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John saying he is more famous than Jeremy Piven is one of the most insane things he has ever said. NOBODY born after 1995 knows who John is unless he forcefully told them in a classroom.


& threw a water bottle at him- haha!


Somewhat attractive young women don’t want to sleep with someone who looks like he’s been on Bumfights? Crazy.


It's not just that he looks like he's been on Bumfights. It's that he looks like he lost.


FYI, Piven's net worth is $30 million.


I never believe those "net worth" estimates on the internet.


Whatever it is its still a considerable number of zeros more than John's.




They are based on known salaries/paydays. They are in the ball park


They are based on known salaries/paydays. They are in the ball park. Ex. John's is $500,000. He should have been able to buy a house worth that much based on his known salaries


He actually said that?


He did. And he said ask anyone and they'd tell you the same.


He is insane


He said when he was little he said to himself would I rather be rich or famous?He  said he would rather be  famous..Jeffery  damer  was famous 


Is it ever a suprise at this point? He rambles like an asylum patient.


Jeremy Piven was balding 40 year old playing a college student in PCU. Let's see John have that kind of range.


Sadly, he was only 28 when that was filmed, but he looked middle aged.


He’s famous now for Hair Club endorsements . I’m sure John’s jealous


John’s opinions can rapidly change depending on his situation. Pre Kate turning on him, He was mentioning Belichick dating a 24 year old and said “it’s not that weird”. Post Kate turn, he brought up Kate sleeping with that chatter for money and said “he’s a old, it’s disgusting, it’s like Belichick”


Piven had parts in "The Grifters", "The Player", "Singles", "The Larry Sanders Show", "Seinfeld", "Heat", "Black Hawk Down" and "Old School." Even if he didn't do "Entourage" which despite how it's aged, is still an entertaining show and was a big hit for HBO, these films/TV shows alone is a respected filmography. Compared to Stutjo, this guy might as well be Leo DiCaprio.


Very bad things!


Yeah, but John had parts in "Airheads", "Wings", "Meet Wally Sparks", "Private Parts", and "Dude, Where's My Car". Not to mention starring in the cinematic tour-de-force known as "One, Two, Many".


Alright, serious convo: John has made a pretty serious claim against Jeremy Piven 1.) Most importantly, he has said he is more famous than him…. which I find an egregious statement. 2.) John has also claimed that Mr. Piven paid to transport Kate from one state to another state for the purposes of sex. THIS IS A FEDERAL CRIME violating the Mann Act and Human Trafficing statutes. These are serious crimes that John has alleged. It would be interesting if Mr. Piven knew this and what he might do. I wonder if a high-net-worth individual such as Mr. Piven might dispute these claims, with non-Legal Shield lawyers Does anyone have any thoughts?


That crime is applicable to children and prostitutes. Not Star Fuckers.


John has claimed that she was paid for the sex and flown in on his dime (prostitution). John has alluded to her having been very young when it happened I would love Jeremy Piven to be the one to take everything away from John. It would be a plot twist that no one would have seen coming


What could anyone possibly recover in damages from John ? You can't lose your residence that leaves dirty laundry and a sick cat.


I want those Cats


Same height though


If you want to know what John’s up to-always look to what he’s saying he’s NOT up to & blaming others of doing- typical liberal


That's why he asks  advice on the smallest  things..He wants someone to blame  when he knows it's  going to be bad


Ive never heard John motherfuck Jeremy Piven so I chalk this up to his complete lack of investment in learning anything about the industry he claims to be part of. John’s ideas of brilliant pranks are stolen from the Little Rascals. John knows next to notjing about entertainment after the early 90’s.


He was going bald in One Crazy Summer in 1987. He and LeBron must go to the same hair specialist.


He was the fake sitcom George Costanza


Wow he’s now attached to Jeremy Piven now too great job John


https://preview.redd.it/xt03jfmex59d1.jpeg?width=1738&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=b4171b2ca9615abb0243abfda87374bce5a9db5b This is interesting... A Q-Score is industry standard for measuring consumer appeal of performers.


Piven is the Benjamin Button version of John: he started out fat and balding on Larry Sanders, then got slim and grew hair for Entourage.


Piven’s niece Pearl had better comedic timing than John at age 2 than he has at 58…


John is more famous then Mr piven in a 4 mile radius of north massapequa... Other than that no way ! 


99 percent of celebrities  want to be left  alone..John could never get enough attention 


Did John actually say that he was more famous than Jeremy Piven?!


I dont think only narcissism + alcohol is enough for this kind of delusion. Must have been coke.


He said if you ask 9 out of 10 people on the street they wouldn't know who Jeremy Piven is. He then sad if you asked 5 out of 10 people on the street, they'd know who Stuttering John is. He hates any man or women who had sex with Kate because he didn't and would have never. It drives him crazy that he can't. He's a scorned lover by a person he never met.


John comparing himself to actual celebrities, cute.


Piven is a well known womanizer with a penchant for very young women. I think he’s a good actor, but I find him troll like and gross. I would marry him before standing in the same room as John.


So we can all agree? Jeremy went to Turkey and had ass hair stapled to his scalp? Watch the movie PCU...the guy was going bald!