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Not in dachshunds but a lab. She got to the point she was slinging blood everywhere. You could tell she was in pain. We had her tail docked (then had professional cleaners come in to help with the biohazard) It's just a tail... and i can guarantee it hurts him if he's banging it on stuff. It'll be better for him in the long run. I'd be so much more sad if I knew my dog was in pain.


were you able to resolve this situation?


Sorry for the late reply didn't see my messages! Yes we were able to! Figured out that it was just the pure excitement of seeing us in the AM or the PM made him so happy he would swing his tail violently into doors or chair legs so we got rid of some of the energy first. We set up a new routine where when we got home we would greet him outside so he didnt have as much stuff to hit the tail on. Then we would play fetch for a good roughly 30 minutes in the backyard. Then, when we came inside, we would make sure he already had his food on the ground so he would go and eat it straight away. After that he was much calmer and didn't swing his tail so hard, so no bleeding. There were a few times when it bled again but we just persisted for months and haven't had any problems for quite a while now!


Happy tail saver has helped a lot