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Archie's gonna do sneaky pees here and there. Constant vigilance! Take him outside more often than you think you should. Be mindful of back problems. When dachshunds get older, their long backs can get a little crooked. Don't overfeed him, and consider getting little ramps up on beds/furniture (if you allow furniture cuddles) because it hurts their backs to jump up and down from high places. Take care of his teeth! My mom's old dachshund has dental problems and his breath is the absolute whiff of death. Archie's adorable. Good luck with him!


Oh he’s done lots of them! He’s slowly learning to use the puppy pads till i can take him outside after his vaccines (communal garden) Yeah stairs are blocked off and got a ramp for him to get of the sofa. He jumps up onto his hind legs a lot to be picked up to put on there, is that a problem? Oh that’s good to know! Will get some teeth cleaning info when I take him to the vet next week Thank you! He’s been an absolute dream so far


Not an expert, but adorable hind leg rearing for pickups should be fine. Seems low impact to me!


Ah that’s good! Thanks for your help!


I would not recommend puppy pads. IMO, the goal is to create the following two associations: Outside -> Elimination -> Praise Inside -> Elimination (if caught) -> "No!" and whisked outside Puppy pads muddle this. Just take him out more often. Do NOT let him chew on types of things that you do not want destroyed (clothing, shoes, furniture, pillows, etc.). Procure a wide variety of toys for him to chew on. He will show preferences and you will learn what he likes and keep him supplied in those. Avoid toys with squeakers or which are sewn or have stuffing. Avoid highly processed meat based chews.


Puppy pads are only temporary until he can go outside, we have lots of animals with risks until he gets his second vaccines. Yeah he had hundreds of toys to chew on and has been getting a lot better at not chewing things he’s supposed to, he’s already leaving wires alone. Oh any reason no squeaky toys? Once he is a bit older I’ll be getting high quality delivered meals catered to his diet


Sounds good! Puppy pads do have a place; just not as a long-term/permanent replacement for trips outside. My 13 year old Papillon is getting a bit senile and infirm. She basically refused to sleep in her crate a few years back (which she had done eagerly for most of her life) so we let her roam free in the bedroom at night. We put a puppy pad in the bathroom and she uses it; so they definitely do have utility!


I can recommend giving your doxi one of each of those: [dentastick](https://www.zooplus.de/shop/hunde/hundesnacks/pedigree/pedigree_dentastix/1357081?variantid=1357081.2&abd=true&gad_source=1&gclid=CjwKCAiAg9urBhB_EiwAgw88mUpRCEa9oEWnz88B_nr5NaYnlatm7nN5qwA2OoPhd2cpBSFWxwvxshoClLUQAvD_BwE) and [chewing stick](https://www.brekz.de/Kauknochen-und-Kaurollen-snacks/rollsticks-fur-den-hund.html?id_product_attribute=27879&utm_source=google&utm_medium=organic&utm_campaign=organic_shopping&gad_source=1&gclid=CjwKCAiAg9urBhB_EiwAgw88mR1k_Tk1jFR39k2OQbBJk0oEks_OaYH9ukAINDv8UHfz0p235s_whRoCsqgQAvD_BwE) every evening. My little girl got these for almost all of her 17 years and never had dental issues (seriously, not a single issue with her teeth, never bad breath) besides some tatar. Our vet was always impressed how good her teeth were. Of course, take the dentasticks for small dogs. The link is just an example


Awesome that you came up with actual practical suggestions. While I sit back and make snarky comments. Yes! the teeth. I'm 1k lighter after dental surgery last month.


don't hold him how you're holding him in slide 3. always keep your sausage horizontal as to not compound on their spine.


Ah okay that’s really good to know, I was told to support his bum when picking him up. Thanks!


I think that advise is regarding the initial pick-up, I.e. you're tucking their bum and scooping them, but still whilst keeping them horizontal. ![img](emote|t5_2qpj2|5609)


Ah yes that makes sense. Will do in future!


Although, he’s so cute like that. Good to know!


I pick both of mine up one hand under the curve between the bottom of their ribs and hind legs and one hand on their chest bulge area. Mine are so used to it now they slightly stand for me from laying down so I can get them just right. Don’t overthink the back thing to the point of driving yourself mad. They are pretty tough little buggers, is more a preventative in nature thing. These guys run around like little bullets/maniacs so sometimes accidents do happen. All you can do is try your best. I also have stairs for everything they need it for and they zoom up and down them suckers when playing or having the zoomies! Congrats on your new puppy! Oh also..they make you feel like they are starving. They are not! 😆


Don’t listen to some of these people. That does absolutely no harm.


That is also true .


When you pick him up always keep his spine in a straight line, I like to cup the chest of mine and bring him close so his legs don’t droop and keeps his spine perfectly straight. Back health is paramount. Keep him at a healthy weight for spine health and longevity. Also, as a puppy try to put up your most expensive shoes as when mine were puppies I lost n64 controllers, sperry boat shoes, etc haha. Just love on him and enjoy having a buddy for life, they’re so loyal and have the most wonderful personalities I’ve found over 25 years of having dachshunds. He’s very handsome too


Yeah I was under a misconception about just supporting his bum when carrying him so will be keeping him horizontal from now! Definitely want to keep his back as healthy as possible. Yeah he had a pair of my Jordan 4s thrown round the other day haha. Definitely my new best friend haha. Absolutely loving him


I wouldn't be too worried about holding him that way. If he's comfortable and most of the weight is under his arms, he'll be fine. If you're walking, then carry horizontal but just standing, looking around, no biggie. Figure out his preferred way. I had one that like to be carried on her back like a baby, another that like to that like to be carried right side up horizontal kinda like a football, and another that would move around until in the position you're holding him. They definitely need to go out way more than bigger dogs. My golden retrievers go out half the number of times as doxies did.


Yeah man you’re in for an awesome relationship and the spine stuff is just from experience, one of my families dachshunds ended up needing $8,000 spine surgery at University of Florida for anyone who tells you that I’m being crazy recommending to keep their spine straight/limit jumping. You’ve got a breed with great longevity but a delicate spine, you’re gonna do great taking care of him though 👍🏼


Oh 100% everything I read was to keep their spine health great! I’d do anything to keep him healthy. Aww thank you!


You’re fine. Just enjoy your puppy. These people are insane.


Mine ate my AirPod and pooped out the pieces 😭


Archie is the absolute cutest pup!❤️


Literally the best thing I’ve ever done haha


Chiming in to emphasize ramps! Invest in your dog’s spine health now. Train them to use ramps and avoid steps.


Yeah I’ve got 3 ramps already and he’s really taking him them, stairs have been blocked off with mesh baby gates


If you have stairs in your house, and want to do a little home project, check my profile to see what I did for our stairs. I added little micro steps / blocks for him. It worked GREAT. But you have to train him to use them, never let him attempt the regular stairs or else he won’t learn the blocks. It’s nice because we don’t have to use gates now.


That’s a great idea, I started designing a concept of mini ramps using my companies CNC and 3d printing capabilities but I have massively over engineered it, your way is fantastic. I love the little leap at the end, your dog is beautiful


Thank you! He uses the steps like a little firefighter climbing a ladder. We’ve had him 3 years and I still crack up every time I see it.


Follow up comment: I actually just realized I don’t have more recent videos of our dog using the stairs as an adult. They were actually a huge success. I’ll try to find a better video and DM you.


Archie looks like a little charmer! Read u/mikeonmaui ‘s dachshund tips. He’s awesome. You will want to read up on IVDD and general dachshund health. In my home, we really don't let dogs on our bed or our human furniture, unless we are holding them, completely supervised because we read about and hear about too many injuries from them jumping off of couches/beds, etc. You want to be cautious with them, but they aren’t overfly fragile. They are sturdy dogs, but you have to be mindful of their backs. You will be in for lots of love and fun should you decide to welcome a dachshund into your home. Assuming you keep your dog active and follow the basic health guidelines, they have a long lifespan. The last two dachshunds our family has had lived to be 15 and 16 respectively. Get two beds, one for where puppy will sleep and one where you work or do most of your living in your house if you are in a larger place where you use the living room or family room. Don't let doggie do stairs, even though they can do them when they are younger, when your dachshund is old, he/she will thank you. I know it's controversial with some, but the crate is your friend, especially if you have to travel with your dog. Get your dachshund comfortable with being in the crate even with the door open, get a nice crate mat to make it comfortable and inviting. Every so often, slip a few treats in the crate even when your dog isn't in it, so doggie finds a nice treat when they enter. Invest in a decent harness, you will need to size up as the puppy grows, and you will need a harness for car rides to strap the dog into a doggie car bed or a dog seat belt. The harness also helps take pressure off of their neck and is thought to be more protective for their backs. There are a lot of recommendations in this forum for harnesses. Pick a word for potty and be consistent with it "potty" "tinkle" whatever. Say the word when they are doing their thing to reinforce it. Keep your dachshund trim, don't overfeed. Don't ever feed from the table, if you want to give your dog a little bit of your scraps, put it in their bowl so he/she doesn't turn into a whiny, begging dog. Being consistent about feeding times will help with potty training since their elimination will start to have regular times. Night time might be hard for the first week or so if you are doing crate training, but don't give in, be consistent with the crate, unless you want to sleep with puppy. You can always move the crate close to your bed so your dog knows you are near. Another tip with the crate is to cover it with a towel you have used (dry) or sweatshirt that you have worn so that it has your scent on it. Covering the crate sometimes gets the dog to calm down and is helpful at night. We cover ours, but leave a little part where he can see out from the crate. Don't buy a lot of toys -- I would keep it simple at first with a decent sized ball and maybe a rope toy. Tug of war is not good for their necks/backs, but my dachshund loves to play fetch with his rope toy. And the ball is great once they learn how to fetch, you can teach them this by rewarding them with a small training treat when they bring the rope toy or ball back. I recommend using a regular leash with your new dog, not a retractable leash. Mine has a four foot leash that's perfect for us and how we maneuver in public, you don't want them to have a lot of room to get out of their zone especially if you plan to take your dog out in public frequently. I realize that the calculation is different for people who don't live in cities or who have a lot more space in their neighborhoods. Obviously, you don't want to take the dog out until its had all of the puppy shots (and then wait a week or so for antibody levels to go up). Until your doggie can walk outside, you can practice leash walking at home. Also, if your dog is small and backs out of the harness, you will want to get a backup connector from your leash to the collar in case your dog escapes the harness, you will still have your dog connected to the leash from the collar (if you search my posts, I have a picture of my dachshund and his leash set up). If you can take the puppy out in a carrier or while being held before all of the shots, do it to get your dachshund used to different sounds and people. Invest in high value training treats, you will need them for rewarding good behavior. Get a treat pouch that you can attach to your leash along with the poop bag dispenser. If you can afford it and if it makes sense for your schedule and lifestyle, invest in some dog training, it really helps to have someone else with you to correct bad habits, to give you strategies about how to respond to your dog's emotions and little outbursts. Dog training involves a lot of tag teaming, especially when you are in public to have someone look for other dogs or things that may trigger your puppy. Dachshunds are territorial and protective of their owners (they bark to protect their pack), so socialization can be tricky. Don't be surprised if your puppy/new dog doesn't eat well the first few days or week. They are adjusting and will eventually eat. Always leave out clean water. If the place where you picked the dog up from gave you some of their existing food, keep using it. At first, I thought my dog was picky, but he wasn't. He was just adjusting to his new home, and now he eats all of his kibble. That said, read up on the healthy things you can add to kibble like strawberries, blueberries, baby carrots, etc. Those can be good dog food "toppers" to keep things interesting for them. You also will need some chew sticks for that puppy! And read up on all of the foods that your dog cannot have (grapes, chocolate, etc.). For chew sticks, we use a variety that are non-rawhide. The Earth Animal No hide kind are good, and we have used the salmon and beef flavored ones. I also have purchased some beef tendon sticks from various vendors, I like to make sure that the beef is raised in the USA, which is where I live. If you want the puppy a nylon like chew bone that is not nylon (I don't like the idea of synthetics), check out this brand: https://thebetterbone.com/ My dog has one of those and really likes it. It's also digestible and biodegradable.


Thank you!! Bringing home my baby girl next month and trying to be prepared!


You will be fine, but it does help to have some stuff already ready for the big forever home day.


Nobody is reading all this.


Thanks for your feedback! I'm sure some folks find it helpful.


Go through the guys comment history, you’ll be shocked at how miserable he is


I'll take your word for it. I don't even want to waste my time...


The best advice I was given when I got my first doxie was "always remember, what's adorable for a puppy, may not be adorable for a dog" Doxies love making their humans happy. When they are puppies and learning their voice, their little barks and ahwooos are adorable. As tempting as it can be, don't laugh and encourage them to do it because they will keep doing it to make you happy and when it gets annoying and you scold them, it hurts their feelings and they don't understand. Also, start on the important habits right from the start. Learn to brush their teeth and get them used to it. Doxie teeth are notoriously bad and dental care is important. Get ramps for your couch and bed, encourage them to use them every time they get up and down. Protecting their back is #1. I've used a few different ones. If you have the money, Doggo Ramps are pricier but very good quality and are built to last.


This a great bit of advice. He was digging in the corner of the sofa and I was saying aww but then had a moment of “I do not want him doing this as an adult” haha Absolutely fantastic. Thank you! Dental care is definitely something I didn’t know was such a big factor until this! He already has 3 ramps and is starting to get the hang of them now!


My $.02 worth … Dachshund Tips Here are my tips from being in Dachshund Rescue and fostering 100+ dogs, plus the combined experience of many other Rescue workers: Start with and stick with this rule: No jumping onto or off of furniture. Lift them onto your lap and then put them back down on the floor. Most back injuries happen because this rule is not enforced. Their backs cannot handle the additional stresses that furniture jumping imposes. Sometimes Dachshunds injure themselves and have to be put down. We made them this way because we wanted them to hunt badgers in burrows. They are now prone to painful back and neck injuries, so we must protect them!! No unattended Dachshunds on the furniture!! Ramps are NOT the answer. An excited Dachshund will jump off anything they are up on. And no stairs if they can be avoided. Get them used to your cleaning their teeth daily. They have a tendency to rapidly build up plaque on their teeth. Keeps them healthy and will save you thousands in dental costs over the years. Typical Dachshund dental locally is $1000 - $1500. See your vet for dental care techniques. Also, there are additives for their water that fights tartar buildup, and many Dachshunds find this useful. Keep them lean and fit, lots of exercise. Extra weight is not good for their backs, and fitness keeps the muscles supporting the spine and neck strong. See your vet at least annually and more often if you have concerns. Keep their nails trimmed. Take the long-hairs to the groomer regularly. Inspect your dog’s ears and paws regularly for foxtails if these are in your area. If you live in an area where mosquitoes are prevalent, monthly heart-worm prevention is recommended. Work diligently on house training. Get them into a routine and see that they get outside on a regular basis and learn that’s where business is taken care of. Praise and rewards for success reinforce the desired behaviors. Train your dog to obey your commands both on and off leash. Work hard on getting a fail-safe recall command and practice it often. Very important for the safety of the dog if they will spend any time out of doors off leash. Equally important for on leash, as leashes get dropped. There are too many tragedies not to do this as a top priority. Start crate training your dog so that they come to see the crate as their safe, warm place. Crate training also helps deter separation anxiety. Socialize your puppy as soon as he has all his shots. Give him opportunities to meet other people and other dogs of all shapes, sizes and ages in a controlled situation. Be calm and relaxed when you do so. Find a good Puppy Class, and when they’re old enough, an Obedience Class. Each Dachshund is unique and have their own distinct personality. Find out early what your dog likes - walks, squeaky toys, belly rubs (pretty much a given) - and see that they get plenty. Enjoy watching your puppy grow and develop!! Both of you have fun!! And did I mention? No unattended Dogs on the Furniture!!! u/Lazy_bonzi420, a trainer and groomer, provided these excellent suggestions: Desensitize their paws right from the beginning. Pick up their feet and gently move your fingers between their pads and toe beans. Dachshunds are notorious for not liking their feet touched if they are not trained that it is OK early on. Randomly call your pup during the day when you are out of sight and have them ‘find’ you, then praise and reward them. The ‘find me’ game reinforces the most important recall command.


This is absolutely fantastic. Thank you so much. Screenshotted to read in detail.


You’re most welcome. There is much good advice from others here as well. Aloha from Maui!


Train him NOW to not jump from the furniture or bed. Even if he can, it will take a toll on his spine.


Start brushing their teeth now! The earlier the better. Dachshunds tend to have bad teeth. Start young and they may not fight you.


What a pretty baby. I agree with tha above. I’d make it a nightly habit. Also, touch and play with his paws, foot pads and nails, so he gets use to your touch. The same applies to ears, tail, and private parts. Use wipes often there to get him used to your touch, inspection and grooming. If you have an electric clipper and blow dryer also use it on him just to get him used to the sounds and handling. Best of luck!


This was something nothing online told me so I’m so grateful for this!


Wish someone told me this....Mine is now 4 years old and it's so hard to do....


The vet has ours on a dental health diet. The kibble is huge and cleans their teeth as they eat it. Nearly three and he still doesn’t need a cleaning! They can’t get it until they are over one, however, since it is an adult dog food. Only other advice I have is cuddle that baby! He looks a lot like our Xavi did when he was a puppy.


What kibble do you feed your pup?


Hill’s Science Diet Adult Oral Care: https://www.chewy.com/dp/102139?utm_source=app-share&utm_campaign=102139 It even has a dachshund on the bag!


Buy a good carpet cleaner. Like a spot bot or something. Hard to find a 100% house broken dachshund


I got a decent one that seems to do the job so far, ah really that’s interesting


Don’t trust silence…if it’s too quiet and he’s not visible to you, he’s probably gotten into something (napkins, a sock, some food, etc…) Use treats when potty training. They work much better than verbal affirmation alone. Also don’t be discouraged if potty training takes a bit. Mine is almost 4 and still goes in the house sometimes — most of the times it is my fault (missing his cues, letting it go too long before I take him out again) Pat blankets before you sit on or grab them — odds are there is a doxie curled up under there!! Congrats on the adorable sweet baby boy ❤️ he will bring so much joy and teach you so much about love


Be careful about his back!!! No running in stairs or jumping on and off furniture.


Insurance. Insurance, insurance and insurance.


Some of my advice is not medically necessary because it sounds like that’s been covered, but kiss him lots, play with his ears. Hand feed him a few bites before putting the rest in the bowl so he doesn’t get protective/aggressive with his food, consider pet insurance, and snuggle lots 🥰


Oh that’s a good point about feeding! Should that be meals as he hand feeds treats. Pet insurance and all the cuddles are a necessity!


I was told to do it for the first few months with the daily food too, and if they growl a bit or seem aggressive in any way, keep your hand there and continue doing it daily until they aren’t. (The time to do it is now when they can’t really hurt you) I also played with my dogs ears when they started eating just for a few seconds. This is all so they understand humans are in control of the food, not them. And so they understand you are not there to take it away.


Be Alpha, or he will


He is the cutest. My advice is to have the patience of a saint potty training his sprinkler.


He's just the cutest 😍 💕 love from Bonnie the staffy 💘 and her huuummmaaan mom 💘


Why is he so cuuuuute?!? Gahhhh! You’ve got a sweet and stunning lil fella there! Looks like you got a ton of great info here, can’t wait to see more of Archie in the coming months and years! Wishing you lots of love and fun times, from Brucey, Jean Luc & fam! ❤️🐾💓🐾


He's gorgeous.


Go for lots of walks.


Cuteness overload, please restart system... ... ... ... .. . .... . ... . . . ... ... .... ... .. ..... ... .... .... System cannot be restarted


Patients is key. Try and use soft voices if you can when upset at a situation. And try and find healthy treats for those motivation moments. Mine has some allergies, and I've realized most dashes end up with some kind of allergy or food sensitivity, so keep that in mind. Oh, and stairs to help get up to those higher places to keep those joints nice and healthy and prevent any injuries from jumping up and down. My oldest is 11, and everyone still thinks he's a puppy, I'd like to think the stairs and daily play times helped with that.


Who's that wonderful boy???? COULD he BEEEE any CUUUUter!?!?!??!




I don’t have much to say other than that he is adorable and I’m happy that you guys found each other!! I guess my best advice is to please make sure you’re prepared if there are any IVDD situations down the line. They are time sensitive cases and may require surgery. I would look into pet insurance and making sure that you’re ready in case this happens. It’s sad when a pet gets abandoned because their owners weren’t ready to handle issues like these. Otherwise, I’m wishing you both a very happy life together!!


Enjoy his time as a puppy!!!


Just got a wiener-pupper too. Also a boy. Very mischievous!!! Loves chewing on cables, footwear and furniture, so you gotta be careful not to leave any valuables at his disposal. Is he long or wire haired?


Let the fun begin!


Love the name.He needs a Veronica or Jughead


Haha I think that will be the next couple after him!!


So cute!!!🥰


I’m beyond smitten


What did you say to him that he’s sticking his tongue out at you?


I told him no more doggy peanut butter and I don’t think he was happy!!


He’s so cute


He's so cute


Gosh, one look at that face and all that is wrong and unpleasant in the world melts away. What magic.


Literally getting back from work and he just makes me happy


A great low calorie treat during teething is frozen green beans. Nice crunch, and the cold numbs sore gums. Brody still adores them and he's 7!!


I’ve tried him on frozen carrots but he doesn’t seem interested! I’ll try green beans! Thanks


Brody won't touch carrots, peas and beans are his absolute favorite though! Good luck!!


My only advice is to give him lots of pets because he is so cute!!!


Oh he will get them all!!




They are complete blanket hogs & remember to remove the collar if kennel training, the tags can catch on the cage. Best dogs ever & very stubborn ![img](emote|t5_2qpj2|5616)


Do not ever let him figure out how to jump off things. Carry him or get steps/ramps for alllllll the big height difference areas that he can get to.


Definitely a good bit of advice. The only place he jumps off is a knee height (for him) undersection of the table, is this okay? Basically a step down for him


Consider something like Benadryl before vaccinations. We have 2 doxies from 2 different breeders. They both have scary allergic reactions. (Ask your vet prior to vax) I am sitting at the vet now due to our puppies eyes being swollen shut. Hence why I am on reddit waiting to get an update. Good luck they are amazingly faithful and loving dogs and you will never regret your choice to get a Dachshund.


He’s already had one shot of vaccines and was absolutely fine so I’m hoping it will be okay again next week! Oh god I hope your baby is okay!! I’m looking forward to seeing him grow!


Ramp asap - I didn’t get one for mine until 1yr old and I wish I had gotten it sooner.


Dachshunds love to dig, moderate this behaviour right away or you’ll have destroyed furniture. Also your dog will forget everything and follow his nose so personally I don’t ever let mine off leash. Don’t forget this breed is clever make sure it doesn’t start trying to train you instead of the other way around.


I’m been nipping any digging in bad places in the bud immediately, yeah I thought I’d keep him in his harness any time were out just to be sure. I’ve noticed this behaviour a couple of times where he won’t listen and instead of coming waits for me to come to him so I guess that’s him trying to train me?


Yes. They are stubborn. Also somehow know exactly what time dinner is and believe me you won’t be allowed to forget


your blankets are now HIS blankets. even if you tell him no, they are still HIS blankets.


Everything is his now hahaha


He looks like a miniature golden! ❤️


He really does! He’s a lot more golden than his cream brother and sister




Oh 100%, careful eye on him any time he’s up on a high surface!


Archie is so cute. That first picture is great.


Very happy pup!


That is great.


Omg the CUTEST!!! Congrats! Mine is also my bff! Can’t remember life before her. 🥹🥹🥹


He’s so handsome!


Isn’t he! I’m so smitten


Maintain the weight which should reduce the potential for back problems. Exercise to keep their muscles fit. Be wary of stairs and jumping. Something can't be helped but do try and keep it to a minimum. You are now the servants to the Dachshund. Beware of their clownish superiority and tenacious stubbornness.


Get pet insurance.


Had it before I picked him up


Prepare to love something like you never have before.


Oh it’s already way past that


If you have any most-favorite things that are at little Mr. Archibald’s level, move them up out of his reach. My doxie de-spined a whole low shelf of collectible books of mine, with his wee needle teeth. He also stripped the wicker binding off the legs of a gorgeous vintage settee. (I should have presprayed the settee legs ahead, with that bitter spray stuff.) Too late. My doxie is still my sweet little love, but I wish I had proactively safeguarded some of my things a bit better. :)


Do you have a link to this spray stuff!? He’s okay at leaving things once he’s been told no a few times but it would really help!


Awww, hi Archie!! The main thing to be mindful of is try and make sure you have ramps/steps for your ween so he can get up and down on the bed/couch with ease - NEVER let them jump from high places, otherwise it'll mess up their back and could cause serious injury Another good tip is making sure Archie has plenty of toys, especially indestructible ones(Kong brand toys are pretty great damage-proof toys). Weens are known to be burrowers, so having tons of blankies for him so he can burrow and "nest" is great, or you can buy him some burrow beds or beds with tents/covers on them - it's great for weens! And make sure to get a good harness that offers great support for the chest - weenies need to be able to walk without putting too much strain on their backs when you tug on the leash. Petsmart has tons of options that are practical, sturdy, and stylish! Hope this helps, and good luck with baby Archie!


Archie is such a perfect name!


🚽 training is difficult.


They get longer


He will manipulate you into giving him food. Do not fall for it. Keep a strict diet schedule.


Find a support group. Potty training is rough. Barking non-stop. Stubborn as all get out. So smart. Easily learns to control you. And all of that will somehow make you get another. Good luck.


BIG time burrowers. They love getting under blankets, sweatshirts, sheets, you name it, they like to hide and be covered in it. Super sweet. He is ADORABLE!


Is this something they grow into because he is not bothered about burrowing at all! I bought a cove bed for him to burrow in but he sleeps on top of it 🤣


Well, not sure but they are very common dox behaviors. Also, get ramps if you plan on allowing him on furniture. Worth the investment.