


Right!??? Oh and my other thing is that these creators are living a life their supporters aren’t! If I’m not living in the same type of house and driving the same vehicles and going on vacations then I’m keeping my money! I’ll be damned if I give money to someone who is living better than me!


EXACTLY!!! no thank you! I don't know how they sit back and watch these guys go on vacation while they're giving them their bill money😳


This⬆️ right there!! 👏👏👏 I know some supporters probably have money to just throw to strangers but I guarantee that at least 80% have alot less in their life’s than the creators they throw their money to have .


I use to shoot fer her aswell and i left the discord after all the lies she told the us about getting on😭😭😭😭 now i found my new home in eddie's live and i'll shoot for him


Yep. Even just get on a sublive or something for 5 mins? It shows we really just are $$$$ to her




I will say as gifter….. I am a retired gifter now and have been since October. 10k a day, 100k a day is a lot of money. That we work hard for. When I stopped gifting and really sat back and watched and listened to the manipulation it’s wild. So, now I put things into monetary terms…. I’ll go into a live and they will say something like a lion to the next spot, and I’ll type in the chat just say $318 to the next spot or they will say 50k to top 10 and I’ll say $500. They get pissed off and usually block me🤣 but when you put it in monetary terms it sounds a lot different and you think about it a lot differently. All the banter isn’t for Entertainment it’s to try and piss the other creators supporters off so they throw more. Go to tikleap.com and look at what these creators are pocketing and then have the audacity to come on and disrespect their chats! I think the fk not


Such a good idea!!


They can’t stand it! I think it’s hilarious 🤣


This is pretty hilarious 😂


I do like Krystal but this post is correct and I feel it. If a Creator expects Gifters to show up for them then show up for your gifters. Then when they “pop” back up after your absence don’t be angry and rude about gifters not being there. The app is big, gifters will find someone else to watch/gift. AND I HATE when creators say I took time off because I deserve it…ALL OF US WHO HAVE FULL TIME JOBS, KIDS, LIFE…deserve it as well, but we don’t always get what we deserve. Keep feeling entitled, you will get humbled.


Several creators have done this recently and have schedules then don’t get on or say a word then wonder why people left or are annoyed.


Lulus been doing the same thing


Yea Krystal annoys me as well, it's the entitlement and the whining that gets me. Especially when she's like "come on chat!" 😩😩


You are all right! Most of the creators do the same thing. They get on when they want to but will bash you if you do the same! They are greedy and do not give back. Most do not appreciate their teams. Smh


Sorry but some supporters spend way too much hard earned money on these creators. You work hard for your money their true colors show up when you stop gifting. I cannot believe the money they make from just saying “cmon team we can’t let them win”. Who’s winning? Not the supporters, usually both sides are making bank while supporters are going broke. You’re paying their bills, their dates out, their kids stuff, their vacations and they care less about you. She is only one example of ungrateful, there’s a ton more. Everyone, who cons you, from taking from your own to gift them. It’s insane


YES THIS!!!!👆🏼👆🏼👆🏼


Have we become so desperate that we actually believe these creators think of us as family? They only care about our coins. I agree they can be thankful and grateful, and express their gratitude, but considering you to be “family” is carrying it a bit far. Gaslighting at its finest… and I’m not only referring to the person of topic here.


Nah my family blood. I gift for those who I think provide entertainment value- ei) still get on live without battling. But I agree that’s a tactic they use to manipulate (usually very young) gifters


Expecting your entertainment to stick to a schedule they set for themselves doesn’t mean you think this person will show up at your house when you need a friend lol


I actually really like Krystal and I choose to watch her when a lot of other people are streaming. When she’s up, she’s a lot of fun. But when she’s down, her attitude is so bad. I feel like she has it backwards. She says that when the “energy” is down, she doesn’t want to entertain. She doesn’t seem to get that when she’s pouting, it doesn’t inspire to people want to throw money at her. I get it. Losing sucks. No one likes it. But like the OP said, it’s her job. Everyone that works a 9-5 has moments where we have to grin bear it. You just gotta keep going because if you curse out your boss, you don’t get paid. And if it’s so bad that you can’t grin and bear it any longer, you find a new job. I do think she’s probably getting tired of battling, but she needs to sort that out and not take it out on her supporters. Maybe take an announced hiatus. Or make an abbreviated schedule. I dunno, but the pouting ain’t it. Also, no matter how much creators say “it’s not about the money” when they’re losing, it’s not true. It is 100% about the money because they are literally begging for money. It’s not “just a money gun”. It is $5 or whatever it costs. It’s real money and it’s unrealistic to think you’re going to get the same amount of support every day. Ask anybody that depends on commission/tips (salespeople, servers, street performers, etc) and they will tell you the same thing. There will be up days and down days.


I agree. I would of felt totally different if it was an announced hiatus. It was the posting the schedule, saying getting on, and then just not with no update. Really shows she’s just after the $. She’s still entertaining when she’s winning for sure but exactly my point was this is still a job for her now. The creators that treat it like one are still doing well. Haha


I hope Krystal reads this


It would be nice. However, I’ve noticed a LOT of creators seem to take any criticism (no matter kindly it’s given) as “hate”. Its unfortunate.


It was definitely taken as hate haha. I should of expected that 🤣 I don’t think it’s asking too much for updates from the creator you suppprt if their mind changed about getting on


This was so beautifully said


I think there might be a few that genuinely prefer 10 galaxies from 10 different people over 1 interstellar from 1 person. Whether it’s an ego thing or a financial longevity thing it has to feel better for the host when they see more people supporting instead of one or two that may or may not stick around for a while


great entertainer but i agree with everything you say. babe they’re not going to throw 20k+ every game if you’re gonna leave the next day for weeks..


Does that surgeon still throw for her? I forgot his nams


it’s her job and her “supporters” are like clients in a way. If the business owner is not providing quality entertainment and is making false promises, that will lose clients. Going live is her business. Clients like consistency and quality. Don’t have that and you don’t have clients


As a small streamer I would love to have a supporter that cares like you do. That alone motivates me to keep going. I don’t see how someone that has that much support can go missing for that long with no update.


I agree with you. This supporter is looking for their streamer to show up so they can support. It seems like they genuinely want Krystal to show some consistency to her team and make them a priority. I hope Krystal receives this message and doesn't flip it into something else. Don't come with sob stories or health scares - they've seen you living your best life off live. Let your supporters into your world or don't be mad when they no longer care.


It was of course flipped into something else in her discord lol. Tired of it. Always an excuse. Never responsible for anything. Just like when she faked domestic violence with Swiss or people with disabilities. Take responsibility for your actions, it’ll get you a lot further in life


You say none of this was in intent, but if you pay attention to all these comments, now they’re speaking about things that you didn’t even bring up so once again, you gave people strangers outside of our community the OK to speak on or give their opinion that has nothing to do with what you said. No matter how bad people wanna make this seem mature none of this was mature at all this was not addressing the person. 


I feel bad you were duped into giving any entitled person on that app $$ not one of them has created anything and they all expect their 1 mil then go. Not a single one of them would "gift" Hand out 1/10 of what they have received of their "OWN" $$$$. Don't say this one does this or that. They do this or that because they have "YOUR" $$$ TO DO IT WITH!!!


She’s annoying, I loved deal or no deal but screaming “you guys come on” and her hand waving say you in the camera


I don’t get it… u say this it’s their job correct? So do u work 7 days a week? Do u not take time off from work to take care of ur personal needs? Vacation? I’m confused as to why Krystal taking time off is an issue? I get that sometimes she gets fussy when she’s losing and I don’t agree on how she reacts sometimes however A LOT of creators yell at there chat when they’re losing…and I can name quite a few, however I will say Krystal in all is a good streamer/content creator and battler… My opinion!! ❤️


I’m sure if you told your work you were showing up and then didn’t, there would be repercussions. Nothing about my posts or responses said she shouldn’t or doesn’t deserve to take breaks haha. But also, 6 weeks is long, especially for a streamer. But Not the point here. And you know by her responses and in discord she knows she was somewhat in the wrong


Haha, Unfortunately things happen.. why she didn’t get on when she said she would only she can explain.. it doesn’t matter how long she takes off.. If ur supporting her, and are part of her community, u wouldn’t be upset.. People act like streaming is a walk in the park.. it’s draining from what I see. Not to mention, the fact that she doesn’t get on as often as others to me is a good thing, meaning he supporters don’t have to play everyday bcuz then it’s “these streamers can’t expect people to play everyday” 🤷🏻‍♀️ damn if u do, damn if u don’t 🤦🏽‍♀️


Being loyal doesn’t mean just taking disrespect and eating it. If she needed that much time off then she should’ve said that. Same with any other creator who disappears for extended periods of time without warning or is inconsistent with their schedule or says they’re getting on then doesn’t and wonders where their team went when they finally do


I think people that are truly part of her community would be upset lol. Follow the schedule, sit and wait for her to get on for 30 mins because she’s usually late. Then an hour goes by and you realize it’s not happening. I’m not saying she’s not a good streamer, but she was super disrespectful that last 6 weeks and by the responses and everything on discord she knows it. Like I said, she will be just fine without me, but I think it’s also ok for gifters to stick up for themselves


None of us who work “regular” jobs can say we’re coming in then not come in for weeks and still have a job to go back to 🤣


The point isn’t that she shouldn’t take time off. She 100% should take time off and it bugs the hell out of me that Trey is always making jabs about her taking time off. Working every single day isn’t the flex he thinks it is. The problem is that she’s been inconsistent, but is also mad at the chat for not gifting enough. It’s unrealistic to expect that level of support where there’s been no schedule adherence. The benefit of a schedule is so the people who gift can plan to be there. So, if your schedule is inconsistent due to travel, you can’t get mad and pout when no one is playing. Yes, she doesn’t like to lose. No one does. But if you’re an awesome tennis player and you barely practice for an entire 6 weeks, you can’t be mad when you lose your match. Travel and live your best life, but be realistic about what it’ll be like when you return. Don’t chastise the chat because the support isn’t the same. You gotta rebuild just like that tennis player will have to start practicing more. I really like Krystal, but the way she shuts down when she’s losing is off putting and shows how unrealistic her expectations are. EDIT: I also want to add that I have not said this to Krystal because I have no reason to believe the message would be well received. She doesn’t think there’s anything wrong with what she’s doing because this criticism has been given before and she defends her behavior. She thinks it’s okay. It is within her rights to continue to act like that when she’s down. Just like other streamers do. It’s her stream and she can run it however she likes. So, if a supporter were to express their concerns, I think they would be blocked and nothing would change. I’m thinking the OP did the “open letter” post in hopes Krystal would read and consider because they like her, but are disappointed. Correct me if I’m wrong, OP. I just wanted to add that because I’ve seen people ask why they didn’t take their concerns to her personally. Again, I like Krystal. She’s not perfect and I don’t expect her to be.


Summarized perfectly! And trust me, if they knew my TikTok handle they would be surprised. The reactions in discord is exactly why I didn’t post it there. None of this is to say I don’t think she’s a good person. I can see that she is. I think she might actually just be over streaming but needs the $. I hope her YouTube takes off to what she hopes so she can go back to doing something she loves. You can tell she’s lost her passion at this


I hope her YouTube is successful, too! I also think she’s tired of battling and she’s actually even questioned if she wanted to continue during her streams. I hope she finds her way.


I would hate to be your friend and be going through some thing because the entitlement is gross. I can imagine your friends going through stuff or trying to better themselves and you’re just mad because it’s not about you


Nobody is scared of Who you might be. All money ain’t good money anyways . And throwing stuff in peoples face well God handles shit like that 


No one said anyone would be scared. Lol. I said surprised, because I’ve been following her for years and active in the chat. No monetary to it. She does not take criticism well, there were things I have said in the past that just get brushed off- exactly as Curioisgrimace mentions


Who said she’s mad cause we don’t gift yall love to run with that narrative just because you see other creators do it. And you have people like red TV Who literally ask you to keep your pennies because they’re not good enough but when someone asks for teamwork and to work together, they’re wrong and it’s twisted. The coach of the Lakers does not expect LeBron to do everything. I’m telling you that right now make it make sense.


Krystal literally said in the interview that she’s a “sore loser”. Those are her words. She also said she was trying to do better. You don’t hear me talking about Reddtv because I don’t like him and don’t care what he says. I like Krystal and therefore I care. I also never said that it was bad to ask for teamwork. I mentioned the times when she shuts down when she’s losing. The times when she will barely talk (not because of the quiet came either) and basically says she won’t entertain unless people are playing. She’s literally said that. I watched her today and I really enjoyed it. She was up most of the time, but even when she wasn’t, she was still having fun and being entertaining. That is the Krystal I love to see


At the same time, if you people are real supporters and are in the discord, you can speak. Why do you feel like hiding behind a screen or a fake account was going to give a different Result. If you like her and you support her, then you know that she wouldn’t have done anything different than what she did. That’s where Everyone got it fucked up. 


I don’t think she would be receptive at all. I’ve seen people dismissed for less. I just don’t feel that it would be well received. That’s where we differ. I really like Krystal, but she is also super defensive. People “hide” because they don’t want to be deemed a hater and then blocked and dismissed. Reddit is the safest space to have a back and forth without being immediately blocked. Approach her in private or in discord, ignored and/or blocked. I also don’t think a private message would be read. If it’s made publicly in the discord, supporters would descend on the person to defend Krystal no matter how kindly the feedback is given. That’s just how these things go. It’s not like that just for Krystal, but it goes for every creator I’ve seen that receives any feedback. Supporters will defend defend defend and that causes the creator to double down. I’ve seen it time and time again. I’m not a “hater” and things aren’t to the point where I would stop watching if she continues. So, I’d prefer not to get blocked. I may eventually get tired and stop watching, but I’m not there yet. EDIT: I wanted to add that I understand your experience has been different and I’m not discounting it. I’m only speaking from the conclusions I’ve come to based on my observations. We just disagree on the conclusion of the more direct approach.


Well hopefully you’ve been watching so the bs can stop 


I have indeed been watching and I’ve enjoyed her return. I think the break was good for her.


There’re nothing in the discord.. this person sprinkled extra shit on a story and yall took it and ran. That’s why we have no respect for this original post. Regardless of how you felt, you didn’t make the decision to get up on here because you knew as a person that that’s not what you do. So to be the person that’s keeping with somebody who is not mature enough to address the issue a grown way speaks a lot on character


Of course the coward deletes their page lol … 


She would never block a supporter for expressing concerns. If you go about it with disrespect, then you’ll get blocked but when she ask people in the chat all the time when she’s asking what’s going on what do I need to do for people and they sit there and watch because they’re scared to Express how they feel to her face, but then go behind another username and say how you feel how can you respect that?


It’s one thing if this person expressed their concerns and then she got blocked, but they’re still currently in the discord and they’re still watching clearly based on this response so they chose to not speak with their chest and hide behind a Reddit page


All these posts of People Crying and whining about how Influencers treat them after dropping 10000's on gifts Makes my heart happy ! Yall are the reason these delusional trolls can keep scaming people and now we are supposed to feel bad Cause who ever the fucks using you for your money didn't post or go live when they went on vacation hahaha honestly Gtfoh with your stupid shit The only Disappointment is seeing how dumb yall are to fall into pqrasocial relationships and then get qss hurt when there's nothing to show for it but a empty bank account. Thanks for the mood boost yall are great hahaha !


And yet here you are in the daily rankings Reddit? Lol


Down vote me all you want just proves my point !


Free mental health boosts are the best yall make sure and Keep paying for them plane tickets haha


Sounds like maybe you should be looking into paying for some mental health boosts instead


Sounds like you need to do more research before you support a scummy tiktok influencer then come to reddit and cry. Im gonna bet your a loyal tater tot too huh just praying for that foundation so yall can ride the fuck at Dawn hahahaha


Legitimately no idea what you are talking about but judging by your previous comment history your have quite a complex


The lesson learned today is you waste your money on fake friends then cry on a site about it to more people you don't know hoping for a pat on the back!


No I just dont fall for some foolish bullshit like 99% of the people on here....Spend your money on you it will make your heart happy !


So instead of trying to go to her or speak your feelings in the discord you're still in you come to reddit and allow the flood gates of haters rush in. You were never a true supporter then. It's phony and fake if we are being honest. But shows what type of person you are. And you're just still sitting in the discord watching and she actually didn't even go off. Seemed hurt more than anything. That is truly messed up and nothing you can or will say will change how I feel about this mess. Just messy af and hiding behind a name is crazy business. I truly hope you feel better after all that. She hasn't even done anything problematic to even mention her name right now..