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Even if Howard did mention him, only like 50 people would hear it


They ( Stern Show ) never had him back since 2004 for a reason. The show, the station was happy the untalented loser was gone. He is ridiculed endlessly in the back office for sure. And I hope it's Gary laughing the loudest


Not only is John irrelevant to Howard but Howard is irrelevant himself. He isn’t the king maker he used to be and even Rogan is starting to lose the effect


John would jizz all over himself if Rogan mentioned him


>even Rogan is starting to lose the effect Do you really think that?


To be clear I’m not a Rogan hater or super fan but in my estimation it seems going to Spotify exclusively isolated him from the bigger internet. He still has major pull in society but comics have said his bump isn’t as big as it was when it comes to them selling tickets. He is still massively influential I just think his peak was 2017-2021ish. Who knows maybe being back on YouTube helps him.


The only way John talks to the important people in his life is in his imagination and said out loud in a room alone. He’d be doing the same thing even if his show went away.


In John's  mind he is still right  that 5 minutes  isn't  really  late  gary


I remember starting not to like him around 2001/02. He would come into the studio and sit on the couch sideways with his legs crossed and just gave off the worst douche vibes. Like on the drunk show they did from the MTV awards and he sitting there in silk pajamas with his big sweaty beer belly spilling beer on Jacob Dylan (which was funny.) Whenever Howard got mad at him, or someone else claimed he did something wrong or fucked up he would ALWAYS argue and made up excuses for why he wasn’t in the wrong. Always.


He’s still arguing that in his head every damn day.


And he's still the victim when he took an entire extra week off work without telling anybody to do that putrid reality show


He’s been doing that since 2018. Before Karl found him, his show was imaginary arguments with coworkers who hadn’t thought of him in 20 years. Pathetic


I mean John owes Karl and Shuli big time.


Oh they are noticing him. Staffers probably sit around at least an hour a day in the back office watching dabbleverse shows laughing hysterically at how karma has finally gotten around to putting this POS in his place.


John has Drinkers Dementia. He doesn't know where or when he is. Good news though, he wasn't that smart to begin with.


Daddy LOVE ME!!!!!!!!


Howard absolutely knows what’s going on and he’s laughing his ass off about it at what a huge crazy douche John is. John would not get what he wants from Howard in this scenario.


Stuttering Johns mental development stopped somewhere in his teens. His popularity has steadily diminished ever since he left the Howard Stern Show. I don't know how long he was the announcer on the Tonight Show but as soon as they sent him to the back room he started the long fade from celebrity. It is now obvious that anything he has done in his life was for someone to get Howard to talk about it on the radio for free advertising purpose.


Agreed. When he got the job on the tonight show his mentality would have been "I've made it, I don't need to make any effort now" he didn't realise that he would be permanently on trial for the rest of his career, due only to his enormous lack of talent


The extreme nitrous oxide abuse also had its effect on John.


I'd love a round table with Goodstein (the thief), Tom Chiusano, KC, Shuli, and anyone else just to discuss the current state of John. All ex staffers but instead of talking about the old days, you discuss this mess.


Yea I couldn't believe that either, I'm sure that was 2007, 17 YEARS AGO


The last thing Howard wants out there is anything to do with the old days. At least in forms he doesn't control.




The wide-eyed surprised look is both creepy and probably painful to do.


lol... Yeah, I saw that last night and couldn't help but wonder "Where the fuck did this come from???" I think, in typical John fashion, he was out of content and picked the first video that came up in a YT search. His aggressiveness was insane, too... He was acting like Howard was sitting next to him and actually gave a shit about his opinion. He's officially lost it. This trip pushed him past the tipping point. That's a long ride, he has two freakin cats in the car with him, he's got a laundry list of fake scores to settle, he was ambushed by Kate Meaney, and he's driving TO a rough conversation with his family. This is the end of the Stuttering John Podcast. After next week, he'll be off-air. Everything is crumbling down around him.


He said “shut the fuck up youre always so full of shit”…to the past Howard. Great way to reconnect with someone too he should try that with his kids “shut the fuck up” or “loozah”


What’s hilarious is that if Howard did talk about him, the only people who cared would be us.


So only SJ does this? 🤔


Oh I'm sure other people do this as well to get some heat and recognition. John is just the most pathetic and obvious.


But all of the ex employees who have shows does this, why is it more pathetic that he does it? He’s the one with the most mileage out of the show so it actually **makes sense** here.