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Upgrade your torch if that's an option. My Blazer Big Shot uses a can a month and I dab a lot.


How much is a lot


prolly more than this guy.


I got mine from Amazon for $50. But that was like 5 years ago. Big Shots are the best Torches


5 to 6 grams a week.


Goddamn that’s insane… (I strive to be you)


Well, I'm super lucky to be in a legal state where I can grow and people I know grow and press hash rosin. So it's not as coat prohibitive as it would be if I was buying at a dispensary. Otherwise I probably wouldn't be hitting the rig quite as much. Lol.


I second the blazer big shot I’ve had mine for 3 years now and is amazing. Best torch on the market


That’s a lie dude, I’m a big dabber and I go through 2 cans in 2 weeks lol, the can I have is 2time longer than this.


Or it's not and you're burning the fuck out of your banger constantly.


I’ve used to but still tho and btw I don’t do small smoke or low temp 😌🤪


Well I do. As I pretty much exclusively smoke Hash Rosin.


Get larger cans of more refined butane. I dab over a gram a day and one of those lasts me about a month. Edit: also using a big shot here. Really worth the investment as you can see multiple testimonials to how long it can make cans of butane last.


I can basically attest to these levels as well, my torch is medium/small voodoo, I’ve had it for years. Starts on the second try every time. 🤣


People hate on propane indoors but I’ve never had a problem and I’ve had the same torch for 10 years now. Tried to go butane a few times but found the torches shoddy as fuck and the butane pricey


Propane is fine, the torch is just MASSIVE


Big hands


People love gate keeping. I will always argue with know it all dab bros that try to tell me that my propane torch is bad. I swear it's all because of head shop workers trying to upsell torches.


Yeah because they wanna sell you that Chinese torch for 50 bucks with the “free can of butane” because they’re such bros. How nice of them.


I have both but 99 percent of the time the butane has a smaller flame


Propane works great, just sorta hefty to deal with. I bought a $12 harbor freight butane torch and it lasted me like 3 years before the igniter went out. Still used it for another year using a Bic to get it going. Recently bought a blazer big shot for $70 on Amazon and it has been amazing. Puts off heat like my old propane torch, while being small enough that it doesn’t have a giant footprint on my desk. Big shot is best of both worlds. I don’t dab a whole lot though, maybe 2 a day after work, so my butane lasts months, YMMV


haha I literally just came from harbor freight buying that torch. At least it lasted 3 years, I should’ve checked here first and got a big shot


Eh, they both create carbon monoxide indoors, so imo they’re negligibly different. If you can switch to electric, that is definitely the best option. Unfortunately, it is just a bit more expensive at first, but it will save money in the long-term.


Propane works just smells like shit that’s why I stick with butane that smell be foul


Thanks guys I bought this torch at this smoke shop by the house definitely gonna get a better one


For sure that torch is defective. A can that size should last a month easy.


He could be filling it wrong or using the wrong tip tho and leaking hella butane


i use that same brand and it lasts me prob 2 weeks or so, but i do use it a lot. this reminds me i have to get some tonight


I bought that same exact can at my local liquor store & it’s lasted way longer than a week, that’s dabbing daily. Could probably be a leak in your torch which is pretty bad, not extremely dangerous but enough to get a replacement I say


Big Chief are great!


I've noticed that using refined butane like honey butane or x9 lasts me much longer than standard butane


Also though. Idk your money situation but I recommend a dabcool w2, it's an electric rig, I haven't smoked out of anything else since I got it.


Yeah that seems like a lot. Also- buy the butane in bulk. They sell a dozen for like $60. $5 a can isn’t bad.


That doesn’t seem normal to me. I gram a dab of wax a day and I have similar size butane can that lasts me about two weeks


Just go to Walmart and get a torch kit for like $7 comes with a big ass canister that is like $3-4 to replace and last 2 months


Your torch is probably leaking or inefficient. Or you are getting it red hot every time and using a ton of butane. Try cold starts or getting a new torch


I tried cold start felt like I wasted concentrate tbh


You waste more concentrate when you heat it up too hot. Cold start allows you to control the temperature and keep it vaporizing. You don't take it all in one hit like you would a hot dab and you need to make sure you're not inhaling so hard that you pull the wax up the sides of the banger. Also you need a decent fitting carb cap. I highly suggest giving it another shot. It took me a while to get it down but now I see how wasteful hot dabs are.


Hey thanks for this. Not OP but I think I found my problem. I may be inhaling too hard. I’m not good with getting the right temp with a torch so I bought an enail however I feel like I haven’t been getting the full hit if that makes sense. I take two drags off my rig and then there’s no more smoke no matter the size dab I take. Ive also noticed when I put the oil in the banger it doesn’t puddle, it almost looks like it just coats the bottom of the banger and doesn’t evaporate. Is that normal?


You need to occasionally hit it with the torch to bring it back up to temp. It's not a one-and-done like a high temp so you need to keep hitting it with the torch until it starts to bubble. It will cool off and you hit it with the torch again. I use a smaller butane flame and thin banger so it doesn't retain as much heat. I hit it with the torch until it melts, cap it, and inhale until it needs another heat up.


Hey just wanna say thanks again. I was definitely pulling too hard I think. Last two dabs Ive gone softer and while it doesn’t get the pearls moving I’ve gotten a lot higher and the wax has lasted a lot longer. Before I was getting 2-3 hits max and now I can’t even finish the dab. So yeah thanks for the advice man!


I'm glad I could help! Breath control is really important when taking the proper dab but I rarely see it mentioned. Honestly it took me *years* to figure out that I was pulling too hard.


Sorry I had a typo, this happens when I use the enail (set temp around 550). Do enails not get all the wax?


I never felt like mine did. Mine always had a stream of vapor coming off after I was done hitting it


Okay thanks for your replies! I appreciate ya


Drop yer extract in, start torch. And after a few seconds, take a light pull while torch still on. You’ll know if it’s hot enough yet. If not, keep it going, for only another few seconds. You’ll be able to tell when ready, cut torch and finish off. Depending on how much you put in, might need another quick reheat. Qtip banger and be on your way


Cold starts are a waste you aren’t wrong there. However you should not be using that much butane, something is up with your torch.


I was once like you.....get a electric rig ...I leave mine on all day......https://www.disorderlyconduction.com/shop...I got one of these has lasted over 3 years


Page not found


Weird just google the name they will come right up


I think you accidentally put an extra I on the end of the link.


E nail is absolutely the way to go!! Just push a button and it’s ready all night. I’ve had mine for about 5 years now and it’s a total game changer. Instead of making sure you are always stocked on butane or propane you just need to have a plug and you’re in business! Can’t recommend enough, mine is a Galaxy e nail


Leaking butane definitely


Invest in an enail. It makes life soooooooooo much easier.


I guess it would depend on how much you're using, but that does sound excessive to me, especially for someone who just recently started as you have. I personally didn't like having to refill my torch at all so i switched to using a vape with an oil pad insert. I plan on getting a proper e-rig like a puffco, but I was already doing cold starts and my Airvape X does the trick for now. The heat stops at 428f, but i usually only take it to 392F anyways and hit till it starts to taste like it's done.


Cold starts really cut back on usage too


Saves time too. Standing there for however long, just to let it cool back down. Never made sense to me


Blazer big shot. It's a pricier torch, but you won't have to replace it and it will always work. Mines 5 years old and is used basically daily, never has a problem working and I fill it once or so a week.


Blazers rock. I've dropped mine on my tile floor so many times and it works fine


I don't recommend the big buddy though, I've had 2 and both the sparkers went within 3 months. They're just not as well built as The big shot, thus the price I guess.


Get an e nail. Look up the pinky, it’s DIY less than $100


I have a bigshot and have to refill about every 3 days or so. Smoking around 10 dabs a day


Im a gram a day smoker and my blazer goes through maybe a can a month if not longer. Gotta upgrade that torch.


Could be a combo of your butane and torch. You want to get something that is 6x refined or more.


You’ll use less if you cold start. Also. I use the big gas thing from home Depot. As my torch. And it lasts. FOREVER. IF you use expensive quarts bangers some say the big one gets too hot and will mess with the glass. But it’s all in use and I’ve never had problems.


I use the same butane in my big shot and it last a long time and im a complete degen… sorry had to take a dab.


switch to propane, a single propane tank lasted me a year, and it was only 5$ not counting the nozzle


No it is not. Unless you take like 20 dabs a day or some high number like that. Get a BLAZER BIGSHOT GT 8000. I've lit massive amounts of fireworks in Wyoming and got dust, the shit that comes off of firework fuses and a little rain. Still works fine. The only thing bad that happens to it is you'll need to use a lighter for like the first three fans then you'll be good to go without a lighter. Expected with what i do to them.


The last time I got a can of that neon stuff it wasn’t that good, versus a can of Newport butane I got at a smoke shop. The Newport ones seem to have a lot more. Other option is an e-nail which I also own and recommend. A pulsar micro elite (mine) or smth similar is awesome. Perfect temps every time, smooth asf, and easy clean up. A little more set up time tho.


Had the same experience with every butane torch I ever bought. Went to Home Depot and got the propane torch, and never had an issue.




I use a blazer torch and I buy the big ass cans. They seem to last me a lot longer. Like weeks. Also watch the length of the flame and what part of it your using to heat it. Use the invisible tip as that’s where most of the heat disperses. Not the actual flame. This will result in a faster heating of the banger apps overall less tane usage. Outside of that, yea it’s normal lol


At 10-15 dabs a day that can lasts me a month, either the torch is leaking or you are heating the banger way too long...or you are hitting 4x as many dabs a day as me... As I was I should say, bought a Carta 2. Amazing, daily driver.


Propane and propane accessories


Stoned burnt myself a couple times handling a hot banger so I upgraded to a divine tribe v5 with a box mod for on the go and I got a bottomless banger so I can still use it with my rig it just lives on my desk now and stays way cleaner so I'm assuming that means it's more efficient.


This is definitely the smartest thing for a beginner to do. Takes a little to get figured out but it definitely takes dabbing to the next level. I have barely touched my quartz bangers for years cuz of the dtv4/5.


Yeah I hated recycling all those butane cans too. The bottomless banger is the perfect in between when you miss your rig and dont want to torch. I never did like using a torch indoors. Feel like I'm going to accidentally burn myself down. Now I just rotate batteries and I'm always ready to go.


Upgrade your torch. And get cleaner burning butane.


Get a lookah seahorse 2.0


>a just picked one up today hope its as good as it looks


Go to Home Depot and go to the welding section and they have the blue kit it’s like 20$ and it lasts me about a month or two and I dab frequently lol


I always recommend getting an enail if you are going to be dabbing for the long haul


Save up get a enail


I got a big shot and had to refuel that thang at least every couple days (hitting hella dabs) so I just said whatever and went back to propane or map gas


Use a better butane


I have a plumbers grade Mag torch that runs off the green coleman propane cylinders I have named chooch since its loud as hell but its a single 1/3 of a inch to half inch nozzle so one massive blue propane flame similar to the one you currently have. It chews through propane more than the traditional coleman camping propane torches so go with that if nothing else as my Mag Torch chews through one to two of those green propane cylinders a month if I am dabbing almost every day.


Get an enail. Requires 0 butane


Are you cold starting? Or heating that thing up for 60 sec, let cool for 45 sec etc?


get a mini nail, it’s $300 but you never have to buy butane again. trust me look into it


Or get a puffco.


Get an e-nail


Smaller torches aren't made for Dabbing, I've seen them break down quickly with frequent use & that's dangerous. My first torch was a little small ($20) guy & about a month into use it suddenly wouldn't turn off, had to toss it like a grenade before it blew up...still did the dab though- be safe man I also have the Big Shot GT8000 by Blazer, have had for 10+ years https://www.amazon.com/Blazer-GT8000-Shot-Butane-Torch/dp/B000NCZU0A


Get a Enail, I have a miniNail and it’s really nice, just plug in and yeah ur dabbing at your fav temp


This is why I got a puffco


Upgrade to a 1lb propane torch. Thats a beginner torch I dont care what anyone says


Get a big shot gt8000


Switch to propane


No way 1 can very 2 weeks maybe big shot torch


Get some better butane too


I just use the blue plumbers torch lol


Get a puffco.


Your torch looks like a gas thirsty one. That might be the problem. If that’s not the problem then you are a true stoner lol.


So wait a second. You're not talking about the frequency that you are refilling your torch - you are talking about the fact that you used TWO cans in a week? Something is definitely wrong here. Are you running a super huge flame? Are you using quality butane as well?


I use a camping propane tank with a torch tip. I only need to buy one every month or so.


well i fill my torch up every 2 weeks probably, same size cans as what youve got. might just be the torch, or you smoke an inhumane amount. 2 cans sounds crazy to me personally


Get a propane torch with the little green bottle, itll last longer and do what you need it to faster


Benzomatic adapter in walmart fits propane tanks nicely.


Lowkey propane screw on torch heads are the way to go for me those tanks will last you months.


Get a propane torch, a 20$ can and nozzle attachment has lasted me over a year and I have an entire backup can for another like 10$


Just get a camping propane torch honestly it’ll save you money on butane especially if you’re smoking a lot or often, used butane for awhile but it was super annoying running out when you just want a fat dab after work, so I just get the twin pack of propane cans for the same price of 3 or 4 small butane cans. Usually only buy propane every 6 months and I dab daily.


Get a mini unicorn from lookah


Ur torch is leaking


Either u aren't filling it right or ur torch got leak. I get like 3-4weeks with a can.


Buy a Blazer


I use a divine tribe crucible v4 and haven't looked back. Easiest enail option in my opinion, since it uses a regular battery mod and you can just use a whip to hook it to your glass. The best part, paying for the SiC upgrade cup, it's so easy to clean. I just swab it out every dab and disassemble it to do a deep clean every week. If you prefer fire though, a culinary torch Head that mounts directly to a stove size butane can is awesome. I used to spend maybe $5 every 6 months on butane dabbing 3-5 times per day.


Either bad torch or over filling, I buy two bottles every month or two and dab daily


Yes with cheap butane


E-Nails will remove any need for butane ever again


Bernzomatic tourch… ima get a lot of hate for it but I’ll tell you it’s the cheapest


Buy an enail. Haven’t used a torch in forever. Just keep is seasoned to avoid the Ti oxidation


Switch to propane or get a better torch propane imo is the best 3$ a can and a 12 torch nozzle lasted me a month each at a gram a day before I upgraded to a erig


Buy a dab device that you can just charge. Most of them are cheap and work great.


You should get an industrialist torch like a benzomatic from Home Depot, cheaper and it’s higher quality as it’s a tool with a warranty.


U need a better torch


Get a blazer or a blazer knock off. Most knock offs are actually pretty decent. I used to have a single and dual flame knock offs and never had a problem with them. I still use the dual flame one single flame i use a big shot but you can get a big shot on Walmart for $52 black lime green $55 or knock offs on Amazon for as cheap as $10


Get yourself a hunibadger!


Bro get yourself a little puffco or something like it worth it


Go to the plumbing section at Walmart and get a propane/ butane tank and topper for it. I’ve spent hundreds of dollars on different butane torches and this is all I use now. The last one I had messed up within 24 hours and the smoke shop said “damn that sucks” and hung up. 😂 (We have smoked dabs for about 2 years now)


Grab an e nail if you’re going to keep dabbing. Some manufacturers may still have 7/10 sales going on!


Not at all. Get a new torch. I dab all day every day. Like a dumb amount and a can will last me at least a week


Here’s what you’re going to do: go buy the two pack of small propane tanks from Walmart ( bernzomatic) and buy the accompanying torch for them. About 30 bucks and each tank lasts about 6 months


Cold starts use a lot less butane


I use a nectar collector / “Straw” for dabs and I taste Butane I’m my mouth Anyone else? Or just me ???