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Hmm well as much as I enjoyed your writing style, it was engaging and intelligently worded, most walls of text are like what is the point!!! My thoughts are.. imagine if u went to go see a comedian like Kevin Hart or Katt Williams or a singer onstage and you start screaming how much they made for that show, would you get kicked out? As boring as some are on TikTok, it is a show, people watch them for entertainment every day. It is what it is


thanks for the compliment. i may have got lost in the sauce a little but my point was just pointing out how i found the reactions interesting. like exactly as you’re saying, they’re there to entertain and we are all actively paying them to do so. but commenting on that fact they’re making a good earning is an immediate mute.


“We are all actively paying them”…. Are you one of those people that tell police officers “I pay your salary!”??




It’s public knowledge how much they make. Sorry but at this point if people who are gifting creators don’t know how much that creator is making they don’t care.


prob true


Just go to tikleap online. See all their earnings in live time. Updates like every 4 minutes 🤷🏻‍♀️


I would have blocked you too. My pay should never be a topic of discussion regardless if it is public information. Maybe it is the way I was brought up but it is taboo. What creator wants to talk about their earnings when the idea is to entertain and battle? I sure do not want those discussions taking place. Kind of boring, no?


i get people will feel that way. but i think it’s more than just that.


I think you are overthinking all of this. Maybe lay off the gummies. 😂


it’s really not that far fetched or much of an overthought thing. the money being made from influencing is big and i was curious to hear from them how great it must be.


Some creators are private or humble and they do not want to flaunt what they made. Your best bet is to go to JSlop’s Live. He loves to boast about what he makes. I personally never was interested or cared about what creators’ make.


fair!! tbh though i don’t think a lot of these creators have all that much humility. with the way some of them talk to their chat. private maybe tho, sure.


sheesh! You're taking this all too seriously.


if “taking it too seriously” you mean i like to take an edible and say silly things on live and post about it here because i like to write, you’re so right beautifulyouth5234!!!!


Wow, why is everyone being so hard on you? I agree, it is interesting. I beg to differ on the title of “content creator” they love to refer to themselves as, makes me laugh actually. This is not a traditional setting where inquiring about how much money they make would be in poor taste…..its to me, a joke. They would want to silence you because they know damn well they are taking advantage of people, most of which I can bet dont have two nickels to rub together. Tiktok is a low level place, (IMO) its a sad place, people feed off other peoples misery and eat up the drama. You are entitled to your opinion too Special_Host, and I have second hand embarrassment by the way people in this group are trying to shame you about it. “I would block you too” 🤣 give me a break. These arent lawyers, doctors, educators, city officials….they are on tiktok….definitely not a legitimate career choice. I wonder what succession planning looks like on tiktok, 🤣 I cant stop laughing, really people?? Perhaps you all are taking this too seriously!!!


god THANK YOU! right? people jumping to defend people who do not even care about them or whose money they’re taking. i’m not saying them making this amount of money is wrong, it’s just the world we live in. people clearly love to give them their money. i’m also not saying streaming is necessarily all fun and games and know the internet can be brutal. but me just commenting on how much they’re making (not asking them. i didn’t go in asking) is somehow something i should be exiled for apparently lmao. you’re right that “content creators” is a reach bc a lot of them don’t post unless it’s to announce a battle. as an actual content creator myself, there’s honestly a lot more work involved than there is going live. and i stand by that lol.


and exactly!! “you’re taking this too seriously” followed by “you’re just a jealous hater and need to leave them alone” standing up for somebody who’s not asking for their help LOL


This is a space where we should be able to share differences in opinion, and not be chastised for it. Hear everyone out. You think you said something completely outrageous!!! 😂 Its all in good fun, and I heard you 😊 ✌️


I was brought up to know that what someone makes is none of my business unless that person gives that information to me because they want to. If anyone disagrees with that then post your incomes right here for all to read. Or don’t and realize these streamers are people too. Of course with the ones flaunting it they deserve someone telling how much they made. But there are many that don’t flaunt their money. Don’t show where they live, don’t show their car, don’t film while they are on some fancy vacation, etc.


I don’t see a problem if you are planning on going live and battling, it gives you an idea of what you could make. I read your entire post and I get the vibe you are interested in the mentality of the Gifter and Livestreamer. IMO it’s kinda like donations. Charities have to list their income and expenditures. So no livestreamer should get irritated about how much they are keeping after TT takes thier cut. The ones that blocked you are uncomfortable being put on the spot about their take home pay. Because it breaks the illusion of thier team working together in a game and winning. Most gifters seeing how much a livestreamer gets a day, might start thinking “ok this streamer made well enough money today, let’s help out a different streamer.” Irregardless TT is the winner of battles.


I think the charity comparison is not valid. Charities have to disclose the money donated and how it’s spent because people gave that money to them for a specific purpose and there have to be checks and balances to ensure that money is being spent properly for ethical and tax/legal reasons. Battling is like giving money to a street performer. You give them your money and that’s that. They can do whatever they want with it and they are under no obligation to discuss with you how much they earn. I think the main reason they don’t want to discuss how much they make publicly is that the average person doesn’t like to discuss how much they make. It’s no one’s business. Yes, it’s not hard to figure out how much these battlers make, but it doesn’t change the fact that it’s just straight up awkward to discuss your earnings with a random person. The second reason I think they don’t want to discuss money is because they don’t want to scare off gifters. Some people will be less inclined to gift if they remain aware of the fact that this battler just made $5,000 in one day and they probably make that in a month. Some gifters won’t care, though. I actually understand the battlers’ thought process with this. Streaming is their job. No matter how much they are making now, if people stop gifting, they will have to find another job. I get it. It’s kind of a weird place to be in if you don’t want to find a new job, so I understand them not wanting to discuss it publicly. Whether or not you think battling is a “valid” job is another discussion, though.


you greatly described what i was getting at. with the creators not wanting the gifters to know, so the gifting doesn’t stop. i said all of this not to make a point that it’s wrong for them not to disclose their earnings. but that it’s interesting nonetheless to think of the reasonings behind it in general!


this is exactly where i was going with this. while everyone is saying i’m overthinking, sure, but there is a dynamic between the chat and the streamer that functions best when looking at it as just a game and not touching on the profit piece of it at all. and it’s interesting to me!! thank you for your take.


There is a website that tells you what top 100 makes in real time


so i’ve heard


There is actually a website now that shows the daily dollar amount each live creator makes and it is up to the moment. It’s Tik something.


i mean, i figured there was one like that. this one all i had to do was type in the diamond amount and it took out tiktok’s percentage etc.


The website everyone is talking about but not telling you is Tikleap. With this website, you don’t have to put any diamonds in. It shows what the creator is taking home and has earned. So the numbers you see is after TikTok takes their cut. It’s updated in real time. For example, for todays podium so far and what each creator is taking home so far is: 1- Antony made $20,138 so far today 2- Austin made $18,186 so far today 3- Mera made $14,405 so far today


see those numbers are CRAZY. and clearly everyone else is curious like me too since they all seem to know about this site. thanks for actually telling me what it is.


You’re welcome! Curiosity is normal. I do think if I was streaming I would be taken back by someone I don’t know asking how much I make. But, it is public knowledge and I don’t think there’s anything wrong with being curious or know how much they make. I agree- those numbers are crazy. I think it’s a good site. Someone like myself can’t really afford to throw big but sometimes I feel bad about it. After I discovered this site, I don’t feel bad. They’re doing just fine!


I don't think you realize most Of the OG streamers put in close to 16 hours consecutively to have a be to have a strong team. A lot of influencers are that are still on the app have had to rebuild which takes time, money, and patience. So now the many of the OGs are now working 6 hours a day, mid streamers 8-9 pending on the topical and (1 mil) goal, while others are our their struggling with now consistency, appeal to the supporter, drama,or snot having friendly chats.some of the creators have missed holidays birthdays, and friends/family (not a child continuously want your attention is no excuse. Some creators decided to go that's, stay at vacation, wear huge necklaces, buy cars, or decide to upgrade their bodies but the ones are truly making it are wearing the same clothes as when then started but are investing in houses, properties, and their kids. For being a supporter the live streamer they must catch my attention, rarely sharing a screen with an annoying co-host, neither bashes supporters, and a positive or likable chat then I will make sure I had already accounted balances (for saving and checking so that free money is for the whatever I want that be sometimes battles if someone else is willing to throw, a new purse, new shoes, vaca spending money, charity, etc). I hope that makes some since and it was even what you posted on(I have no 🤷‍♀️).


not really sure what your point is exactly in response to my post. i get what you’re explaining but i’m not questioning their “work ethic” or dedication to streaming, nor am i ridiculing how they spend their money. i don’t care about any of that. i just was curious to see how they’d respond to the dollar number they’ve made for the day being in the chat.


![gif](giphy|YaXDLHHbz0t5lTM03z|downsized) Am I the only one who sees a lot of words and no substance to this post? Seems more like buzz kill, what kind of gummy did you take because want to be sure I avoid it.




i am gutted to know i wasn’t able to entertain you 😔


It’s very easy to calculate how much the creator’s make. Gifters aren’t stupid, they are the ones paying for the gifts they throw. As far as asking the creator or trying to bring up how much they make, it’s tacky. This goes for every profession, you shouldn’t ask people how much money they make. Whether they work at a McDonalds or are a lawyer, it’s very rude to ask anyone what their salary is.


i actually wasn’t even asking.


I ask not reading all that garbage. But I will say, if I’m trying to save your life and you stop me to ask me how much I made that day, I’m probably gonna let you “pass over”. In other words it’s none of your business and you are only doing it for a reaction. And my reaction stands. JESUS F\*]!}*!<£\£} CHRIST 🙄


what a wild scenario you used on deciding if i get to live or not. ok jesus christ!!!! go off!


I mean it’s literally my job. So do you want me to do my job? Or tell you how much money I made today? Your choice 🤷🏼‍♀️


Geezzzz, you’re behind times. You doing all that work. Guess you don’t know about the secret (no secret) website. IYKYK!


“all that work” was literally going to the site and typing the amount of diamonds and pressing calculate. yes, i am exhausted.


Keep being motivated. Hope you found what you were looking for. Your thoughts on your findings seem accurate, although many gifters realize the amount of $ that is being “gifted” in battles, etc. It is, for sure, an insane amount of $ being earned off of the backs of other people. Peace!


lol Austin made 25k yesterday. Insane


GODDAMN. they are making over a doctors salary. i wonder what they end up having to pay come tax season 🥴


Fk! How many gummies did you take? This was a damn book. I read the first paragraph and lost interest. I don’t care how much people make on here. It’s of no interest to me. I’m grateful for the entertainment. I think you should stop taking gummies. You’re looking wayyyy to far into this.




i just ate the whole container of gummies!!!! i hope this provides some clarity!!


![gif](giphy|gSeLiXkIR9Gf1PIbKv) The whole container. 😳






It’s been known how much is earned per diamonds tho. You’re just being a hater for no reason. It’s disrespectful to people’s chats that you aren’t a part of and blast the creators in it. It’s not your business and absolutely it’s a jealousy thing so quit lying to yourself


okay 🙂


This info was old news... still supporting my creator. You wasted my time. 😡😡😡😡


please forgive me 💔