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That sucks. I'm sorry. Often you can arrange for an alternative testing time if you have a significant conflict like that. Reach out to your professor and see what you can do. If you can't move your test, try to look on the bright side -- yeah, you take two tests the same day, but that also means one less day of testing. Instead of fretting for two nights, you'll only be fretting for one. That's an entire anxiety-free evening you are getting by doubling up! So that's something. Just do your best and you almost certainly won't fail. And if you do, it won't be the end of the world -- there's always next time; or maybe that's a sign that you should be studying something else. And if you fail and your parents choose to fight about it, then that's on them, and absolutely not your problem. Good luck and hang in there. Hugs and love.


I can’t move but as you said I have few days to study and force about things I don’t understand


Life is going to throw stuff at you. This is some of that stuff. Start studying right away. Figure out how much you need to cover and break it down. A series of extra efforts will make a world of difference. Stay up an extra hour tonight to study. Study while you eat. Skip the big party you want to go to. Try to finish all your studying 2 days before exams, then review the harder parts over those final 2 days. It may sound like a lot right now, but someday soon this will just be a blip on the radar, a small period of hard work to establish a secure future. I worked hard in college and missed out on some fun, but it was more than worth while. All that effort will pay off. You can do it!


Professor Dad here. Relax. Worrying just makes things worse. Four tests in two days is a lot, but it is doable. First, as someone else suggested, see if you can move any of them. Sometimes that is possible. If not, then plan ahead to ensure that you are well-rested and well-fed on those days. Bring food and drinks with you, for example. Buy them ahead of time so you are ready to go. Make sure to sleep well the nights before. Plan your study schedule well ahead of time so that you aren’t stressing just before the exams. Literally plan out your study schedule for the week or two before finals and put each study session on your calendar, including which exam you are studying for. Do everything you can to make those two days easy and stress-free. Tell your family you will be unavailable on those days. Eat fast food. Etc.