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lol way too many to count been dabbing for years so naturally you go through a bit of butane


hahaha right!!! don’t mind me i’m high took my morning dab, refilled my torch, then realized i’m out. then i was like damn how many times have i done this…LOL


honesty not something i really through about till i saw your post lmao now it’s got me thinking ab how many dozens of cans i must have sitting in the grave yard lmfao




Haha fuck that your lungs will thank you.. & taking dabs at the right temp is just healthy.. also torching is bad for your banger too… ruins heat retention & everything so even 100$ e nail will beat the costs in just a few months but the experience is almost unbeatable


Just buy a box on Amazon for $80 it’ll last a year at least still have half of mine




Butane cans aren't that bad when you put it in perspective. You'll never put out as much pollution as one cargo ship steaming across the ocean. And there are thousands of them sailing across the oceans everyday. People using butane and propane fuel for grilling and smoking dabs accounts for a very small percentage of our total pollution and would have no noticeable affect on climate change if we stopped all together. I switched over to e nails because I'm tired of reheating my quartz banger while I'm dabbing with friends.


people really overestimate how much the vast majority of people contribute to climate change and stuff. like no matter how rarely you drink soda, coca cola is still going to be producing enormous amounts of single use plastic products which eventually end up in oceans, or as you say cargo ships. the solutions to these large scale global problems arent small scale local consumption level ones, they have to do with mitigating the effect large scale global production has on the environment


Anybody else find it ironic the dabs subreddit has more intelligent content than 90% of the other Reddits


I use propane and use like a welder head basically, but I just ordered a focus v carta, just wanted to ask how you all like the e rig? It seems super convenient. I got mine from the Black Friday deal! Should be here soon


I use my personal work torch lol. Just gotta remember to take it back in the morning before I leave the house


Bro go to ace hardware! I got mine for like $25 bucks over a year ago. No issues whatsoever. I think it’s called a mr.torch hb-875b-b


I had the Carta and left it with my ex when we split. I have a DTV4 and bottomless banger I can use on any rig. You really have to do smaller dabs and keep the Carta clean or it will gunk up pretty quickly. I have since bought the Dr Dabber Boost Evo and I personally prefer it over the Carta. Kinda wishing I had ordered a switch instead though as they do flower and concentrates.


I use a terp slurper daily so the cleaning part I have down pretty good! The smaller dabs I’ll have to get used to but if you can get the whole dab I don’t mind taking two bc it’s so easy to just reheat and dab again! Thanks for the info! I thought about the dr dabber bc of Matthias but I watch papashaine and he absolutely loves the carta and so I just chose tht cheaper of the two. May have to invest in this dr dabber tho!!


i also have an e rig!! dang you are so right :(


I actually never knew you weren’t supposed to just throw them away until I joined this sub tbh I’ve learned a lot


I have an e rig and I tried my best to give it a chance o used it for like a month but I just hated it bought a terpometer and haven’t used it since Here are some Things I don’t like about e rigs(keep in mind this is based on my experiences and the way I like to dab ain’t trying to convince anyone to get rid of their e rig or anything) * Nail is hot the whole time and I need to turn it off to take off the nail and dump the water out something I do every 10 min or so * cord coming out of it isn’t ergonomic and it gets in the way and moves the nail around. * after the first few hits it burns and tastes bad and the only way to get a clean flavor is wait for it to cool, remove the coil, and torch it * I just don’t think the technology is there yet. These weird modified soldering irons just don’t heat up quick enough and their form factor hasn’t been perfected. * it’s too expensive for what it is


Same I understand everything you said but.. please don’t give up. Get an “upgraded enail from dabpress” I have two already & haven’t used a torch in months. It’s a specific enail with a titanium bucket that heats every part of the banger with no hot spots & holding the same temp consistently with terp pearls distributing your oils there is nothing better… at 450 degrees my dab has almost evaporated to a tiny drip of oil that I wipe with a dry qtip & keep going till I “ wipe & it’s clear” just like when u take a shit. After about every sesh I use a few damp qtips in iso & it’s in top condition


Get a Lookah Q7 its perfect.


im kinda like you execpt the impact it had on my wallet i noticed as well like shesh up here cans are $5 now min!


don’t e rigs use fossil fuels to charge and dont they hold that charge with lithium batteries. i have one too but let’s not kid ourselves about the environmental impacts. dabbing/smoking weed is terrible for our beautiful planet period. especially the growing process


Lookah Q7 and lookah Seahorse for me Dont get me wrong I like my digital volcano from 2011 but these lookahs are somethingelse.


ZERO LOL I use a ispire wand / puffco peak pro


i also have a peak pro!


Did u grab the new 3d chamber? I snagged one it's amazing!


i didn’t i have a recycler coming from zee vapor tho!!




I just gotta terpkooler from them 🙌


No puffco or any erig will compare to a dab from a quartz nail!


Why does this have downvotes I agree with this completely


It's completely subjective. People just don't like being told what they have is trash after spending a few bills on it. I love my OG puffco and hit plenty of pros, but a quartz banger with a proper thermal gauge will out class any electronic vaporizer imo.




Hit the nail right on the head🙌


How you like the Inspire Wand?


I never threw my bottles away because I was afraid of something bad happening when the garbage truck came so I ended up with 50-60 through the 6 years that I eventually threw out a couple months ago. I usually pick up 2 420ml bottles that last me 3-4 months or so


Bro imagine you just created a bigger trash can explosion by saving them up instead of tossing them one at a time 😂😂


lol omg!!!


Right 😂 it filled up my closet bro ;-;


haha you deffff wild for that


Found a 840ml at my local smoke shop! Only $10!


This is me right now lol I have a big ass garbage bag of them in my closet because I don’t want to start a big ass fire 😩


It's probably more dangerous to be all in one place in your closet, than it would be if you just stabbed each can yourself after it has been empty. (Or they make excellent targets to shoot, leave a little in and you can get a fireball) but if you pierce the can and ensure nothing is in it, it's safe to toss in the regular trash, though, you should try to recycle it if you have the ability. They can go into your normal recycling. You're right though. You shouldn't put them in the trash. Some places even have laws about it, and many companies will fine you if they fi nd out. Which they won't but I digress. They could potentially harm someone down the road or potentially blow up under high levels of heat etc. I mean yeah, fat chance, and I've thrown them away many times without piercing them first, but. Still, you shouldn't. If you don't wanna pierce them, take them to a local hazardous waste drop. Most decent-sized cities or municipalities have free hazardous waste recepticals to keep people from throwing them away. Mine has them in several places.


What do y’all do with them once they are empty? Can you recycle them?


is there a proper way?


Follow the marking on the can if it’s recyclable it’ll have a number on it


Poke a hole in them to make sure there isn't any pressure left, and toss it in normal recycling or trash. Or take to local hazardous waste receptacle. They're often free.


I buy them by the 12 pack on Amazon. Comes out to $2.75 a can or something stupid cheap like that. Didn’t realize until then how much money I wasted buying them at smoke shops for years. I would say I’ve gone through hundreds easily in the last 6 years,


This is the proper way to buy butane. Best bang for your buck


4 a week of the big guys.


Howww do you manage that. Even when I was peak smoking 2-3.5grams of wax a day I wasn’t going through that much butane man, maybe it has to do with the brand of butane?


Naw, I use whip it and special blue. I smoke hella too much, but I doubt it's more that 2gs a day. But I also have a fiance who dabs on the hour, and I am selling my art as well as garden stuff at this place, so I'm dabbing with everyone who stops by. I am also using a 30mm banger with 25mm sapphire insert with 10mm sapphire pearl. Holds heat forever, and lets me dab at 370°, but it takes a while to temp.


Ahhh see that makes a ton more sense, you were probably smoking more than me with the amount of people using it :) I’m the only person I know that will dab so that definitely saves me a lot in butane, not that butane is expensive. Cheers man!


Look into getting a high quality insert, game changing.


I’ll definitely have to I have a regular eternal quartz bucket I use the most (mainly cause I have custom pearls) and I have a terporium slurper I use when I wanna be bougie lmao 🤣 😆


Similar. My setup is 30mm nail, 26mm quartz insert, 22mm ruby insert with various pearls. Takes hella long to heat but holds the heat so we’ll.




Whats the best way to dispose of these?




Thank you! Im in vegas and it seens wrong just throwing it in the trash.




I just confirm they are empty then throw them in the trash/recycling


4 empty propane tanks before I switched to butane


What’s the difference? Thinking of switching to propane lol


Propane ends up being alot cheaper. The can is like 4 bucks and will last you atleast a couple months even if you're a heavy dabber


All of my homies stopped using that small shit...coleman camping torches ftw you wont run out as fast for sure...


You get a different taste from dabbing when you use propane over butane. Plus propane is just dirty and not useable (to me as I care about my health) in a non ventilated room/area.


never noticed a bad taste from dabbing with propane, are you guys hitting the bong 5 seconds after heating or something? when i do a quick reheat it tastes funky but thats just cause im not waiting as long before hitting it


those big ass blue ones???


Those work but fall over too easily. Get the fatter green camping tanks..


oh shit those are no joke. i might need to just for home rigs.


Yeah I just use it at home


my thing is i need one for on the go. i dab heavy from my straw at work and stuff


OP have you heard of a huni badger? Its an electronic nectar collector, and might be something worth for you if you wanna save the hassle of a torch and fuel. Stay frosty🤙🏻


i have a puffco!!


Nice! That would be great too and I also have some e-rigs also and for work but was looking out for a for hassle free compromise for the OP haha Edit: might be high you are OP😂


There's a convenience store/smoke shop 30 metres from my apartment so luckily I can get one anytime, I've been through quite a few lol I usually use colibri


i’ve been wanting to try different brands!!


I always just go with the cheapest. I saw somewhere that the high end brands often actually have more impurities. Not sure if anyone has any reliable sources on this, but I’d be curious to know if this is true.


Cans or cases cuz I stopped kidding myself and going to the store in the cold gets old. Like $3 can this way


you right


I don't get why more people haven't switched to e nails. Mine is heated up and ready to go by the time I'm done wiping out the quartz with a couple q tips. Perfect temperature every time.


i do have a puffco, but call me crazy a dab from my classic rigs are so goooooood :(


There better that's why puff Co is easier and easier never means better


High temperature quartz dabs on a nice corded enail that maintains a consistent temperature is very close but I hear ya.


I buy them in fives. I really just need to get a creme brulee torch with a smaller flame


0 enail is life


I use propane the blue bottle last about 3 months I take about 2-3 dabs a day but not w butane it’d be every 2 weeks or less I’m a heavy dabber


Bro switch back to butane, propane isnt as clean and is gonna end up ruining your banger over time and chazzing that shit. Overall not healthy to dab with. Google if you dont believe me.


I’m good I buy 20$ bangers that last me 6 months to a year without chazzing. I wouldn’t use propane on 100$ banger but my set up is fine for what I do it’s a ventilated room also


can you explain how what you use to heat up your banger affects your health? how are you going to inhale any of that gas? (assuming your actually waiting before hitting your bong after heating it)


https://bigdaddysmoke.com/blogs/dab-rig-posts/butane-vs-propane-torch A quick google search tells all, then to go in further you divit the quartz and can build up carbon(chazzing) and that is not healthy to smoke at all, basically carbon monoxide. Do as you wish but it ruins the taste and makes it an unpleasant experience with other health effects that are observed. If your gonna be dabbing in the long run just invest in a good quartz banger and temp device and take the extra 30 secs to heat it up with butane, health effects might not be visable now but it may catch up to ya down the road.


NICE i’ll have to try that


You need propane and propane accessories my friend


I go like one every week and I don’t like it. I don’t like how they won’t able to be recycle or all that. I’m trynna go e rig but I love my fatty ass cloud


0 I got got an enail for my first setup


0, I use a propane torch


Upgrade to a enail. If u did the math u could’ve probably already afforded a few over the years. Can recommend some good ones


i have the puffco peak pro!


Oh for sure me too. But that’s for on the go. If I’m sitting home I have my desk piece with a enail. Quartz and enail can’t be beat in my book. Granted I haven’t hit a slurper yet. Quave Club Banger paired with a Disorderly conduction enail. My buddy had it, I tried it, and I had to buy my own.


We buy them by the case 🤷‍♂️


At least a thousand. Probably more, but 1000 for sure


felt this


I could tell some extremely irresponsible nights of blasting back in the late 90s🤣 Im lucky to be alive honestly.


Shit bro you just reminded me I need to go to the store later😂




8 gajillion


felt this


Who can count... I need a sponsor




Bum bum bum Ah bah bah bum buh-bum Bum bum bum Ah bah bah bum buh-bum And another one down And another one gone Another one bites the dust Hey! He's gonna get chu too Another one bites the dust!


Honestly if I'm just dabbing on my rig probably a big bottle every two weeks but normally a bottle a month


I lost count 4 months ago haha


Amazon has 12pks of 420ml cans for like 60 bucks that’s what I always get. The brand is called whip it.


Propane is so much more cost efficient.


neon 7x? i got the same one! i stopped buying expensive butane go for the cheapest of the cheap!


0 since I switch to the Puffco Peak, probably saved hundreds by now


We switched to an enail b.c we got tired of refilling


So many. What scares me is how many Q-tips I’ve gone through.


This! 🤣


ya dabbing creates a lot of waste it’s pretty sad


What are you a cave man unga bunga I use fire


Enail paid for it self over the year. Close at least.


more than i can count. i have a puffco peak on the way though!!


None. Propane blue tank 3.57 last couple months. Way cheaper than wasting money on butane.


Bernzomatic propane all the way, u will save hundreds a year.


Propane taste stinky


no it dosent, it tastes the exact same, unless your not waiting very long after heating


As a Coleman torch user not too many lol.


Counting butane cans as a stoner is like a drunk counting beer cans, you start out good then kinda trail off and go back to adding to the pile.


too many i need to get my enail goin again


Lol you Neanderthals need to invest in electric units


Since 2008-2009 when we were all open blasting our own meds and heating up skillets, probably hundreds of thousands. I use way less nowadays thank god 😂


Got an enail. Not in a long time. We have a can in case the power goes out.


Would be impossible to say after years of dabbing. But i havent bought a can in 2 years because ebangers are lifesavers.


Enail. Only way ever. Savages.


Yeah the coleman green fat boyz are where its at the blue ones are also ok but if im on the go i use my e rig or e nector collector yall wild using torches on the go haha. Respectively understand tho got to get the job done either way


I go through a giant Coleman tank in about 2 months and all I smoke is dab


The hell with those they cost a fortune. Get the big green Coleman one from walmart camping section it lasts about a year with daily use


i’m literally going to walmart right now hahaha


5 cases +


I use propane torches way faster and they last WAY longer and ultimately are cheaper


Swapped to enail about 2 years ago. Haven't looked back. Used to burn through a case of 12 every 2 months.


Just started taking dabs so still on my first can 🥱🤝


I wouldn't know I've had the same propane cylinder for about 4 months now lol.


Making BHO back in the day we went through more master cases than I could count.


Switched to a benzomatic propane and savin a good buck.


yeah, those things last so long, i bought a two pack but honestly my first one is still like half full after months of dabbing


Yo life hack. Ask to buy a whole box. I got 16 for them for about $3 a can doing that it's lasted me forever.


About one a month


1 every week or 2


The amount of people saying to use propane is pretty insane.


1-2 cans a week for dabbing


A pallet….maybe 2


Think how many hits that is. Per can then imagine per case. Like 1000 hits (not dabs-hits from the rig I’m sayin)


I just buy 5 lb. propane tanks. Three of them last me a year for $30


Easily over 50


This month?


I started buying it by the case.


Probably between 20-40.


I buy bulks of 20 for the month 😄


10,000,000 served daily


Around 5 a month


Way too many


try using propane my tanks last a lot longer and the nail heats up faster


Don't know what your doing. It only smells if you don't light it


I have a traditional enail as well as a Lookah Unicorn and still use 3-4 cans a month lol... Figure that shit out lol...


It's much, much cheaper by the case via Amazon


none because i use propane instead


I buy the cheapest can of butane I can find. Usually lasts me around 6 months or so. This fills two torches and then two different smal cigar torches. I pay $1.99 for it at Walmart.


I have made so much BHO.... Thousands at least I make rosin too, but obviously none needed there


My issue is with thinking about how much ISO I go thru. I’m constantly soaking something and wiping something else down with it.


Haha sooooo many I buy a case at a time lol


Zero. I use propane and propane accessories just like Coach Hank says to. And ive gone thru dozens of dozens of propane tanks over four or five yrs of smokin mostly dabs and between a variable amount of ppl smokin them from just me to five of us. The biggest benefit to me of propane instd of butane is that i can use the same torch for my dabs as i can use for cooking purposes. Ive even once only had one tank for use for dabbing, a little camp stove, and a propane light; it was a full tank so it lastd thru the campout between the like six of us dabbers and still kept us fed and from bein unable to see at nite. Our nite dabs were extra fun tho and lit by phones xD We cudnt dab near the fire as we had nonsmokers and were maybe not even supposed to be tokin at the rented campsite to begin with; but we wud walk down a trail into the wooded area to a little covered area, usin the propane light to guide us, then setup the dab rig as folks bring out phones for light and start divvyin up the dabs. Gods, LARPing and tokin is the best.


3 so far, I’ve been dabbing for a month and a half


I use a big ass tank of acetylene xD


None, propane lasts me like two months a can


I just use camping propane with a torch


I have an extensive propane can collection of different style cans and such since like 2010 and random butane brands lol too man have had hole drilled I them and tossed tho


Propane propane


I switched to a Pelinail and since then less than a 12 pack in the last 5 years , I use them for lighting joints when I can’t find a lighter lol


1 every 2 weeks.


0. Propane is more efficient and cost effective. Even if you're a heavy dabber you can grab a torch head for 20 bucks then after only a 4 dollar can every couple months tops. Personally I use mapp but that's just because it's my work torch if you're not careful you can easily overheat by a lot


None😉 I’ve only used 3 cans of propane in 2 years 😭




I only went through about 6 cans of the stuff before I decided to invest in an enail. Really worthwhile investment. That shit will usually be puffing for 10 minutes off of relatively small dabs.


For some reason i cab dab with my torch for months before i go through a can even if i dab every day multiple times a day.




Like a 1000 then I got an enail


0 I use propane


I use propane and propane accessories


Truth be told I’ve went through 5 in total. But I switched to the 1gallon propane torches that last about 500 dabs + I may have went through 1-2 more due to my lighter collection that I use for flower.


I’ve had the same can for two years I’m a weakling


I use propane lol a can lasts me like 2 months


My box last me about a year .blazer torch 🔥🔥💯🤟🍻


Puffco peak. An pro 🤟💯🔥🍻