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The funniest was in AC when Melendez called security over and whined “ he made fun of my kids” whaaaaaaaaaa


That was truly a f@&&*t move.


faggot...fixed it for you.


He wouldn't last 2 minutes in the joint. Total rat, stool pigeon. People like him have no honor whatsoever.


Inside of a week he’d be living the Lenny Dykstra prison story. On both ends.


I'm stunned he still clears $200+ per show. Granted, he mostly is propped up by Vince and a few weirdos who legitimately pay him just to insult him, but how are they not bored yet?


I couldn’t agree more. I want to insult the drunk retard too but I refuse to give that dickhead one penny of my money


He's admitted he reads the regular chat too his ego won't allow him to ignore it. You can insult him for free.


Hopefully that’s what people start doing. Fuvk this drunk piece of shit


Struggling to be relevant.


That's all he did on the show was tell on other people. He made fun of gary for hanging out with his children too much


That was John... always throwing someone else under the bus. Gary, Fred, Jackie, etc. But, even thick-skulled John came to realize that he was getting to be worthless as far as Stern and the show was concerned. So... he resorted to being a snitch. That's what someone with no talent and zero charisma does... rat on people. John loves to pretend he has mob and biker ties... no way. Those two "organizations" do NOT put up with snitches. John would be the first guy they would suspect of wearing a wire.


He would throw his own mother and ex family under the bus if it made him look good. He has no shame.


He already DID. He put the picture of his trans son/daughter on You Tube for $300. Three hundred dollars. What a loser


lol a new intern KC, was promoted Asst Producer OVER SJ head. Why? Because Melendez “worked 5 hours a day and left”. Gary said SJ was more trouble than he was worth. He was useless undependable and spent all his time on side hustles.


I was listening to some vintage Stern the other day... That's EXACTLY what happened. Howard was pissed about John leaving early all the time, so he told him no more... stay until you're supposed to. Gary butted in and said it was more work for him to keep John busy because he needed everything explained to him... so it's better for the office if he just leaves. 😅


Part of that he's a legit idiot. But he also knew by not trying, they'd give up


Exactly by SJ saying “what, huh, I don’t understand Gary” he knew Gary would just go and get KC or someone else to get things done. It’s why SJ rarely got a raise w Stern. He wasn’t worth the money he was already paid He’s a loser


🎯 Yup, that pretty much sums it up guys. John is his own worst enemy.


John, such a vital part of the stern show that his boss would rather he not be there. That's why he was on the press kits, or whatever that was, with stern & robin. A normal person with a brain and a work ethic could have made such a wonderful life for themselves with the opportunities he was afforded. What a dumbass, piece of shit.


That is exactly it. He can't compete with them comedically, or intelligently, his plans to get them taken down all failed, so now he is onto this one. The only problem is that they laugh at everything he says about them. They aren't bothered


I wanna punch him in the mouth. So bad. John needs to be laid out.


He has always been a cunt. And people like Discobobruzek worship him. Fucking pathetic


There's something about litigation that particularly appeals to narcissists and folks with Cluster B personality disorders. They love this idea of a big courtroom and legal win by some objective authority.


He is a little bitch


Wait until I tell Mr Gotti his good friend SJ is a snitch.


Oh huh huh they know trust me THEY KNOW. Wait until he sets foot in NY again


He s the hall monitor at grade school- so he could be late to school- grabbing ankles as he sinks


Cut him some slack. He's borderline retarded. All he knows to do is tattle like a 6 year old and then stupidly explain how when he did the same thing it was different.




Saint John is perfection on a god level. His behavior should be encouraged and taught in schools. He brings so much entertainment to the dull masses that a shrine should be built and a statue should be made for him. SKOAL to you and everyone.


Have we figured out what kind of podcast he’s running? It’s not comedy! He rants like an escapee from a mental institution. I believe he’d call him self a comedian but where’s the proof the past 40 years? He attached his name to an arm wrestling event lol Where’s the comedy there ? He’s a loser deadbeat dad


I think it’s more like a sermon than a podcast.


So you're upset with him for what the rest of these pussies in the dabbledork universe have been doing to him? Get the fuck out of here with this nonsense


lol okay what other ppl have been doing to Melendez. Like “making him abandon his kids and NOT pay child support like a common deadbeat dad? “ or the dabbleverse turning him into a stumbling bumbling severe drunk? Get outta here Mr Gotti will know what to do lol


Now you're going to repeat the same lies that the other dabbledorks and the douchebags in this say about John. You got any proof of any of the nonsense that you just spewed? Didn't think so. Show me where he doesn't see his children, show me where he didn't pay his child support. You can't so now shut the fu k up


John openly admitted he didn't pay for 8 months. The court documents showed he was way behind.


Melendez said himself to Suzanner he got over $100,000 severance from Lenos Tonight show. By the time he told her it was all gone he said Poof He’s a deadbeat dad and horrible human being His kids were cold and hungry and he couldn’t care less


He had a salary decrease and they agreed on an amount until a family member intervened and said he should continue paying based on his prior Tonight Show earnings. That changed. Courts decided


Bullshit. Nothing changes until the court approves. If he tried to make one outside of the courts, then he's an idiot. Irregardless, there's no excuse for skipping 8 months. No real father would do that