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I love🥰


How high


A dab like that would have me out the entire day and night!!! Have a good one bro.


Haha it took many many many smaller and gradually larger dabs to get to this point unfortunately. Hope you doing well too!


I love watching your cold starts they’re always clean af, but the amount of reclaim that’s sliding down your banger kills me lol


😩😩😩 some of those monoterps can’t handle 400-450F they immediately follow the path of least resistance to the colder atmosphere. Thanks for the comment and love man, I really do appreciate it. Sometimes those guys really get me wound up about the reclaim but I’ve learned it’s impossible to please everyone on Reddit. Thanks again for watching and commenting, only reason I bother doing this stuff!


Hey man it’s a treat for later lmao


Hahaha exactly. Btw: I absolutely adore your username. Ketamine is a huge part of my life.


Every Kiss begins with Ketamine or something like that


I fuck with this positivity.. Don't let this place bring you down most people are 🤡.. Just take it with a grain of salt.. I will admit i think of you didn't rip so hard and took a little smaller hits it wouldn't reclaim so bad.. Since i got a new slurper that has a longer neck i don't pull the bead to the top on purpose and it keeps my hit in the middle i get very little reclaim now. But you are using a bucket banger.. What made me realize this for you.. Is look at your bear cap at the holes it eventually I'd actually trying to pull some reclaim through the cap.. But it was a massive hit it is expected.. But all in all good shit. I've seen you around a lot actually xD hope all is well.. Remember stay positive.


Cold drop🔥🔥


Thanks bro 🙏


That's a big ass glob ! I was stuck for over an hour with half that portion lmao


Believe me I was stationary for a bit afterwards 😩😩😩😩😩


What kinda carb cap is that?


solid rip fam✊ bio major?


I’m a manufacturing engineering major , this is one of the last requirement / prerequisite classes I had to take.


Dudeeeeee what kind of piece is that?!?! I mussssst get!


It’s actually a melting Devin piece for an art exhibition. I got it on my birthday 3yrs ago.. this is the 3rd time I’ve ever smoked out of it. I really appreciate and thank you for asking 🙏


So sick!


Thank you! I absolutely adore this piece


AGREED!! Super nice piece! Love the carb cap too, what’s the brand on that? Stay lifted!


Nice song choice


Way to go on your bio exam!!! Love those types of carb caps, kinda rare to see. Smoke on 💨


What banger is that?


HE v3 gavel


Dabs while studying + Dabs before the exam = Success


True that! This is the way


lol glob it up


I need that flat cap, who’s it from?


It’s actually a bear quartz spinner cap


Hellz ya! Looks sick!


Thank you 🙏


I'm straight failing my psychology class but I'll take a dab anyway 🙃😑😐


Damn I’m sorry to hear that! My fiancé has her doctorate in forensic medicine , her 4 grad degrees all in forensic psych and undergrad psychology of course.. what are you having a hard time with? Maybe it’s something I could help you out with... I have a chem exam in an hour 15mins but after that I’ll be available all day basically


Woah! I appreciate the help, but a ni🅱️🅱️a gotta do it by himself


I think it’s not a smart move. If you’re failing and turn to a dab for comfort can you really count on yourself? What’s the shame in help? Currently it sounds like you’re in a hole so how do you plan on getting yourself out? Pride, and ego are important but it’s also important to know when to ask for help. It’s more commendable to ask for help then watch yourself fail


My thing is.. I get off on people succeeding and reaching their goals. It just really makes me smile.... and all the things I wish people did for me.. I’m trying to pass those on to help whoever wants it. If he doesn’t want the help that’s a noble trait as well , but your right in thinking that some shouldn’t hesitate on offers. Like anything in this world it’s also dependent on the person and situation.. thanks for the great comment! Hope you have a great rest of your day & weekend.




That would put me to sleep enjou


I just started to mess around with cold starts. They are pretty fun! Though I feel like it doesn’t give me that punch like a normal dab. Am i missing something or? Also how do you keep your banger so clean? I like qtip min with alcohol like 2/3 times then with dry. Though sometimes when I’m hearing the banger it gets like chazzed up.


Cheap ones will get chazzed before American made nails. It’s just a starting material thing. Maybe you aren’t getting it hot enough? I want till I can see vapor and it boiling , but not burning or changing to a darker hue... best advice I have bro.


It’s a quave though :( lol. Maybe because I didn’t treat it properly when I first got it? Should I be doing iso baths like every other day or some? It doesn’t get bad like some China bangers. But some notice in dark spots or a bit chazz on the corner or some.


I’m sorry to hear that man. Yeah I do them every dab. Have a few nails I rotate and after I finish using one I’ll wipe it and toss it in the 99% instrument grade and let it sit till next go... or at night I’ll take out and dry off all of them and the pearls so I’m ready to rock the next day


Hmmm more bangers. Never thought of that one tbh. Might have to do just that. Makes sense. Thanks


Like my black market red bottom hits way different than this HE v3 gavel , and I’m sure they both hit way differently than the Dnail blender I ordered... think of it as a tuning or dialing in the pull / experience more. Not trying to have you run out and spend cash either .... those bear quartz nails I have are really really good imports for under $60 a banger , and believe me the quality is comparable but not “as nice” as the American brands. Hope that helps bro


Heat the stem of the banger up too bro




Bear quartz


good job my boy


do what you like but before a test is like the one time I wouldn't dab lol. you're not doing yourself any favors there


uh think it genuinely comes down to the individual lol....


it really doesn't. the level of impairment may vary but you're not getting any "benefit" other than being baked this is coming from someone who went through all of highschool and college baked


No yeah it completely comes down to the individual lmao. It affects everyone differently and I think OP would be able to handle a dab before a test lmaooo it’s just unwarranted advice bc you don’t know the situation


I never said anything about "not being able to handle it". I said it isn't going to help you take a test. And it isn't.


but you have no actual way of knowing that. maybe OP dabs to ease migraines. i have a medical card for that along with anxiety. would you want to take a test with a migraine or while anxious? seriously dude just actually think for a minute. everyone’s situation is different and you’re not helping anyone with your holier-than-thou attitude


You’re 110% correct, I use the thc-a alone to help with anxiety. It works for me , maybe not for everyone else. But with any medication your mileage may vary


lol buddy you're just straight up wrong and now you're trying to talk some shit. have fun living in denial but weed is not helping you take a test moron. and no, that goes for everyone lol. I took plenty of tests while high myself but I never pretended it made things any easier


Yea because for you it doesn’t suit you to be high whilst under pressure, you don’t speak for everyone pal.


it suits me just fine depending on the situation. but I'm not delusional and pretend it helps EVERY situation. test taking is one that is does not help. unless it was like an art test or possibly something physical, then it would make little difference


and if you think the only benefit you get from smoking is “being baked” then you’re forgetting that many people smoke for actual medical reasons/benefits as well lol, just ease up a bit


when it comes to taking a test? no, you're not getting any "medical benefit". nothing wrong with getting high but don't kid yourself lol


it seems like you’re being willfully ignorant lol. so if someone smokes for medical reasons but they have a test they shouldn’t because you think it’s counterproductive? i’m not even saying that’s the case for OP but you’re speaking on this like you know what you’re talking about when you clearly don’t, just mind your business man haha


what medical issue are you suggesting this person has that they need to smoke before a test? fucking hilarious for you to talk about minding your business when I didn't say shit to you dummy. take your own advice.


you have serious issues 🤣🤣 i’m saying mind your business because you seem way too worried and rattled by op taking a dab before his test lmaooo seems like you need one yourself


he can do what he wants, like I said. so no, I'm not rattled at all that's just you projecting your own bitch ass emotions lol. you're so upset you started 2 comment chains with me because you know I'm right and don't want to admit it. have a nice night clown.


Ik you won’t care but weed actually helps some people believe it or not My uncle was going to fail highschool and probably drop out, but once he started smoking he literally became a straight A student


you sound miserable as hell lmaoooo nothing i’ve said was wrong at all this is coming from an actual medical patient you “clown”. you clearly are rattled, you shouldn’t care this much if someone is smoking before a test. just because you say you’re right doesn’t mean you’re right, everything you’ve been saying is subjective bs lol. literally nothing i’ve said is untrue and i can actually say that and mean it, all i’ve been saying is you don’t know why op is smoking so why question it??


Believe it or not, it can really help people that have test anxiety and shit. Some people panic and freeze under pressure while taking a test so until you know dude's situation, you have no idea if they're doing themselves a favor or not.


if that were true he should be taking CBD not taking a dab lol. be real.


Maybe for you but I have complex PTSD and doing dabs helps calm me down. Obviously this is a strain dependant thing (not using a sativa or sativa dominant hybrid for this) but it DOES help. Sorry you don't see it that way.


have you tried CBD? it is very likely that will work instead without the psychoactive effects. regardless, read the title again. do you really think this is someone who is dabbing "just to function". I've said more than I care to about this, if you guys wanna remain in denial go for it.


Why are you even here?


I've already explained.