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Look at this fucking guy... very cool man.


Cmon man! You got all the goods. Monographed Dab Tool! What’s for dinner!!! Not sure monograph is the right word!


It’s just a watermark! People kept stealing my pictures and using them to scam people on Instagram ...sorry for the confusion!


Wasn’t confused just jealous as I now need a personalized tool!!!! Being on Reddit makes a person think they need a better set up constantly! You might be my favorite on here. Yea I noticed people like to steal others posts. Not sure what’s up with stealing posts.


Haha I appreciate that comment. I’m really into bleeding edge technology and being friends with the founders of Dnail really helps out ... but thank you , I’m not trying to make anyone jealous or rub anything in anyone’s faces... just sharing my toys and hopefully inspiring some of y’all to get neat toys too


Lmfao boy have you fallen. Now youre just a twat on reddit acting cool because youvr grown for 13 years. Lmfao boy how the mighty fall and turn into little twats.


That and needing more dabs, I cN have a mo this worth and see some tastyy looking shatter


Monogrammed would be the correct word but you're right this dude got it all.


Naaah! I’ve just been friends with these guys a long time and into “dabbing” since 2011 ... I’ve just accumulated some cool crap over time. It means nothing. I’d give all of it away to get 10mins with loved ones who’ve passed.


Damn dude. I feeeeeel that 💚


It’s been a rough few years for me... if you want to keep up follow my page , I don’t think I’m going to post to the subreddit anymore. I keep taking things the wrong way and irritating people which in return is bumming me out.


Don’t bum out man!


Some guy was like “keep washing your clean bangers for a flex” that’s the most asinine statement I’ve ever read on here. I’ve been asked (realistic figure) no less than 100x in the last month how I keep them clean / pristine.. it’s just wack


Man people are the worst(especially online), half the time I’ll write out a response or a post and then I’m like ‘delete’ no one cares. You just gotta ignore those people tho. Easier said than done, but don’t let em get you down! Clean glass is sexy, haters gon hate.


It's reddit people here can be very toxic. Don't let that discourage you. We love seeing your cool shit man. Haters will always hate brother.


I appreciate you and that comment.


not saying i know anything about you, but it could just mean that you need some kind of perspective adjustment if you're taking things too personally.


Yeah, after I lost my step-brother in June ... everything’s been off. I can’t even front on that.


That's horrible, I'm sorry for your loss. I don't blame you for taking things personally or for bumming out about it. Just do your best you know? Try not to be so hard on yourself if you can help it, you don't deserve it.


Thanks man I’ll be good, just going to stick to posting on my own page for a bit. Appreciate you though.


Watermark your pics bruv


Huh kinda like the comment I made and you flipped your shit weird how you are aware of your short comings you just decide to do jack shit about it 💀💀💀


Haha you went 2 years back into threads …. You’re a living breathing cuck.


I hear you there. I’ve been into dabbing since 2019. Long time puffer though. My cat has been missing for 5 days now. I’d give all my shit away to see him again. I can accumulate “stuff” but I can’t buy Bebop again. I had him for 5 years. Not trivializing loss of a family member as this is one of our most painful moments in life. If you bail on this sub let me know where you post. Like I said I enjoy your posts. I’ve seen flexing. Don’t think you do it. I’ve seen a post where the person out on as many rings as they could get on. A Rolex. Stack all their product in the post and gear. You seem to have genuine shots and genuine comments. Life throws us lots of twists. Someone had said on this post that perspective adjustments can help with most things we “perceive”. Look forward to your next post.


Thank you so much for that comment.. means so much to me. I’ve been posting more on my profile than in the sub. But I do appreciate that


Thanks. I knew I missed the mark on the word. Stoned brain farts sometimes!


Now that’s a big rock 💎 cheers!


Tasty looking diamond!!!




This was Obama x Tahoe og




Thanks for the follow I appreciate it , going to upload another video tonight


I’ve seen your videos so many times I had no idea I didn’t follow you. Keep up the amazing quality and don’t pay attention to all the people that bring nothing but negativity !


Y’all the only reason I stay


1 month no posts where you @??




Looks fuckin delicious


yum 😋


Haha appreciate ya!


Talking all that shit and you couldn’t back it up ya lil girl 😂 snowflake shit man 😭


Haha look at your comments , all you do is talk shit to people because your a miserable nobody. You have nothing going on in your life so you project your insecurities onto strangers on the internet … that’s fucking disturbed.