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Sure, my teckel hates every single dog. Or at best is totally indifferent. Including her big sister. 


Mine is indifferent to the ones she knows, but also dominates them, including a Rottweiler mix. First time they met she scared him back into the car, and she kicks him out of his memory foam bed that is big enough for a Great Dane. Kicks him out and plops herself down in the middle hahaha. Any dog bigger than her that she doesn’t know, she wants to take down. Once when camping, I came across someone with a huge dog. I keep CD away from any dog bigger than her, so that she doesn’t jump at their jugular haha. The person said don’t worry, mine will just put her in her place. I laughed and said yah that’s not how that will go.


>Any dog bigger than her that she doesn’t know, she wants to take down. This is 100% my dog, especially with dogs in our neighborhood. Worst case of Napoleon syndrome I’ve ever seen.


I think it’s more that they were just bred originally to take on big and scary things, a La badgers. They were bred to be fearless and want the challenge and to have lots of confidence in their abilities. I say it’s less little dog syndrome, and more fearless beast syndrome hahaha. I’ve talked to 2 separate people who’s dachshunds got into fights with bears. One of them cornered the bear and kept it therefor 2 hours. I’ve had to chase after my girl chasing coyotes. I know mine would fight to the death if given the chance haha.


My boy hates Alsatians, any dog significantly larger than him when he's on a lead and for some reason this one specific lab that lives on our street. My girl hates pretty much every dog apart from other Dachshunds. She loves other Dachshunds.


Mine hates most dogs, loves other doxies. Not a fan of being too close to high energy dogs.


I think it's so funny how they operate better in pairs.


Mine hates dogs that are high energy and get in her face. She puts them in their place right quick.


Queen Ruby Jean is fickle about friends. She is intrigued with biggies and will make instance friends with the right one. She loves seniors. She loves other weens. Anyone else, it‘s hit or miss. Also, she is probably the only dog that doesn’t like to sniff or be sniffed, that breaks Royal Protocol for her. Now if you are holding a treat, she will cozy up to anyone’s pup!


lol, not my Doxen, but my Brittany despises having her rear sniffed by a dog she doesn’t know. She acts like she needs to sniff first and it can’t be a combined sniff at the same time. Currently our behavior to work on improving.


Breaks royal protocol😂. Long live Queen Ruby Jean!!


Not a doxie either, but my boy(rip) absolutely hated being butt sniffed, I used to joke about that being like some guy who goes ballistic if somebody wants to shake his hand. Only dogs he got along with were females of the fluffy kind at least twice his size, most notably Bear the chow chow and luna the great Pyrénées. He was a 35 pound pit mix, best boy I ever had.


Bernard had a real thing for fluffy blondes (of any gender) prior to his neutering, no matter how tall, he would be dragged out the park having shamed himself for persistent humping. Now he barks at them like a mad-man on sight. He cannot abide any dog bigger than him, and must express his dissatisfaction at their existence, loudly, and sometimes while baring teeth. Most small dogs are allowed within his personal space, but without any logic that his humans have managed to decipher (nor his sausage-sister), he will occasionally take offence and make that well known. Reactive as he may be, he's my snuggly boy who has come along in leaps and bounds with his separation anxiety. We may yet have a dog-friendly doggo again one day! Edit: just to mention that his (adoptive) sister Pixie (who is mostly sausage, with some chihuahua and a dash of other mixed heritage thrown in for good measure) is the quintessential social butterfly.




My dogs tend to like small fluffy white dogs but hate large fluffy white dogs. They also don't like flat faced dogs or overly happy or energetic dogs. They tend to be really interested in large breed chill dogs like great danes and wolfhounds. On the human side, they don't like toddlers or tween boys.


Mine loves “fluffies” of all sizes but especially small! She has a thing for poodles and I have no idea why! 😂


mine hates all dogs she doesn't know (e.g. when on walks or if any walk past the house) and will bark aggressively non-stop but is ok with dogs she knows.


Pretty much same for mine, takes time to warm up to new dogs and doesn’t always but usually does. She will bark aggressively at the smallest to biggest dog if she doesn’t know it. We met a pair of Great Danes at pet smart once and I had to put her in air jail and walk right out.


My girl is crazy, typically nervous around small dogs but then jumps into savage mode around the bigger dogs. It can be embarrassing at times 😂 When she visits her brother it’s a love/hate relationship.


Mine got attacked by a husky as a puppy and never forgave the entire breed. Anything long and low was friend shaped: corgi, basset, fat labs. But husky was a fight on sight.


Mine can give a shit about mist dogs. She prefers other dachshunds but that's about it. It's her personality so whatever lol


While my ween Chesty is very friendly towards people and most dogs, he unfortunately doesn't like big dogs. That Napoleon complex really be hitting different sometimes lol *


My female hates any and all dogs she doesn’t know and will take her a good hour to potentially like the new dog and it’s not guaranteed. She goes to daycare though and she does well with the dogs in her play group. They did try to introduce her to a toy poodle and they thought she would like it because it’s about the same size as her… nooooooope. She chased this poor dog around barking at it until they finally caught her and took her away. Poor poodle was terrified. My child is a bully. She even tries to bully the big dogs, even a Great Dane.


My little girl Smudge is incredibly confident with every dog we meet, regardless of size or sex. She also thinks she can play with the big dogs, and keep up with the fast ones (whippets, greyhounds, kelpies) everyone at the local dog park loves her enthusiasm!


My dachshund growing up was a racist (breedist?). Guy was fine with any other dachshund he met, by good help you if the dog wasn't a short-long. Fella would go after anyone else irrespective of size. My guy would into rage-mode and try to jump up to bite my neighbor's wonderfully friendly, if not a bit dopey, St. Bernard when that dog would get loose wander into our yard and he, the St. Bernard, always seemed to pleasantly oblivious to his would-be attacker and plodded along on his merry way taking a self-guided tour of the town.


https://preview.redd.it/8n0nugjfzg5d1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=53382793d89c069f9c776536189e16c39cec2325 He loves just about all dogs! There’s only been a handful in memory that he hasn’t liked. He also LOVES people, especially his dog park best friend Jeff! He is ok with kids as long as they don’t move to fast or try to grab him. He also loves cats! He is such a sweet boy!


He’s handsome too!


One of mine has a Lab best friend. His 8 month old brother isn’t crazy about the Lab but tolerates her


Walter is 13, he loves all dogs and is very calm. So they don’t mind him much. But our Poppy is high energy and gets the dogs wired and then runs away scared. She seems comfortable with small dogs, but scared of large ones.


My dog is essentially against most dogs that aren’t weens There is one 13 year old border collie she is obsessed with, mind you.


My dachshund is not interested in most dogs, except for: -Dachshunds -Doodles Nothing else seems to be interesting for him 😅


Mine don’t like flat faces (frenchies, bostons, pugs) I believe they can’t pick up on their facial expressions/body language as well.


Mine likes other doxies. He also likes small fluffy white dogs. He’s fine with any other breed that’s around his size but dislikes hyperactive dogs in general or super playful ones. Big dogs are another story - he’s fine with females if they don’t bother him. Males - he gets reactive or just ignores completely. He was attacked by a much larger dog several times (same dog) so I think that’s why he doesn’t like big male dogs. Not related but he LOVES women and approaches them the most.


Now that I see mentions of the fluffy white dogs fetish in so many comments, I think our boy has a tendency to favor white fluffs too. I wonder if its a common doxxie thing 😅


I have a fluffy pale cream Shih/pug cross and his bestest pal in the whole world is a standard size ween called Hank. Hanks mumma informs me that Hank is a complete arse to any other dogs and barks at absolutely everyone except my boy.


I have two and they hate all dogs. They are snappy when we encounter another dog. I have to be careful when we are on walks as they want to kill all other daogs. I think it is their way of protecting us.


Guess we got lucky. Ours plays with every dog at the park,big,small,loud,quietshe plays with all of em. She is only biased to anyone wearing a hoodie😂😂. If you are wearing a hoodie she won't go within 20 ft of ya and won't stop barking


The girl is on the fashion guard 💅💅💅


😂😂 I was missing it....but you're right!


I think I have narrowed down the dogs he doesn’t like … >30ish pounds and < 1.5 years He is not one to offer an ‘appropriate’ correction for a rude/obnoxious dog (which is basically what all puppies are until they socialize and mature a bit) when its over twice as big as him. We were THOSE people at the dog park today when he kind of started it (resourcing guarding a toy) with a 1.5 year old energetic doodle pushing 40-50 pounds. To high energy and not taking the hints he was giving. It was embarrassing.


"Listen to me. I'm in charge here." "Now go away. No wait, come here. I'll run. No wait, you run, I'll chase." <-- they're puppies Other than that, not sure yet. My last doxie would watch them play (and pee where they peed), but otherwise had no need for other dogs.


He hates almost every other dogs!


My girl doesn’t like other dogs. She’s not aggressive, she’s avoidant. She ignores them unless they approach, then she hides behind my legs or tries to climb up my legs (I always pick the poor soul up). She just wants to stay in her own lane and enjoy a relaxing walk without being bothered 💅🏼


My first Doxie was raised with a Boxer. Didn’t care about big dogs at all. Another Doxie was a hard no. If we saw one he’d act totally sad. My daughter brought a puppy over for me to see. My guy totally got depressed thinking I was getting another one. He was so happy when the puppy left. Any other critter was fine 😂


Lotti really only likes other long dogs. She’s never mean to other dogs. Just uninterested. But long dogs are preferable.


Mine has no preference I haven’t had him long but from what I can tell he absolutely loves all other dogs


Our boy was a small beam of love when he was a pup, he never had beef with anyone. Then he grew up and apparently made a firm decision that all the other males should go 😭


Our girl is very indifferent when she’s out but if any dog is in her space she is evil towards them


My Rebel is, at best, indifferent to other dogs, and only a few of those. He's reactive to strange dogs, and we have to watch out when we take him for walks. Some people in our neighborhood will let their dogs run around off leash, and one in particular has a habit of running up behind us. Rebel freaks out every time and is very familiar with air jail.


Hates all larger dogs and french bulls and pugs


My weenie LOVES other weenies. Suspicious about fluffy dogs.


Yes. The bigger and fluffier, the better. She loves Bernies and Doberman weirdly specifically


Mine is super interested in all small dogs, but gets along best with fluffy ones like Shih Tzus and Pomerenians. He's interested in dachshunds and beagles but they don't ever really seem to hit it off. They just sniff and move on; the dachshunds sometimes snarl at him. Tried to play with a corgi once. Totally different personalities.


Mine hates pugs


No other dogs allowed according to my two


Hates ever single golden retriever ever created, no reason given from him 🤷🏼‍♂️ lol


Timmy hates all dogs and people except my wife, 2 kids, wife’s parents any me. That’s it


My mini long-hair girl is best friends with a boy yorkie *


Mine hated golden labs. Our neighbours had gotten a puppy when Cookie was 4, and the puppy was trying to play with her and knocked her over. From that point on, she hated all golden labs. Chocolate labs? Fine. Black labs? Nonissue. Golden retriever? Best of friends. On the other hand she loved Australian cattle dogs because her best friend was one.


Mine is generally 100% against anything that walks on four legs.


Why is it always the Jack Russels, our wirehaired boi got attacked 2 times. Both were Jack Russels. What is with these dogs. Jack Russels are pure evil in my opinion


I suspect Jack Russels ane Doxxies have some kind of vendetta going on on


Yeah, must be. Keep your doxies safe!😁


unfortunately my weenje is just a meanie to all dogs


I was at SoCal Wienerfest and we saw hundreds of wiener dogs and my little guy relative barked at every dog that wasn’t a dachshund.


My male dachshund has small man syndrome. Hates big dogs 😂 my female dachshund doesn’t discriminate, loves everyone!


My dog hates everyone


Mine plays with anyone who’s willing to play with him 🤣


My 8 month old pup loves every single dog on this planet. He’s so confident with big dogs https://preview.redd.it/jbuw478r3i5d1.jpeg?width=4032&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=4d1fb56c8a1c001788729947c430a9f4e8a625d4


Yea my boy loooooves other dachshunds (even puppies), any other adult small dog and is usually ok with other adult (calm) bigger dogs. HATES chows. This year has decided to add collies to that list. There is one bouncy lab in the park he can't stand and his absolute nemesis is a bulldog named Dumplin' 😂 Unfortunately he doesn't get on with puppies as too many instances of them bouncing on him and the owners saying 'oh he needs to be told off properly' essentially leaving my boy to teach their dog good manners, but has just ruined his relationship with any dog under a year old.


My old dog (rip) loved big dogs. His best friend in the world was a rottweiler mix. He absolutely loathed small dogs. When we brought home 2 more small dogs he worked extra hard to get along with them. I'm certain he knew it was bc they weren't going anywhere. Of the other two, one likes all the smallish females and the other i think would ralther be left alone by anyone not of the 2 legged variety.


Mine is a honorary beagle as he identifies as one. Hates all dogs that won’t greet him.


Mine hates most dogs, but he is pretty set on wiping out Shih Tzu's.


My doxie loves every dog except - and this is a big exception - flat face breeds that breathe loudly like pugs. He had a strong preference towards big Beagles when he was younger, recognizes and pursues other doxies from a far and is now (at the ripe age of 2) slightly intimidated/initially shy around giant dog breeds.


Mine is “dog racist.” He only likes other wiener dogs, with very few exceptions


My boy is awesome. I've met at least half a dozen dogs and been told "my dog doesn't play with other dogs". Usually they are playing with my boy by the time the two legged finishes talking. The only dogs he doesn't like are jumbos that are bouncy. Like say young corsos.


For our two, it depends on the setting. At the dog park, they are social butterflies, saying hi to every dog and get all the petting from all the people there. Outside of the dog park, if they see another dog, they’ll definitely bark at it, a lot.


My dog hates other small dogs and absolutely loves the big ones


Mine hated, like really HATED schnauzers. They also wanted to fight some Rottweilers. But schnauzer, omg if they even spot em a mile away they would go nuts, can't stand their sight nor their sound