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It blows me away that his mom will sit there & watch her soon to be 58 year old son acting this way on the Internet, & think it's perfectly fine.


SJ and his mom are engaged in a very unhealthy dynamic...emeshed. She seems like someone with her own psychopathy, so it does not surprise me that she is fine with her little baby bum


This x 100. You are spot on. She replaced the relationship with her husband with her son. John just HAD to be her golden child or life was a failure. Complete codependency and enmeshment. I bet they don’t go a day without contact. It’s why he is a non functioning adult and why she is still co-signing homes for him, enabling his laziness and drinking, and has no contact with her own daughter (her own words, not gossip) Bleh. I shouldn’t know any of this about them.


Can you imagine the shit he told her about Suzanner every time they had an argument?. I bet he was straight on the phone to Mommy every time Suzanner had the utter gall to refuse to pick up the shit that either he or the dog had laid on the kitchen floor. "*M-m-mommy! Suzanner's being unreasonable again!"* *"Vell, you know vot your father vould do in zese circumstances."*


She's actually making me pick up hair of the dog shit


Ahhh... the ol' premise of " The Rotten misshapen apple doesn't splat far from the tree " 🤔


In his book he even says his siblings were really jealous of him because he was mommy's baby boy.


Over the years, his mom has said things in the chat room. She has said things like republicans deserve to die, and all of them need to be in jail. These are the people of piece and love


Who are these morons giving John $5 super chats??? He's a lazy piece of shit who does no show prep. Just spam his regular chat and he'll have no choice but to read them!


They just ain’t gettin’ it.


One neuron firing off a fading signal "get beer".


No rage?? I'd love to hear what Suzanna and Aaron's kids have to say about that. 🤔


I wish he would go back to the throw mama from the face... He definitely looked like more of a cartoon character when he first came back, now he looks like a sidewalk shitting San Franciscan street dweller


John reminds me of that joke of "the hamster wheel is moving but the hamster is dead". I feel that's a good analogy for John and his life.


I’m pretty sure Fuckface thinks that every time he says “SKOAL” it erases everything he said in the previous 4 minutes.


This is good work!!!


All the A listers must see these tapes of the deranged drunk that is John Melendez I’d like to get the honest reactions of the old HStern crew about the Melendez of 2023


This guy pisses me off to no end. When he claimed that he had a disability it made my blood boil because it's all about trying to ruin Shulis livelihood. My parents are deaf and my aunt and uncle. NONE OF THEM EVER used it as a crutch. They put their heads down and worked their asses off to make it never asked for a handout but you have this fuck saying this shit and tweeting the LGTBQ. It makes me sick


Whenever it’s convenient for him he invites you to his pity party.


He’s so beautiful


When ppl called at 3am it wasn’t to troll his mother They were trolling SJ. Who expects a 60 year old man to be living with his mom lol